Read Of Damsels & Dragons Page 11


  tap tap tap

  Amy stretched and gave a slight, sleepy moan.

  tap tap tap tap “Amy” came a whisper.

  Amy’s eyes snapped open. She sat up, scooting off the couch to hurry to the door. She unlocked the chain and deadbolt and opened the door a little way. Garret smiled a greeting, but he looked tired-- no, he looked exhausted. Eleven o’clock at night, after a day full of meetings and arguments and intense business decisions, he still came.

  Amy stepped out into the hall and closed the door behind her. Then she stepped forward and wrapped Garret up in a tight embrace, squeezing her eyes shut as she pressed her cheek against him. Garret released a slow breath and enfolded her within the warmth of his heavyweight wool coat.

  “I haven’t been able to focus on a single item of business since our conversation,” he whispered. “Max became quite furious.” Garret chuckled and pushed gently back. “Come, come, sweet muse, tell me now what has troubled your song.”

  Amy took hold of Garret’s hand and led him to the wall opposite her apartment. Then she sat on the floor with her back against the wall, tugging him down beside her. “Garret, why did you want Mark to play Cloud Strife?”

  Garret examined Amy’s profile in silence before speaking. “To be quite honest, I didn’t. A friend suggested him.”

  Amy absently nodded, staring at her bare feet. “Why didn’t you want him?” Garret didn’t answer, so Amy faced him. He had looked away. “It’s because of Vanessa. Right? You wanted to try again with her, didn’t you?”

  Garret picket at a non-existent piece of lint from his black slacks. “I did.”

  “But they had a history. You didn’t want him getting in the way again.”

  Garret straightened the crease. “No. I didn’t.”

  “So then why did you?”

  Garret released a deep breath and crossed his arms with a slight frown. “Their history was the key.”

  “Because of Tifa and Cloud and you.”

  Garret nodded as he let out yet another breath.

  “You wanted to make sure the chemistry was there.”

  He grunted slightly. “He’s a pompous bastard, but he has a talent for action. That and the bloody cameras love him.”

  Amy smiled. “You had to eat humble pie all over the place, didn’t you?”

  Garret met her gaze, and then his frown melted with a reluctant smile. “To offer this movie the future it deserves? Yes.”

  Amy held his gaze with a slight smile, though her eyes glimmered. “I’m sorry, Garret.”

  He reached out and caressed her lips. “And for what must you apologize?”

  “For doubting you.”

  Garret raised an eyebrow. “Doubting me in what?”

  Amy looked away. “Your motives for choosing the people you did for the roles they have.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  Amy nodded. “I know, but that’s alright.” She looked over at him again, and the smile returned. “Thank you for coming by, Garret.”

  “Of course,” he said absently, still examining her expression.

  “Rehearsal tomorrow?” Amy asked. She watched his face and eyes with a smile, absorbing their beauty and expressiveness as he spoke.

  “Yes. I have told Max that I am strictly unavailable. However, dinner may be an impossibility.”

  “That’s alright. Maybe breakfast or lunch?”

  Garret smiled his most beguiling and flirtatious. “Breakfast would be delightful.”

  Amy chuckled. “Be here by 7 am and I will have it waiting for you.”

  “You mean I must sleep elsewhere?” Garret asked, shocked.

  Amy nodded with a smile. “Unless, of course, you don’t mind sleeping on the couch.”

  Garret leaned close, pressing his lips lightly on hers. “Only if you were there with me.”

  Amy returned his light kiss before pulling back. “I have my own room,” she told him with a smirk, “and it hasn’t yet had a boy in it.”

  Garret chuckled. “One day,” he promised.

  “Maybe, but you have to say the magic words.”

  Garret chuckled again. Then he looked to his watch. “I had best away, Amy. Morning comes earlier each day.”

  He stood and helped her to her feet, taking both hands in his. “Sleep well, sweet muse.”

  Amy smiled up at him. “Only should you promise to await me within my dreams, poet mine.”

  “Would that I could be there always,” he whispered. He kissed her cheeks. “Good night, Amy.”

  Amy kissed him softly on the cheek before he pulled back. “Drive safely, Garret.”

  “With the wings of my muse upon my soul? I shall fly.” Garret gave each hand a gentle squeeze before moving toward the elevator. Once inside, he turned and gave a slight bow as the doors closed.

  Amy sighed and leaned against the wall.

  .: Nine :.




