Read Oddily Page 14

  Kendall’s eyes roamed from Oddily over to Maxim. “Guess what happened at the ‘After Party’ last night?”

  “Maybe another time,” Maxim abruptly got to his feet and stretched his wonderfully tall physique. “We need to be on our way.”

  “Oh, of course,” Kendall became flustered as she also rose from her seat. “I guess I’ll see you during school, Monday.”

  “Okay,” Oddily smiled despite the fact that her insides instantly knotted up at the idea of returning to school.

  “Are you sure you don’t have a few minutes to spare?” Kendall watched Maxim help Oddily out of the booth. “You’re going to love it when you hear what happened. I promise!”

  “I’m sorry,” Maxim sounded insistent. “We must leave.”

  “Yes, we’ve got to go now,” Oddily agreed while heading for the main lobby, but Maxim caught her by her waist. The light fabric of her dress separated his fingers from her skin, and she was electrified by his touch.

  “I’m sorry. Did you want to know what gossip Kendall is dying to share?” His urgency was almost palpable.

  “Not really,” she admitted, but had expected him to be curious. Instead, he showed no interest whatsoever.

  “Was I being rude?” He pressed on.

  “Yes—I believe so.”

  “Should I apologize?”

  “No, that’s okay. She’s already headed back to her table.”

  Oddily stared pointedly at his hand on her waist until she added, “But of course, if you want to—you can go and ask her what’s on her mind.”

  “Would that make you happy?”

  “No silly,” she giggled.

  “Good, then let’s get out of here.”

  How could she argue with him when he used that confident, no-nonsense tone—when he favored her with one of his disarming smiles? It was all she could do not to touch the spot where his fingers had fastened around her waist. Beneath the fabric of her cotton dress, her flesh became sensitized, and her skin tingled with awareness. Disappointment engulfed her after he released her body to open the door.

  Once outside, Oddily thought they were returning to the bungalow, but Maxim headed for his car instead. She stopped along the pathway not knowing if she should follow.

  “Aren’t you coming?” Maxim also stopped. Her shy posture told him of her awkwardness, so he lifted her face to his. Their eyes met as he spoke with his captivating voice. “What’s wrong? Why are you still uncomfortable with me?”

  It was hard to think with his gaze penetrating into the depths of her soul, but Oddily managed to ask, “Do you want me to come with you?”

  “Will you stop it?” Maxim released her chin and fidgeted with a button on his shirt. “How can I make you understand that I desire to be with you?”

  “I’m sorry,” Oddily cringed at the frustration she caused him. “No one has ever wanted my company before—especially someone like you.”

  “What do you mean by that?” Maxim’s eyes became hooded and unwavering.

  “You know…someone as handsome as you.” She wanted to shout, gorgeous, extraordinary or even magnificent, but kept her choice of words safe and sensible.

  Oddily watched Maxim’s sudden tension melt away at her response, and he genuinely smiled. Not his usual smirk; but a genuine, welcoming smile that lit up his whole face.

  “Then, this handsome guy desires your company unless you have other plans.”

  “Me?” she stammered. “No—I mean yes, I’m free.”

  “Well then, let’s go.” Maxim took her hand, interlocked their fingers and led the way down the walkway towards his car.

  “Where are we going?” She felt exhilarated by the touch of their palms pressing together.

  “I don’t want to spoil the surprise,” his face remained expressionless, not willing to give any secrets out just yet. When they got to the black convertible, Maxim opened the trunk and pulled out her pink backpack. “Thought you might want this,” he flashed his captivating smile again.

  “How did you get it?”

  “Jack was at school cleaning up after the dance, and unlocked the girl’s room for me. He’s worried about you, but I assured him you were in good hands.”

  “I’m beginning to think so too,” she blushed at her own confession.

  “It’s about time,” he laughed as he grabbed her up into his arms and spun her around. Oddily held on tight and buried her face into his neck.


