Read North Black Asylum Page 1

  The North black asylum

  William George Henderson Young

  Copyright 2013 William George Henderson Young

  Caution, contains what some people might call ‘mild’ graphic gore.


  The tower room in that place was grim and damp. It looked like a storm had hit it, the ground was wet and there were holes in the jagged roof of the room. There was an evil presents that other creatures had been in, spent time or dyed there. Dark red blood splatters were all over the humid black walls. It was as if a child had come in and painted them. Also there was a dental chair with surgery equipment in the centre; there were lots of different contraptions too. There were dim green lights and a recording camera in one of the seven corners of that eerie tower house. Sometimes in that room it would feel like your being watched.

  Ellen was a young girl, she was 17 years old. She was very nice and had lots of friends in school and outside of school. She had straight mid-length highlighted blonde hair, long eye lashes, threaded eyebrows, bright blue eyes, a medium sized nose, perfectly straight teeth and big red lips. The clothes she wore a unique dress deign, and wore lots of makeup. She also carried a clutch bag and high heals.

  She had a boyfriend called Sid he had short brown spiky hair, short eyelashes, big brown eyes, bushy eyebrows, small brown eyes, a small nose, sort of straight teeth and medium sized red lips. He normally wore jeans, a shirt, a jacket and a hat.

  They both went to different schools, Ellen went to an all girl’s school called ravine high. Sid went to an all boy’s school called Vermont school for boys.

  Sid had lots of friends at his school, but would never be seen with Ellen near them.

  “I love you.” Whispered Ellen to Sid,

  “I love you too.” He whispered back to her.

  They sat together in there local park, but then Sid saw his friends.

  He aggressively wrestled Ellen into one of the near by bushes. Then at the moment of them coming by, she jumped out and pushed him into a big muddy puddle.

  He sprang to his feet and yelled “what was that for?!”

  “I was about to ask you the same thing!” she replied angrily.

  “Well you know how it is.”

  “Do I? Do I really?”

  “Yeah, how I can’t be seen with you in front of my friends!”

  Sid said aggravated.

  “Well in that case then, I’m braking up with you! If you’re too embarrassed to be seen with me.”


  “Yeah really!”



  Ellen and Sid, then went there separate ways. Ellen got a new boyfriend, and Sid got a new girlfriend. They didn’t see or speak to each other. But, what Ellen didn’t know, was that Sid had been meeting up with his friends…

  Although Ellen was happy wit her boyfriend Sid was not. Were they planning something to get Sid and Ellen back together? Or, were they planning something sinister?

  A couple of weeks after there break up; Sid started talking to Ellen more and became nicer to her. Gradually, some how he was making her fall in love with him again.

  One day, he invited her round to his apartment in the north of Vermont ravine after school. Being the nice person she was, she said yes and went round the following Tuesday.

  After she walked up the flight of stairs, to the front door of his apartment, she found that Sid was waiting for her. It was a nice surprise for Ellen, but a wired one too, because when Sid and Ellen were going out he never waited for her anywhere.

  She went inside and went into his front room, all his friends were there. She was just about to walk out, when she heard the door shut and lock. She felt very tense, but she thought to herself, oh well Sid wouldn’t do anything bad. Maybe he just wants me to meet and become friend with his friends.

  Ellen turned back to Sid’s friends and established they were all pointing guns at her. She backed out slowly towards the door, but felt the tip of a gun on her back. She turned quickly to see Sid pointing a gun at her as well. Franticly she ran into the bathroom and flicked her phone out. She could hear Sid and his friends coming towards her.

  In a panic she locked the door and texted her boyfriend to come and get her. Ellen screamed as loud as she possibly could, she had hoped someone would hear her and come and help. Then she heard a knock on the door she sighed with relief. She tried to clam herself down.

  There were loud gun shots then Sid shouted “Ellen, if you don’t come out, you’re little friend here may have a very long sleep!”

  Then there were gun shots again. Ellen shouted back, “Fine I’ll come out just don’t hurt him.” She then opened the door and stepped out.

  She felt something wet on the back of the door, she shut it behind her and saw blood smeared all over it. Then something touched her leg, startled she jumped and looked down to see her boyfriend lying on the ground with half his face lying next to him.

  She cried and cried while the body lay dead in a big puddle of blood, flesh and bone. Once she stopped crying Sid put a straw bag over her head and snuck her out of his apartment and into his car. One of Sid’s friends tied her to one of the car seats; in the back before they started there long drive.