  Amy sighed as she took another bite of her cereal. Renee sat beside her at the bar counter in the kitchenette, pouting. “I didn’t do it on purpose,” Amy said.

  “That’s what you always say. You did it to get back at me for something.” Renee played with her cereal for a silent second before plunking down her spoon and facing Amy with a frown. “I can’t believe you cancelled! You knew I wanted to meet Mark Frasier, and you let him slip through your fingers!”

  Amy faced her, eyes wide. “I didn’t, Renee! I swear! He just couldn’t do it!”

  Renee scoffed as she turned her attention back to her cereal. She plunked her elbow onto the counter and picked up her spoon. “You owe me big, Amy.”

  “Why? I didn’t get to have dinner with Mr. Harrison.”

  “Yeah, like that’s a loss. He’s probably the one that made it impossible for Mark to come.”

  Amy sighed and turned back to her breakfast. “You don’t have to be mean, Renee. You don’t even know him. In fact, you don’t know either of them. Maybe Mark didn’t want to come because he didn’t want to meet another crazy fan.”

  “Well that was uncalled for.”

  “And so was your crack about--”

  Knock Knock Knock

  Amy and Renee stared at each other wide-eyed, mid-word. Then Amy looked over her shoulder at the door while Renee leaned to her left to do the same.

  Knock Knock Knock

  Amy and Renee tumbled off the bar stools, squealing and pushing as they both scrambled up and over and around furniture to get to the door first. Then Amy and Renee both fumbled and fought with the chain and lock, still giggling and protesting when the other supposedly played dirty. Finally, Amy got the door unlocked and opened, shoving Renee out of the way.

  Amy blinked up into the amused expression of Garret as he stood with arms crossed and eyebrow raised. “Have I come at a bad time? Or have you finished murdering your roommate?”

  Amy smiled. “Hi.”

  Renee shoved Amy out of the way. “Cheater,” she complained. Then she faced their guest and blinked. “Aren’t you that Garret Harrison guy Amy was so wild about at the audition?”

  Amy met Garret’s glance with a wink as she righted herself from the knickknack table used to rescue her from falling.

  “Yes, I am,” he said in his most charming voice. Garret produced a hand. “And who might you be?”

  Renee took the hand and gave it a firm shake. “Renee Adams.” She examined Garret’s expression and then, when he had released her hold, she motioned behind her and stepped back. “Come in.”

  Garret did, and then he reached out to take Amy’s hand too. “Miss Burke. How are you this morning?”

  Amy’s eyes crinkled at the corners. “Good. Thank you. Yourself?”

  Renee turned away, moving toward the bar counter to pick up their breakfast dishes. Garret used the opportunity to lift her palm to his lips. “Better,” he whispered. Then Garret straightened, releasing Amy’s hand as he said “Very w
ell. Thank you” in a louder voice.

  Renee returned from taking their dishes to the sink. “What can we do for you, Mr. Harrison?”

  “I had heard from Mr. Frasier that he and Ms. Heron were to have a rehearsal this morning with Miss Burke.” He looked to Amy. “I had hoped to participate, if you don’t mind.”

  “Of course I don’t mind,” Amy said. “You’re more than welcome. Would you like some breakfast?”

  “What is offered?”

  “We’ve just had some granola.”

  “Sounds marvelous.”

  “Coming right up.” Though she couldn’t imagine Sir Garret Harrison eating granola. Amy smiled and headed toward the kitchenette. She noticed, though, that Renee watched the pair with crossed arms and a suspicious expression.

  Garret sat beside Renee on the available stool. “So, Miss Adams. What is it that you do?”

  “I’m a receptionist.”

  Amy set a bowl in front of Garret and then turned to retrieve the carton of granola.

  “A receptionist?”

  “Yes. Why the shock?” Renee asked, clearly annoyed.

  “I do apologize. I forsook you for a model.”

  Amy withheld a snigger, wiping her face of all but a simple smile as she turned back to the bar counter and poured out some granola. Garret had just gained about 100 points in his favor.

  Renee adjusted her crossed arms after gesturing to Amy for a mug of coffee. “Nope. I don’t have the right connections.”

  “Connections? With a physique such as yours? Bah! The agent that told you such was a fool.”

  Amy took down a coffee mug.

  “If you would be so kind, Miss Burke.”

  Amy sent a smile over her shoulder. “Sure thing.” She retrieved mug number two and three. Then she retrieved the creamer and the milk from the fridge. She poured the milk over Garret’s granola and then dipped a spoon into it.

