Read Noonday Sun: a Fanfiction Book Page 32

  Chapter 22, The Letter

  It was Monday morning. Jacob was in a good mood. Rose had broken away from Michael long enough to help Emmett fly the two new vampire families to Denali. Sarah and Lily had certainly appeared to be in control, but Jacob liked them safely out of human range. He didn’t trust them the same way he’d trusted me.

  Things were back to normal in the Cullen home, even if they were still tense at Sue’s. Charlie was having a hard time watching the infants grow at their incredible rate. He liked his comfort zone, and that certainly wasn’t it.

  Jacob whistled as he waited for Nessie. I could hear it from across the river. As much as Nessie thought she’d pre-planned, there was always something that slowed her down in the morning. That morning, she was playing with her hair. She had pulled it back into a ponytail and was looking back and forth at herself in the mirror. I don’t think I’d ever seen her try to do her own hair. Rose always helped her with it. I was such not a hair person. Ugh.

  “I wish Aunt Rose was here.” Nessie complained. She pulled out the hair band for the fifth time. “I just can’t get it to look right.”

  I backed away. “Don’t look at me.” I wasn’t going to deal with her ire when I didn’t get it right, either. I was no match for Rose’s perfection, especially when it came to doing Nessie’s hair.

  She stamped her foot and brushed out her long hair. “I give up. Let’s go.”

  I headed out the door. “You need to hurry, Nessie. You’re going to be late.”

  We rushed back to the Cullen home, the river just a blip in the course. Nessie flew through the house to grab her lunch from Esme, gave her a kiss and raced out the door.

  Jacob had the Escalade’s door open. She landed on the seat and had her seatbelt on before he could react. Since he had lightening fast werewolf reaction, she’d been a blur. He jumped into the driver’s side and laughed, “Taking two seconds to cover all that turf isn’t going to make up for all the time you took getting ready.”

  I could hear her protesting as they pulled out of the driveway and onto the road to Forks.

  I was over missing Nessie during the day. I knew she’d be fine at school, and being with the humans was a good experience.

  “Esme, I’m running over to see Leah and the babies.”

  She looked up from her cross stitching. “May I come with you?”

  “Of course.”

  Edward and Carlisle were working at the hospital. There wasn’t any reason for us to stay at the house. Jasper and Alice had taken the Porsche for a spin. We didn’t expect them back until early afternoon. We’d be back by then.

  Huilen and Rose never complained, but I knew they liked caring for the twins. They didn’t get as much baby time when they were sharing with Esme and me.


  I looked at Nessie sitting in the seat beside me. She was staring at the passing scenery without seeing it. I could sense something was bothering her. “What’s the matter, Nessie?” I patted her knee.

  She turned to look at me a moment then stared back out the window. “I was just thinking about Lily’s little boy. About how everything was going ok and then her son bit her.” She shuddered. “He was so adorable. It was hard to remember not to pick him up.” She turned back to look at me. “I’m glad he’s in Denali.”

  I smiled. “Me, too.” I couldn’t describe my relief when both newborns emerged tame. I had to admit I was a wreck until Bella had called to say I could take Nessie home. I didn’t want to be responsible for the creation of an out-of-control newborn.

  I started whistling my favorite tune, Nessie’s lullaby. It reminded me of Nessie running in the meadow, the sun reflecting on her bronze curls. I could hear her joyous laughter ring out as she urged me to follow.

  I parked my Escalade at the far end of the parking lot. I didn’t want to get it scratched. I grabbed Nessie’s backpack, and we rushed to Mechanics.

  Nessie’s friend, Tammy, had started to sit at the back of the class with us. I was glad Nessie was making a human friend. It would help her adjust to living a human life.

  I couldn’t think about the future. Whenever I tried, really hard, to think of us as something other than brother and sister, I couldn’t do it. It was a physical impossibility.

  My imprinting wouldn’t let me be anything other than what she needed. Just then she needed a big brother and a best friend, and that’s what I was.

  The good thing about the imprinting was that it made me happy to be exactly what she wanted. My needs weren’t important. Hers were.

  I tried to remember back to a time when my needs meant something to me. It was like looking through a dark glass. My memories of that time were dim, as if the current sun in my life blocked them all.

  I shook myself, uncomfortable with my thoughts. The day was too nice to be thinking about my imprinting. The newborns were safely in Denali. My beautiful Nessie was happy. What could bother me?

