Read Notice Me Page 2

The ride to the beach was pretty awkward to say the least, I could feel Tristan's intense gaze on me the whole time. To think we've only been in the car for five minutes tops, it felt like the longest five minutes of my life. Do I have something hanging out my nose? Why does he keep staring at me? Self-consciously I ran my fingers over my face to capture any foreign objects that may have been hanging.

  It was as though his body was emitting heat and funneling it towards my direction, I was getting really weird vibes. Maybe it's just me being paranoid; the humidity could be affecting my brain cells. I was sitting behind Luke and Tristan was behind Anya. Anya must think she's some sort of gangster thug having her seat set on the furthest setting. For being the same height I am, she sure drives like a straight up dude.

  Luke had his seat reclined all the way back the same way Anya's was. Good thing for me, I'm average height. Tristan being lanky had to sit with his legs apart causing his right knee to brush against mine, which was angled towards the middle. I was getting really weird tingling sensations from where our knees barely brushed against one another, strange.

  I didn't dare turn my head to face him as I nonchalantly stared out my window, pretending to be interested in the scenery. You all know damn well I couldn't focus on anything but his leg and everything we passed was just a blur! Anya didn't seem to notice anything out of the norm as she continued driving to our destination. Luke was giving her directions on how to get there.

  Luke seemed to take an instant interest in Anya and likewise. You would think they've known one another for years the way they were both singing along to Katy Perry's Part of Me. "So how do you two know each other?" Tristan's deep voice came out softly; it managed to scare the crap out of me, causing me to jump like an idiot.

  I didn't expect him to make conversation with me, seeing how I already came to the conclusion that we were a free ride to the beach. He probably couldn't wait to get there and escape as to not be seen around me. I glanced at him shyly from the corner of my eyes, turning my head slightly to make sure he was really talking to me. His intense gray eyes stared at me with anticipation.

  Allowing a small smile to escape from my lips, I turned my head completely in his direction. "We met at music camp four years ago. We've been best friends ever since." I simply stated. Anya flashed me a grin over her shoulder when she heard my response. It was almost as though she was reliving the memory of us meeting.

  "She was so quiet and her nose was constantly stuck in a book. One day I got fed up and finally threw her book in the lake. She got pissed off and threw my flip-flops in. We screamed at one another for a while then ended up laughing about the whole situation." Anya explained before facing forward. "You've come a long way my young grasshopper."

  I laughed at her silliness, Anya brought out the best or shall I say worse in me. Her wild and crazy personality broke me out of my shell at camp. She practically forced me to be her friend; I didn't have much choice in the matter. Looking over at Tristan as I giggled, it seemed like his eyes lit up, like he was happy. If it's even possible for his gray eyes to get lighter, then they did.

  Maybe he finds Anya to be funny too. All the guys seem to be attracted to her, who could blame them? She's gorgeous and outgoing. "So that's where you disappear to every summer." Tristan said more as a statement than a question. "Music camp huh? You play an instrument?"

  Whoa...whoa...whoa. What does he mean that's where I disappear to every summer? It shocked the hell out of me that he even noticed I was gone during the summer. As far as I knew nobody missed me during the time I was gone. Heck, I don't even think my parents would realize I was missing for the entire summer if it wasn't that they had to pay for camp!

  I nodded my head to answer his question, suddenly feeling really weird. Why all of a sudden has Tristan taken interest in me of all people? Is this some sort of sick game or bet that he and his friends have going on? I began developing an uneasy feeling in the pit of my belly.

  "Piano, violin, and guitar." I mumbled quietly. What? I had a lot of time on my hands with not having many my parents made me take lessons.

  "Uh-uh-uh." Anya teased. "Don't leave out the fact that you're a kick ass singer too."

  'Oh hush up and mind your business' is what I felt like saying to her. Instead I just pasted a fake smile and turned back out to face the window. I hate when someone knows you can sing, first thing out their mouth is 'Sing me something'...ugh no!

  "Wow, that's hot. You girls in a band?" Luke asked turning around in his seat to glance back at me.