  “Many thanks, Miss Burke.”

  “Uh-huh.” Amy turned to prepare the coffee once she had returned the milk to the fridge.

  “Tell me the name of the agent representing you, and I will personally run him out of business.”

  Renee wasn’t sure whether to believe Garret or not. Amy could tell by the way she silently regarded him before speaking. “I don’t remember his name.”

  “Then he must not have been a very memorable character. Miss Burke, might I have a little honey for my granola?”

  Amy brought the three mugs over, setting them beside the creamer. “Sure.” Then she turned and gathered the honey and the coffee pot. “There you go.”

  “Thank you.” Garret spooned some of the honey onto his granola as Amy poured some coffee into each mug. “Miss Adams, allow me three days and I will have you a modeling position for Allure or Vogue. Have you a portfolio?”

  Amy’s eyes twinkled. Garret had just hit a homerun, and Renee would likely offer to have his children.

  “I haven’t updated it recently,” Renee said, dazed.

  “I will have a photographer give you a call to set up an appointment to do so, if that is acceptable?”

  Renee didn’t say a word. Amy chuckled. “Just say ‘yes’, Renee.”

  “Yes.” But Renee’s tone made Amy doubt if Renee believed she’d said anything at all.

  Garret smiled. “Excellent. I would suggest that you give your employer notice. I doubt you will be working there much longer.”

  “I will,” Renee said, still dazed. “Thank you.”

  Amy pushed a mug of coffee toward Renee. “Renee, you better drink this in a hurry. Or you’re going to be late.”

  “...Late? Late!” Renee stood to her feet and rushed to the door, coffee forgotten as she grabbed her purse and keys and coat. “See you later, Amy!” she called as she did. Then she froze with her hand on the doorknob. Renee turned and looked at Garret. “Thank you, Mr. Harrison. I appreciate it.”

  Garret smiled, lifting his coffee mug toward her in a salute. “Don’t mention it, Miss Adams. My pleasure.”

  Renee smiled, which brightened her entire face, and then turned to leave the apartment. Amy leaned her arms against the counter across from Garret, eyes twinkling as she watched his face. Garret faced her, watching her over his cup of coffee as he took a sip.

  “You didn’t really think she was a model, did you?”

  One side of Garret’s lips lifted as he set down his coffee mug and again stirred his granola. “Come, come, Miss Burke. You don’t trust me?”

  “Oh I trust you, I just don’t believe you.”

  Garret chuckled and then took a bite of his granola.

  Amy sniggered when a drop of milk lingered on his chin. She wiped it away. “What am I going to do with you?” she asked.

  Garret gathered another spoonful of granola as he watched her face with the ever-recognizable smile of flirtatious possibilities. “I could offer a list of suggestions.”

  Amy laughed. “Eat your granola. I’ll just watch you and enjoy my coffee.”

  Amy did watch him eat his granola, but as she talked about her life in Illinois and her dream fulfilled of studying drama at N.Y.U.. She relived anecdotes of rained-out monologue performances in the park, of midnight adventures performing various works on the sidewalk with her friends, and of less-than-popular plays performed at run-down performance halls that had been the best experiences of her life. She laughed over stories of impetuousness involving her brother, which had always resulted in a week’s worth of grounding and extra chores, and of Christmas dinners and Thanksgiving lunches when her entire family would travel to reunions.

  Garret listened to all with a continual, lopsided smile as he finished his granola and watched her varying expressions. Then he took up his coffee and listened more, chuckling here and there but offering neither comment nor question. Then he finished his coffee and stood, bringing his dirty dishes around and placing them in the sink as Amy told of her first experience of the subway, of getting lost when she tried to transfer, and of having to spend the night in a strange hotel because of it.

  Then Garret stepped up to her, placed a hand on the counter on either side of her as she smiled up at him, and leaned in close while not saying a word.

  “I wouldn’t recommend kissing me,” Amy said with a mischievous twinkle. “I’ve got granola in my teeth and coffee on my breath.”

  “A kiss can be placed in a multitude of areas with much the same affect,” Garret said quietly.

  Amy’s smile faded, and she swallowed hard. “Yes, I suppose it can,” she whispered.

  Garret’s lips twitched. Then he pulled back, taking her hands in his. “While I would very much enjoy the prospect, I believe I will do my best to behave this morning.”