  Maxim pulled into the Village shopping center parking lot and headed for the north side towards a separate row of storefronts. He found a space in front of ‘Popular Chic,’ a clothing boutique, which catered exclusively to the offspring of the rich.

  “We’re here.” Maxim switched off the engine and climbed out of the car.

  Oddily waited for him to open her door, and then followed him to the entrance of the high-end store. “Your surprise is waiting inside.”

  Oddily’s thin eyebrows arched so high they could have easily taken flight as birds. “Aren’t you coming?”

  “I’ll wait outside. I’ve got a date with my laptop.”


  “Go head,” Maxim grinned when she hesitated.

  Oddily behaved like a duck out of water when she entered the store. Her heart started to pound, not knowing why she was there or what to do, except try to become invisible. Fortunately, Nexa glided out from one of the dressing rooms.

  “Surprise!” she threw her arms open wide with a captivating smile.

  Oddily gave her a tentative grin back. “Wow—I would have never guessed.” She wanted to add, and how awkward, but stared with a half-assed smirk frozen in place.

  “What style clothes do you want for school?” Nexa walked over to a table full of designer jeans and held up a pair. “These are cute.”

  Confused, Oddily hurried over to the angelic blonde and Nexa took the opportunity to read her thoughts before she breathed a single word.

  “Grab whatever you desire, and don’t worry about money. Maxim will pay for it.”

  “Maxim wants to buy me clothes for school?”

  “That’s the story. So what’s your opinion on these jeans?”

  “They’re cute, but with my short hair and…well, I think I’d resemble a little boy.” Oddily paused, then added, “Are you sure what we’re doing is okay?”

  “Listen to me, Oddily. Maxim is enjoying this, so please don’t go and spoil it for him.”

  Oddily shook her head vehemently. “I could never hurt him, Nexa. I’d die one thousand deaths before allowing that to happen.”

  “Good,” she smiled, “because my brother is crazy about you.”

  “He is? He truly likes me?”

  “Oddily—Maxim is falling in love, and you are the one who is capturing his heart.” After the comment, Nexa knew she had messed up and planned to revise Oddily’s memory, but the redhead was already backing away towards the front door.

  “Oh my gosh—oh my gosh—” Oddily repeated over and over again as waves of emotion shot through her body. “Stay right here,” she chirped, with her sweet voice, “and don’t move!”

  Oddily ran out of the boutique and made a beeline to the black convertible, trying unsuccessfully to open the driver’s door. Maxim opened it for her, and without warning, she jumped onto his lap and wrapped her arms around his neck for a hug. Maxim was caught off guard by her gesture.

  “What is the meaning of this?” he laughed.

  “It means—I’m falling in love with you too!” she whispered, “And I know you may not fully love me yet, but I have to tell you how I…”

  “…feel,” he finished her sentence. Maxim allowed his laptop to fall to the floor. He couldn’t think. His heart threatened to come through his chest. Nothing seemed to matter in the moment except that this charming girl was falling in love with him.

  “Look at me,” he whispered in her ear.

  Oddily pulled back for Maxim to gaze into her innocent hazel eyes.
Her sweetness pierced him. A pleasure so sharp it was painful even to wipe a tear away from her face. Her eyes closed with his touch, her cheek leaning into the palm of his hand. He felt the moisture of her teardrop and a laugh caught in his throat. All the frustrated compassion he experienced since she invaded his life, all the confusing emotions he had kept locked in his heart came cascading out, submerging him. He no longer needed to question his intentions towards this girl. He was in love.

  “The truth of my love for you has surfaced,” he said, thickly. Maxim cupped Oddily’s sweet face into his hands and kissed her gently, sweetly, and with exquisite tenderness. The expression on his handsome face was irresistible.

  Her eyes closed. Was she dreaming? Were his poetic words of love truly meant for her? She allowed one eye to peek at Maxim. “You’re still here.”

  While Maxim laughed, Oddily knew she had to do something, or she would start to blubber like a baby. She slipped off of his lap and balanced her trembling body with the open door, unaware someone watched from afar.

