Read Now and for Never Page 25

  Thank you, as always, to Jean Naggar and the staff of JVNLA, especially Tara Hart, for continuing to take excellent care of me. And to the lovely folks at Foundry, likewise!

  Thanks to Karl Wu for advice on awesome stuff like how to make a Faraday cage. And for telling me what that was in the first place. And thank you Matthew Skinner for doing my Latin homework—again!

  Thanks to my mom, who seriously rocks. And to my brother Ward, who also seriously rocks. Rock on!

  And thank you once again to all of my friends who, for some strange reason, still continue on in that capacity, in spite of my glassy-eyed stares, maniacal giggling fits, and unexplained absences around deadline time!

  Last, my huge heartfelt thanks to all of you readers out there who’ve travelled the twisty time loops with me—and Clare and Allie and Co.—you’ve made the journey not only worthwhile, but magnificent fun. Shenanigans forever!!


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  Livingston, Lesley, author

  Now and for never / Lesley Livingston.

  Sequel to: Once every never, and, Every never after.

  ISBN 978-0-14-318210-8 (pbk.)

  I. Title. II. Title: Once every never. III. Title: Every never after.

  PS8623.I925N68 2014 C813’.6 C2013-905148-1

  eBook ISBN 978-0-14-319199-5

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  Lesley Livingston, Now and for Never



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