  Amy released a deep breath. “Thank you.” She gave his hands a couple of squeezes as the smile slowly returned. “You know what? I can totally see you and Vanessa as a couple. You and her probably did this same exact routine each morning. Except she probably sang love songs to you - she’s a wonderful soprano - and you probably quoted monologues and sonnets to her.”

  Garret’s smile faded to nothing as he stared down at their clasped hands. He cleared his throat. “Yes, well, in retrospect, Vanessa and my relationship was mainly physical. There was the initial romance and pursuit of course...” Garret turned Amy’s hands over to stare down at the palms. The action seemed a little self-conscious. “I believe we both may have been a bit too eager to experience the other.”

  Amy softly smiled as she watched his inward examination of his past history with the women of his life. “Oh no,” she said quietly. “I’ve given you a guilty conscience.”

  Garret reluctantly smiled as he met her gaze. “Our relationship is so very far removed from what my others have been, which causes me to look back with a bit more intensity than I should. I suppose due to the fact ours is so much more... satisfying.”

  Amy’s eyes crinkled at the corners. “That just earned you a bunch of brownie points, Mr. Harrison.”

ret laughed. “And what might I purchase with said ‘brownie points’, Miss Burke?”

  “A poem left on your voice mail? A bunch of flowers delivered to a meeting?” Amy asked with a twinkle.

  “What? No romantic evening of caresses?”

  While Amy’s cheeks did color a bit pinker than normal, she simply continued to smile. “Sorry. Not on the list. It will take a little more than a statement, lovely as it may have been, to get that.”

  Garret chuckled as he pulled her slightly closer to place a kiss on her cheek. “How came you to be so pure in a society such as ours, Miss Burke?” He stared down at her with a slight smile. “Do you not know the truest display of affection is a night spent in the arms of a lover?”

  Amy’s smile twitched. “And why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free?” Garret raised an eyebrow. Amy laughed. “Oh come on, surely you’ve heard the expression before?”

  “I can safely assure you I haven’t.”

  Amy chuckled with a shake of her head before again meeting his gaze. “You understand what it means, though, right?”

  Garret’s lips twitched. “I have a vague inkling.”

  “Well, Mr. Harrison, this jersey cow wants to be bought and paid for before releasing her milk to anyone, no matter how rich or charming or wonderful he may be.” Amy smiled up into his amused expression for a little bit, but then her smile faded and her gaze drifted to the button on his royal blue Polo shirt. She released his hands to pick at it. “I’m a romantic, I always have been, and this romantic doesn’t want to give up her virginity until she finds the right knight on his shining white steed.”

  Garret blinked, staring down at her in silence before taking her hands in his. “Amy, you are... You have never been with a man?”

  Amy’s lips were tickled with a smile as she slightly shook her head. “Nope. My own choice, too.” She looked up, her smile widening when she saw the shocked expression in his expression. “Yeah. I guess I should expect that reaction. You don’t get that much around here I bet.”

  “Haven’t you ever been in love?” he pressed.

  Amy chuckled. “Of course I’ve been in love, Garret.”

  “Then why...?”

  “Why not have sex with him?” Amy smiled softened as she held Garret’s gaze. “Garret, sharing that part of myself with a man... that really means something. I don’t want to give that to a man who isn’t as devoted to me as I am to him.”

  “So you have never been in a long relationship?”

  Amy’s smile twitched. “I didn’t say that. Just because we last more than 3, 6, or 12 months doesn’t mean I should have an intimate relationship with him.” Amy suddenly chuckled. “I’m sorry. I feel like I’m lecturing you.”

  Garret shook his head. “No, Amy. I want to understand. No one has ever thought that much of their future...”

  Amy’s eyes twinkled. “Husband?” Garret nodded and Amy continued. “I wouldn’t say that. They just haven’t been raised with the same view of a sexual relationship that I have. My parents are staunch Baptists, you know. While I’m not nearly as conservative as they are on relationships and what is and is not acceptable, I do draw the line at certain points. Sex being one of them.”

  Amy regarded his expression for a second. “Let me ask you a question. Think back to your reaction when I told you I’m a virgin. Now, imagine finding that out on your wedding night.” Amy watched as he processed the information. He blinked, and Amy’s smile widened. “See? Makes you feel pretty wonderful that she saved herself for you, huh?”

  Garret intensely examined Amy’s face and eyes and expression before lowering his gaze to their clasped hands. He released them and took a step back from her.

