Read Not Planning on You (Danver's Book 2) Page 2

  Suzy could feel color creep up her cheeks and was horrified at the display of emotion in front of Gray. “When did you get back in town?”

  Still watching her in amusement, Gray allowed his gaze to leisurely run the length of her body. For once, she wished she’d worn something a little less attention getting. When she was getting dressed this morning, the short black suede skirt, tights and leopard skin heels seemed to go well with the matching leopard skin tank top. Now under his very heated gaze, Suzy had the uncomfortable desire to cross her arms over her chest.

  Gray, as usual, looked perfect. He was wearing an obviously expensive dark-colored suit that only enhanced the trim, athletic body underneath. His thick, dark-brown hair was perfectly groomed, and his eyes were framed by long lashes that a girl would kill for. His strong jaw had just a hint of stubble beginning to appear. She tried not to think of how that rough texture would feel under her hands, and against her body. Gray was well over six feet tall and there wasn’t an ounce of fat on his superb body. Down girl, roll your tongue back in your mouth and get control of your body.

  “I just got in actually. You were my first stop.”

  “Wow, goody for me. I feel so special.”

  “You most definitely are Suzanna.”

  “It’s Suzy, not Suzanna. Suzanna was who my mother hoped I’d be before I shattered that illusion. Suzy is who I am.”

  “I know who you are, Suzanna, and it’s exactly who I want you to be; I wouldn’t change a thing.”

  Knowing she was in serious danger of pulling him against the wall of her office and gripping that hot butt, Suzy turned towards the window and asked, “Was there something you needed Gray?”

  “Now that’s a loaded question if ever I’ve heard one. There are many things I want, but the first is dinner tonight.”

  “Then you’re out of luck; I’m busy.”

  “You’re lying but I’ll play along. When are you not busy?”

  “For you, I’m always going to be busy. I’m not interested in starting something with you, Gray, why can’t you accept that?”

  Mocking laughter erupted from his chest as he said, “Because we both know it’s not true. You want it as much as I do.”

  Feeling as if her soul was exposed, Suzy laughed his comment off and said, “Sure, whatever you say, but it doesn’t change the fact that I’m not going out with you.”

  “Well since you only object to a relationship, let’s not have one of those. I’ll pick you up later for sex, just plain old sex. You can even leave as soon as it’s over.”

  Suzy spun around in shock. She looked to see if he was joking but his expression looked perfectly serious. “You don’t have it in you, Gray; you’re too straight laced to be someone’s sex buddy.”

  “Oh, I think you’re wrong, Suzanna, I’m nowhere near as straight-laced as you seem to think I am. The question here is are you a relationship girl or are you willing to put your money where your mouth is, so to speak. If you’re who you say you are, then you’ll jump at the opportunity for great sex with no strings.” After throwing the gauntlet down, Gray stood there waiting for a response.

  Boy was my mother right; my big mouth had finally gotten me into trouble of the oh-so-hot variety. So I sleep with him, he’s lousy in bed, and I can move on, perfect. Even as Suzy finished her thought, she wondered what in the world she was getting herself into. “Ok, Gray, you win. Let’s scratch the itch once and for all and get it out of our system. No clinging or crying when it’s over, though. I’m not going to make an honest man out of you or anything afterwards.”


  Gray was surprised; maybe shocked was a better word. When he’d thrown out the challenge, he hadn’t really expected her to take it. Suzy, as she liked to be called, had haunted his dreams for well over a year now. Truthfully he only continued to call her Suzanna because he knew it was guaranteed to get under her skin.

  He’d first met her last year in a restaurant called the Ivy. He was dining with Jason Danvers, and Suzy had been dining there with Claire Walters, who was actually Claire Danvers now. Both were very beautiful women, but Suzy had taken his breath away. She was so vibrant and pulsed with energy. Most of the women he’d dated were born to a certain class and had only one thing on their mind, marriage. The husband mattered little as long as he had a healthy bank account.

  In truth, he’d made a lot more trips to Myrtle Beach in the last year than had really been necessary. He knew the first time he met her that there was more to her than the world saw. Under her tough exterior was a caring, compassionate woman who tried hard not to let anyone see that side of her.

  A few months after they’d first met, he had been working at the home office with Jason for a week. He’d asked her to spend the day with him on Saturday. She’d laughed and said she already had a better offer. Later on that day instead of going out for lunch, he had decided to eat in the cafeteria downstairs. He smiled when he saw Suzy a few feet ahead of him talking to the man who ran the cafeteria. George was probably in his late sixty’s and everyone at Danvers adored him. Gray had grown fond of him in the short time he had known him. Jason had told him that George had worked at Danvers for over thirty years. He always had a ready smile and a nice word for everyone who came through the line.

  Gray was curious when he saw Suzy grip George’s arm and start what looked to be an intense conversation. He moved closer to hear what she was saying.

