Read Nowhere Near Respectable Page 7

She frowned. “It can’t be good for Mackenzie if everyone in London knows he deals in smuggled goods.”

  “I doubt anyone has proof of that. It’s more a matter of knowing he couldn’t possibly serve such excellent wines and spirits if he weren’t dealing with contraband,” Adam explained. “But you needn’t worry about him too much. Most of the top politicians and diplomats in London go to Damian’s regularly and will happily overlook the source of their drink because they enjoy the place.”

  She hoped Adam was right. Editing the events of the night, she said, “Mackenzie escorted me to the Westerfield Academy as fast as he could and handed me over to Lady Agnes. Would my reputation be hopelessly tarnished by the mere fact of having spent several hours riding with him? He seemed a gentleman.”

  “He’s Will Masterson’s brother, so he’s basically sound, but the club is very fashionable and not entirely respectable,” Adam observed. “It was good of him to take you to Lady Agnes, then quietly disappear so he wouldn’t tarnish your reputation.”

  “Lady Agnes seems to think well of him,” Kiri said a little defensively.

  “She loves all her old boys, for which I’m deeply grateful.” Adam’s brows drew together. “Are you going to tell your parents what happened?”

  She hesitated. “I don’t like to be deceitful, but I don’t want them to be upset. Mother will feel hurt by what I overheard, and the general will want to go down to Grimes Manor to crack heads. Perhaps it’s best if I just tell them that I decided Godfrey wouldn’t do, so I left quickly rather than cause awkwardness.”

  “A version of the truth is usually best,” Adam agreed. “I think the measles quarantine will be lifted in a day or two, but it’s best if you stay here for tonight at least.”

  “You are the best of brothers!” she said soulfully.

  Adam laughed. “You and Thomas know each other so well that it’s harder to be admiring, so I haven’t much competition for the title.”

  The door opened, and two beautiful blondes wearing similar shades of spring green entered the room. The Duchess of Ashton and her identical twin sister had returned from an expedition. Kiri rose and gave her sister-in-law a hug. “Every time I see you, it’s easier to tell you and Sarah apart.”

  Mariah laughed and patted her swelling abdomen. “I keep looking at Sarah and reminding myself that someday, I might once again look as slim and lovely as she does.”

  “When that day comes, you won’t need to nap as much, either,” Sarah Clarke-Townsend said firmly. “Adam, Mariah was dozing in the carriage on the way home. She needs to go upstairs and rest. ”

  “That’s not necessary!” Mariah said with exasperation. “Everyone fusses so. Bearing children is perfectly natural. Kiri, I need someone to argue on my side!”

  “It won’t be me,” Kiri said with a grin. “Having children is natural, and so is being fatigued by the process. Resign yourself to being pampered, Your Grace.”

  “And if you refuse to be pampered, I shall carry you upstairs against your will,” Adam said with a mischievous gleam in his eyes. “I’d rather enjoy that.”

  Laughing, Mariah took her husband’s arm and let him escort her from the room. When they were gone, Sarah said with a sigh, “Is it terribly wicked of me to be so envious of my sister for having a wonderful, doting husband?”

  “If so, I’m wicked, too.” Kiri felt a twinge that made her think of the dratted Mackenzie. “There are other good men around. It just takes time to find the right one.”

  Sarah’s eyes shadowed. Kiri remembered that the other girl had been betrothed, and her intended had died before they could marry. Wanting a distraction, Kiri pulled the bell cord. “Let’s have tea. You must also be tired if you’ve been shopping.”

  “Excellent thought.” As Sarah sat on the leather sofa, she glanced curiously at Mackenzie’s cloak, which still lay on the floor.

  Kiri retrieved the garment and folded it over the back of the chair. After ordering a tea tray when a footman entered, she said, “I noticed that the orange notes are starting to dominate in the perfume I made for you. Is it time to go back to the mixing bowl?”

  Sarah sniffed her wrist. “You’re right, it is smelling more orangelike as I wear it longer. You have the most amazing nose. I rather like this, actually, at least for day wear, but if you have the time, would you be willing to come up with a richer, more alluring version for evening?”

