Read Obama Care Page 39


  Americans saw their television screens fade and dissolve to reveal the white house lawn. There, the usual white house correspondent for World Network News stood with his microphone.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, the president of the United States will address the nation in a few minutes. In a release given to the press, we already understand the president will speak on the tragedy in New York City, but he will not treat it as a terrorist act. Instead, he will only refer to it as a complete shock to the nation and to its humanitarian focus. Ladies and gentlemen, the president will now speak.”

  The camera switched to a close up of the president.

  “Citizens of the United States and our friends around the world, I come here tonight with a very heavy heart. More than one thousand persons were killed tonight in the collapse of one of the most historic theaters in the nation. The people had purchased very difficult to obtain tickets and were watching the much heralded performance of a musical that seemed destined to be an entertainment knock out, but as you can see that was not to happen. Instead, fate intervened. For some reason the entire theater collapsed upon everyone who sat inside it. We do not yet know why, but I can assure you we will.

  “Many of the dead who are sleeping beneath the Lambrecht Theater’s rubble include persons who were extremely high up in the ladder of recognition within the theater community not only in New York but in London, Paris, Los Angeles, and even in Tokyo. The people of New York City lost their mayor and their police commissioner along with their families. So many died in the collapse of the building that I simply cannot read all of their names, and, if I did, I’d leave many out either by selection or omission. I don’t intend to do that. Let me just say that all of them are in our hearts as Americans.

  “We have endured many difficult situations in our nation recently. We are being sorely tested. However, America is a strong and united country. We have faced many adversities together and survived. Even the hard fought civil war did not destroy us. Nor did that war destroy our destinies as citizens of this great nation.

  “My family and my staff are praying for the families of the fallen. It is our prayer that the Lord will lift up his countenance to them and bring them peace at this time. To all Americans, I pray that God will raise you up and bless you.”

  The camera faded as the scene switched to the outside of the white house.

  “The president has just addressed the nation. He said that the situation in New York City weighs heavily on every American’s heart. He told the nation that even incidents like this would never break the will of the America people. He said that he and his family prayed for the families of the fallen and would continue to do so. He asked before he spoke tonight that Americans who wish to do so as well will participate in their own way, depending on their own religious or other beliefs. This has been a report from World Network News.”