  She was confused; she thought Sid was nice, and she kept asking him questions like, where are we going? Also, what are you doing? Or even is it a surprise? But the answer was pretty much all ways, never you mind! Or, wait till we get there!

  After about two hours of driving they stopped. Ellen didn’t know why they had stopped or where they had stopped. Then Sid rustled her out of the car and up the stairs of a cold, lonely building. It had felt like some sort of prison. It felt like Ellen, Sid and his three friends had walked for miles but then they had reached there destination. There destination was the cold, damp tower room.

  One of Sid’s friends pushed Ellen in the tower room; and she consequently fell onto the dental chair in the centre, the straps that tied people to it, locked on tightly as blood ran down her arms and legs because they were cutting into her wrists and ankles.

  They took the straw bag of her head. Sid got a huge kitchen knife and scored her in the right arm. They kept wounding her until she past out. When she woke up, she felt pulling on the top of her head. She noticed that she was still tied to a chair. But it wasn’t the dental chair she had been tied to before. It was old and nearly falling apart wooden chair with a contraption on the back.

  Then she saw a timer on the wall saying, 30:00 minuets, and then there was a deep voice, it sounded like Sid but a bit deeper. It said, “Find the key and leave the room. Before you bleed to death,” as it said that, the pulling on her head got harder, “there are 3 pictures on the wall beside you, they will show you were the key is. There is a shelf with all different knives on it. All you have to do is cut your right arm open and receive the key to escape.”

  Ellen looked and gasped as she heard where about the key is and that she had to cut it open.

  The clock started counting down. She grabbed one of the medium sized knifes speedily, and started to hack her right arm open. She screamed in pain as bits of her muscle fell onto the floor in a stream of blood.

  She put her left hand into the cut but she couldn’t feel it she reached in further and caught it. Struggling she pulled the key out of the enormous wound. She then looked for a keyhole. But she couldn’t find one, she looked on the machine but there wasn’t one. The clock kept counting down; it was now at 4:00 minuets. Panicking she struggled at the chains that held her to the chair, trying to break free. But she couldn’t move them, not even loosen them.

  10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4…, 3…, 2…, 1…, the clock counted. A loud rippi
ng noise filled the air and the motor on the machine pulled out her hair. From the pain and the bleeding coming out of her scalp, she sadly passed away in that very room. Sid and his friends weren’t seen in that building for a very long time.

  Sid changed in character; he was now called axe-man. Also he had a bald head, short eye lashes, no eye brows, and small brown eyes also a black eye, a big scar along his cheek going onto his nose and he had a big nose, half a mouth and lots of piercings and some scars where some have been ripped out. He was covered in tattoos and then wore a variety of leather jackets and leather trousers with steel toe boots.


  Ellen, had been gone for a couple of days now, and Ellen’s mum and dad were getting worried, where she had gone. After one week had gone they phoned the police and asked if they could try and find her. That police said yes they would try. The next week they had heard nothing back from the police so they had an enquiry about withier she was at sea but called the coast guards, in case she was in the sea, or along the coast.

  Next on the third week, the thought she had run away, so they called all of her friends inside and out of school. But they all said she was with Sid! Ellen’s mum called Sid and shouted “Where’s my daughter, she was seen at your apartment three weeks ago!”

  “Erm well…”

  “Erm well what?”

  “Erm well she is in the asylum…”

  “What Asylum!”

  “The North Black asylum!”

  Then Ellen’s mum then hung up. The next day Ellen’s parents hurried to the North Black asylum. They walked up to the grand gates of the great asylum. Thunder crashed and lightning flashed and within the flashes they thought they saw Ellen’s face. Rain hit the ground sharply and smoke poured out of the chimneys.

  They ran in through the vast oak doors. Ellen’s dad phoned Sid this time and shouted into the phone, “Where is she? This is a big place you know!”

  “She’s in a tower!”

  “What tower, there are lots!”

  “In the North Black tower!”

  Her parents both walked to the bottom of the North Black tower. They looked up at the masses of creepy, old stairs, and then they started to ascend. When they got to the top of the 500 ft tower, they came to 5 rooms. Frantically they looked in all of them but there was no sign of her. They got the slight suspicion that he had lied to them. They were just about to make there way down when…

  In the corner of Ellen’s dad’s eye, he saw a stair case that led to another floor. So they crept cautiously up them and came to one last room on that floor, then went inside.

  There Ellen was sat in the very same chair she past away in. the top of her head and hair trailing behind her. Ellen’s mum and dad were actually quite frightened to see her like that. They were just about to go end get help, when they saw Sid and his friends running up the stairs towards them.

