Read Notice Me Page 6

Tristan's Point Of View

  Sitting in homeroom just a few rows away, I couldn't help but stare at her. Why haven't I ever noticed how beautiful she truly is inside and out? I mean come on; I've lived next door to the girl my entire life. Sure, I waited for her to walk by my house each morning so I'd know when to leave, but other then that I never paid her a second glance.

  Now I can't seem to stop looking at her, she's constantly on my mind. The way her eyes and face light up when something excites her. How she manages to brighten up an entire room with just her smile. It's adorable when her cheeks get an instant tinge of pink every time I get close. There's a fire that burns in her eyes when she's upset about something. I love her feistiness and quick-witted comebacks.

  Here I thought she was a quiet girl, but given the opportunity to get to know her, you find out differently. She's a little spark plug. The scent of pineapples mixed with a hint of coconut made me think of a warm day at the beach on a tropical island somewhere. Somehow it's comforting to me, maybe because it's her scent.

  I knew when I turned eighteen in the beginning of August that I would find my mate. Who would have thought, she's been living next door to me the entire time? You see when males turn eighteen they go through all these changes. It's then that his wolf possesses their full power and abilities, hence the need to find their mate.

  All I know is that at the beginning of summer for the past few years, she would disappear to somewhere, maybe a relative's? Then at the very end of summer, she would come back in time to start school. So it's no surprise that I didn't recognize her as my mate, since she wasn't even around when my birthday passed.

  The day Lise brought over the chocolate chip cookies, must have been the first day she returned from camp. It would really explain why the entire time we were out back playing football all I could focus on was on her scent.

  Ever since that day, I've been obsessed with pineapples, it reminds me so much of her. Even now I thought of the pack of pineapple orbit gum tucked away in the pocket of my cargo shorts. At first I just thought I was imagining things, I'd catch a whiff of it here and there whenever there would be a slight breeze. Being a hundred and one degrees, there really wasn't a breeze at all.

  Then the smell started to get stronger and stronger and soon I couldn't focus on anything, but that. When I heard a female clear her throat, I looked up and it's as though all time stopped. Once she lifted her sunglasses to the top of her head and our eyes locked for the first time, I instantly knew she was my mate. My wolf was trying to claw its way out of my body.

  I got lost in the swirls of green and chocolate brown that made her eyes that perfect shade of hazel. Her smell was overpowering in a good way. The only thought crossing my mind was, 'So this is what Dad meant when said finding your mate is an experience like no other'.

  Growing up my parents would tell us stories, us being Luke, Gabe, Jordan, Max, Sam, and I. Yes we are all wolves and we belong to the Monhegan Moonlight Pack.

  There are many more wolves that belong to our pack; we all live scattered amongst our small town of Port Clyde.

  As children we would always be together, we're the best of friends and so are our parents. They basically raised us all as one huge group of kids. My father is Alpha of the pack and I'll be Alpha one day in the future, but I'll get more into the details later on.

  It wasn't that I didn't recognize her, it's that I was so surprised to find out she was my mate. The shy girl from next door, mate to someone the complete opposite of her and human nonetheless. She looked like a completely different person, her body filling out in just a few short months. This summer has been extremely good to her.

  She was no longer wearing the coke bottle glasses that hid her beautiful eyes. Her hair was a shiny blond instead of the dull brown; even the way she dressed wasn't as conservative as she used to. I didn't like the way my friends were checking her out, I could almost feel my wolf at the surface ready to challenge them and protect my mate.

  The jealousy was boiling outrageously out of control through my bloodstream, as I took short breaths to calm myself. When she opened her mouth to speak to me, her voice sang to my heart causing me to get goosebumps all over my entire body.

  All these reasons are why I stood there like a fool with my mouth open catching flies. My brain was telling me to speak up and say something, but my body was screaming claim your mate! She's always been so quiet and reserved, the complete opposite of what I am, outgoing and adventurous. None of that mattered to me though; I just wanted her to be mine.

  Almost as if she could sense my gaze on her, Lise lifted her head from the book she was reading and glanced over her shoulder at me. I thought of what her best friend Anya said that day in the car about her always having her face buried in a book. It was then that I noticed she didn't speak to anyone around her. For some reason, they didn’t speak to her either. I wondered why?