  “I’d love to. Every woman should have a wardrobe of perfumes that fit different moods. It’s interesting how this scent is different on you than on Mariah.” Kiri surrendered to curiosity. “Speaking of identical twins—this is an appalling question and feel free to ignore it if you don’t want to answer. But I’ve wondered. Given how much you and Mariah resemble each other, are you a little bit in love with Adam?”

  Sarah looked startled, and certainly distracted from any memories of her lost love. “Not in the least. Or rather, I love him, but as a brother. He’s wonderful, and he and Mariah suit splendidly, but he doesn’t make my heart beat faster.”

  “That’s fortunate.” The tea tray arrived, so Kiri poured for them.

  Sarah sipped her tea thoughtfully. “Mariah and I look very much alike and we have many similarities, including the way we choose the same colors for the same occasions.” Sarah gestured at her light green morning gown, almost exactly the same shade as her sister wore that day.

  “But since we were raised apart, we grew in our own separate ways. Mariah has that bright charm that dazzles everyone who sees her. Since Adam is reserved, they balance each other beautifully.”

  “If balance is your ideal relationship,” Kiri said, intrigued, “what does that mean for the kind of husband you would like?”

  “Mariah was raised rather irregularly and was always having to adapt to new circumstances, so she loves that Adam is so solid and reliable,” Sarah explained. “I, on the other hand, had the most calm and respectable of upbringings and have a rather mousy temperament, so I find myself drawn to men who are a little wild.” She made a face. “I suspect this is not a good thing.”

  “You’re not mousy!” Kiri exclaimed. “But I see you’ve thought seriously about the subject. I’m still trying to decide what kind of man would suit me best.”

  Sarah helped herself to a ginger cake. “Since you’re still looking, I gather that you decided Godfrey Hitchcock won’t suit?”

  “Most definitely not.” Kiri’s voice was edged.

  Sarah frowned. “What happened?” When Kiri hesitated, Sarah said, “If something dreadful happened and you told Adam, he’ll tell Mariah, and she’ll tell me, so you might as well tell me directly.”

  Kiri laughed. “You’re right. As long as you don’t tell anyone else.”

  “I won’t,” Sarah assured her. “Your story will end with me.”

  Knowing Sarah’s word was good, Kiri gave a terse summary of why she had bolted from Grimes Manor, and what had happened later. The other girl listened raptly.

  When Kiri finished, Sarah said wistfully, “Imagine being rescued by Damian Mackenzie himself! I’ve been hearing about his club ever since it opened three years ago. It’s the most fashionable evening spot in London.” She consumed an almond cake in two bites. “The masquerades at Damian’s are famous. The last one of the year is two nights from now. I’d love to go, but my mother would be horrified.”

  “So would mine.” Kiri paused with her teacup halfway to her mouth as inspiration struck. “I just had the most wonderful idea! We could go to the masquerade together. I must repay the money Mackenzie spent on buying my freedom, and we can take the opportunity to see the club.” She also needed to see the man in his normal world if she was to get over him.

  Sarah’s eyes widened with shock. “I couldn’t possibly do such a thing!”

  “Of course you can. Damian’s is on Pall Mall near royalty and the best other clubs, not in some horrid waterfront stew,” Kiri said persuasively. “With a domino to cover head and body and a mask over half our faces, no one
will recognize us. We’ll leave before the unmasking.”

  “Going there secretly would be dreadfully wicked.” The other girl bit her lip. “I long to be wicked! But how would it be done?”

  “While we’re both of age and can do as we choose, it would be better to go undiscovered.” Kiri pondered. “Since I’m staying here for the next several days, why not say you want to stay as well to keep me company?”

  “That would work! With Mariah increasing, she and Adam usually withdraw to their quarters not long after dinner. We could leave after they retire.”

  “I’ll ask Murphy, the head groom, to drive us to the club and wait. I think I can persuade him not to give us away until later.”

  Sarah frowned. “Would he risk his job if he helps us?”

  Kiri shook her head. “No, Adam trusts Murphy’s judgment. He’s guaranteed Murphy employment for life for his aid in the past.”

  “That’s all right, then. We can tell Adam and Mariah the next day. I doubt they’ll tell our parents.”

