Read Off-Worlders Page 21


  Night, beautiful night, I adore you. The quiet becomes mine. This time becomes mine. Eddies and whispers in the night. The waves of creativity flowing. The whispers of the muse finally heard. In the quiet. In the silence. Waves breaking on shore. Waves breaking all around me. Body has moved. Night movement. Night rising. Creation channelled, sourced, embraced, received, heard. The night speaks. It speaks of beauty. It speaks of adventure. It speaks of surrender. Veils part. And those that would hide in its cover show their beautiful eyes. Winged creatures with button faces and bright eyes wing a beautiful grace dance through its skies. Night grace. Night wings. Night dance. Night eyes. Winging. Beating. A gray, membranous glide. Furry. Button nose. Wings stretched like leather. Night eyes. Such beauty. Such wonder. Such magic in your shadows. All things are possible. All things are possible. All things are possible. The different self which will open in the dream landscape starts to rise. The landscape of your dreams. What beauties, surprises and riches does it hold tonight? The veils begin to part. The dreamscape begins to form, to prepare itself. For this other you which pulls riddles apart like bones and snap! It finds another riddle. Just for you.

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