Read Oblivion Page 60

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  Lindsay was dressed and ready when Jace got there. From the look on his face as he walked through her bedroom door without warning, he wasn’t real happy.

  “Lindsay, I need to talk to you before we do this,” Jace said and by the look on his face and his tone she slid onto the edge of her bed, wide-eyed.

  “What is it?”

  “Cameron didn’t kill me by himself, Lindsay. He had help.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Cameron lured me out there. Matt was waiting for us, Lindsay. They did it together.”

  She looked horrified and didn’t know what to say.

  “This is too dangerous,” he said and looked shaken by what he learned. “Now do you see? Even if you get a confession from Cameron Matt’s still walking around free. They plan on going after Marnie next. You can’t go tonight! I won’t put you in danger. They’re expecting you to show up.”

  “Why would they expect me to show up? They just blew up my car and he threatened to kill me downstairs. Why would I go to his party?”

  “Dooley told them your working for Wilson,” Jace said grimly. “That’s why Cameron never confessed. He knew you were wearing a wire the whole time. It’s done, Lindsay. It’s over. They’re planning on killing you tonight.”

  “Then we need to go more than ever, don’t you see?” she asked and looked frantic. “If he gets away with this; he knows where to find me and Marnie. He’ll bide his time, Jace. He’ll go after us later.”

  “I can’t bear the thought of anything happening to you, Lindsay,” he said in a ravaged voice, his face stark with pain.

  “And I won’t ever be safe with these two guys out there and you know it,” she pointed out and looked frightened.

  “We’ll think of something else,” he replied stubbornly.

  “Jace, the cops don’t even know about Matt. That’s why they couldn’t charge Cameron. That’s what Wilson told me. They didn’t find Cameron’s DNA at the scene because he’s too smart. They found Matt’s and it didn’t match up. Now do you see?”

  “How did Cameron keep from leaving any evidence behind?” Jace asked and felt sick to think of that day again, images of the burning pain as the knife slashed away at him making him recoil.

  “I don’t know. Maybe he wore gloves or coveralls or something. Don’t you remember anything of that morning?”

  “He went in the trees to take a piss. The next thing I knew he was stabbing me. He could have put something on out there. Who knows?”

  “That’s why the cops and the FBI were so willing to go along with the drifter and robbery theory. Now do you see? He’s using Matt to cover his tracks because Matt’s sloppy. If they ever get caught; Matt would be charged, not Cameron.”

  “I won’t put you at risk.”

  “I’m already at risk and have been since I agreed to this. I can’t believe Dooley tipped them off.”

  “You have to tell Wilson he’s helping Cameron.”

  “I want to do this even more now,” Lindsay said and looked outraged. “I won’t be looking over my shoulder for them, Jace. If their sick like you said they won’t stop with me and Marnie. Can you leave tomorrow knowing you didn’t try to put them away?”

  “I’m not so worried about that anymore.”

  Something in his words made her stiffen. She saw the coldness in his eyes and knew what he planned to do. Fear for him made her jump up and go to him.

  “You can’t do this, Jace,” she implored him. “You could jeopardize you’re passing on to the other side.”

  “Why do you think Wilson gave you the gun, Lindsay?” Jace asked her without breaking her gaze.

  Lindsay swallowed hard. “For my protection.”

  “No, I think he knows Cameron is going to get away with this. He wouldn’t have ever given a civilian a gun in a million years; especially an eighteen year-old girl. He’s been a cop for over thirty years, Lindsay. He knows the way this is going to play out.”

  “What are you saying?” she said and gaped at him as understanding grew.

  “He knows Cameron is going to try something before he leaves. He’s not so worried about a confession anymore either, Linds.”

  Lindsay wanted to feel angry to know Sheriff Wilson played her. She had to agree his giving her the gun was a bit strange. He told her to shoot Cameron if he went after her and not ask questions. Her face paled to know she was being sent in to kill Cameron, not get a confession as she thought. The wire just covered her in case questions were asked.

  He had to have known she was going to have to use the gun or he wouldn’t have given it to her in the first place. She felt stupid and it showed in her face.

  “Lindsay, don’t you see? There’s no other way. Wilson knows it already.”

  “I don’t think I can shoot him, Jace,” she said and began to tremble all over. “I hate him for killing you and I know he’s sick, but I don’t know if I can do it.”

  “You just get him alone, get him to admit it. I’ll do the rest.”

  Her eyes filled with dread. “You could wind up down there forever Jace.”

  “You’re worth it, babe,” he told her and they stared at one another sadly.

  “There has to be another way,” she began and he shook his head.

  “Wilson already beat this one into the dirt, Lindsay. He sees the big picture. This is my justice if I want it.”

  Lindsay sat back down and tried to get her breathing under control. Finally she put her head between her knees; her head swimming. Her head started to hurt from the stress of the whole day. She thought of the gun in her purse and her mouth went dry.

  Jace deserved his justice, but at what price?

  “Lindsay, if you want to back out you can,” he said as he regarded her with a resolved expression. “I know what I have to do.”

  She looked up and took a deep breath. “No, I’m in. Let’s do this.”