Read Of Superior Design Page 5

  Chapter 4

  Phillip stood still as the three prepared themselves for the onslaught. He felt his pulse quicken, sensed the adrenalin coursing through his body and shivered slightly in the thrill of the moment. The three he faced were going through similar sensations for it was why they existed, the reason they were bred; born to kill.

  “Mistress Merri Li?”

  “Please, Mistress Trudy, call me Merri Li.”

  The formalities of the situation demanded certain decorum and Trudy knew where she stood; in the presence of the most powerful Vampire ever bred, the mate of the strongest Werewolf ever sired, the Matriarch of First Clan.

  “And please call me Trudy.”

  The two were seated in the stands overlooking the local playing field where the population would normally watch either European football or cricket during normal times. But these weren’t those times, these were the times of change, the times of decision and Trudy’s mission was to cement the bond between allies in preparation for what was coming.

  “Thank you, Trudy, I deplore formality and find it much more productive to conduct business on equal terms if at all possible.”

  Trudy nodded her head in agreement while at the same time watching the proceedings developing on the field below. Her beloved, Phillip, was testing himself against three Beta Wolves of First Clan. The action was mesmerizing and it was always surprising how she could forget the grace and beauty of her other half. Wolves were designed for one specific purpose which was to dominate. They were incapable of complete subornation and were taught the ways of combat from the second they took their first breath. Martial Arts, boxing, wrestling and every other form of physical confrontation were instilled in them every day and practiced with fanatical observance. They could do no else for their very existence depended on their ability to ward off challenges to them, their mates, their families and their clans.

  “Johnny wishes me to pass along his greetings. He says he wished he could be here but felt the circumstances would not allow for it.”

  “Johnny?” Merri Li asked quizzically.

  “I’m sorry. Yang wishes it. He goes by the name Johnny in the new world.”

  “I miss my brother, how is he?”

  “The same, I assume. Has he always been so mistrustful of authority?”

  Merri Li thought long before answering.

  “Yes, it’s probably something he was born with. I’ve always believed it stemmed from his time in my mother’s womb. I think becoming a supplicant to appease a murdering twin probably has something to do with it.”

  Trudy felt the same although she would’ve added a second reason to the mix. She believed Johnny distrusted authority because he hated anything which felt it had power over him. Johnny “Yang” Johnson was an enigma; the weakest Wolf who held the greatest power.

  “Do you believe his plan will work?” Trudy asked.

  Merri Li sat back and pondered the question while Trudy again watched the game playing out on the field below. Phillip, she could tell, was toying with the three lesser Wolves. The combat was for fun, beheading disallowed and since Wolves, like Vampires, were of Superior stock any damage done would heal before they left the turf. The three Betas, unmated Wolves, were employing a technique Phillip had instructed her they would try; various forms of wrestling and grappling holds. Their reasoning was simple. Phillip was one while they were three. If any one of them could maintain a hold on him the game would be over for even though Phillip was an Alpha he was still no match for three Wolves at once if it merely came down to brute strength.

  “I believe his plan is the only viable option and I think it has a good chance of success so long as his true identity is never revealed.”

  “Why? Surely some will guess it’s him?”

  “Because of Yin’s verdict. Yang is to be killed for the Great Catastrophe.”

  “Yin cannot reverse his ruling?” Trudy asked.

  “He could but if he allowed an exception to the rule chaos would run wild.”

  The sacred rule Merri Li was talking about was the absolute forbiddance of Wolf taking Vampire life.

  “So we keep with the plan?” Trudy inquired.

  “Yes, and until we are through I believe it would be wise to keep up appearances by using my brother’s new-world name.”

  Merri Li was becoming intrigued for two reasons. First, her brother ‘Johnny’ had blood-bonded with the Vampire sitting next to her, had bonded with all the family of LeTorque in fact. This gave them what only three held before; the ability to detect other Superiors in Yang’s presence. Merri Li was mated to Yin which made her Matriarch of First Clan. She was technically Matriarch of Second Clan also but allowed Yin to rule in her place for she could never forgive him his ruling on the Great Catastrophe. Her problem was one of blood. She had been sired by the same great Wolf as Yang. She knew Yin had no choice and further knew he allowed Yang to walk away. She held to the pretense she was angry but knew he’d spared his brother’s life. She allowed others to believe there was bad blood for it furthered their gains. They were the Superiors, the four offspring of Lucifer and they held in their hands the power of Heaven but they wielded it warily. The second reason Merri Li was becoming intrigued was transpiring below her. The Wolf mated to the Vampire sitting next to her was an amazing one for he was besting three of her Wolves with ease. Oh, they were Betas, unmated Wolves, but what she’d neglected to inform the ambassadors from Third was while they were unattached it wasn’t because they were of inferior stock. The Wolves she had chosen as sparring partners for Phillip were star pupils. They were already slated for matehood and would soon be forming families of their own. What Phillip was displaying few possessed for true Alphas were a rarity.


  “Yes, Merri Li?”

  “It would be wise to keep your Wolf away from Yin.”

  Trudy looked down to the field where Phillip stood over the three Wolves of First who were on the ground in various stages of defeat.

  “Why?” she asked.

  “Because your Wolf offers Yin what he desires.”

  “What’s that?”

  “A challenge.”