  Class went quickly. We were actually going to do some hands on stuff at the end of the week. I had a sneaking suspicion that Mr. White was making curriculum adjustments just for me, but I wasn’t going to complain. I itched to get my hands back inside an engine.

  Nessie and Tammy had their heads together discussing their math class. They were whispering, but my werewolf-sharp hearing could pick up their conversation.

  Tammy whispered, “I thought Mr. Varner’s homework assignment was really lame.”

  “Me, too,” Nessie whispered back, her bronze curls almost touching Tammy’s straight locks. “And his explanation was even worse.” She smiled and Tammy smiled back.

  I was pleased. Nessie was doing better than I’d thought she would. I suppressed a shudder, especially after the waterworks of her first day. I shrugged mentally. It must’ve been first day nerves.

  I caught Mr. White looking at Nessie with an annoyed expression. My answering glare sent him scurrying to the other end of the classroom.

  No teacher is going to annoy Nessie while I am around. I shifted in my seat. Having to be away from her during the school day was difficult. I wished I’d been able to attend Nessie’s grade, but then I wouldn’t have been able to legally drive. At least we were on the same campus.

  This was my favorite class of the day. Any class I shared with Nessie would’ve been my favorite—even my hated pre-calculus class. I stifled a sigh. Nothing I did should stress my beloved Nessie.

  After first period, the day always dragged.

  The bell rang, and I picked up Nessie’s backpack. Tammy was headed to a different building, so she didn’t walk with us.

  I whistled Nessie’s lullaby again. Nessie looked up and smiled. She loved to hear me whistle. The walk to class was too short, but I needed to get to my computer class. Two years were required to graduate here. I didn’t want to flunk.

  I turned back to look at Nessie once more before I walked into my building. She’d been watching me walk away and waved and smiled when I turned to look at her. I couldn’t help the smile that broke out on my face. I walked into my building, warmth from her smile walking with me.

  The computers were humming when I walked into class. I liked this class. Most of the training came from the computers, so everything was self-paced. The instructor walked around the room and made sure we weren’t playing computer games.

  I still hadn’t learned how to place my hands for touch typing, so I was quite a bit slower than the other students. That meant I didn’t have time to even think about playing a game.

  I had actually typed a line from the home row without looking when the bell rang. I grabbed my backpack and headed to Spanish.

  Mrs. Goff greeted us. “Hola. ¿Que tal?”

  I was glad the other students answered. I understand the hola part but what the heck does kay tall mean?

  She let out another stream of words, and I stared at her in wonder. How does she expect me to figure all that out?

  The other students were grabbing pencils, so I grabbed mine, too. I ha
d no idea what we were supposed to write with them.

  I figured maybe it was time for me to ask Edward for help. Other than Carlisle, he knew more languages than any other vampire in the coven. I hate asking Edward for help. It makes me feel weak.

  I watched as the students wrote on their papers and wondered what I should be writing. I didn’t know any Spanish words. I started drawing wolves on my page.

  Mrs. Goff headed my way and I glared at her. She changed course and headed for a different student. Being huge and muscular has its advantages. I hid a smile.

  My page was full of howling wolves by the time the bell rang. I really will need some help on the Spanish. There was no doubt about it.

  I walked to pick up Nessie from her math class. It was time to head for lunch. I was surprised to see Tammy heading to the lunchroom by herself. The faintest stirrings of an alarm started to sound. Where is Nessie?

  Suddenly worried beyond reason, I rushed to Tammy’s side. She looked frightened, so I slowed my stride.

  I tried to keep my voice casual, “Hi, Tammy. Where’s Nessie?”

  “A couple of dark-haired women showed up at the door and said they needed Nessie. They said it was a family emergency. They left you a note.” Tammy handed me a white envelope.

  I took it. The paper smelled old and it had the cold burn of vampire and something else. It smelled a little like… I sniffed again… like Nahuel. How could that be?

  “Thanks, Tammy. Did they say who they were?”

  Tammy shook her head. “I didn’t ask. I assumed she knew them.”

  I nodded. That made sense. There was so much vampire activity at the Cullens, I didn’t know whether to be alarmed or not. My gut said to be alarmed. I always trusted my gut.

  I watched Tammy walk into the cafeteria, then tore open the envelope.

  I had to read the words twice. The first time, my eyes quit working and I had to re-focus.

  Dearest Edward,

  I know it has been some time since I’ve had the pleasure of your company.

  Since you seem utterly unwilling to come for a social visit, I thought I’d give you a reason for a visit.

  You’ll find your daughter anxiously awaiting your arrival in my home. I expect that you will bring Alice with you.