  * * * * * *

  Nexa viewed the happy couple from inside the boutique and was chastising herself for bringing them closer together until the store clerk addressed her.

  “Is everything all right?”

  “I would venture to say, probably not.” Nexa had a bitter taste in her mouth while she stared out the window.

  “I unboxed some lovely new items that arrived this morning.”

  “May I ask you something?” Nexa changed the subject.

  “Of course, you can.”

  “Have you ever been in a situation where life was easy, and all of a sudden it turns upside down—never again to be the same because of something or someone?”

  The assistant laughed with a knowing nod. “I have many times.”

  Nexa showed genuine surprise. “Did you make any attempts to get your old life back?”

  The girl became melancholy. “At first I tried everything, but I soon realized you can’t reverse time.”

  “Turn back time—hmmm.” Nexa perked up as the last three words struck a chord with her and she laughed despite herself. “I could kiss you right now.”

  The sales clerk braced herself, but there was no kiss. Oddily had returned all flushed with a goofy smile on her face and asked, “Do you have any dresses appropriate for school?”

  The assistant showed Oddily a cute yellow print sundress. “This would look adorable on you.”

  “It’s too young looking,” Oddily spoke above a whisper as her shyness kicked in, but forced herself to say, “I want to appear more my age.”

  “If you don’t mind my asking, how old are you?”

  “I recently turned eighteen.”

  The assistant’s eyes lit up. “Well, Happy Birthday! I swear you look no older than—it doesn’t matter. Let’s find you something more age appropriate.”

  Nexa overheard the conversation. Hey brother, did you know Oddily just had a birthday?


  Recently, and I doubt that she had a birthday party.

  Maxim smirked as he thought of the childhood he and Nexa had experienced. What was a celebration of birth when their father came from a place that conquered aging, disease and death?

  Oddily placed a lavender dress on the counter and was heading outside to join Maxim when Nexa stopped her, insisting that she pick out more clothes. She ended up with three dresses, two pairs of jeans, a bunch of feminine tops, undergarments, and some accessories. The sneakers with wedged soles were her biggest joy because they made her appear taller, and Nexa threw a small bikini into the mix of clothing even after Oddily refused to try it on for her.

  Nexa bought several things for herself as well; however, her taste was different from the norm. There was a clean, simple look about her that gave her a composed grace, as though she came from another time and place. With her angelic features and the serenity of her clothing, she seemed to be able to calm the souls of those around her.

  Maxim had been waiting, leaning against his car when Nexa, Oddily and the store assistant came outside. Their arms were full of garment bags and boxes, and he grinned after he saw the joy in Oddily’s face. She looked beautiful in her excitement, and he planned on keeping her that way.

  He sauntered over to the back of his car and popped open the trunk, first taking the boxes from Oddily, and then the assistant unloaded her arms. Maxim went to help his sister, but she already had her things under control. Thanks, sis, he gave her a hug.

  I’ll see you at home later. Nexa realized her comment sounded more like a demand, but she didn’t care. She needed time alone with him when he wasn’t so distracted.

  Maybe, Maxim winked, and then headed over to his car. He opened the door for Oddily, but before she climbed in she turned and grabbed him, burying her face into his chest. “I don’t know how to thank you,” her voice was muffled.

  “You already have,” he kissed her on the head, “and, by the way, Happy Birthday!”

  Maxim drove out of the parking lot with the next stop in mind—a cell phone for Oddily. But when he noticed her slump in the seat, he became concerned and pulled over to the side of the road. He took her hand into his and asked, “Are you okay?”

  “Yes, I think so, but I’m too tired.”

  “I’ll take you back to the lodge,” Maxim released her hand and returned to the road.

  “You’re not mad at me, are you?”

  “Of course not,” he rested his hand on her thigh while butterflies fluttered in her stomach from his gentle touch. “These last twenty four hours have been difficult for you, Oddily. I’m sure you need time to recover.”

  “Will you stay with me?” she glanced over at him with pleading eyes.

