Read Not in My Job Description Page 19

I immediately commandeered a shopping cart and hit the aisles when we got to the store. I knew each of the aisles like the back of my hand, so I didn't expect to spend a lot of time dawdling about.

  I loved to cook and bake. No one would know that from how often during the last week I'd been out to eat, but that was just another thing to blame Nate for. Actually, it was mainly Frannie who was to blame. Nate was closer, and had put me through more grief, so he was lucky enough to get blamed for anything bothering me.

  I hoped my stalker wasn't out there watching, because I imagined the domestic bliss of two people going grocery shopping together might send them even further over the deep end. If he or she had been at their job for a long time, they'd know cooking soothed me, so they'd know they were getting under my skin by the amounts of cooking that was going to be done.

  I didn't think anyone had been able to get that close to me. The thought of it being possible made me sick to my stomach.

  "What ideas do you have for dinner, my little butterfly?" Nate asked, while I threw some button mushrooms into the cart.

  He and that endearment really needed to stop. People were going to get the wrong idea if they overheard it. Someone already had the wrong idea and it was clear Nate really didn't have a problem with it.

  There was nothing about me that screamed "butterfly" would make a great nickname. It made me want to start calling him artichoke. I wasn't going to, but I figured he had to have seen a butterfly in my vicinity at some point and thought it'd make a good nickname, much like the artichoke I'd picked out for him.

  "First, with my stalker out there, do you think it's wise to be saying stuff like that to me? Secondly, I should probably ask you if there are any foods you don't like to eat before I get the final list set in my head."

  "Only for your safety, will I tone down your nickname," he replied. "Maybe I should just shorten it to little butt. I'm guessing that would drive the point home that there currently isn't something romantic going on between us.

  "Truthfully, I don't really care if people think there's something going on between us, I just don't want you to be in danger because of it. As far as food goes, I'm not picky and haven't tried anything I wouldn't try again, so you should have free reign on the ingredients."

  "I'm pretty sure I'm never going to understand you. To answer your question about what I'm making, I was thinking stuffed mushrooms, pizza egg rolls, barbecue chicken nachos, shrimp cocktail, and kabobs."

  I paused to pick out a red onion that looked good, before I moved over to the peppers and selected one of each color for the kabobs. "As for the new nickname, why don't we go old-fashioned and you just call me Avery? I know it's a crazy concept, but it might just work. People won't think there's more going on between us than there really is, and they won't think you're a giant doofus for calling me butt."

  "I'll take it into consideration, but I'm not making any promises. You're not going to press for the reasoning behind the nickname?"

  "I could care less why you picked it; I just don't want you to call me it. I've shared the list of appetizers I'm planning on making, is there anything you'd like to see on it?"

  "No, I'm sure it will all be great. I do have to wonder who else is coming over. That isn't just for us two, is it? I have my figure to think about."

  "I'm sure eating a whole cow dipped in butter wouldn't wreck what you got going on. I was planning for just the two of us. I like variety and I won't make tons of each thing. It's at least a two and a half hour game. I reckon I can set everything out and we can just graze on it when we feel like it."

  "Has Frannie ever been to your apartment?" The abrupt subject change startled me as we moved on from the produce section.

  We had to look stupid just standing around talking. Like the gym, the store wasn't busy, but that didn't mean I hadn't seen a few eyes linger on us. Since they were female eyes, I was fairly certain they weren't meant for me.

  "Sure, she's been over once or twice. Probably just to drop something off. With the size of the apartment, I don't tend to entertain that much. I imagine, from this morning alone, you win for the person who has been there the longest. Would you like me to make a little trophy for you?"

  Nate nodded enthusiastically. "Yes, I definitely want the trophy. I have the perfect spot on my trophy shelf for it. Can you write on it that it's?from Little Butt?"

  He laughed at what he evidently considered a grand joke. Our sense of humors were way off.

  "No, I cannot. We've talked about dinner, let's move on to beverages. What do you want to drink? I don't have much at the apartment, since I tend to just drink water, and juice every once in a while. There's usually milk too, but that doesn't really go with appetizers"

  It had been at least a month since I'd had juice. I went through phases where I craved it, but then hit long dry spells where I couldn't stand it. I didn't think I was really in or out of one of the phases at that moment, which was a little weird.

  "How about we get some sparkling grape juice for fun? I know you don't drink alcohol, but it might be amusing to pretend we are."

  I didn't think drinking sparkling juice really counted as pretending to drink alcohol. The fake fruity concoction I'd had the other night was probably closer. Maybe I was in a juice mood since it'd had juice in it. Then again, I'd only managed to finish it because I didn't want to talk to the person sitting next to me.

  "That sounds different. I'm not really big on bubbles tickling my nose, but I could try it. You only live once, and who knows, in a couple of days my number may be up, so I might as well live it up with some sparkling grape juice."

  Nate didn't appreciate a reminder that my life seemed to be in jeopardy. I couldn't stop thinking about it, so I thought it made sense to share my chipper attitude towards the idea that he'd somehow brought death to my doorstep. Even if the stalker was around before Nate, I was fairly certain it was Nate's fault they stopped being silent.

