Read Notice Me Page 24

Tristan's POV

  Excusing myself from Lise to head over to my father's study, I wondered what he needed to speak to me about? What can possibly be that important that he has to pull me away from introducing my mate to fellow pack members?

  Knocking on the door to the study, "Come in." My dad announced looking up from his paperwork as I slipped in and closed the door behind me.

  "What's up Dad?" I asked suddenly worried that there might be a larger issue at hand. "Is there something wrong?"

  He shook his head from side to side and ran his hand through his hair messing it up. "I just wanted to forewarn you, prepare you for what we're up against." My dad sighed. What's he warning me about? Is the pack in danger? Are there rogues on the horizon that are ready to attack? Is there something we need to be doing?

  "Some of the pack might not be as accepting to the fact that your mate is human." My dad said pointedly. "Traditional wolves feel as though their Luna should be a fellow wolf in order to carry on a strong Alpha bloodline."

  A vicious growl erupted from deep within my chest. Who would dare deny my mate? She's my mate and no one else's, so why would any of them have a concern in this? "I could care less what the pack thinks. She's my mate and their future Luna, they will respect her." I snarled, not necessarily at my father, but more at the thought of people giving my mate a hard time.

  "I know that son, I just figured you had a right to know before we introduce her to the pack." My father announced standing up and walking around to pat me on the back. "She'll make a good Luna."

  Hearing those five words from my father...the Alpha's mouth...meant more to me then the thoughts of our entire pack. He accepted my mate and even thought of her to be an acceptable Luna to lead the pack. It meant so much to me, because my Mother...current the best Luna our pack has ever had.

  'Trist, where are you? I suggest you get your ass down here ASAP!' Luke sent through our mind link, causing me to jump from my seat. Yanking open the door to the study, we heard an immediate commotion downstairs. I looked over at my dad with a confused expression.

  Running down the steps, I could hear a scuffling noise? Rolling around on the floor in the foyer of my house was my mate and Jewel. What in the hell is going on here? I left her alone for a total of two whole minutes and she's scrapping with Jewel?

  "Get off my hair you bitch!" Jewel shrieked trying to tug her hair out of Lise's grip. But amusingly my mate had her hair wrapped up into a tight fist of her left hand as she threw punches with her right.

  Let me find out that I have a little boxer on my hands! I had to laugh at the sight before me, I'm sure whatever the case may be, Jewel deserved every bit of the ass beating she was getting. Glancing over at my dad who was standing next to me, he shook his head and smirked. He too, knew Jewel and her non-ability to keep her mouth shut.

  Just as I was about to take a step down onto the next step, five of Jewel's roadies came rushing at Lise, they were trying to get her off Jewel. Before I could make my way to her to help, it was like a flash of lightning flew before my eyes as his roar echoed throughout the house.

  "Back off!" Axel barked in a threatening tone jumping in front of the two fighting. The look on his face daring any one to try and jump in making the fight unfair. At that moment I was grateful for Axel being her protector. He wanted to let the two of them go at it fair and square. He probably knows Lise will beat him up if he breaks up their fight. This was a long time coming and I respect him even more for letting them go at it.

  "C'mon sweetheart, that's quite enough." I declared, picking Lise up by her waist she was straddling a thrashing Jewel holding her hands down. Lise wasn't even trying to hit her anymore, just doing her best to maintain control over the situation. I think she got her fair shares of hits before she decided enough was enough.

  Axel held Jewel back so she couldn't come charging at Lise again. "Aren't you going do anything? She attacked me!" Jewel cried dramatically pointing accusingly at Lise.

  "Cut the crap Jewel. We all heard what you said." Luke interceded. I stared at him awaiting an explanation. Looking around it seems like my dad ushered a majority of the guests into the backyard where we were holding the meeting.

  There were only a handful of us still around trying to assess the situation. "What'd she say to you?" I grilled Lise taking a step closer to her. It was difficult to not get lost in her beautiful hazel eyes, but I needed to know what Jewel said that caused my mate to lose her cool.

  "Nothing, don't worry about it, it's done and over with." She breathed, I examined every inch of her face carefully. My blood boiled in my veins as I made out a noticeable angry five-finger print on Lise's face. She winced slightly as I ran my fingertips over the surface.

  This bitch has the nerve to lay a finger on her future Luna? Focusing my glare at Jewel I realized her face didn't look any better. Lise gave her a nice black eye, more than likely in retaliation to the slap. She had a few scratches visible along her neckline. I'm glad that my little mate fought back and that she got a taste of her own medicine, but still not satisfied with the end result.

