Read Obama Care Page 32


  The tea party had been rallying for weeks in front of major hospitals. Their members were generally frightened that their relatives were about to be murdered one-by-one by nameless insurance executives who lurked inside the darkening gates that housed Obama Care’s hidden death squads. These were the seedy people who privately decided who would live and who would die, according to tea party dogma. The worst thing about it was that these were true facts, and it was happening all the time. Already, many of their family members had been denied some of the medical services they were used to receiving as a matter of course in the days before Obama Care and it was getting worse.

  A speaker told the rally, “Once the government takes over a program in this country, the people are denied all rights to receive what they were being given before. Today, the government has interfered with the free medical care system and forced insurance companies to insure persons who are already ill. The American people don’t like that. The expense of this type of medical insanity is so immense that everyone’s insurance rates have skyrocketed.

  “Many companies are firing employees today as I speak and hiring them back part time only in order to just simply survive. Obama Care has become the disaster of disasters! American business was already going downhill under Obama’s left wing radical policies. Now it is beginning to plunge, and both small and large businesses are closing their doors to employment, manufacturing, and everything else they used to offer us!”

  The crowd applauded what he had said to them. They knew a boondoggle like Obama Care when they saw it. They were no one’s patsy. That was for sure.

  “Today, if you go to a hospital, you bring your insurance policy or you don’t get an appointment. Then you are asked if you have any other financial resources.

  “Let me ask you this. If you have insurance already why are they asking if you have any more resources? Why isn’t the insurance policy enough?”


  “You are right! It’s not enough! That is the problem! Now there are fees added to everything! The hospitals are broke, the insurance companies are broke, the government is broke, the American people are broke, and the doctors are broke. The whole damn system is broke!”

  “Applause rang out along with hoots and yells of, “End the medical and pharmaceutical nightmare!”

  “I am mad as hell!” a voice rang out louder than an enraged blue-jay, followed by, “I’m not taking any more of this!” which was incorrectly lifted from the decades old movie entitled “Network.”

  “I know you are frustrated. So am I. So are my kids. My kids are attending a state college where they are being charged thirty thousand dollars per year just for the right to sit in on sixteen lousy hours of classes a week. Years ago it was only twenty-five dollars or less to attend a state university. Last month, I was introduced to a senior citizen who went to the University of Missouri at Columbia in 1959. At that time, he only paid seventeen dollars per semester for tuition and one hundred and twenty-five dollars for room and board. In other words, he paid less than three hundred dollars for one year of schooling. Today, that costs more than thirty thousand dollars at the same University of Missouri, not three hundred dollars! Those same services have become one hundred times more expensive today! That’s what happens when irresponsible governmental officials increase tuition six percent per year for fifty years. You get a one thousand percent increase in cost. It now costs sixty dollars for each hour a kid sits in a boring college classroom. You have to multiply that $60 times 48 classes per course per semester. The cost per course is, therefore, $2,880. Each hour! But that’s not all. The books are another $300 per course and sometimes $500. This is an outrage! I say we should place all these public university lectures on the Internet for free! With the Internet, there's no reason any student should have to pay a dime to attend a school and receive a degree!”

  The crowd supplied endless cat calls, boos, and screams of “government screw job!”

  “We’ve heard from hundreds of people on this microphone who have been denied medical treatment under Obama Care. Two years ago, they would have been treated. Today, they are tossed under the bus and told it’s too expensive, that Obama Care won’t pay for it, and that they need to go home and die with dignity. Have you ever seen a cancer or heart patient who died with dignity? No? No? Well, to be honest, I’ve never seen that either.

  “Even when they are in a hospital there’s no dignity. None whatsoever. They are herded around like cattle to one specialist after another, even if they don’t need to see the specialist. Hundreds of dollars are collected every day to pay the hospital, its pharmacy, and its doctors, yet in many cases the procedures that might benefit that patient are denied as being too damned expensive! What kind of medical care is this! I’ll tell you want kind! It’s that democratic socialist party type, that’s what it is! Its the type where nothing is done to cure the patient, but everything is done to milk the system dry without providing any services whatsoever! It just can’t get any worse than this!”

  The crowd responded with more anger. Hundreds of fists were being raised in the air, shaking at the skies overhead.

  “I want you to follow me now into the halls of this hospital where we are going to go floor to floor alerting each and every patient of the low quality of care they are now receiving, and how, in the past, the care was far better. We are going to give them envelopes and letters with stamps for them to send to their congressmen and senators for this Obama Care scam to be either tossed out or immediately fixed! Are you with me?”

  “Yes! We are with you!”

  “We must be quiet inside the hospital. There are sick people in there. Talk with the patients and their families. Talk with the nurses, the doctors, and the rest of the staff. Ask them to help by sending an email protest to the government as well, and give them the appropriate letters we have included in your work packet to take with you. Are we ready to go to work?”


  “Now. Remember. Do not talk much in there. People are sick. Respect them. Respect the staff. None of them are responsible for Obama Care. It is destroying their services, too, and they are just as angry as you are. Make them your friends, and they might even agree to help you. Make them your enemy, and they will never let you enter their hospital again. So, be wise, and be polite. Be friendly. With that in mind, let’s quietly go about our business soliciting support in this hospital. Let us begin by giving them the benefit of the doubt and assuming they want to help us. I think they will help us. If they don’t want to support us, just smile and thank them for their time. Tell them you appreciate their work. Be pleasant to them. Don’t get angry. Everyone will not agree with you. So, suck it up. Act mature. Be as wise as a serpent. Your job is to contact those that do agree with you and to leave the other ones alone.

  “Now, let us begin.”