Read Obama Care Page 25


  James Stone made his exit from Nationals Park. He had successfully left behind a nation filled with panic. Fears of home grown terrorism were being discussed at high and low levels, from the president’s policy makers at the white house to Glenn Beck on the Fox Radio and Television News Programs. In the bowels of the white house, planners gloated over the Nationals Park massacre, because the war on terror had experienced so much trouble gaining traction in a news environment in which so few credible terrorist acts had surfaced since the fake terror war was started in the year 2002 and had been mostly boring, hard-to-sell, and non-consequential. Whether it was or not, the murders at Nationals Park struck home as an act of terrorism. It gave the war some credibility.

  Many Americans were pissed because most of them considered the business of baseball to be a national icon which in the best of times ought to be unassailable. In fact, however, baseball itself was simply a highly profitable privately owned enterprise of the very rich. The sport was run solely by and for the old men and women who possessed enough wealth to own one of the extremely expensive baseball franchises.

  However, the people in the white house weren’t complete dummies. Their public relations people grabbed onto the tragic stadium incident with supreme gusto, waving it like a bloody flag before the faces of the American people. This mass killing was a rare chance for Obama to turn things around a bit and to possibly even begin to shine. Obama’s hidden men told themselves over and over again with perfect Straussian logic that a tragic massacre dumped onto huge and greedy political laps should not be allowed to languish like a dying bug. The white house press corps immediately went about its task of fully exploiting these killings for the fortuitous political treasure they might become.

  So, white house spokesmen appeared in the press room every fifteen minutes, stroking the reporters with seamy observations about terrorists, each time repeating worn out cliches on the subject which had been thought up and permanently codified by the nation’s cleverest and most fascist college professors in think tanks years before.

  These grossly paid teams of professors were richly funded by government as well as private grants. Only last summer, new and very redundant reports that endlessly rehashed old thoughts had been written and handed to the white house restating what had been said many times by the Austrian socialist and traveling university professor named Leo Strauss how, “no good tragedy should ever be allowed to die without being pumped for political advantage.” The reports explained how each event in which blood was spilled must always be re-exposed to the public again and again ad infinitum for propaganda purposes. For the presidency, such events were certain political gold. They had always been a patriotic godsend. They should be mined, harvested, and used at just the right moment, and this, evidently, was the perfect moment for Obama to exploit Nationals Park to achieve thereby a boost in his popularity rankings.

  The white house press secretary handed out a foundation study and its corresponding FBI report stating that, “domestic terrorists are mostly white men who live in the basements of their autocratic mothers and spend their time watching cable news and reading mystery novels. In addition, some of these revenge artists, though not all of them, might be imported terrorists who regularly visit middle eastern conspiracy sites where they are easily misled and taught how to make bombs and plan social disorder activities such as killing innocent people in malls, theaters, offices, airplanes, and on highways.”

  It did not matter that this type of psychological banter was nothing but conjecture best befitting the appellation of the worst of academic bullshit, because no one in the press was ever going to treat such discussions negatively until it had been accepted hook, line, and sinker and discussed as credible factual material worthy of tucking inside the nation’s belief systems without some Doubting Thomas pulling its politically contextual wings away with the pleasure of a wicked child killing a fly on the school playground. Of course, that would eventually be done, but the press would wait for months to do that. Instead, they would run with the terrorist agenda and use it to further puff up government fascist departments by suggesting how hard they worked on preventing these episodic outbreaks using such idiotic phrases as, “we should be happy that a cadre of highly paid experts are busy at work on these terrorist conspiracies so that we can be secure in our homes, sleep safety each evening, and drive to work without being bombed on our highways.” It didn’t matter to the news media that most of these things had never happened to anyone. It was enough that their editors wanted them to run with it, because their press seats in the white house press room were contingent on them actually and rapidly using the stories the government wanted to see printed daily in the newspapers or hawked by the news reading elites on their nightly TV news shows. If they didn’t perform, their seats could and would be taken withdrawn from them at the white house and given to some worthy reporter who would. These were the unspoken rules, and the white house press corps knew them for what they were. The rules were followed faithfully by those wanting to get ahead as reporters, and the well paid press corps gingerly and faithfully reported on the president’s policy statements just the way they were expected to be voiced.

  Meanwhile, James Stone had once again re-entered the Nationals Park. Soon, he had secured a large number of plastic bombs to the pilings holding up the inside of the stands high above the entry way along with triggers set to explode in three days, thirty-seven hours and three minutes which would be exactly five hours after the building reopened to the public and two hours before the evening news. It was also the time at which the president would be in Nationals Park for a memorial service. This was going to be good.

  Mr. Stone might be a serial killer fighting against Obama Care, but he was definitely not an inexperienced public relations dummy. He could and would grab headlines from the president’s men. He placed more and more of the bombs including many designed to bring down the humongously large and heavy light poles that hovered high above the stands. He hoped the visual effect of their collapse would be dramatic. In his mind, he saw them catapulting down upon the helpless fans.

  They will pay for what they did.