  Amy’s smile faded. “Garret? What’s the matter?”

  Garret lifted his eyes to meet her concerned expression. His was guarded and serious. “Do you realize how many women I have been with?”

  Amy shook her head. “No, and it doesn’t matter.”

  “It doesn’t matter?” he asked, incredulous. “Amy, how can that fact not matter?”

  “It doesn’t matter because that isn’t who you are,” she said simply. “That isn’t why I enjoy spending time with you. That isn’t why I care about you.”


  “Garret, do you really think I didn’t already know you weren’t a virgin? Abstinence is accepted, sure, but it isn’t widely practiced. I know that.” Amy gestured to the front door. “Renee isn’t a virgin either. Does that make her not my friend? No. We just have different views on things. She thinks sex is part of the normal boyfriend-girlfriend relationship. I don’t.” Amy shrugged. “Who cares? I love her anyway.”

  Amy motioned to Garret standing across from her. “You’ve had sex with women throughout your career. It was a choice you were fine with. A choice that you still consider. Alright. It happens. I don’t care about you any less.”

  “Our lovemaking won’t be as special--”

  “Garret, why even worry about it?” Amy asked, arms outstretched. “We’re building a friendship and a relationship right now. We’re not planning a wedding. We’re getting to know each other. We’re finding out what makes the other tick. We’re seeing the good and the bad and dealing with it while asking ourselves if we want to take another step forward. I know about your past, and I don’t care...”

  Amy wrinkled her nose, lowering her arms to her sides. “Well, some things annoy me, but we’ll deal with that little by little. I like you. I want to get to know you better, and I want to tell you all about me. I don’t worry about how special our first night together will be because, you know what, if we do share a night together it will be after I’ve said ‘I do’. To me, that will make the moment special.”

  Garret stared at Amy with a somewhat dazed and astonished expression.

  Amy smiled and stepped up to him, taking his hands in hers to give them a squeeze. “Stop trying to be Executive Producer of your life, and just live it a day at a time.”

  Garret’s facial expression relaxed into a slight smile that warmed his eyes. He released her hands and cupped her face. “The attraction I feel for you, sweet muse, will surely drive me mad.”

  Amy’s eyes crinkled at the corners. “Just don’t kiss me. I’m telling you I’ve got bad coffee breath.”

  Garret chuckled. “What do I care of that?” he whispered as his lips lightly touched hers. “So do I.”

  “Just warning you,” she sighed. Amy pressed one, two, three more gentle kisses against his lips before pulling his hands from her face and holding his gaze. “So... Are you alright?”

  Garret’s lips twitched. “A trifle dazed, but yes. I believe I will survive.”

  Amy smiled. “Don’t you worry about this anymore either. If you do, talk to me about it. Okay? I’m serious.”

  He brushed a lock of her long hair behind her ear as his eyes traveled her entire face, his lips lifted in a smile. “Banish the worry with another taste of your honey, sweet muse.”

  Amy chuckled and then touched each side of his lips with hers before placing a slightly more intense one on his mouth. Garret’s lips responded to the intensity with a welcome touch of passion and gentleness. As before, Amy hadn’t ever been kissed like that before. That difference and intensity spoke to her... but then his hold on her arms tightened, drawing her closer, and Amy forced herself to pull away. She clearly felt his resistance. It mirrored her own.

  Amy cleared her throat and held his gaze. “I’m sorry, Garret,” she said unevenly. “I shouldn’t have kissed you like that. It feels way to good, and we both know it leads to something more.”

  Garret cleared his throat as well, lowering his hands from her arms as he gave a slight nod. “Yes,” he said in a gruff voice.

  Amy looked down at her watch. “I think we have about 45 minutes before Vanessa and Mark get here.” She looked up again and motioned over her shoulder to the door. “Let’s go take a walk. I think the cold air would do us a lot of good.”

; Garret nodded again. “Yes, I believe it would.”

  They gathered their coats and keys and made their way from the apartment. Amy locked the door behind them and then faced Garret to give him a smile as she tucked her keys into the pocket of her coat. They headed toward the elevator. Once inside, Amy noticed that Garret stood carefully away from her.

  Amy smiled. “It is a little cozy in here, isn’t it?”

  Garret’s eyes met her gaze. He reluctantly smiled. “Much as the knowledge will shock, I have an... intimate knowledge of what is and is not plausible to accomplish within a lift.”

  Amy’s jaw dropped. “Garret Harrison,” she breathed.