  "I'm going to find out whether you tell me or not." I addressed her once more, basically pleading with her to tell me. Reaching out I smoothed down her stray hairs that stood up wildly. I didn't want to hear it from anyone's mouth besides her own. "I'd much rather hear it from you." I encouraged.

  Lise visibly swallowed and I noticed her fighting back tears. This caused a sharp pain to rip through my heart. Never did I want to see her in pain or hurting, I'd try my damn hardest to stop it. "She said I'm nothing but a useless human..." Lise began using the back of her hands to dry the tears that formed in her eyes. "To enjoy being Luna while I can because once I die she's taking over. I mean I know I'm a human, not worthy of being your mate, but to hear someone else point that out is just wrong." She confessed staring up at me.

  She thinks she isn't good enough for me? How could she possibly think something like that? Fate has brought us together, there's a reason for everything that happens in life. "Don't you ever think you're not worthy of being my mate…of being Luna of this pack." I ordered with a stern look before I pulled her into a tight embrace.

  How dare Jewel speak to Lise like that? Is this meant to be some form of threat towards the future Luna of our pack? Threats like these aren't taken lightly and they’ re dealt with accordingly, Beta's daughter or not...Jewel's going to regret speaking to Lise like that. My wolf was nearing the surface, I could feel the control slowly slipping from my grasp as I began shaking violently.

  "Of course I laughed at her and told her to stop dreaming, that maybe she'd be able to put her imaginative ideas to use by writing a story on Wattpad or something. That's when the bitch slapped me." Lise chuckled humorlessly glaring in Jewel's direction.

  My eyes meeting Luke's he nodded his head once in confirmation at Lise's side of the story. That's all I needed in order for my dad and his Beta to decide the proper punishment for Jewel. She can't go crying to daddy to get her out of it this time. Nope, this time she dug her own grave and she’s going to have to lie in it.

  "She's lying Tristan, the bitch is lying!" Jewel screamed thrashing violently against Axel. He seemed bored by his expression as he held her arms locked behind her back.

  "Pipe it down already would you? Nobody believes the girl who cried wolf one two many times." Anya chimed in. "Your voice is so damn annoying."

  "I suggest you calm yourself down, we'll deal with your punishment later." My dad's voice came from the back doorway, addressing Jewel. "It's time for all of you to join us out here so we can introduce Lise and Anya."

  Making out way out through the backyard we walked to the front of the crowd where my father began his announcements. First, he started by addressing some pack issues, which I could barely concentrate on. Lise was distracting me with the way she’s latched onto my arm rocking back and forth nervously.

  "My fellow wolves we gather today with great news." He began and the crowd seemed t
o quiet down instantly. "My son Tristan and Luke...your future Alpha and Beta, have found their mates." He stepped to the side and held up his arm welcoming Lise and Anya who were standing next to Luke and I. I was holding Lise's hand and could tell she was extremely nervous just by the sweat accumulating on her palm.

  "I'd like to introduce you to your future Luna, Annalise and Anya. Please welcome them to our pack and treat them as one of our own." He demanded and a round of applause sounded before my dad walked off to mingle with some of the other pack members.

  My mom was running back and forth making sure all the food was set out properly on the tables for the guests. Surprisingly we were approached and greeted in an extremely friendly manner by a majority of the guests, including the elder wolves.

  Some of them even praised Lise for the way she handled the situation with Jewel, patting her on the back saying she's set to make a great Luna. You see, a lot of the pack knows Jewel very well. Let's just say for being a Beta's daughter she isn't too friendly with many of them and thinks she’s better than most.

  I couldn't help, but beam at Lise in happiness. Things aren't as bad as we thought they'd turn out. Especially now that they all know she's human. They seem to be accepting her with open arms. Out the corner of my eye I saw my Dad and his Beta Jack, Jewel's Dad walk up to Jewel and a group of her friends.

  The three of them went through the back door, no doubt to my dad's study. Time to dish out her punishment. Hopefully, my dad doesn't go light on her. A couple weeks of community service cleaning up the trash in the woods sounds just about right to start. Then maybe he should tack on a few weeks of volunteer work checking up on the elderly members of the pack. Whatever the case may be, nothing is going to ruin this day for me. This has got to go down as the best pack meeting I've ever been to.

  I leaned down and kissed Lise on the temple, bringing her against my chest for a quick hug. Staring into her hazel eyes I got so caught up in the Moment. This is whom I'll be spending the rest of my life with and I couldn't ask for anyone better. Polar opposites or not, she's still the perfect match for me.

  "I love you Lise." the words escaped my mouth before I had a chance to filter it from my brain to my lips. Her eyes widened in shock as we both registered what I just said. Is it too early, is she going turn and run away now? Crap, what have I done?

  Chapter 24: Reciprocation