  “George, I mean it, you’d better not touch that lawn-mower. Neither you nor Sara should be trying to cut grass right now. You know the doctor said that the horrible pollen this year was making your asthma worse and with Sara’s back problems, it’s crazy for either of you to try when you have me.” George had tried to protest, but Suzy had quickly but gently insisted that she didn’t mind. “I’ll be over Saturday morning as usual to do it. You know how much I enjoy that glass of fresh lemonade you always have for me afterwards. You wouldn’t deprive me of that now would you?”

  Gray could see that George was no match for a smiling Suzy. He’d pulled back quietly, not wanting to intrude. He smiled as he headed to a table in the back of the room. Suzy had just confirmed what he had already suspected. There was much more to her than what she wanted everyone to believe. The time that had passed since then had only reinforced that knowledge. Suzy was apparently some-what of a modern day Robin Hood at Danvers. Instead of giving the gift of money to those who needed it, she seemed to give the gift of assistance.

  She had gotten groceries for two months for Cindy in accounting after her surgery, she watched Jim’s dog when his mother was sick and he suddenly had to leave town, she spent the weekend helping Lori clean her basement after a water leak and apparently she mowed George’s grass. She would be horrified to know the way people at Danvers talked about her, almost in awe. It just made him that much more determined to get through her tough shell to the woman he knew was under it. He had no idea why she wanted everyone to believe that she didn’t care about anyone else because obviously she couldn’t resist a person in need.

  He wasn’t going to delude himself; he wanted her in his bed anyway he could get her. It wasn’t just about the sex though, he also wanted the relationship to go along with the sex. He couldn’t deny that lust had been the first thing he felt for her and although it was still there, he could also see a future with her, and he knew that would scare her to death. He was going to have to approach her carefully, and if they needed to jump ahead past dating and go right to sleeping together then, hey, he was a guy, and that would suit him fine. He’d allow her to believe she was calling all the shots but sooner or later Suzy was going to be scratching her head and wondering what had hit her.

  “So my place or yours?” Gray asked with a twinkle in his eyes.

  Suzy tried to maintain her cool façade. She clasped her hands behind her back so that Gray wouldn’t notice them shaking. Suck it up and put your big girl panties on. It’s time to either stand and deliver or run and hide. “Um…where is your pl
ace exactly?”

  Propping a hip against the corner of her desk Gray said, “Home is here right now. Jason is letting me use the penthouse until I find something to buy. I think I could probably sneak you up in the elevator, though, without anyone noticing.” Wiggling his eyebrows suggestively, he continued, “Have any elevator fantasies we could take care of on the way up?”

  “I….Um….don’t think your place is a good idea, then.” My God I’ve turned into a blubbering idiot. The man starts talking about elevator sex, and I’m tripping over my tongue like a virgin school girl. Get some composure. Geez. “How about my place? It’s a bit more private.” Suzy walked over to her desk and wrote the address down for him and handed it over. Fire literally flew from their fingertips as their hands touched during the exchange.

  Seeing the flush on Gray’s cheek bones, she knew he’d felt the same zing she had. “So how about dinner around seven and then back to your place?”

  “Dinner? I told you this wasn’t a date, Gray. You’re getting lucky tonight, there’s no need to wine and dine me,” Suzy replied dryly.

  Chuckling, Gray said, “We both have to eat so we might as well do it together. I’ll meet you in the lobby around six if that’s ok with you?”

  Suzy knew it would do no good arguing and she was desperate to have him out of her personal space. “Yeah, yeah, whatever, I guess I can do that. So don’t you have a job or something to do here?”

  With one last leisurely inspection of her, Gray smiled and blew her a kiss. “You will be on my mind all day, Suzanna.” With that parting sentence, he turned and left.

  Suzy’s knees were in serious danger of giving out so she slid into her seat and tried to slow her breathing. How could something as simple as an air kiss make her melt? She would not get attached to this man, and she sure as hell wasn’t going to fall in love with him. Please, please let him be terrible in bed, pretty please!

  Chapter Three

  Suzy spent the day trying to put out fires and handle all the small details that Brittany would have normally handled. She seemed to be messing up everything she touched today. She was more nervous than she could admit even to herself. She might talk a good game, but in reality, she wasn’t that experienced in matters of the opposite sex. She’d been with Jeff for so long that she’d never really dated anyone else. She’d only slept with one man in her life, and she’d been engaged to the scum bag.

  She wanted Gray with an intensity that she’d never experienced with Jeff. Things were familiar with Jeff, and their sex life was good. She was more excited at the thought of sleeping with Gray than she’d ever been doing the deed with Jeff. Her thong literally sizzled when Gray was anywhere in the vicinity. Could she really pull off the worldly woman routine with him? She’d talked herself into a corner. She didn’t want a relationship because she didn’t want to get hurt. Unfortunately, she had made sure Gray would never see her as anything other than a roll in the sack.

