Read Obama Care Page 49


  A few hours after the explosion, the story of the deadly release of toxins and viruses slowly began to surface. It was then that James Stone heard the first reports of an explosion in the area where his bomb had been placed for detonation. That was far away from where he was now. The news was sketchy, which he expected, because so much of the surrounding area had been compromised. An hour later, he reached the spot where his next stolen and disguised car was waiting for his use in the old barn where he parked it. He transferred to it, and lit the barn aflame so he could destroy all semblances of his present escape vehicle. He drove toward home in his final camouflaged disguise, and, once he reached his safe house, he destroyed his mask and latex gloves covering his hands. He disposed of them by burning them outside the house and tossing the ashes into the nearby river a mile away where they were carried away never to be located. His safe house was off grid, so he listened to the news with battery power which was renewed each day by a small one hundred and forty watt solar panel and a single four hundred watt wind powered electric generator.

  “Reports coming from the area are spotty,” the news said, “thousands are dead or dying. The military says that terrorists may be involved. People in the area should stay indoors, because toxins may have been released into the air, but this is not confirmed. Some of the information is based on rumor which is widespread within the surrounding areas. No one as yet has been confirmed being infected by diseases, and it is not expected that they will be. For now, everyone is being asked to leave, because there is so little left of the area that has not been polluted by the huge debris cloud. The government warns that those who remain in the area will soon have no fuel left and little to eat or drink. There is zero electrical service in the area at this time. The military promises that by tomorrow all roads in and out for three hundred miles will be filled with military traffic bringing men and materials including food and water to rescue citizens trapped in the counties affected.”

  “That was a report from the World News Network,” the announcer said. “Thousands of people are leaving the designated hazardous area at the insistence of the government.”

  James laughed. Evidently, the government wanted all of the deadly viruses stored at the plant to escape and spread, because the ensuing chaos that these plagues caused would insure even more losses of citizen protections against government abuse and dictatorship. Government would soon stand atop the corpses and told the American people that it had assumed even more Draconian power to protect America’s children from terrorists and Obama Care protesters.

  Days later, the cat was out of the bag and people in all parts of the nation were coming down with illnesses that no one had ever seen before. These were domestically produced military grade diseases designed to cripple and kill with impunity.

  Days later, it was admitted that deadly viruses had plunged many of the nation’s cities into quarantine status.

  “It is too late,” the radio announcers told the audience. “Diseases unknown to men years and even months ago are now spreading through our cities and towns. It is now thought that these came from a secret facility hidden deep inside the manufacturing plant that was destroyed in those bombings. In fact, they were so secret that even the military and the president was not aware of them.”

  That was a likely story, and James knew better. He knew for a fact that they had known all along.