  In the juice aisle, I left Nate to pick out what he wanted, but he decided he needed my input. "Okay, they have red and white, which do you prefer?"

  I wanted to say neither, because I was certain that was the correct answer. During my juice phases, a sparkling variety had never entered the mix.

  "We're living on the dangerous side, Nate, grab both and we'll have a taste test."

  I didn't want to stand around in the juice aisle all day. Being out in the open was becoming my least favorite thing in life, so the faster we could get back to my apartment, the better I'd feel.

  "Sounds good, while we're at it, they also have sparkling apple juice. Do you want to give it a whirl too?"

  "Seriously? Just grab whatever you want and let's move on. Do you want something for dessert?" I asked while going through things that sounded good in my head. "I'm a cupcake genius, if I do say so myself. Why don't I make up a mess of my vanilla cupcakes and a couple of different kinds of frosting? I know you like chocolate, so I can make a small batch of it and my cream cheese frosting, and then we can buy some sprinkles and such and spend one of the intermissions decorating."

  The idea of spending twenty minutes decorating cupcakes with Nate was probably one of the worst ideas I'd ever had, but I'd already put it out there and from the eagerness I saw in his eyes, I wasn't going to be able to take it back. Between the domestic-nature of it and the mess I was sure he'd make, I was going to be in trouble.

  "That sounds like almost a perfect way to spend an evening," he said with a smile. I didn't trust the smile one bit. Along with the eagerness I'd immediately seen, there was something else lurking behind it.

  "What exactly would you do to improve it?"

  I was busy making sure I didn't forget anything as we made it through the aisles. I wasn't really thinking about where my question could lead, but I should've known based on my companion.

  "It would end with us doing something a couple of people in a work relationship would never dream of doing. Although, I'm pretty sure you've dreamt about it, but just aren't w
illing to admit to it."

  I didn't bother looking over at him. I sadly knew him well enough to know exactly the wicked look that would greet me if I did.

  "I think it's what happens in your own dreams you need to worry about," I told him. "My dreams have always been rated PG, if not G."

  Nate scoffed at my suggestion. Taking it to the G level was probably too far, but I could describe dreams filled with puppy dogs and lollipops if he was curious.

  "Hey, I only dream what you dream, so if I'm having naughty dreams, it's your fault."

  I wasn't sure how the conversation had turned to the creepy level, but we'd crossed the threshold. It was probably best to let it drop, but I didn't like Nate's implication and the certainty in his voice.

  "I think you have that backwards, buddy. If that was even possible, I'm sure it'd be you pushing the thoughts into my unconsciousness. Of course, I'm not admitting to having any unusual dreams to begin with."

  "You don't have to admit it; I've seen you trying to see through my clothes. I'm sure it's all my doing, but how can I help it when you're just so adorable. You won't tell me where those knives are, so I have to dream of undressing you to see them. I just found out about them, though. I guess that means the hide and seek will be something new." Nate threw some chocolate bars into the cart and I lifted my left eyebrow in question.

  "Isn't chocolate frosting enough for you?" I asked.

  The whole dream thing had done a great job of confusing me. I seriously started to wonder if Nate was somehow involved with my nightly activities. The possibility of that was zero, and yet I still considered it.

  "I have a feeling I'm going to have a very big sweet tooth tonight and I want to be prepared for it."

  "Is that some euphemism I should know about?" We were having cupcakes, and even though I didn't have sugar in the cart, I was planning on using plenty of it. Having everything I needed, I guided us to the checkout.

  "Not really. I know I won't get to do anything fun with you tonight, so I plan to console myself with chocolate," he replied, like it made perfect sense.

  "You know, if you're looking to get lucky, maybe you should spend the night at a bar. I'm sure you can find some willing lady there to tame your needs. I don't know why you weren't mobbed the other night when we were out, but I've seen the look the women are giving you here, and there's always Liz."

  "I think I've mentioned before that I'm only looking for a serious relationship. A one night stand with some woman who is plastered doesn't exactly qualify. As far as Liz, I don't know if you've noticed, but I'm not interested."

  "I'm just saying it's an option if you're feeling really needy tonight. You said you were only staying until midnight and the bars usually stay open past that."

  I paid the cashier as she looked at us questioning our sanity. I could only imagine what she'd do if she overheard some of the other conversations we'd had.

  We pushed the cart out to the parking lot and loaded the groceries into the trunk before Nate returned it to the nearest cart corral. While he was gone I gazed around the parking lot, trying to see if there was anything out of place or someone staring at me.

  I didn't see anyone, but I definitely got the feeling someone was out there watching. Since the stalker seemed to have an issue with me hanging out with Nate, I wished I had a shirt that said?He is not my boyfriend?in big letters. It'd be really good if it had blinking lights on it too. Maybe then the psycho would get the idea.

  Nate came back and unlocked the door for me. I got in and waited for him to start the engine, so I could turn on the radio and listen to some tunes during the car ride home.


  Someone's in the kitchen with Dinah