Read Obama Care Page 18


  Bob Green had been promoted to lead the task force assigned to stemming the Obama Care madness. He stood behind the podium on which the medallion of Homeland Security was affixed and which Bob figured bolstered his authority, prestige, and flare. At any rate, in Bob Green’s mind, the medallion was always a big plus.

  “We’ve got killers popping up in every town,” Bob Green told his newly assigned group of homeland security agents. “The media has been stirring Obama Care rebels up for a long time now. Reporters and editorial writers compare them to Robin Hood of Sherwood Forest. The cleverest of reporters say these guys murder the rich in the name of the poor. Are they right? You decide. However, to me, these hoodlums are merely dangerous criminals,” he told them, “and it’s our job to stop them. And we will. Oh, yes. You and I are going to stop them. Make no mistake about that. Our ability to prevail is just a matter of time and effort.”

  Next, Bob Green introduced a specialist from homeland security named Phil Crane who had studied the situation for years. He gazed at the agents eye to eye. The room became silent. Only then, did he speak. “These denizens pop up in history all the time,” agent Phil Crane told them. “Sometimes I sit up at night giggling over many of the silly reasons these people have for tearing our nation apart. In the past, they would rob banks and use the money to pay off the local police so they wouldn’t be hunted down and arrested.

  In a place like Turkey it has a name—baksheesh. Any way you pronounce it, it is always the same thing. We, who live in America, call it bribes, pay offs, and silence money. It’s the way criminals have kept the authorities from bothering them over the centuries. It has always been a way of life for the big so-called folk heroes in the crime business. In their time, gangsters like Al Capone of Cicero, Illinois attained tremendous political traction in the minds of the American people. Millions of citizens were whipped up by the press into following Capone’s career of death and assassination of rival gangs.

  “Well, these Obama Care retards we have now are built out of the same dark cloth as Capone, Adolf Hitler, and Osama Bin Laden. And we are going to take them down just as we did those guys. Mark my words. We’ll get to the bottom of this.”

  After all of the training, Bob Green’s men spanned out across many cities, same as he had done earlier in his career, interviewing doctors, coroners, and the relatives of people who were dying of easily treatable diseases and whose treatments were being denied. These persons of interest were potentially dangerous and, therefore, needed to be watched, and they needed to know they were being watched so they wouldn’t act out their rage against society at large. Soon, billions of dollars were being spent on these investigations, money which might otherwise have been used to end the corruption within the medical and insurance establishments which had created this problem in the first place by simply doing their job of actually treating the sick and dying. Newspapers and TV announcers had a field day with these stories, and everything they authored to create public awareness seemed to work against Homeland Security’s drive to silence the opposition by apologizing for government corruption as it worked hand-in-hand with insurance profiteers. The welfare of these corporations seemed to have become the only agenda that Obama Care focused on.