Read Obama Care Page 60


  The Cincinnati poison scene was the largest ever registered in history. More than one thousand intellectual word meister's from Madison Avenue passed to the other side from a single meal. A clever reporter noted that more extraneous brain power was lost at the Cincinnati convention center banquet hall than ever before with the possible exception of the day when Socrates drank his tasty cup of hemlock all by himself before the amazed eyes of the citizens of Athens in a crowded ancient plaza which had long ago crumbled into dust.

  The FBI and FDA were called immediately. The City of Cincinnati wanted its hands clear of this tragedy. For one thing, the cost of investigating that many bodies was in the millions of dollars. The city was already near bankruptcy. Cincinnati had suffered along with every other American community on account of the Bush-Obama depression. Obama’s continuation of the endless sadistic colonial oil wars in the middle east which were huge revenue losers continued without end sucking money from the greatest cities of America which hadn’t helped Cincinnati’s bottom line in the least.

  Elvin Matthews, the special agent in charge of investigating serial killings was the first person to grasp how this huge serial poisoning was just another horror attached to the misapplication of the Barack Obama affordable health care act. It was just another in a long list of rebellious endeavors carried out independently by hundreds of citizens grieving over the loss of a single loved one by the sadistic and greed-oriented insurance and banking industries almost all of whom had been backed by the most corrupted president, congressmen, and senators in the world’s history all of the way back to the legislatures of Macedonia, Athens, and the Roman empire. Now, its massive corruption cut at the very heart of political malfeasance in the American capitol.

  “I want a full analysis of the agent or agents that are found in the bodies of these victims. I want you to select ten victims from various parts of the room. I want the contents of their stomachs, the type of agent found in those contents, and the agents found in their organs. I want it stat. Now. Actually, I want it on my desk yesterday. Next, I want an analysis of what is left on these banquet tables. Find the agents in the food. I want the kitchen analyzed. We need to know where this started. Did it start here or in the company’s chicken factory where these birds were ordered. Find out where these chickens came from and get a search warrant for that factory, and shut it down just in case there’s poison in it. Notify their customers not to sell any more of that chicken, that it might be tainted with poison. I want this done in the hour. Now. Get rolling!”

  Agents, physicians, scientists, and coroners who had been pressed into service streamed into action. University facilities were federalized to served as immediate local chemistry labs needed to determine within the hour, if possible, the agents in these dinners. Although a few persons objected, the cooperation of authorities, professors, and others was assured.

  Besides, the power of the federal government was already nearly Hitlerian. Its overwhelming dictatorship of the American people, had been established with the Patriot Act, NDAA, and other anti-constitutional laws. With each of these laws in place, the federal government’s hoodlum aspect was ten times more overbearing and downright fascist than Hitler’s German SS Corps of the 1930’s and 1940’s ever was. The federal government’s powers had expanded so much that they easily overcame all constitutional guarantees. The government’s fake war on terrorism had become just another made up artifact of fascist thinking in the failed American nation. It had become as divisive as the military draft, the cold war, the Tennessee Valley Authority which stole land from thousands of families, and the war on drugs. Each of these federal power grabs whittled away almost every American freedom and insured that the United States would rapidly deteriorate into one of the most insidious dictatorships in the history of the world. Hitler, Mussolini, Churchill, Nero, and Xerxes were merely weak children by comparison to America’s present day fascist presidencies. The worst thing about it was that the corporatist owned media supported the erasures of freedoms by willing senators, representatives, and presidents like the paid off, mean, and wimpish little lap dogs that many of these easily corruptable politicians had become.

  Within six hours, a report was handed to the special FBI agent in charge, Elvin Matthews. It stated that the deadly agent used in this mass murder was part of a cocktail of several poisons, but mostly cyanide, strychnine, and bug spray. Traces of commercial rat poison were also present. No poison was found on the farm where the chickens had been raised nor in the commercial processing plant or in the trucks bringing the chickens to the convention center. The poisons had been sprinkled onto the chickens at night while they were sitting unwatched in the convention center’s kitchen refrigerators, because this was the first place in the train of evidence in which poison was found. Some of the powder was still on the metal shelves where the chickens thawed.

  “I want all places selling these chemicals in the entire state and surrounding states contacted. I want to know who ordered this crap. I want video taken by all of the stores on my desk. Maybe we can find a picture of the perp buying this junk. There has to be something out there. Check the list of the buyers of these agents with deaths in their families in the last years since Obama Care was implemented. According to several scraps of paper left inside the refrigerators and to the electronic gizmo's flashing Obama Care sign in the main halls Obama Care was the problem that started this. I want to know who had access to the TV screen software. That’s where those messages were placed.”

  Next, Elvin had to face the press. The white house insisted.

  Ordered to do so by the president, agent Matthews called the press together in front of the convention center. There, he made a short statement and answered questions.

  “The government wishes to express its deepest sympathies to all of the families, business associates, and friends of the deceased in this case. We have run toxicology tests and have determined that the chickens eaten in the convention center were powdered with a concoction of cyanide, strychnine, and common rat poison. The poison has been traced to the coolers in the kitchen. It is theorized that the perpetrator gained access to the coolers last night sometime between two and five thirty when there was no one in that part of the building. One of the doors had been forced, and we surmise that is where entry was made. The toxins we found were sprinkled on top of the more than one thousand fully dressed chickens as seen by evidence from poison powder traces that are still inside those refrigerator-coolers where the meats were thawed in the facility. We are doing what we can right now to find out where these chemicals were either purchased or stolen. That’s all we know so far. Are there any questions?”

  The press coordinator recognized a reporter from the Cincinnati daily newspaper. “Vinnie Adams, of the Cincinnati Enquirer, Mr. Matthews. My question is this. Do you have any intelligence as to the reason for this attack?”

  “As I mentioned in my opening statement, we found slips of paper inside the hall, some of them inside two of the chickens which indicated that this might be a protest to Obama Care. A message also was flashed over all of the center’s TV screens.”

  “One other question, if you will. How many dead are in the building?”

  “This is not the final count. We have at the present time a figure of 1,327 dead. There are some persons who are still alive. Evidently, they were vegetarians and persons with special dietary needs based on religious or personal moral codes who requested that they not be served chicken with their meals.”