  Garret cleared his throat and clenched his hands behind his back. “Be careful, Amy. I may take your expression of disbelief as a dare to prove what I say.”

  Amy shook her head. “Please don’t. I just can’t believe... in the elevator? What about the other people in the building? What if they’d stopped it?”

  Garret lightly rubbed at his temple. “Such was the... attraction of the...” He cleared his throat.

  Amy blinked, eyes still wide. “Garret Harrison,” she breathed again.

  Garret laughed as he looked over at her. “Do not judge me so harshly, Miss Burke. Perhaps one day I will have my way with you in a lift?”

  Amy’s eyes crinkled as she smiled. “Don’t be so sure you won’t be the one shocked, Mr. Harrison.”

  Garret laughed again, taking a step toward her just as the elevator dinged and opened its doors. “Saved by the bell,” he whispered.

  Amy’s lips twitched before she turned and exited. Garret fell into step beside her as they made their way toward the front exit. “If Executive Producer Harrison finds out about us, we’re going to get into a lot of trouble. You know about his ‘no fraternizing’ rule, right?”

  Garret chuckled. “I had heard some mention of it.”

  “Maybe we should confess and take our punishment?”

  “Perhaps he will revoke the rule?”

  Amy looked over at Garret with a bright smile as they exited her apartment building and turned left toward the park. “You think he would?”

  “I doubt the rule referred to him in the first place.”

  Amy laughed. Then she put on a serious if reproachful expression. “Well that isn’t very fair. We should talk to him about that.”

  “I will make an appointment as soon as rehearsal is finished.”

  “Really?” Amy asked as she turned twinkling eyes to meet his gaze. “You’d risk his wrath for me?”

  “Especially for you.”

  “How sweet.” Amy wrapped an arm around Garret’s as she changed her gaze to the sidewalk at their feet. “Joking aside, Garret...” She released a deep breath. “I can’t believe this is happening. It seems like we’ve known each other forever.”

  “Yes, it does.” His voice was soft and thoughtful.

  Amy remained silent for a moment, thinking of all that Renee had said so many days before. “Garret, you know that I’m not looking for a ring, right?”

  Garret remained quiet.

  Amy looked over at him. He watched her. Amy reluctantly smiled. “Kind of an odd statement for me to say, huh?” She looked away again. “I’m not saying I wouldn’t be thrilled if you offered, I’m just...” Amy grimaced. “Geez. It’s Renee’s fault. She said that you’d take off the minute I got clingy, or the rehearsals ended. She said you like your women ‘disposable’, and like an idiot I’ve started to let that bother me.” Amy shook her head. “Gossip. I hate it.”

  “Amy,” Garret said softly, “Vanessa broke off our relationship when I proposed.”

  Amy looked up sharply, halting their progress to the crosswalk that led to the park. “What?”

  He held Amy’s amazed gaze. “I asked Vanessa to marry me. I fancied myself in love with her, believing she felt the same. I did not realize she had been seeing Mark Frasier during our relationship. When I proposed, she looked quite taken aback. Shocked, for lack of a better word. She explained that she wasn’t ready for marriage, apologized that I had believed otherwise, and said she felt it would be wise if we didn’t see one another once the play finished. After our finale performance, I didn’t.”

  Amy blinked up at Garret in stunned silence for several seconds before smiling. “Do you have any idea how wonderful that makes me feel?”

  Garret raised an eyebrow. “Wonderful?”

  Amy giggled and stepped into the folds of his wool coat to give him a firm embrace. “You believe in marriage.”

  Garret chuckled. “And that is the first time I have heard you sound such a charming laugh.” He returned her embrace before pushing back and caressing some hair from her face. “Come, come. Surely you didn’t believe me to be such a rogue as to not wish to marry one day.”

  Amy gave a one-shoulder shrug. “It happens.”

  Garret smiled with a slight nod. “Yes. I suppose it does. I should also admit that many of the ladies I have wooed have hoped for a ring only to receive a letter and a bushel of flowers bidding them adieu. Unfortunately, they were relief from the boredom.”

  Garret stared down into Amy’s quietly smiling face, brushing yet more hair from her cheeks and forehead. Then he caressed her lips with his thumb. “Yes, Amy. I believe in marriage. And yes, I know you are not hunting me for a ring. You simply desire a discovery of Garret Harrison.” He shook his head and kissed her cheek. “Continue the search,” he whispered, “lest I be lost.”