Read Oddily Page 9

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  Staring out of the classroom window from her seat, Starla saw the two of them leaving. Was she seeing things? Who was that handsome hunk, and why did he hold Oddily’s hand? Was he her boyfriend? That was a ridiculous thought. So who was he? She intended to find out. It would be harder to talk with Oddily now that she’d moved out, but then again, Starla always got what she wanted, and asking about this good-looking cutie would be no different.

  Starla felt quite smug until…wait a minute! Why wasn’t Oddily in class? The more Starla pondered over Oddily and her new friend, the more agitated she became.


  Oddily sat on a stack of books, so the stylist could cut her hair. She trimmed all the extra length until cute wispy curls framed her face. The stylist had managed to make Oddily appear girly and feminine.

  After gazing at her reflection in the mirror, Oddily somewhat doubted her identity. Without her faded golden-red locks, her hair was a darker much richer shade of red and looked healthy. Her virgin curls, untouched by the sun, caused her large eyes to be brighter and more emerald green than hazel.

  How could she possibly expose her features to the other students in school tomorrow? Her ugly face would be subject to criticism without her mane of hair to hide under. Oddily sighed heavily at this dilemma. She wished Principal Dumas would make an exception in her case and let her wear a hat into the classrooms, but she knew he wouldn’t.

  Still wearing her hat, Oddily returned to the waiting area, while Maxim lowered a magazine to gaze at her in wonder.

  “Was her hair cut?” His asked the girl at the front desk.

  “Yes, it was, but I don’t think she’s very happy.”

  Maxim paid the bill and hurried outside, pulling Oddily along with him. The chemical smells of the salon got to him, and the flirting hairdressers became annoying.

  When they got to his car, Maxim turned her around to face him, and removed her hat. He had no idea what to expect; but after seeing the new Oddily, he smiled, “You look pretty—I like it!”

  “No hairdo is going to make me pretty,” Oddily shook her head in despair, staring at his feet. “Ugliness will always be my dilemma.”

  Ugly was a word rarely, if ever, used by Maxim or any of his family members. He was appalled that Oddily would say such a thing and was about to make a joke of it until a glimpse of her half averted face sobered him. Her expression was serious.

  “Oddily,” his tone sounded sympathetic, “do you honestly think you’re ugly?”

  She nodded without looking at him, “Oh yes, I’m sure of it. I have known it for awhile because Starla pointed out all of my flaws.”

  Maxim asked, “Who’s Starla?”

  “She’s my foster sister.”

  Maxim’s lips twitched when he remembered the whiny voice of the girl arguing with her parent’s over her stolen car. He had been listening from Oddily’s bedroom just before he switched the glasses.

  In spite of his pity for the real suffering displayed in her eyes, Maxim couldn’t help but be amused over this unusual girl’s belief in her ugliness.

  “I don’t think you’re ugly.”

  “Oh, but I’m sure you must,” she protested. “Please—lets drop the subject. It makes me feel sorry for myself and spoils everything.”

  “Your right.” Maxim realized it would take more than a few words to change her mind. “I won’t mention your appearance again. Besides, looks aren’t everything.”

  “Maxim, you can’t fool me,” she said naively. “I saw the pity in your eyes, and I know that means you’re feeling sorry for me. What other reason would there be for your kindness?”

  “Suppose I like you.” Maxim said with a tender note in his voice that he couldn’t hide.

  Oddily ignored him and said, “May I please have my hat back?”

  Maxim reluctantly handed it over, and for good reason, she shoved it back on her head.

  Before they headed back to the school campus, Maxim did something out of the ordinary hoping it would put a smile on Oddily’s hidden face. He surprised her by lowering the top on his black convertible, and her smile rewarded him as they drove down the road. Such elementary things seemed to bring her so much pleasure.

  Out of the corner of his eye, Maxim watched when Oddily lifted her face to the wind, breathing in deeply. She sat tall in the seat and spread her slender arms towards the sky, laughing with exquisite delight. Her bit of fun had the delicious quality of a happy child at play, the way it suddenly and unexpectedly bubbled up. Maxim laughed too. She behaved as though she were alone in some dreamy world in her mind. She didn’t even seem to notice when her floppy hat blew off her head.