  “I need to run some errands, but I’ll be back in a few hours.”

  Oddily tried to give him a peck on his cheek, but Maxim turned his head at the last minute and planted one on her lips.

  “Mmmm, you bought some of that good tasting lip-gloss. What flavor is this one?”

  “Watermelon,” she beamed, and then became serious. “Are we headed for the bungalow?”

  “Yes, for today.”

  Oddily was glad, because the idea of going back to the custodian’s office left a dreadful sadness in her.

  After Maxim had dropped her off at the bungalow with a soft, lingering kiss goodbye, Oddily wouldn’t rest until she had put all her new things away. When everything was in its place, she happily dressed into one of the new outfits along with her favorite tennis shoes. Truthfully, she wanted to wear everything at once, but decided to sit on the bed and enjoy what she had put on. Every few minutes, she jumped up and touched the clothing to make sure they were real; but eventually, even that became too much of an effort and she fell into a sound, dreamless sleep.


  It was hard for Maxim to leave Oddily at the bungalow. She remained a mystery to him—her heart and soul as charming as her sweet, pixie face. All the ugliness of her life had not taken this away, and she shined in her lonely existence; but her loneliness was about to change. He was determined to find a way to bring her into his world and share the unimaginable mystery of who he was and what he was to become.

  After completing all of his errands, Maxim headed back to the bungalow. He found Oddily on the bed fast asleep and smiled when he saw high-sneakers on her feet. He stepped back into the main room and grabbed the Chinese food he brought from town. A short time later, Oddily entered the room with half opened eyes.

  “Hi,” she smiled dreamily.

  “Hello, sleepyhead—did you miss me?” he cocked his head at her.

  “Sure, if I hadn’t fallen asleep.”

  “Are you hungry?”

  “I’m starved,” she rushed over to the food containers and gasped when Maxim grabbed her, pulling her onto his lap. His lips slowly began to trace her jaw line from her earlobe to her chin. She allowed her head to fall back as he followed the contour of her neck to the hollow of her throat. His kisses
were tender causing her body to tremble.

  Suddenly, he pulled away from her. “I hope you like Chinese food.”

  Oddily, flushed and breathless, took a seat on the couch, and ate in silence until she eyed a booklet on the coffee table. It was from the ‘Department of Motor Vehicles’.

  “What’s this for?” she picked up the pamphlet and flipped through the pages.

  “I got it for you,” he said between mouthfuls. “Monday, after school, we’ll go and get your driver’s permit.”

  “But I don’t own a car,” she stared at him perplexed.

  Maxim stood up, then pulled Oddily to her feet, and guided her to the front door. He waited at the doorway, allowing her to step out first, and had to plug his ears when she spotted the brand new car with a large red bow. Oddily screamed with such shock and delight at seeing the tag with her name, she drew quite a bit of attention from others strolling by.

  Oddily ran over and circled the car several times with her hands clasped over her mouth. It was one of those adorable Smart cars in a beautiful shade of crayon green.

  Maxim opened the door for her. “Get in, and let me know what you think.”

  After taking a seat behind the wheel, Oddily began to squeal some more while viewing the interior. She couldn’t believe this was happening to her. This had to be a dream.

  “Ouch!” she rubbed her arm.

  “What happened?”

  “I pinched myself, and I’m really awake.”

  “Do you like the color?” He flashed a gratifying smile at her.

  “It’s perfect,” she started to cry.

  “I hope those are tears of joy,” he gazed upon her with tenderness.

  “Oh, Maxim,” Oddily jumped out and fell into his arms. “I am so happy!”

  “How about we go for a ride?” Another squeal erupted, and Maxim took her new outburst to mean, yes.

  Pulling out onto the road, Maxim explained what the various dashboard gadgets were, and Oddily became an eager student. He encouraged her to explore for herself the stereo, heater, air conditioner, lights, windshield wipers, and she discovered that what appeared so complicated wasn’t hard at all with a hand on approach.

  “What type of music is your favorite, Maxim?”