  Embarrassed that she caught me gawking, I threw her my trademark smirk and a wink. Which, in turn made her cheeks redden and caused her to turn back around quickly. She is just too damn adorable for words. I wanted to gain her trust and break her out of this awkward shell that she built around herself.

  I need her to feel comfortable around me enough so that I can tell her the truth. Wanting to give her the option of being with me after I confess to her what I really am. I refuse to be one of those guys that force their mates to be with them. I'm no barbarian. Even though it would physically kill me if she didn't want me, I'd agree to whatever makes her happy.

  The shrill ringing of the bell snapped me back to reality. I can only imagine how this day is going to turn out, it was fifteen minutes of homeroom and I couldn't even focus. She consumes my every thought. Now imagine how hard it's going to be for me to concentrate in class.

  "What class do you have first period?" I asked placing the palm of my hand on the small of her back, approaching her desk quickly. Knowing her, she'll try and walk to class herself, not happening! My wolf craved to be near her; he can't be away from her for extremely long periods of time.

  Being away from her on pack business with my father these past two days was driving me insane it was pure torture. My heart needed to know she's safe; I don't know what I'd do if something happens to her. I'll never be able to look at another girl for the rest of my existence, all I'd see is her face.

  "English." She mumbled quietly. "You don't have to walk me, I'll be fine on my own." Her eyes looked up then searching mine for an expression.

  I let out a sigh. Doesn't she pay attention? "No, I already told you I'm walking you to all your classes." I told her matter-of-factly as she nodded her head in defeat. She's not getting away that easily.

  When Lise told me she was skipped a year and that she'd be a senior, I was overjoyed. That is, up until the point I realized the way the senior guys were ogling her as fresh meat. I didn't even have to hear their thoughts through our mind link in order to know what they are thinking. I'll rip apart each and every single one of them that try to overstep their boundaries.

  All the male wolves are well aware she's my mate and completely off limits, but it's not the wolves I'm worried about. I saw the way the humans eyeballed her too. "You coming?" Lise asked turning around to face me from the doorway. Her eyebrows quirked in the cutest expression ever. She's probably wondering what the hell I'm standing there thinking about.

  "Can I see your schedule?" I asked as we walked side by side down the hallways. I wanted so badly to grab a hold of her hand, but I don't want to make her uncomfortable. I know she's still adjusting to the fact that I drove her into school and insist on walking her to all her classes. Grabbing a hold of her hand may send her over the deep end and scare her away.

  She still seemed a bit timid and untrusting around me, but I have to admit she's beginning to open up, even if it's just a little. I wonder if she's been hurt in the past? Otherwise, why would she think I wanted to get something out of being seen with her or that this is some sort of joke?

; Knowing how some of the she-wolves act in our pack, I already warned each and every one of them to back off of Lise. I've both seen the way they scowl at her and heard them talking about her before. Let's just say they weren't very nice things. Some of the she-wolves of the pack are just as bad as the evil villain from a horror movie, relentless.

  Now that's she's my mate, I won't allow it and I dare anyone of them to try and test me. Digging into her bag Lise handed over her schedule to me. Damn, we only have Gym, Lunch, and Anatomy together. Maybe I can try and get some of my classes changed. Nodding my head, I gave Lise her schedule. It’s already committed to my memory.

  "I'll come get you after first, don't leave without me." I asserted with a stern look in my eyes as we came to a stop outside her English class.

  She rolled her eyes and gave me a sarcastic smile. "Yes, sir." She chimed after putting her hand up to her forehead saluting me. Smiling to myself, I shook my head, told you she's a comedian.

  Not being able to control my actions, I leaned in closer taking in all her scent. This girl is going to be the death of me. It's going to be so hard being away from her. She stared at me with curious eyes as I bent down even further and placed a kiss on her cheek. My lips tingling for more contact. Being so close to her neck, I had to exert all my strength to not claim her as mine.

  Pulling away from her I whispered in her ear, "Be good." Then I spun around to walk in the opposite direction; I need to get away from her before I lose the little bit of self-control I have.

  Plus, I don't want to scare her. I'm sure my eyes are a bright silver color from wanting her so badly. I could so go for either a cold shower or a nice long run right now, but no I have to get to Pre-Calc. Just have to get through these forty-five minutes before I get to see her angelic face again. Hopefully I won't get detention for spacing out in class. Lord only knows I'll be spacing out a lot.

  Chapter 7: Heartache