Read Obama Care Page 67


  Three months later, Greg Hauser stood in the rotunda of the Texas capitol building. He was there to blow up its pink limestone dome in protest to Obama Care. He had packed with him all of the plastic explosives he would need. The explosives were sealed in boxes lined with the darkest of coffee grounds so that sniffing dogs used by NSA could not identify it. Greg was dressed in official Texas working clothes. He had stolen them from the employee lockers. Now, he innocently pushed a cart filled with construction tools through the halls. The area was stacked with boxes. He nodded to the people working there as he passed them, and they nodded back and one even waved at him. He took the elevator to the top of the dome and got out onto the dome’s highest walkway. He had soon parked his heavy cart along the base of the dome. Soon, he was using ropes and ladders to reach the very surface of the huge dome itself. Once there, he hauled up several pounds of plastic explosives at a time. He attached the soft plastic materials to the rounded portions of the dome where they were joined together by reinforced metal ribs that moved right up the interior all of the way to its very top.

  Up there, a magnificent star of Texas centered itself right in the middle at the very highest and most focused point inside the dome’s inner circle. The single star was a stroke of architectural genius. It represented Texas by its name sake as “the Lone Star State.” It was both simple and profound at the same time.

  Greg tucked the plastic explosive into the right spots between the dome’s massive ribs and painted them to match the dome itself. He worked his way around the dome little by little, climbing up and down and to the sides, patiently setting his plastic bombs at approximately every five feet. It was a massive area to cover effectively, but he took his time and worked his way through it. As he carefully and precisely meandered inside the dome's curve, Greg placed all of the charges at just the right places to bring it crashing down. In this way, Greg assured that the huge Texas capitol building’s dome would come apart in sections and collapse downward into the interior and exterior parts of the building. Some parts of it would fall into the rotunda while others would catapult outward and onto the diagonal roofs of both legislative chambers and burst through them as the massive stones fell into their auditoriums. The dome itself weighed tons, so that it was heavy enough that its collapse would easily bring most of the building down with it. That was precisely what Greg wanted.

  When he had finished, he went to the Texas house of representatives’ wing where he weakened the huge auditorium’s high ceilings to help them to collapse from even more of his plastic bombs as the dome crashed down simultaneously onto it. Then he did the same with the other wing. This was going to be quite a show of Greg’s personal power and would measure just how far he had come as an explosives specialist.

  In two days the governor would speak to the joint chambers in this exact place, at which time Greg would pull the switch using throw away cell phones that he had purchased at a store that had no TV surveillance cameras.

  Greg made sure of that.

  The entire leadership of the state of Texas would soon be dead. It was exactly what they deserved, Greg thought. After all, the entirety of the Texas state government was nothing but a joke. In fact, Greg believed that all of the American state houses were nothing more than bad jokes on the American people as well. They had surrendered up their independence beginning in 1789 when the states handed over their short-lived and hard-fought sovereignty.

  In Greg’s mind, everyone associated with the United States should be dead, and rightfully so. To Greg, they were chickenshits and even worse. After all, hadn’t they been the ones who had operated the under-funded Obama Care program? That gruesome law’s passage and its poorly crafted administration as it dealt out death to its subscribers was nothing short of outright murder. Its laws were symbolic only and meant nothing. The trouble was, Obama Care’s pro-insurance legislation had loop holes written into it on purpose. These amendments were authored precisely for insurance companies, senators, and representatives to wiggle through unscathed.

  Thanks to Greg’s diligent work as an amateur structural sapper with less than a summer of training by a great mentor close to Fort Bragg, the place was eventually rigged to blow. Not only the domes but the pillars, walls, doorways, and roofs were now packed with plastic explosives. When the dome crumbled into pieces, the entire building would follow it down, and its exits would be sealed so no one could escape. The structure would crumble in the midst of its collapse, and nearly everyone inside would be either dead, paralyzed, or, at the very least, badly wounded.

  That night at the motel, Greg watched PBS. He saw a program covering in every detail the huge Obama Care scandal. In many parts of the country, people were picketing in the streets against the program. They were filmed in the Capitol building as well as in the streets in front of the major insurance companies who were feathering their income streams with millions of disgruntled customers who had been wrongfully treated from the start and were mad as hell about it. According to the PBS program, everyone in America knew at least one person, if not many more, who had been denied essential service. The list of medically abandoned and disgruntled persons was becoming monumental in length. The growing cadres of so-called Obama Care terrorists seemed to be at work both day and night. Major buildings were crumbling before alarmed TV viewers’ eyes almost every day.

  Snipers protesting the state of medical care in America were also feverishly at work in more than twenty other states, and there seemed almost no way of catching them as they sniped, bombed, burned, and disappeared into the walls of the great cities. There seemed no escape from the ongoing turmoil in America by the most deadly of protesters, and nothing seemed to have been done to stop it.

  Greg’s worst fear was that he was playing into the hands of the United States. By creating chaos, he wondered if he was offering the nation’s insurance conspirators more chances to destroy the constitution’s human rights guarantees. Of course, Hauser knew that this was the least of his problems. Nonetheless, he was bothered by it. After all, he was not responsible for politics. What the nation did as a result of his work to destroy it was up to them and was not his concern. The nation could use it for good or for bad. That was up to them to decide. Others would make those decisions, not him. The largest guarantee that the United States had never fully taken into account had been citizen rights to free and humane health care. But that had not happened. Obama Care’s glaringly humongous errors were the precise reasons why the nation was in such chaos on this issue. Greg wondered if Obama Care was meant to be administered half-heartedly in order to piss people off and make civil unrest inevitable so it could turn the screws on the Americans down below. That seemed to be what was happening. Was it planned all along to be this way?

  It made sense to Greg Hauser that the government would do this on purpose. Everything in politics had a plan. They just didn’t want to let on what it was.

  Greg pushed the cart to the basement where he washed it down with a hose using plenty of soap to remove all traces of himself including his prints and the plastic materials he used for the bombs. He stole a bicycle parked at the bike stand and rode slowly toward his car. It was three miles away.