  “The next question is where to get dominos. I don’t have one.” Kiri glanced ruefully at her divided skirt, which needed more than a good brushing to look proper. “Since I ran off from Kent without my baggage and I can’t get clothing from home until the measles pass, I can’t go in society unless I’m completely covered by a domino.”

  “I can borrow my parents’ dominos. Since you’re tall, you can wear my father’s.” Sarah was beaming. “This will be such an adventure!”

  Kiri made a face, thinking of Lady Agnes’s words. “I have discovered that adventures aren’t much fun when they’re happening.”

  “Being kidnapped by ruffians would be too much of an adventure,” the other girl agreed. “Attending a masquerade at a racy but safe club is a proper size adventure. Apart from perhaps a gentleman stealing a kiss, what could go wrong?”

  Kiri could think of a number of things that might go wrong, but surely Sarah was right in this case. She’d repay Mackenzie, banish his lingering image from her imagination, and have an amusing evening.

  Racy, but safe.

  Chapter 10

  Kiri peeked into her wardrobe to enjoy the sight of her domino. All had gone according to plan, with Sarah coming to stay and bringing her parents’ dominos in her baggage. Tonight was the night of the masquerade, and they were both brimming with excitement. A nice, safe adventure, and for Kiri, a legitimate reason to see Mackenzie.

  Needing to think of something else, Kiri settled at her desk to write letters. Her industry was interrupted by a tap at the door. She called permission to enter, and the butler, Holmes, appeared.

  “There is a gentleman here to see you, Lady Kiri. He won’t give his name, but he appears most respectable.” There was a note of disapproval in the butler’s voice at the visitor’s refusal to identify himself. “He is in the small receiving room.”

  Kiri’s heart leaped. Mackenzie! Had he spent the past two days thinking about her as she’d been thinking about him? More likely he just wanted his money back. Keeping her voice even, she said, “I believe I know his identity, so I shall see him.”

  Before going down, she glanced regretfully in the mirror. Her hair was neat, but her limited wardrobe meant that she was wearing a plain green morning gown that she’d left at Ashton House before she went down to Kent.

  Reminding herself that Mackenzie had seen her look worse, she descended the stairs. Trying not to look too eager, she swept into the receiving room—and found the Honorable Godfrey Hitchcock, who looked so blond and handsome that she remembered why she’d considered marrying him.

  Kiri froze, torn between snarling Hindi curses and stalking out. She had one hand on the doorknob and was on the verge of escape when Godfrey exclaimed, “Please, Lady Kiri! Tell me what I did wrong!” He drew a step closer. “I thought we were reaching an understanding. Then you were gone, leaving me a note to hunt another fortune. Yes, my portion is not the equal of yours, but I’m no pauper, and we both knew that. What changed? If I offended you in some way, give me a chance to correct my error!”

  She didn’t leave, but her voice was cold when she said, “You came all the way from Kent to say that?”

  “You requested that your baggage be sent here, so I decided to deliver it myself. It’s being unloaded from my carriage now.” Godfrey’s blue eyes were worried. “But I also needed to talk to you. I want very much to understand what happened.”

  He was either a magnificent liar, or genuinely unaware of his mother’s views, though it was hard to believe the latter. “I decided we would not suit, so staying longer would be awkward,” Kiri said. “It seemed simplest to leave.”

  “So awkward that you commandeered a horse and rode off in late afternoon with a storm coming?” He shook his head, unconvinced. “We’d had such an enjoyable day. I was ready to offer for you, and you seemed willing to listen. But even if you decided to say no, I’m sure you could refuse me so gently that there would be no awkwardness. Instead, you ran off as if pursued by demons.”

  She sighed, thinking he was more perceptive than she’d given him credit for. “Do you truly want to know? I doubt the knowledge will make you happy.”

  “I am not happy now,” he said tightly. “If you explain, at least I will understand.”

  “Very well. After our ride, I stopped by the morning room to tell your mother that I would accept her invitation to stay longer,” Kiri said. “I was considering your offer, but thought we needed to spend more time together.”

  “Surely she didn’t withdraw her invitation for you to stay longer,” Godfrey said, puzzled. “She was most hopeful that you would accept me.”