  If your beautiful wife would like to come, I will happily dispatch your precious daughter.

  Most sincerely yours,


  The letter fell from my hands. I dropped to my knees, my agony too great to bear. My Nessie. In Aro’s castle? What am I going to do? I shook myself and stood up. She isn’t there yet. I picked up the letter and stuffed it in my pants pocket.

  I dropped to a crouch and sniffed the ground, ignoring the students that stopped and stared. I could smell her precious scent as it led to the parking lot, fresher than her trail from this morning. I could smell them both. The fresher trail led across the parking lot closer to the trees. Her trail stopped and I circled everywhere around where the trail ended. She must’ve been put in a car. I looked around wildly. Where would she be? Where could she go? The airport in Seattle was a good bet, but what if they drove somewhere and then swam the Sound to get to Seattle?

  I stopped and closed my eyes. Think, Jacob. I re-traced her trail and tried to make out the scent of whoever had taken her. There. I found it.

  Two scents. There were two of them. Of course. Tammy had told me that. I couldn’t think straight. Both matched the scents on the envelope. Again, they smelled almost like Nahuel. I knew his scent well, and neither trail was his, but they were very similar.

  I was shaking. My body wanted to phase, but I couldn’t do that, not right now. I can’t do it in front of all these students.

  All my pack mates would be in their human form. Phasing wouldn’t help me communicate with them. I’d need to call them, and none of them had cell phones, not even Seth.

  Edward did. I dialed his number. No answer. I was shaking again. He must be in surgery. That would be the only thing that would prevent him from answering.

  I dialed Carlisle. Same response.

  I was shaking so hard I could hardly dial the next number.

  “What’s up, Jake?” It was Bella.

  I tried to talk. My voice wouldn’t come out. Finally, I croaked, “Aro’s kidnapped Nessie.”

  “What?” her voice went up two octaves.

  “She’s gone, Bella. I don’t know where she is.” I caved then. I broke down and sobbed like a five year old getting pushed on a playground.

  “Jacob. Jacob. I need you to focus. Please, Jacob.”

  “I-I can’t, Bells. I can’t.” I sobbed some more.

  “Jacob. I. Need. You. To. Focus.”

  I took a deep breath. I took another. “OK. Bells, I’ll try.”

  “When did this happen?”

  “During math class. Tammy Sorenson saw them. There were two dark-haired women.”

  “Jacob, I’m at Leah’s. Please come here right away. I’ll try to reach Edward.”

  “He didn’t answer.”

  “He must be in surgery. I’ll keep trying. Just get over here. Now.”

  I ran into the forest, stripped, and stuffed my pants in the leather leg bracelet I kept for times like this. The shirt and shoes were left behind. Then I phased and ran like the wind. I felt better as a wolf, more powerful at least, and I knew I’d be faster running as a wolf than driving in the SUV. Time was of the essence. We needed to get Nessie before Aro stuck her in his castle.

  I phased and pulled on my pants when I reached the trees near Charlie’s house.

  Charlie’s cruiser was gone, but Leah’s Volvo was there and so was the Vanquish. Bella must’ve driven it over. Carlisle and Edward had gone in the Mercedes to the hospital.

  Bella was at the door before I could reach it. Her eyes mirrored the horror in mine.

  “What happened, Jacob?”

  “I’m not sure. Like I said, two dark-haired women walked in and said there was a family emergency. Tammy didn’t think anything of it. She handed me this note.” I handed over Aro’s note and watched as Bella read it. It took her half a second.

  “Esme.” She closed her eyes a moment. “Jacob and I are going to Seattle. Please tell Edward that Aro has kidnapped Nessie.”

  Esme was at her side in a flash. She was holding Michael. Her voice broke with emotion, “How… how is this possible? Alice didn’t see anything.”

  Rose joined her, the look in her eyes showing shocked dismay. Emmett was shaking his dark, curly hair. His eyes shared Rose’s look.

  My face was grim. “Alice has been missing an awful lot lately.”

  Esme’s voice shook, “I can’t reach Carlisle or Edward. If they’re in surgery, they won’t be reachable until it’s over.”

  Bella touched her arm. “Keep trying, Esme. The Seattle airport has international flights. That is probably where they’re heading. I’ll go with Jacob in the Vanquish.” Bella didn’t have to explain. They all knew I couldn’t swim like the vampires. They didn’t need to breathe. “If they swam the Sound, they’ll beat us by a long shot. We need to go. We need to try, at least.”