  Ellen’s dad whispered “let me deal with them.”

  He got all of them and put cuts into there stomachs and legs, so they past out. The first one woke up, he felt something very heavy on his head. He heard a voice, it sounded a bit like Ellen’s dads. It hissed “there’s a key inserted somewhere in your body. There are pictures beside you, to show you where the key is. There’s also a timer in front of you. If you don’t unlock your self, then your jaw will be snapped.”

  He found he wasn’t tied to anything and got up. As he got up he heard a clicking noise then saw the timer start to count down from 30:00 minuets. He looked at the map of his body he was grossed at where he had to cut. The key was inserted into his inner left thigh.

  He drab one of the big knifes and hacked away at his leg. He reached in for the key but there wasn’t one there. The timer ticked away. He had about 5 minuets left before his jaw was snapped.

  He looked at the pictures again in case it was a different leg. But no, it was the right leg and the right place. He put his hand deeper, and then he felt something hard. He gripped it tightly and tried to pull it out. 2 minuets remaining the timer said loudly. He pulled with all his might. He could feel the blood pumping through his veins. 50 seconds remaining the timer warned. He yelled for help but no one came there was only one noise and that was him screaming. 5…, 4…, 3…, 2…, 1…, ping the tension spring broke and his mouth sprung open, with an almighty crack his jaw snapped.

  He also never left that room. The next two friends woke up in the same room. One was tied to a plank of wood, the other to another. They were both opposite each other with a piece of string joining them. One end of the string was tied to one of the friend’s hands, and the other end led to the other friend’s mouth.

  Then there was a voice again, it sounded like Ellen’s dads too but deeper. It hissed, “There is a key on one the end’s of the piece of string, the end that the key is on is the one that is in your friends mouth. You have to get that key out of his trough without him making a noise.

  If he makes a noise, then the spiky piece of wood will slam shut, and the spikes will enter your body and create a very slow and painful death.”

  Carefully, the friend without the key pulled the string very gently. The other friend struggled uncomfortably and started to whine. Then as if the soul had been taken away from the friend tied in the iron maiden, he tried to be very quick. He ripped the string right out of his friend throat. His friend screamed as blood pored out of his mouth.

  He tried to unlock himself quickly, but the spikes came closer and sped up. He had one more lock to go through, to get out. Just as the door shut, he had unlocked himself. The spikes pierced his skin and blood poured out from the wounds. Then his friend tied to the other bit of wood screamed as blood rushed out of the bottom of the iron maiden, mixed with bits of his organs.


  Finally, it was Sid. He found himself tied to a table within that little tower room. Then there was that deep voice again hissing, “You need to grab the keys to unlock your legs before you get sliced in half by the pendulum. The keys are located in the little tubes by your fingers; you need to pull the strings to get the key. But be warned, if you don’t be careful you may lose a hand or two.”

  The pendulum stared to swing. With each swing the pendulum got lower, Sid put his hand into the box where one end of the string was. He could feel something sharp on the end of his finger. He put his hand in deeper and he felt the string. Not carefully at all he yanked the string. That sharp thing, turned out to be a knife and it slashed his right hand off. The worse bit was that it was blunt so it took a couple of times to get through it.

  He screamed in pain. He now had no chance of getting his right leg out now. The pendulum got closer and closer to his stomach. He put his left hand in the other box, and again he felt something sharp. He reached in deeper and felt the string. He pulled it slowly and carefully this time. He could feel the tension in the knife as he pulled and pulled. All the while the pendulum kept getting closer and closer to his stomach. He looked at how far away it was, and realised that he hadn’t got much time to unlock himself.

  Sid still carried on pulling slowly. The tension in the knife got so strong that it was making him pull harder. The pendulum however slit his skin. With that he jumped and yanked the string so hard that the knife went mental and started hacking all the way up his arm. The pendulum kept severing his stomach in two. Now he had no hands and a wounded stomach. He lay dead as the pendulum stopped swinging and blood, bone and organs gushed onto the floor.

  Once Sid and his friends were dead they turned to face the hairless body that was there daughter. As they did she started breathing and coughing. She opened her eyes and got up. Her parents were astonished to see she was still alive, and took her to the hospital. Where, she was under extreme care and medical help for six weeks.

  Ellen now lives and nice life, she had another boyfriend. She just has the awful memories of being kept in that awful room and of Sid. She also has lovely highlighted long blonde hair.