  Something about this caused Tristan's entire body to tense up including his jaw, resulting in me staring at him strangely. Maybe it was the fact that Luke said our talents were hot? Tristan probably didn't want me getting the wrong idea that the popular guys thought nerd girl was in any way cool.

  Luke was probably just saying it to get a reaction out of me. Sorry to disappoint you boys, I'm not one of your fellow groupies. I sure as heck wasn't going to become obsessed after hanging out with them once and start following them around like a crazed fan, just because they paid me a compliment. Sure I thought they were good looking dudes, but that's as far as it goes. Nothing good will come out of me thinking we're in any way shape or form...friends.

  "I'm an ok vocalist. She's the real star of camp." I affirmed while sticking my tongue out childishly at Anya, who was staring at me in the rearview. "Anya's lead vocalist and guitar player in a band." I said innocently.

  She's probably going to kill me as soon as we arrive at the beach and get out the car. Anya's a closet rockstar; she doesn't like many people knowing her business. Anya has her select group of friends at her school in Rockport. She doesn’t get along with too many people because her straight forward, tell them like it is attitude caused them to think she's bitchy. She's far from it, just a tough exterior. Deep down inside she's a real softy. Shh, don't tell her I told you, she’d kick my butt. She'll be a senior this year too.

  Just as I said that, she pulled into a parking spot at the beach. Crap, I should prepare to die now. Either that or try and run for my life. As you all know I'm not a runner, so guess it'll be death for me! I could see the smirk spread across Anya's lips as she took her key out the ignition and turned in her seat to face me. "You better hope you didn't bring a book with you or out into the ocean it goes for putting me out there like that." She whispered evilly causing the guys to laugh.

  We all got out the car and I couldn't help but stretch my arms up in the air. Boy, that was one tense car ride. Immediately upon our arrival I noticed a big group of people off to one side on the beach. Some were playing volleyball, while others were just lounging around.

  In that group I recognized the same guys that were over Tristan's yesterday Sam, Gabe, Max, and Jordan. Surprise, surprise there's a group of the popular females from our school there too. See, told you they were only using us for the ride.

  "Yo Tris, Luke. Over here." Sam called out waving his hand up in the air motioning for them to go join the group.

  This caused the crowd to look over in our direction, so to save the boys the embarrassment of being seen arriving with us. I quickly grabbed my bag and slung it over my shoulder. Running around to the other side of the car, I grabbed a hold on Anya's hand and practically dragged her towards the other end of the beach.

  "What the hell, Lise? What's your rush?" Anya said breathlessly trying to match my strides to get away from them.

  "Nothing, just want to get my tan on, that's all." I answered simply.

  "I know you're lying Lise, what's up? Why are you running away from them?" Anya huffed. "I kind of thought we'd join 'em."

  "Are you insane, join them?" I huffed in exasperation. "I'm pretty sure that's the last thing they'd want. I'm positive they would have extended the invite in the fifteen-minute car ride over here if they did. Did they? No, so I rest my case."

  Scouting the sand for a nice spot to lay down my blanket, I felt someone grab my arm from behind. It sent shocks and a ti
ngling sensation from where they grabbed all the way down my fingertips. Jerking my arm away in shock, I spun around a little too quickly and smacked right into a rock hard chest. Where my face hit, sent tingles all over too. What the heck is wrong with me?

  Two muscular hands grabbed a hold of my upper arms to steady me, sending shockwaves throughout my entire body. Was I possibly experiencing heat stroke? Can it be dehydration from the intense temperatures? Blinking my eyes rapidly, I tilted my head upwards. Staring back at me was the face of an angel. An angel with gray eyes.

  "Hey, uh you girls just kind of ran off back there." Tristan began as he let go of me, rubbing his hand on the back of his neck nervously. "We didn't get a chance to thank you for the ride."

  I took a couple steps back to put some distance between us. From what I could see his expression mirrored hurt when I did that. I really need to get in the water and cool down, I'm seriously beginning to see things.

  "Oh don't mention it." Anya said looking up from her place on the towel. That's what I love so much about her, she's a go with the flow type of girl and she never lets anything bother her. She was already laid out comfortably in her red two-piece. Her Ipod plugged into it's docking station blaring out music.

