Read Notice Me Page 47

Tristan's POV

  Thankfully, Alpha Perez dismissed everyone telling them the shows over and it's time to leave us to discuss things. Maria led everyone including my parents, our friends and the rest of the pack members back inside the house so that we could have some privacy. The only people left outside were Rico, Alonso, Alpha Perez, myself and Lise and Marco who were still in wolf form. As I pulled on the shorts and approached Alpha Perez who was standing there furious with anger I decided to tell him the god honest truth.

  "With all due respect Sir, Lise is my mate and at the time I claimed her I had no knowledge of her being a wolf, let alone a Princess." I began, as I thought of a way to phrase my next set of words without insulting him. "Had I of known, I would have came to you first. I love your daughter with every fiber of my being and ask that you give us your blessing of being mates...but I'll tell you this much, even without your blessing, Lise belongs to me. She always will." I refused to back down to him, even if he's royalty, an Alpha, and my mate's father.

  Alpha Perez seemed to ponder over my confession for a few Moments before nodding his head in agreement. A proud look gleamed in his eyes. "I meant it when I said you'll make a fine Alpha one day son. Even if you're not royalty, I'm honored that my daughter has a mate as strong as you to watch over her."

  My heart began racing, holy crap is he accepting me as his daughter's mate? My hands began shaking at my sides as Alpha Perez reached out and offered his hand. Taking it into my own I shook it, "A good Alpha never backs down. I give you two my blessing. Take care of my baby or I'll hunt you down and kill you." Alpha Perez warned in a joking manner, but somehow I knew deep down inside he wasn't really joking.

  "Thank you Sir, you won't regret this." I said excitedly. Ha! Now that I have the Alpha Perez...aka...the King's blessing, Marco can kiss his thoughts of taking Lise away goodbye. Marco must have been thinking the same thing because he let out an anguish filled howl and took off into the woods again. Damn he sure runs away a lot.

  A small whimper escaped Lise's lips causing me to turn around to try and figure out what was wrong with her. She wasn't physically hurt. 'What's wrong baby?' I asked turning around and walking over to her.

  'I don't know how to change back Tristan. Am I gonna stay like this forever?' Lise mind-linked me letting out a soft whimper again. The sound of her whimpers made my heart ache.

  Running my hands over her soft coat of fur, I kneeled down next to her. 'No baby, you're not going to stay like this forever. I'm going to walk you through shifting back.' I reassured her allowing my voice to calm her.

  I could instantly feel her relax a bit under my hand as I massaged my fingers into her fur. 'Will it hurt?' Her voice sounded so broken and timid.

  I wanted to kick myself in the ass for not being by Lise's side during her first shift. Instead I was too busy fighting this prick. 'I promise it won't hurt at all. All you have to do is close your eyes and concentrate on being human again. You need to accept the change and imagine your legs growing back, then your arms and so forth.'

  Glancing over at Rico I suggestively raised my eyebrows toward the shirt hanging on one of the patio chairs. Getting the hint he picked it up, balled it in his hands, and threw it over to me. Gratefully Alpha Perez, Rico, and Alonso left us to go inside and join everyone else. About damn time we get to be alone.

  Seems like every time we try to be together something comes up. Either that or there's always something or someone trying to ruin things for us. Within seconds Lise was back to human form, I quickly yanked the t-shirt over her head. Just the brief glimpse I received of her naked body caused me to want more. I ran my hands roughly over my face in hopes of wiping away the lust overcoming my body. Dammit, nope didn't work.

  My wolf was beginning to surface again as I was starting to lose control. After all we've been through he wanted to mate her and make her ours and he wanted to do it now. Lise's hazel eyes met my glowing silver ones as she stood on her tip toes and leaned up brushing her lips against mine. "Thank you Tristan." She whispered giving me a slight peck.

  I don't think she's aware of how sexy she sounds when she drags out the Tris part of my name, my name innocently rolling off that tongue of hers. That was all it took for me to lose the last ounce of control, I scooped her up into my arms and ran into the house with only one thing on my mind.