  A quick check of her watch showed it was now close to six. It was time to suck it up and meet Gray. She hoped that Ella had already left for the day. She’d like to avoid any unpleasant conversation over the assistant’s job that Ella apparently wanted for some unknown reason. Maybe Ella saw her as someone in desperate need of saving. Poor thing, that would really be setting herself up for failure. At least with Beth coming in tomorrow, hopefully Ella would get the message and that would be the end of it.

  Suzy pulled the small spritzer of perfume from her purse and gave herself a few sprays. Hey, a girl has to smell fresh, right? She knew she looked like someone on their way to meet the firing squad as she made her way down the hall. She was greatly relieved to see Ella’s desk empty. All too soon she was in the lobby, and she spotted Gray immediately. Sooo unfair. One man shouldn’t look so good. I want to drag him down here on the lobby floor and rip that uptight suit right off him.

  Suzy tried to hide her blush as Gray’s eyes traveled the length of her body. Heat blazed in their green depths as they lingered on her breasts. She could feel her body responding to his, her nipples peaking in pleasure at the admiration so evident in his gaze.

  “Have I told you today how beautiful you are, Suzanna?”

  Clearing her throat and trying not to let her pleasure show at his statement, Suzy said, “You don’t look too bad yourself, cowboy.”

  “Cowboy, huh? I like that.” Lowering his voice, Gray leaned over and whispered in her ear, “I’ll try my best to ride you all night.”

  Heat blazed through her, liquid pooling between her thighs as the image of Gray doing just that flashed through her mind. Trying to sound flip, Suzy said, “Yeah, we’ll see if your game is as good as your talk.”

  Gray put his hand in the small of her back and led her towards the door. “Oh, I promise you, I give very good game, Suzanna, exceptional…”


  Gray led her across the street to a parking lot. Apparently, he didn’t want to leave his vehicle in the parking deck on the lower floor. They approached a silver BMW sedan, and Gray clicked the locks and opened the passenger door for her. Although Suzy’s small SUV was comfortable and dependable, this car was pure luxury. She gave an appreciative sigh as she slid onto the soft leather seats. “Whoa, why am I riding with you? I need to get my car since we’re going to my place.”

  “Don’t be silly, Suzanna, we might be having a sex evening, but I still intend to have a bite to eat first and I also intend to stay the night.” Holding his hand up to silence the protests she was forming, he continued “Rushing out in the middle of the night is something you do after a quickie, and I have no intention of being quick with you. You don’t have to worry, dinner will be very casual since I don’t have to wine and dine you.”

  Suzy actually felt offended at that last comment but what could she say? She’d told him exactly what she wanted, and he was following along to the letter. You can do this, it’s only sex. It’s only sex. Maybe if she kept repeating that enough, she’d actually believe it.

  Finally, Gray pulled into a parking area near the beach and walked around to open her door. Suzy wondered where they could possibly be going. Gray took her hand and led her up a flight of stairs to the boardwalk that ran along the Atlantic Ocean. Several shops and restaurants lined the walkway. Gray led her inside a small restaurant that advertised the world’s best foot-long hotdogs. He followed her up to the counter and said, “Order anything on the menu, princess.” Then lowering his voice, he said, “Maybe we could skip the onions, though.”

  Suzy ordered the house specialty—the foot-long dog—and even though she was tempted, she passed on the onions as Gray suggested.

  “Do you want to eat in here or outside?”

  “I think outside, it’s a great evening,” Suzy said.

  Taking their purchases, Gray led them to a table in the corner of the boardwalk and pulled out a seat for her. Suzy had to admit, they did make a great hot dog. Gray also ordered the same thing, as well as a funnel cake. As she finished her hot dog, she looked longingly at his cake. Finally taking the hint, he broke a piece off and held it up to her lips. Having him feed her was one of the most sensual moments of her life. Oh good grief, get the hormones under control, it’s funnel cake, not your wedding cake.

  Suzy could feel her hands starting to tremble as they finished their meal, and she knew the time was fast approaching for the main event of the evening. There was no backing out now, and she really didn’t want to. She just hoped she was everything that Gray imagined she was. Could she live up to her image or would Gray discover the sentimental heart under the tough exterior?

  “If you’re finished, Suzanna, I’m more than ready to go to your place,” Gray said.

  “Um….yeah, sure.” Gray gave her a puzzled look but luckily didn’t question her.

  He dropped their things in the wastebasket and turned to follow Suzy towards the stairway. Before he could reach her, a gang of teens on skate boards came roaring around the corner and in almost slow motion he saw Suzy j
ump forward to avoid a collision and teeter at the top of the stairs. He yelled her name as he tried to reach her. Gray watched in horror as Suzy fought for control in the impossibly high heels and recognized the exact moment when she realized that she was going to fall. Panic swept over her face as her body visibly braced for impact.