  Rose was overcome with emotion. She couldn’t talk.

  Emmett’s voice was gruff, “Rose and I can do a straight run through. We’ll swim the Sound and try to head them off.”

  Rose and Emmett disappeared through the trees. We knew they’d beat us to the airport. It was a good thing the Cullen cell phones were waterproof. We’d need to contact them when they arrived.

  Bella handed the wrinkled letter to Esme. She looked desolate, hopeless. Bella gave her a quick hug, a hug meant to comfort, but what comfort was there?

  Bella joined me in the Vanquish. I was at the wheel. We flew out of Forks and drove south. I didn’t have time to wait for the Ferry.

  I took the corners without slowing down. Bella leaned forward, as if wishing I could go faster. I had my foot on the floorboards.

  Finally, the Vanquish flew into the airp
ort. The tires screeched as I stopped in the loading zone and jumped out. I didn’t care what kind of ticket I got. Nessie came first. Bella raced after me.

  We ran into the terminal and stopped to look at the arrivals and departures. There were two flights to Italy. One had a layover in New York. The other had a layover in Atlanta. The New York flight was leaving in seven minutes. The Atlanta flight was leaving in 28 minutes.

  I opened my cell phone. Rose picked it up on the first ring. “Which flight are you checking out?” I asked.

  “We’re in line to buy tickets. Security won’t let us through without one. We were planning on checking the Atlanta flight.”

  I looked at Bella in horror. I wasn’t sure we’d have time to buy tickets and get to the flight in time. I wondered briefly if Aro had bought tickets on every flight from Seattle to Italy for the next week. He had the funds. I wouldn’t be surprised if he had.

  Bella moved as quickly as she could without attracting attention to the shortest line and pulled out her credit card. She bought tickets for both of us. I don’t think she even checked which flight she’d purchased. Four minutes. We had three.

  We moved as fast as we dared to the security line. We butted clear to the front. When the other people complained, I glared at them. They stopped complaining. After one look at me, the security guards quietly let us through. I didn’t even have to take off my shoes. I wasn’t wearing any. I ignored the stares of the other passengers. All my muscles were exposed. I wasn’t wearing a shirt.

  Two minutes. One more.

  The international flight was at the other end of the terminal. I looked at Bella. We needed to run. We didn’t have time. We moved in and out of the crowd at top speed. We didn’t have time to worry about keeping the secret. Besides, Aro had stolen my Nessie. He was going to die. I didn’t have to worry about any vampire retribution. Our movement through the crowd could only have been seen on tape. We moved so fast we were no more than a passing breeze.

  Thirty seconds. We had thirty seconds before the plane took off.

  We made it to the gate. I had forgotten that flights load well ahead of departure time. The doors were shut. I wanted to bulldoze over the attendant at the door and burst it open and run to the plane and rip its doors off. Bella put a restraining hand on my arm. “Jacob. We don’t even know if she’s on this flight.” She hissed. “We can’t make a scene.”

  I paused in mid-stride then crouched. Bella joined me in hunting for Nessie’s scent. I didn’t care if the other passengers were looking at us like we were crazy. We circled around.

  I stood up, puzzled. “You’re right. I can’t smell Nessie.” But Nessie’s pull was strong. It felt like she was here, and close. As close as the airplane with its engines revving. I itched to race through the door.

  We circled around the room again. This time I caught the scent that reminded me of Nahuel. Two trails. I caught them now. They were headed straight for the door.

  But why didn’t I smell Nessie? Her pull was here and strong but no scent. How could that be?

  Suddenly, it occurred to me that they could’ve carried her. I sniffed around the door. The attendant looked at me warily. I was close enough to reach out and touch her.

  Finally, I caught a whiff of Nessie’s scent. It was up high as if a hair had touched the top of the door jam. I wanted to howl. I shoved past the attendant and ran down the hallway to the airplane. I ignored her shouting.

  My Nessie was aboard. I knew it. I could feel it, and her scent was here. Bella raced after me.

  The plane was backing and turning as we ran down the hall. I wanted to jump on the plane and tear the door off. Bella could see it in my shaking rage.

  She put a restraining hand on my arm. “Jacob, if you damage that plane you could kill all the people on board.”

  How would ripping the door off kill anyone? But then I realized if I’d left some unseen damage the fuselage could rip off during a flight. She was right.

  I shuddered.

  “Nessie.” I howled her name in anguish. My life was disappearing. I sank to the floor, my head in my hands. There were no words for this pain as I watched the plane that held my beloved move to the runway.