Read Not in My Job Description Page 35

The next morning I woke up already bored out of my mind. It was sad that without opening my eyes, I already knew I'd find lying in bed more exciting than anything I had planned. I couldn't believe I had over a whole week of it.

  I decided the night before that my goal for the day was to not see Nate. In order to succeed, I had to get out of the apartment as soon as possible, just in case he decided to use that key of his. I was banking on him not already using his key and sleeping on my sofa.

  I quickly got ready and decided it had been a couple of days without a quirky shirt, so I went for the one that was about an opportunist drinking the glass of water that an optimist, a pessimist and a realist were busy fighting over.

  Matching it with a pair of blue jeans, I called it good. I slid into my flip-flops, grabbed my keys and wallet and I was out the door. I didn't even stop to see if I had a visitor on my couch.

  Not sure what to do, but thinking Frannie might have some ideas, I decided to head to the nearest gas station and see if they had any of those throw away cell phones, since mine was still in Liz's hands.

  Thankfully, there was an assortment. Not being particular, I grabbed one and a minutes card and headed to the checkout. Once done in the store, I walked outside and activated the phone.

  I knew chances were good Frannie would want to stay in Manhattan, so I hopped on the train taking me closer to her apartment. On the way, I tried to give her a call, but she didn't pick up. She was probably still sleeping.

  I decided to waste some time by stopping at a bakery and ordering a breakfast sandwich on a croissant. I sat in their patio area, people watching while eating the flaky delight. When I finished, I tried Frannie again and made it through to an actual person.

  "This is Frannie," she answered, way too perky for that hour of the morning.

  "Hey Frannie, this is Avery."

  "Really? What number are you calling me from? I don't recognize it."

  "Just a throw away phone I picked up this morning. My usual phone is getting worked on because it started acting funny." It sounded like a rational enough excuse, so I just rolled with it. "Anyway, Frannie, I have the day off and I bored myself to tears sitting around the apartment yesterday, so I was hoping you'd be free and have some ideas on how to spend the day."

  "Well, you know me. I was planning on going out shopping today. You could tag along if you'd like."

  I could envision her eyes lighting up as she thought about shopping. I, on the other hand, cringed. Shopping was not how I'd hoped to spend the day, but it was probably somewhere Nate wouldn't think of looking for me.

  "That sounds great. Do you want to meet somewhere? I just finished eating some breakfast and I'm on your side of town."

  "That's perfect. I was hoping to go to Madison Avenue today and hit a few stores. Remind me to also stop by FAO Schwarz and pick up a present for my niece."

  I didn't think I was really dressed for Madison Avenue, but oh well. I knew from the start trying to recruit Frannie's help to keep busy would probably end in me having to do something girlie. That didn't mean I had to smile while I was doing it though.

  We met up at the north end of Madison Avenue and hit Ralph Lauren first. I assumed they didn't have peculiar t-shirts, so I pretty much just followed behind Frannie, holding things for her while she tried clothes on. By the time we were done, we walked out with practically a whole new wardrobe.

  After Ralph Lauren, we hit Juicy Couture and Prada. In each store Frannie kept finding things she just had to have. I'd said it before, and I'd say it again, being raised always having money available for anything you wanted made you have to have a whole bunch of crap. I didn't think she'd end up wearing half the things she bought.

  We took her current purchases back to the car she had waiting, and then she dragged me into Cartier to show me the engagement ring she was dying for Gary to buy her. I wasn't exactly sure how she'd fit the thing on her little fingers, though. It was a massive two-carat solitaire with about thirty smaller diamonds around the band. Not that I was ever getting married, but if I did, I was definitely going with a simple gold band.

  All the walking around was making me hungry, so I suggested feeding me before I started gnawing on my ankle. She led the way to Bistro Chat Noir. I ordered some Seafood Risotto with a side of grilled asparagus and she selected a California Salad Nicoise.

  As we ate, we caught up on each other's lives. "So how are things going with Nate?" she asked.

  "There is nothing going on with Nate," I answered. "He should be heading back to Chicago from what I understand and I as far as I'm concerned that can't happen soon enough."

  "Really? That's too bad. I think you guys make such a cute couple. Your children would be beautiful." I was starting to think shopping affects people's brain cells negatively.

  "Yeah, it's really, really too bad we didn't hit it off," I said, chomping on one of my asparagus spears.

  "That's not what I heard. Nate said you guys get along great. I even heard you had him over for dinner one night." The big mouth. Sewing his mouth shut wouldn't kill him, so I'd have to include it in one of my other plans.

  Done talking about the person I was avoiding, I steered the topic to Gary. "So, how has Gary been doing lately? Does he have any big cases going on?"

  "Of course. The man is always busy and can't seem to tell clients no. You know, I could really use some chocolates. Let's run over to Godiva." Evidently lunch, and our conversation, was over, so we made our way outside and back down the street to Godiva.

  "You go in, I'll wait outside. The smell of chocolate makes me sick."

  I tried to stand downwind of the open door as she went in. She came out with her little box of chocolates and took me through Chanel, picking up some perfume she was about to run out of. From there it was Barney's to get five sets of new shoes and DKNY for some dresses to match the shoes. She finished the quest at Calvin Klein picking out some tops for Gary.