  He drove down the scenic road of woodlands and meadows, remaining quiet as he allowed Oddily to revel in her imaginings. He found himself desiring to go to the magical place with her to view her dreams for himself. He wished his mental abilities were keenly developed like his sister’s with her talent to see into the thoughts of others. His capacity to do the same was severely restricted to just a few souls, and Oddily wasn’t one of them. He, on the other hand, had the extraordinary ability to erase fragments of memory from anyone he chose.

  What if he convinced his sister to go into Oddily’s mind and share the girl’s fantasies with him? And what if he designed a special pair of glasses just for this dreamy creature and transported those dreams to virtual life? He remembered one of her fantasies. She wanted to be swept away by ‘Prince Charming’ and live happily ever after. He had the technology to make it happen. After all, he did the same thing for his sister when they were young. This game, however, would be far more complex now that he was an adult.

  No, the thought was a terrible idea! He would never risk exposing himself, his family, or the advanced technology. His game device was too dangerous in the hands of mankind with their current knowledge.

  When Maxim pulled up to Forest Ridge High, the parking lot was filled. Clearly an after school activity was in progress because in the distance, faint music came from the direction of the gymnasium. Oddily also listened to the sound drifting magically through the air beckoning them to come.

  “What’s the event?”

  “I’m not sure!” Oddily shrugged.

  Whatever the occasion, Maxim took note of this opportunity to help Oddily. A school event was just the thing she needed to break the ice with her peers—to help introduce her new look. There was a problem though. He had to distance himself from the curious, questioning minds that would eventually want to know about him and where he came from.  The danger was inevitable, unless he could lie about who he was, and act like any typical teenager without using his powers.

  Suddenly, he became exhilarated. Up until then, he lived his whole life in seclusion, knowing the risks of being in the public’s eye. But now, beyond his understanding, he had to become somewhat visible for Oddily.

  Maxim parked his car, slipped on his sunglasses and said, “Let’s find out what’s going on.”

  When they arrived at the doorway of the gym, Oddily’s eyes were soft and searching while she viewed the scene before her.

  “Oh, I remember now! This is the Vice-Versa dance where girls ask the boys.” How could she have forgotten? This was what Starla constantly talked about with her friends; what boys to invite, who would show up with whom, and where they’d shop for their new dresses.

  Oddily’s thoughts returned to her surroundings and took in the decorations set up by the dance committee. They were doing a nice job with pink and yellow streamers, bundles of multicolored balloons, twinkle lights wrapped around poles, and a variety of flowers cut out of craft paper tacked to the walls. Two long lunch tables were ready for unimaginable delicacies. Hopefully the menu included chocolate cake, and Oddily hoped Mr. Jack would save her a piece.

  A student from the dance committee walked by and did a double take in their direction. “Oddily, is that you?!”

  Oddily tightened her grip on Maxim’s hand. Her free hand ca
me up to rest on her throat in a protective manner, while Pepper approached all bright and cheery.

  Maxim frowned at Oddily’s reaction. She acted so shy—so deep inside herself when she was around others.

  “What the heck girl! I thought you were some ugly duck under all that hair; which, by the way, I love the cut! Where did you get it done?”

  Maxim spoke up when Oddily hesitated. “It was Jasmine from the Jeff Edward’s salon.”

  Pepper, whose smooth, creamy skin resembled chocolate milk, gave Maxim a once over while batting her eyes flirtatiously. “Hey, pretty boy,” she cooed acting all sexy and playful.

  Maxim remained silent, but gave the girl a slight smile to be polite.

  “Do you always hide behind your shades?” Pepper was curious about the color of his eyes and went to grab his glasses, but Maxim was too quick for her and dodged the attempt.

  “Okay, that’s awkward,” she turned her attention back to Oddily.

  “Girlfriend, I can’t get over how different you look, and your eyes. I had no idea they were so…large!”

  “Really?” she heard the compliment, but still found it too strange to believe.

