Read Noonday Sun: a Fanfiction Book Page 3

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  The weather cooperated nicely, and we had a smooth flight into Seattle. The cloud cover hid the sun, so we walked out of the sliding glass doors into the passenger pick up area.

  A black Cadillac Escalade pulled up to the curb just as we stepped out. The passenger window rolled down, and we could see Alice, her small body dwarfed in the leather seat. Jasper, her tall platinum-blond husband, was driving. The scars lining his face were clearly visible in the cloudy light. They were silent testament to thousands of vampire battle victories.

  I forgot how terrifying he looks.

  Alice’s tinkling voice broke into my thoughts, “I figured you’d be here about now... I couldn’t see—Nessie and Jacob were in the way.” Alice’s visions of the future were eerily accurate except when a shape-shifter or half immortal were involved. Her ability to see disappeared entirely then.

  “Aunt Alice!” Nessie squealed in delight. She raced to the SUV and opened the door moments before us and jumped in to hug Alice.

  “What’s with this?” Edward waved at the Escalade.

  Alice grinned. “With Jacob’s size, I couldn’t see us fitting into anything smaller. Enjoy the ride!”

  We chatted about my studies, Edward’s residency and family events. Alice was enthusiastic about the coming wedding.

  “Renée and Phil are staying at the local hotel. She didn’t want to stay at our place with all the wedding preparations going on there.” Alice paused, a shadow momentarily crossing her beautiful features. “She’s never felt quite comfortable here.”

  I smiled weakly, dreading the moment when I would see my mother. At least my eyes don’t look as awful as they had after Edward had created me.

  The soft topaz showed I had recently eaten. I wanted to be sure I wasn’t thirsty with all the humans around for the wedding. The topaz was still very alien compared to my human brown eyes—eyes that looked at me from Nessie’s face.

  When we turned into Carlisle and Esme’s drive, my throat caught. I missed them, and it felt like I was coming home. When we pulled up, every light in the house was on, a warm welcome for us.

  Carlisle and Esme stood in the doorway, Carlisle’s arm around her. I knew they’d heard us coming. Nessie was bouncing excitedly on the seat. “Grandma and Grandpa!” she squealed in delight, jumping out of the SUV almost before it stopped. She jumped into Esme’s arms and hugged her tightly.

  Nessie touched her face to relay her memories of our plane trip. Her peculiar talent was like turning around what Edward and I did. He read everyone’s minds and I blocked out any abilities that had to do with the mind; no one could keep her thoughts out of their mind when she touched them. When she had a great deal of information to share, she preferred that method of communicating.

  After she’d shared her trip with Esme, she pushed away and jumped down, running into the waiting arms of Rosalie. “Aunt Rose!” she hugged her tightly, too. It hadn’t been long since her last visit, but Nessie was very fond of her.

  My throat tightened. It will be nice when we finish my studies and Edward’s residency so we can move back home. Our house in Hanover doesn’t feel like home with the Cullens so far away.

  Edward and I followed slowly, soaking in the sights and sounds of home.

  Jacob hesitated. It had been a long time since he’d been in Forks, and he missed his family.

  Responding to Jacob’s thoughts, Edward said, “Go home and see Billy and Rachel.” Jacob’s sister had been in La Push a lot more since Paul had imprinted on her. “We’ve got things under control here. Nothing is going to harm Nessie.”

  Jacob ran to the woods, his shape shimmering as he ran. He hardly made it to the trees before he was in his immense wolf form. He’d need another pair of shoes and a new set of clothes when he got back. If he didn’t stop to strip, the clothes never survived the transformation.

  I hope Billy still has a few spares at home.

  Four other wolves join him. Their excited whines told me his pack rejoiced in his return. They must have felt lost without their leader, but they understood too well the call of an imprint. Quil had imprinted on an impossibly-young two-year-old, so knew the challenges Jacob faced in helping raise Nessie. I sometimes wondered if Quil ever envied Jacob the fast growth of his imprinted mate. Embry had imprinted on a girl closer to his age.

  I expect we’ll have another wedding to attend by next summer. Sam and Emily tied the knot just before we left for New Hampshire. They wanted Jacob to attend the wedding, so they had a simple ceremony in La Push before we left.

  As previously planned, Leah had been the bridesmaid. Bitter bridesmaid. She’d been the love of Sam’s life until he’d imprinted on her favorite cousin, Emily. It had been a hard day for everyone. I shuddered at the memory. At least it’s over.

  Seth hadn’t imprinted on anyone, but sharing the mind of the others helped him feel what it was like. The only member of Jacob’s pack that couldn’t really relate was Leah, and that was because she was the only female in the pack. She refused to see things the way they did.

  I was sure Jacob and his pack would be at La Push in a matter of minutes.

  As we entered the Cullen home, our sensitive noses were met with the scent of pine cones and cinnamon. The home was decorated in a Christmas theme—lots of pine boughs, red bows and greenery, an enormous Christmas tree close to Edward’s piano.

  The wooden floors softly reflected the colors of the blinking lights on the tree. Hundreds of red and white poinsettias decorated the home. The white, red and green were festive against the white background of Esme’s décor. A white silk archway stood where the wedding vows would take place. White and Red roses were added to the decorations around the arch. Their scent lingered softly in the air.

  “Oh, Alice!” I breathed, “It’s perfect!”

  We gathered around the big screen television where a Christmas special was airing. I turned to Edward, a look of consternation flitting across my face. “Ooooh, I almost forgot to pick something up for Nessie and the wedding. Can we go shopping in Seattle tomorrow?”

  Edward tightened his arm around me. “Of course we can.” He turned to Rosalie, a question on his face. He paused, obviously listening for her answer. “Thanks. We’d like to leave early. That’s settled then.”

  He looked down at me and said, “Rose will be delighted to watch Nessie tomorrow while we shop.” I happily settled next to him, the momentary worry about Nessie’s Christmas fading away. How could I not be utterly content in this home surrounded by the ones I loved?

  Jasper hovered close. He was getting his Bella dose. He could influence the feelings of those around him, but he could also feel the emotions of those same people, and I was supremely happy. As far as I knew, I was the only vampire in existence who had started out this vampire life in a state of happiness. Since we were frozen in time at the state where we were created, I was frozen at the happiest moment of my life—the birth of our child. My resting state was certainly a good place for Jasper.

  It was late when I picked up Nessie, who’d fallen asleep on the couch next to us. We walked out the back door and headed for our home. I jumped the fifty-foot span across the river without disturbing Nessie.

  It didn’t take us long to reach the clearing that held our little cottage. It hasn’t changed a bit. A rush of emotion tightened my throat. I have so many happy memories in this little place.

  Edward laughingly swept me off my feet.

  “Don’t wake Nessie,” I protested.

  He carried us over the threshold and into Nessie’s room. I put her gently on the bed carefully made up for her. She slept through the trip. She’d been a sound sleeper since the day she was born.

  Someone had turned down the bed for her. My throat tightened. This little detail was a token of their affection, and it moved me.

  I turned to Edward, my eyes drinking in the face that I could never get tired of. My breath caught, the hunger in his eyes lighting a fire in mine
. He grabbed my hand and we headed for our own room.

  As usual, it was an energetic night.