  Finally, we got to go to FAO Schwarz, which was the only part of the trip I was really looking forward to. Who doesn't like a giant toy store? Frannie wandered off in one section, going towards baby toys and I just started looking around at everything in general.

  I ended up in the electronics department, trying to decide if I wanted the red or black ninja USB drive. I was leaning towards black when I spotted Frannie walking towards me very determinedly while talking on the phone.

  When she got to me she said, "It's for you," and handed me the phone.

  "Hello," I answered cautiously. Frannie's look wasn't giving away any hints about who was on the other end.

  "Just where do you think you've been all day, young lady?" Nate's voice replied.

  "If I said hiding from you, would that make you happy or sad?" I asked while I picked up the black ninja and headed towards the checkout.

  "I'm currently still at the relieved to hear your voice stage. Pretty soon I'll be moving to the pissed you didn't let me know you were planning on being out all day stage."

  "Last I checked, I'm a grown woman and don't have a keeper checking in on what I do during the day."

  "Woman, meet keeper. You really should've left me a note or something. You had to expect I'd stop by today."

  "You know, if you hadn't been with me when I received messages from Stalker McStalky, I'd think you moved to the front of the list of possible candidates. I wanted a day out of the apartment, so I called Frannie and went shopping with her. I think we're about done, so I'll be heading back in a little bit. You aren't sitting in my apartment right now are you?" Please say no, I chanted to myself.

  "Of course I am. I came around ten this morning to find you not here, so I ran to your office, thinking for some reason you might have gone there to spend your day off. You have to admit it sounds like something you'd do. After waiting a little while, I realized you weren't coming in, so I headed back to your apartment to wait.

  "I waited a whole hour and finally broke down and called Frannie, since she's your only friend I know.
Thankfully, you happened to be with her. Sadly, I'm guessing you haven't been taping your shopping experience. That's a home movie I'd love to see," he laughed.

  I finished up with the cashier and moved to stand in front of the store waiting for Frannie. After she'd realized I was going to be occupying her phone for a few minutes, she returned to her shopping.

  "Oh, I don't know. I think shopping has been great. I learned the person currently inhabiting my apartment has a big mouth and I've added plans to sew it shut to all my previous plans of your demise."

  "I'm not sure what I said to cause this aggression, but I know it wasn't anything bad, as I've never spoken a word against you," he said as I heard sizzling in the background.

  "No, it's just other people don't need to know how I spend my evenings. What's that noise?" I asked as more odd noises made it to my ears.

  "Since you've been out all day, I've decided I'm making you dinner tonight. Don't worry, it isn't anything too fancy and it's chicken, so you have no excuses not to eat it."

  Frannie walked over to me ready to go. "Frannie looks like she's done, so I'm going to hang up now and give her phone back. Don't burn my apartment down. I'll be there as fast as I can."

  "See ya soon, my little butterfly." With that we both hung up and I handed the phone back to Frannie.

  "Thanks for letting me use your phone. It seems I'm needed back at my apartment, so I better head out. It was a really fun day, we'll have to do this again," I said politely.

  "So Nate is at your apartment. How interesting. Give him a kiss from me."

  "Any kisses for Nate are not coming from my lips, so you'll have to work that out yourself. See you in Spinning class tomorrow morning," I said and ran towards the train.

  During the train ride home I tried really hard to meditate and find my inner peace. I was pretty sure someone stole it, though, so by the time I got to my apartment I was still pissed.

  At my door, just as I was putting the key in, the door it flew open. Nate stood in the doorway wearing my girlie apron. I couldn't help but laugh. Oh how I wished I had my phone so I could take pictures of it.

  "That's a really nice look," I said, entering the apartment.

  "Well, you pull it off, so I thought I'd give it a try. I'm just getting ready to put dinner on the table. Why don't you go wash up, I should have everything ready by the time you get done."

  I did as I was told and made my way to the bathroom. Once I was all washed up, I headed back out to the living room area where he had placed two plates of food. Sadly, the food actually smelled delicious.

  "So what are we eating tonight?" I asked as I settled down to eat.

  "I made my pecan chicken with a brown sugar, mustard and butter glaze as your main dish. To accompany it I made some dirty rice and a vegetable medley featuring carrots, broccoli and cauliflower."

  "That actually sounds really good." I didn't try to hide my utter shock. It tasted really good too. The sauce with the chicken had me wanting to lick my plate.

  As we ate, I told him my shopping tales and he let me know that there was still no update on who the stalker was when he stopped by the office. We finished eating and cleaned the kitchen together.

  "I guess I'll head out. You're going to be at the gym tomorrow morning, right?" Nate asked as he collected his things.

  The fact that he planned on leaving surprised me. After not being able to find me, I'd expected him to pitch a tent in the middle of the living room. I wasn't going to complain, but I was getting used to him being around.

  "I was planning on it; my parents are arriving tomorrow, so I'll probably be spending the evening out with them. I'm really not looking forward to that."

  "Maybe you should have me come along. I can be a good buffer for you and your parents." That didn't sound too bad to me. He continued, "That way I can also learn all sorts of embarrassing stories about you." And he lost me.

  "I've mentioned you are a really evil person, right?" I asked rhetorically. "I'll think about letting you come along and I'll see you in the morning."?


  Motherly instincts for sale, only fifty cents. Act now!