Read Notice Me Page 49

  Chapter 45: Finale

  Lise's POV

  After that AMAZING mating experience, Tristan and I stayed in the room falling asleep from exhaustion. Whew, that was better than words can describe. We woke up when Anya knocked on the door to call us for dinner. Her exact words were, "Stop humping like jack rabbits and come eat!"

  Which in return caused me to scream at the door, "You're so dead for that outburst earlier, payback's a bitch Anya!"

  Her laughter could be heard through the thin wooden door, "Bring it on baby, I love a challenge!" Anya dared, I could picture her on the other side of the door with her hands resting comfortably on her hips.

  "Remember you said that!" I shouted, then suddenly laughed out loud not getting the desired threatening effect I was hoping for. Tristan began tickling my side as he blew raspberries on my neck. He was spooning me from behind while we slept. "Stop it!" I whisper shrieked through giggles.

  "Ugh, so leaving now. Don't want to hear the baby making!" Anya informed us and I could just see her rolling her eyes as she turned and walked away.

  Instead of getting up to go join everyone for dinner, Tristan who could somehow sense my embarrassment offered to go get us food while I went and showered. Would you really want to go face everyone specifically your Father, brothers, and mate's parents after being whisked away upstairs in such a frenzy?

  I'm sure that they’ll all be giving us knowing smirks having a pretty darn good idea what we just got done doing if we go down and join them at the dinner table. I can go without having any sly remarks from Luke and Anya for the rest of the night...and trust me...I know they'll be plenty to come. They can save the comments for the plane ride home.

  "Be right back." Tristan promised leaning down to peck me softly on the lips before turning to head downstairs to the kitchen.

  Bless him for being so attentive to me. Tristan said he could care less about the taunting and teasing, I know why, he's king ball breaker when it comes to his friends. So, of course it won't bother him any. Standing next to Tristan at the base of the steps, which led up to the plane, I took one final look at my extended family, my father, Rico, and Alonso. I decided to consider them as an addition to my already wonderful family. The saddened look on their faces caused a slight pang in my heart. I know they didn't want me to leave after having just found me, but I needed to go home and finish school.

  "I'll hold you to your word that you're coming to spend the summer here little sis" Alonso stated embracing me in a bear hug.

  I could only nod my head in response. I was actually going to miss my jokester brother, "Why don't you two come visit me in Port Clyde?"

  "Of course we will." Alonso responded kissing me on the forehead before he pulled away and gave Tristan a man hug goodbye.

  Next I turned to my father who was staring at me with tears in his eyes. "I can't believe I didn't realize it sooner." He uttered pulling me into his arms and kissing the top of my head. "You look just like your Mother, mi princesa. She'd be so proud of the beautiful girl you've become."

  "Thank you Alpha Perez." I responded, still not able to call him Dad or Father. I wasn't comfortable with it just yet. In time I'm sure I'll be able to, but as of right now it's still a bit premature for me. He completely understanding about the entire situation and I was grateful for that.

  My eyes began to well up with tears, it's sad I never got to meet my older sister and my real Mother. At least I've been fortunate enough to be blessed with two brothers and another father. Last but not least I came to a stop in front of one of my new favorite people, Rico. He didn't waste anytime wrapping his arms around me pulling me close to his chest as Tristan stood there speaking to my Father.

  "I'm going to miss you. I only just got used to having you around baby sis." Rico said quietly rubbing his hand up and down my back comfortingly.

  "Promise you'll call me everyday, ok? Love you." He asked causing the tears I was fighting so hard to prevent from coming out to spill over.

  "I promise." My voice said in barely a whisper, my throat was dry from trying to hold back my emotions. "I'll miss you and love you too big bro." I said softly leaning up to kiss him on the cheek.

  "As a Prince I can't be seen with tear stains on me Princess, it'll ruin my imagine." Rico chuckled trying to lighten the situation. "Don't cry we're in each other's lives for good now. You can't get rid of me." He reassured me seriously.

  I was honored Rico decided I was worthy enough to share his terrifying ordeal with. He hasn't told anyone about that incident since relaying it to Alpha Perez. Without Rico sharing his information with me, I would've never known the truth. For that sole reason alone I owe Rico more then I could ever offer him. It was time for us to leave and fly back to Port Clyde, I still had matters to deal with at home with Mom and Dad.

  How the hell am I going to break the news to them? Surprise! I lied to you guys about going to the cabin and in actuality went to Spain instead where I shifted into a she-wolf? For some reason my parents thought I wasn't coming home, figuring I decided to stay with the Perez family. Why in the world would I do something of the sort? Wherever Tristan goes is where you'll always find me.

  The flight home was rather enjoyable, I cuddled with Tristan the entire time. We played a game of mortal kombat to keep us occupied. I managed to beat Anya, Jett, and Andre once, but lost against Troy, Luke, Axel and Tristan. Damn boys and their competitive nature!

  Alpha Evans and Mrs. Evans called Tristan and I over to discuss things with us. "Lise honey, I think it'd be best if you spent the night over at Tristan's." Mrs. Evans began. Not that I'm complaining at her suggestion, but why would I do that for? Would my parents even go for something like that?

  "We called your parents ahead of time telling them everything and that we wanted to meet with them. We'll explain it all in detail to them tonight." Alpha Evans said managing to relieve the huge weight resting on my shoulders. They are the best future in law's a girl could ever have! So supportive with everything and so dang understanding!

  "We suggested you spend the night at Tristan's to give your parents some time to digest everything after we break the news to them." Alpha Evans finished as Tristan gave my hand a reassuring squeeze...

  Nervousness racked at my body as I lay there completely unable to sleep. I was worried my parents wouldn't believe any of it, let alone accept it. What would I do if they completely hated me after this? I need them like I need air, like I need Tristan. They're everything to me.

  "Stop worrying so much beautiful." Tristan's voice broke the quietness of the room. What the heck is he still doing up we have school tomorrow! "Dad says they didn't believe at first, but he shifted and showed them. Your Mom pulled an Anya and passed out, but they're ok with it. They said they always knew you were special, not like any other and I agree."

  "Why are you still up?" I asked leaning up on my elbow to get a better look at his handsome face. He was wide awake not a trace of sleep evident on his face as the moonlight from outside lit up his features.

  "How could I sleep when I know you're stressing so much?" Tristan asked raising his eyebrows up at me. "Now that we've mated I can feel when you're distressed." He confessed causing me to groan in guilt for keeping him up all night.

  "Don't you dare feel bad either." Tristan ordered cutting my very thoughts off. "Things from here on out will be just fine, I promise you that baby. No longer are you the typical quiet nerd you once thought you were. You're an amazing princess she-wolf who can do anything she sets her mind to." His words of encouragement melted my heart, because deep down inside I knew Tristan believed in me since the very beginning and with him by my side I'd be able to conquer anything I set my mind and heart to, anything.

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