  Maxim squeezed her hand as if to say I told you so.

  “Carrie, come over here and check out Oddily’s makeover!”

  The girl joined them and praised Oddily’s appearance as well.

  “Are you coming tonight?” Pepper surveyed their locked hands inquisitively.

  “Well, I forgot…”

  “Yes, we’re coming.” Maxim quickly answered. He braced himself for his sister’s bombardment of warnings and complaints, but his mind surprisingly remained quiet. It was just as well because he had a yearning to understand why this unusual girl still plagued his curiosity; not to mention the overpowering physical connection he felt when they were together.

  “Great, I’ll hang with you guys later.”

  Pepper and Carrie were headed to the other side of the dance floor when Oddily spotted Starla walk over to the two girls. She wondered for the umpteenth time what her foster sister was up to as she glanced at Maxim’s hand still holding hers.

  “What did you do that for?” Oddily asked.

  “Don’t you want to go to the dance?”

  “Well yes, I do, but it’s not that easy. I didn’t purchase the tickets, and I have no party dress to wear, and I don’t know how to dance, and I have a lot of homework to catch up on and…”

  “Sshh,” he placed the tip of his finger over her lips. “Do you want me to go with you?”

  Maxim was met with silence, so he asked again, “Does your quietness mean yes, or no.”

  “Yes!” the word popped out so forcefully, Maxim was startled for a moment before laughing.

  “Don’t worry about a thing. I’ll take care of the tickets and the party dress, but you’re on your own with the homework.”

  Oddily smiled at his last comment.

  “Let’s go. We’ll get your backpack, and I’ll drive you home.”

  “No…I think I’ll stay for awhile and help with the decorations.” Oddily cringed under her deception. She found it awkward to hold back from Maxim when he had been so kind; and yet, what other choice was there without exposing her sleeping arrangements in the custodian’s office?  It was the best place Mr. Jack came up with until she could figure out what to do with her living arrangements.

  “I’ll need your address and, by the way, what time is the dance?”

  “Seven o’clock!”

  “Perfect, I’ll pick you up at seven.”

  “I would like to meet you here if you don’t mind.” Oddily started to fidget with her dress.

  Maxim picked up on her uneasiness and asked, “Have I said something wrong?”

  Oddily stared up at him with pleading eyes as if to say, please don’t ask any more questions. After some reluctance, Maxim decided to mind his own business, and agreed to meet her at her locker at six forty-five.


  The enormous iron gates opened, and Maxim drove onto his property. He followed the road leading to the Stafford Manor and when he arrived, the garage door adjoining the east side of the structure opened. He pulled his car inside and waited as the door closed by way of the high-tech security system. His father had the installation done right before he left Maxim and his sister. Then another opening came into view when the back wall of the garage slid into the ceiling. It was the hidden entrance to an underground roadway once used by bootleggers to smuggle liquor during Prohibition in the late twenties era.

  Maxim slowly moved the car forward, heading down a steep slope until the ground straightened out to a long dimly lit tunnel carved out of stone. He never cared much for driving through the excavated passage; but, it was the only way for a car to enter the ancient forest surrounded by mountains—the place where he and his sister truly lived.

  After parking inside a cave, Maxim pushed his way through thick foliage reaching a sleek, modern structure well hidden in the densest part of the woods. He stepped inside the lobby with its towering atrium and large panoramic windows and stopped.

  “Welcome Maxim.” Sweeper, one of his creations glided up to scan his body.

  “Where is Nexa?”

  “I have no access.” The robot’s response surprised him.

  Maxim knew in an instant that Sweeper had been reprogrammed, and cursed even though he understood why Nexa did it. After all, he was taking a substantial risk in attending the school dance; but, he calmed himself while surveying the rooms. He knew his sister couldn’t physically hide for long, not with such sparse furnishings.

  Large, open rooms with sleek hardwood floors met his gaze while soft lights automatically switched on to illuminate the gently curved walls. One room had a modern table with chairs. Another room had three sculpted couches and nothing more; still another had a silver, futuristic piano like no other on this planet; and the kitchen resembled one giant molded piece of synthetic material. The electronic equipment inlaid into the walls weren’t the traditional stove, dishwasher, and refrigerator scenario.