  “Because of my dowry,” Kiri said bitterly. “I was about to enter the morning room when I overheard your mother conversing with your aunt, Lady Shrimpton. They said . . .” She hesitated, feeling the painful words in her viscera.

  “They said what?”

  Kiri took a deep breath. “That I was a vulgar foreign slut barely redeemed by my dowry. Good enough for an expensive younger son. Such a mercy that your older brothers had sons so future Lord Norlands wouldn’t be tainted by my Hindu blood.”

  Godfrey gasped, but Kiri continued inexorably, “That was bad enough, but what they said about my mother was . . . unforgivable. I knew I had to leave immediately, or I would start smashing china. Civility was not possible. Now do you understand?”

  Godfrey looked ill. “I can’t believe my mother would say such things!”

  “Can you really not believe it?” Kiri said in a hard voice.

  He started to speak, then shook his head. “She is . . . very old-fashioned in many ways. Very proud of the family bloodlines. But I thought she liked you. You are a beautiful, vibrant girl who can charm the stones from the fields. Your lineage is better than mine, and naturally a good dowry is appreciated.” He swallowed hard. “Perhaps because I wanted her to welcome you into our family, I didn’t see anything else.”

  “She would welcome my dowry. No doubt she would have been civil to me until the day she became angry, or drank too much sherry, and explained how much she despised me.” Kiri turned back to the door. “I regret telling you this, but you did ask.”

  “Don’t leave yet,” he pleaded. “I swear that I do not share my mother’s prejudice. Will you try to believe that?”

  She remembered the very enjoyable kisses they’d shared. Was he free of prejudice, or was it that he desired her enough to overlook her heritage? Some of both, perhaps. Even he probably didn’t know for sure. “I accept your word,” she said, wanting to end the unpleasant scene. “Now there is nothing left to be said. Good-bye, Godfrey.”

  “So the sins of my mother are to be visited on me?” There was real pain in his eyes. “It is me you would marry, not my mother. We need have nothing to do with her.”

  He was sincere, she thought, but when she looked at Godfrey, she saw a boy, not a man. In the last days, she’d realized that she wanted a man. “A marriage joins families almost as much as it jo
ins a man and a woman. I will not marry into a family that doesn’t want me, nor do I wish for you to be estranged from your own mother.” She held out a hand. “Go in peace, Godfrey.”

  He held her hand, squeezing it for a long moment before releasing her. “Thank you for your honesty and graciousness, Lady Kiri. I’m sorry you were hurt by my mother’s narrow-mindedness.”

  She shrugged. “I’m grateful that the countess’s true feelings were revealed before it was too late.”

  He sighed, but inclined his head in agreement before he left. It was only a matter of time until he found a nice blond English girl who would suit his family. Kiri returned to her room and found a maid unpacking the luggage Godfrey had delivered.

  Kiri smiled wryly. At least she now had more clothes to wear.

  Sarah gasped as she stared up at the glittering dome that arched over the club’s ballroom. “Damian’s is everything I’ve heard, and more!”

  Kiri agreed. Even for someone who had experienced sumptuous Hindu temples, Mackenzie’s club was dazzling. The ballroom was a great circular chamber topped by the flamboyantly painted dome and lit by a vast, sparkling gas chandelier. Kiri had seen some of the new gas streetlights, but this was the first gaslit building she’d been in.

  The masquerade was in full swing and the ballroom was crowded with laughing, chattering guests. Some treated the dominos as cloaks that swept back over their shoulders to show off rich garments and jewels. Others, like Kiri and Sarah, concealed themselves in the voluminous hooded dominos and half masks.

  Sarah had tied back her hair so no bright curls could hint at her identity. Kiri wore a divided skirt and boots. The boots were barely visible below the hem of her black domino, but combined with her height, she could be thought male. The two of them looked like a couple, which was preferable to appearing like two females on the prowl.

  After entering the ballroom, they took positions by one curving wall while they studied the scene. Arched doorways led to connecting chambers that were used for gaming or refreshments. Kiri tapped her foot to the music, played by musicians on a balcony above. The music, like everything in Damian’s, was top quality.