Read Notice Me Page 43

Tristan's POV

  Sitting next to Lise I held her hand in my own reassuringly. We were sitting across from my dad and Alpha Perez in his study. My heart drumming in my chest at a fleeting pace caused me to look over at my mate's beautiful face for some form of relaxation. She stared back at me with worry filled eyes making a slight twinge of pain develop in my heart. I gave her hand a reassuring squeeze to let her know everything will be ok.

  If she is indeed Alpha Perez's daughter this changes everything completely. For one thing it'll mean that Lise is a wolf, she has to be. Alpha Perez, Rico and Alonso are all wolves as well as Luna Nina and Mia. She-wolves typically shift on their sixteenth birthday, normally. Seeing how Lise wasn't raised in a pack amongst other wolves, maybe her wolf didn't know what to do. She was a late bloomer after all, maybe she's an exception to the case?

  "What's the pressing issue you needed to discuss with us, son?" My Dad's voice interrupted my train of thoughts.

  Sitting up straighter in the chair my eyes were drawn to the photo above the fireplace. "We have reason to believe that Annalise is Analia."

  "Why would you say that?" Dad asked wanting us to elaborate on our crazy conclusion. He stared at me like I'd lost my mind.

  "Go stand underneath that photo, Lise." I directed pulling her to stand on her feet. Lise walked slowly over to the fireplace and stood underneath the photo.

  Alpha Perez drew in a sharp breath as he jumped up from his place in the chair. His eyes shifting back and forth from Lise's face to Nina's photo.

  After extensive questioning from my father and Alpha Perez, the three of us were thoroughly convinced that Annalise Foster is indeed Analia Nina Perez.

  Alpha Perez let out a cry of happiness as he grabbed Lise into an awkward hug and cried, "Mi nena, estás vivo!" Lise returned Alpha Perez’s hug and cried at hearing him scream, ‘my baby, you're alive’. Deep within my soul I knew the tears she was crying was one of happiness and sadness. Happy that she now knows the truth, yet sadness for the real Mother and Sister she's never had the opportunity in knowing.

  "Come, we must prepare a celebration." Alpha Perez proclaimed taking Lise's hand and leading her out of the study.

  Within an hour the entire deck area and backyard was filled with their pack along with us guests. Lise stood beside Alpha Perez, Rico, and Alonso. We already notified Luke, Anya, Troy, Andre, Axel, Jett, and my Mom of the news. To say everyone was shocked would be an understatement.

  "I knew it!" Anya cried pointing to Lise in disbelief. "Ever since that night at the club when we saw the picture. Something ate away at me!"

  "Atención." Alpha Perez announced with his heavy Spanish accent. "We are celebrating the home coming of su princesa Analia!" An outburst of cheers erupted from the wolves around us. I just stood there in astonishment, my mouth slightly ajar.

  Princess Analia? They’re royalty which means she’s royalty. Which only means one thing, they're not going to let her leave the grounds now that they have her home. Maybe we should've thought this out before we came out and exposed the truth. What am I going to do now in regards to taking my mate home with me?

  Chapter 42: Princess Love