  The one thing consistent throughout the rooms was the multi-screened wall monitors displaying the Stafford grounds; and, the large windows had been designed and angled to create fantastic views of the surrounding landscape.

  “Nexa,” Maxim spoke out loud this time and still no answer. The only sound touching his senses were the soft symphonies of Beethoven playing throughout the rooms.

  His frustration continued while climbing the stairs to his room—another simplistic space with nothing but a bed in the center of spacious flooring. He sauntered over to the massive window and stared out onto the lush greenery of the woods as the sun began to set. This was his world—this hauntingly beautiful place he and his sister had grown up in was their secret home.

  I can’t be shut out forever, sis! He smiled to himself as he began to take off his clothes to jump into the shower—if it could be called a shower. It was more similar to a large communal room with natural rain pouring down from the heavens, only this water came from the ceiling, and at just the right temperature.

  Maxim turned his face up and held out his arms, letting the warm water message his body. He took a deep breath to take in the fresh scent of the soothing mist that filled his space. Through the skylight, he could barely view the last rays of sunlight as it dipped from his view and watched the room light up brighter than the soft glow throughout the house.

  Revitalized, Maxim dressed himself in a pristine white dress shirt, tan pants and beige tennis shoes. He slicked his hair back knowing full well it wouldn’t stay in place, but refused to apply hair product loaded with unhealthy chemicals. It was just one of many things he learned from his father concerning dangerous manufactured goods in this timeline.

  Well, don’t you look charming!

  Maxim saw Nexa standing by his bed. She was all dressed up in a beautiful beige party dress with a black bodice and matching high-heeled sandals.

  Where are you go
ing? He raised his eyebrows in surprise.

  I’m going out.

  You’re going out. Maxim mimicked her while staring at her suspiciously, knowing she still blocked him from reading her mind. All right, what are you up to?

  Nothing, she smiled at him innocently. You’re going out tonight, so I thought I would too. After all, what’s appropriate in your eyes must be acceptable for me also, right?

  Maxim scowled at her. So this is my punishment for not listening to you?!

  She crossed her graceful arms over her perfect chest and said, yes.

  Fine! He started to leave the room.

  Maxim, she dropped her facade and rushed over to him. He ignored her until she hurried around him and blocked the doorway.

  Get out of my way, sis. I don’t have time for your games.

  I’m not kidding, Maxim. I’m going out.

  No, you're not; not without me.

  Don’t yell at me!

  I’m not yelling, but if you don’t stop this insane conversation and get out of my way, I will!  His voice involuntarily got a little louder in her head as he spoke.

  With one stunned sweeping movement, Nexa stepped out of his way. You're attracted to her, aren’t you?!

  Maxim closed his eyes and stood in silence for a long moment. Yes, but I don’t understand why. All I know for sure is I’m protective of her. Those damn glasses caused Oddily to be in the mess she’s in, and I need to return her life to its rightful order.

  Where are you, Mr. Genius? You know that’s impossible.

  After eavesdropping on his deepest thoughts, Nexa gasped. You’re falling in love!

  No, I’m not! I hardly know her.

  Nexa could tell Maxim attempted to block her from his mind, but he was unsuccessful, and she started to laugh despite knowing the situation would undoubtedly have serious consequences.

  Thanks to you, I’m late! Maxim disappeared out the door.


  “Oddily, wait up!” Oddily was en route to her locker to meet up with Maxim when Starla’s best friend and sidekick came up to her.

  “I’m so glad I found you.” Kendall stared at Oddily’s haircut and newly exposed face. She hated to admit it, but she couldn’t take her eyes off of the redhead’s unusual, and yet, appealing features. She almost slipped and gave her a compliment but caught herself in time. “Starla says you are coming to the dance tonight and asked if I would lend you a dress—seeing how hers would be too large. Anyway, I brought you one of my favorite black, strapless dresses with a matching flowered headband.”