  When the freak did she have time to do all that? How long was I entranced in Tristan's spell? I didn't even lay down my towel yet. "I was wondering if you wanted to join us over there?" Tristan offered glancing over his shoulder at his friends. It was a sweet gesture, but I'm sure it’s a pity offer.

  "Thanks, but no thanks. We'll be fine over here." I assured him while setting down my towel and pulling out my bottle of sunscreen spray. I don't have the faintest clue what came over me next that caused me to so boldly yank my summer dress up and over my head exposing my black two-piece. My only explanation is that it had to be the heat.

  That action alone earned me a few whistles from some basketball players who happened to be walking by. The type of boys that will be juniors this year, in the proper grade I belong to. I didn't pay the boys any mind. It's not like they know who the heck I am now that they see me in a bathing suit outside of school anyway. They didn't recognize me as the quiet nerd, just yet.

  Once again, Tristan's entire stature changed from relaxed to uptight. He looked like he was ready to pummel the guys who just whistled at me. "Can we talk?" Tristan asked gruffly as he motioned with his head for us to step away from Anya. What's his problem all of a sudden?

  I mindlessly followed him; he's probably going to give me some warning about those guys. Which I won't need of course, because I know the basketball team is nothing but a bunch of players. They think us girls don't know about the running bet they have on who can score with the most girls before winter break. It's sick if you ask me, the winning prize for them is a hundred bucks. What a bunch of jerks.

  I stood in front of Tristan staring at him expectantly. "What's with the sudden change in looks?" He asked abruptly catching me off guard.

  My face scrunched up as I stared at him in confusion. Where is he going with this? "Excuse me?" I asked a bit baffled.

  "Why the sudden change of appearance?" He asked again a bit more slowly this time. Who the hell does Tristan Evans think he is asking me why I changed the way I look?

  It's not like he cared before, so why act like he gave a crap about me now? Prior to today and yesterday, I think Tristan's spoken a grand whopping total of twenty words to me all my life! This is some sort of Guinness World Record that he's conversing with me, let alone being seen in public with me. Of course my defenses immediately went up.

  "Uh I don't think that's any of your business." I retorted crossing my arms defiantly across my chest.

  "I'd like to think that it is, because I'm making it my business." He seethed, closing the distance between us in two small strides.

  His 5'11 frame towered over me as he brought his face level with mine. We were face to face, toe to toe. You could almost feel the anger radiating off the two of us, and then Tristan did the unexpected. He grabbed my face with both of his hands and freaking kissed me. His lips captured mine roughly in a demanding kiss.

  I stood frozen for a few seconds as he moved his magical lips against mine. The tingles I felt down to my toes were out of this world. My body wanted to wrap itself tightly around his. I wanted so badly to run my hands over his wonderful muscles and kiss him with all I had in me.

  Then I snapped back to reality to realize that this jerk just stole my first kiss, without even asking me permission. Forcing my hands against his chest, I used all my might to push him backwards. Some good that did, I barely pushed him inches away.

  Who in the hootenannies does Mr. Popular, captain of the soccer team think he truly is? That he can just go around kissing whomever he wants, whenever he damn well pleases? Well I'll have you know I won't just be another notch in his belt, I'm not one of these girls that hangs onto their every word and action just because they're good looking and popular.

  This had to be some kind of sick dare or bet he made with his boys yesterday. Just the thought managed to cause a tightening in my chest as my breathing became labored. My heart hurt. Laughing humorlessly as I licked my lips, I could still taste the flavor of his pineapple gum.

  "There satisfied? Win your bet? Now you can go have a good laugh with your friends on my account." I spat at him with tears in my eyes. "Don't you ever come near me again." I called out, stomping away towards Anya who was staring at me with concern.

  "Lise, wait it's not like that." Tristan's voice barely came out in a whisper, but I still managed to hear it loud and clear.

  As I turned around to face him one last time, a single traitorous tear managed to escape. I shook my head at him in disappointment. "Please just stay away from me and leave me alone."

  Chapter 3: Ignorance Is Bliss