Read Obama Care Page 42


  “This is Lori Walters. I am back once again in New York’s Broadway Area, the site of the collapsed Lambrecht Theater where the bodies of more than one thousand people had been interred within the wreckage of this ancient theater which was renowned worldwide for its daring presentations of drama, musicals, and dance productions. Now, most of the bodies have been exhumed. As you can see, the building, or what is left of it, is still nothing but a lesser sea of dust and bricks. All that was its history and grandeur is now gone. The vibrantly interesting walls are gone including the clever little devils and beautiful maidens of the ancient past who glared down upon its audiences from their positions in the walls and ceiling, the cupids, maidens, elephants, and other gilded decorations. These are also all gone. Nothing is left. All of these icons have been permanently and irretrievably destroyed in the collapse of this single building.

  “The new mayor, Mr. Dale Featherstein, has reluctantly picked up the shroud that was once his predecessor’s and has announced that New York City will recover. He has banned the reopening of large auditoriums and theaters until the fire marshals can reinspect them and determine their safety from collapses and other hazards. In this way, the mayor has told the theater going public that, whenever they enter a theater anywhere in New York City, they will know for certain that the building will be safe. Others have said that the implosion of this building was due to its age. Most likely someone sabotaged the ancient theater for terrorist reasons to make a statement about Obama Care, one of the most popular reasons for serial murderers seeking publicity in these dangerous times.

  Until now, these were the actions of lone wolf madmen whose relatives allegedly died from state bureaucracies that now control the medical-insurance complex and its obscenely high profits. They allegedly determine on a daily basis who shall live and who shall die. Their motives have been expressed in the press by spokesman in the tea party and other conservative movements in the United States. Similar opinions have been expressed by spokesmen in other organizations. These opinion makers have previously expressed their concern over what they term as the rampant takeover of America by large monopolists. According to these speakers, the corporatists who decide who lives and who dies in American medicine have achieved an almost communist-like hold upon the careers of congressmen and presidents alike through their ability to determine each election’s outcome with their money. They claim these corporatists have an iron grip over the outcome of any election in which they themselves have an interest by being the only significant ones who supply money for political campaigns. It seems that this occurs during almost every election.

  “I have with me right now, Emily Jackson, one of the spokeswomen for the tea party movement in the United States. Ms. Jackson, what would you like to say to the American people and especially those who live in New York?”

  “I want to remind people that the tea party movement is a political organization that is attempting to rescue the federal government from its own corruption. We are an organization of civic minded persons who believe that over-taxation and lack of any representation for the working people have become prime directives in an America that has recently entered a predictable insanity phase, one of many in its long history. Things shouldn’t have gotten this far, yet they have.

  “I also want the people to understand that our view is a peaceful one. We do not allow persons who are prone to violence or advocate either violence or terrorism in any fashion to participate in our activities at all, so there is no way that we could have in any way been even the least responsible for the killings in Washington or New York City, provided, that is, that this theater’s wreckage is not from weakness in the structure but from the work of a terrorist who has set off bombs inside the Lambrecht Theater when no one was looking.”

  “There is no indication that bombs were used, Miss Jackson.”

  “We have indications that a few survivors who were outside the building heard detonations inside the Lambrecht Theater at the exact time of its collapse. We have no way of verifying these rumors, but we feel they are bound to increase in numbers as time goes on and people come forward.”

  “That determination, Ms. Jackson, will be up to the fire marshals and the bombing squads to determine.”

  “It will indeed be up to those exact people to determine, and we hope that terror will not be a part of why this building came down, because if it were the act of a misguided person or persons it would further undermine the principles of freedom that most Americans believe in. Freedom requires that terror not be a part of the menage of people within our nation. Otherwise, the government can be expected continue to exploit each terrorist act to further undermine the rights and freedoms of our nation’s citizens as was done with the Patriot Act and the National Defense Authorization Act which have totally undermined our nation’s central core of citizen values. The tea party movement would ask that everyone remain calm and that the congress not be railroaded into the passage of more freedom corroding acts which can do nothing to improve the security of our nation but can only undermine it and destroy our constitutional rights and privileges even more.”

  “We have been listening to a spokesperson for the popular tea party movement. Her name is Emily Jackson. Ms. Jackson lives and works in the New York City environment and is very concerned that this incident, if a terrorist event, is not used to further undermine the American system which until very recently has guaranteed our freedoms.”