Read Ogniem i mieczem. English Page 5


  A few days later the lieutenant with his escort pressed forward brisklyin the direction of Lubni. After the passage of the Dnieper, theytravelled by a broad steppe road which united Chigirin with Lubni,passing through Juki, Semi Mogil, and Khorol. A similar road joinedLubni with Kieff. In times past, before the campaign of the hetmanJolkyevski against Solonitsa, these roads were not in existence. Peopletravelled to Kieff from Lubni by the desert and the steppe; the way toChigirin was by water, with return by land through Khorol. In generalthe country beyond the Dnieper, the ancient land of the Polovtsi, waswild, scarcely more inhabited than the Wilderness, frequently visitedby the Tartars, and exposed to Zaporojian bands.

  On the banks of the Sula immense forests, which had never been touchedby the foot of man, gave forth their voices; and in places also on thelow shores of the Sula, the Ruda, Sleporod, Korovai, Orjavets, Psel,and other greater and smaller rivers and streams, marshes were formed,partly grown over with dense thickets and pine forests, and partly openin the form of meadows. In these pine woods and morasses wild beasts ofevery kind found commodious refuge; and in the deepest forest gloomlived in countless multitudes the bearded aurochs, bears, with wildboars, and near them wolves, lynxes, martens, deer, and wild goats. Inthe swamps and arms of rivers beavers built their dams. There werestories current among the Zaporojians that of these beavers were some acentury old and white as snow from age.

  On the elevated dry steppes roamed herds of wild horses, with shaggyforeheads and bloodshot eyes. The rivers were swarming with fish andwater-fowl. It was a wonderful land, half asleep, but bearing traces ofthe former activity of man. It was everywhere filled with the ruins oftowns of previous generations; Lubni and Khorol were raised from suchruins as these. Everywhere the country was full of grave-mounds,ancient and modern, covered already with a growth of pine. Here, as inthe Wilderness, ghosts and vampires rose up at night. Old Zaporojians,sitting around their fires, told marvellous tales of what took placein those forest depths, from which issued the howling of unknownbeasts,--cries half human, half brute,--terrible sounds as of battle orthe chase. Under water was heard the ringing of bells in submergedcities. The land was inhospitable, little accessible, in places toosoft, in places suffering from lack of water,--parched, dry, anddangerous to live in; for when men settled down there anyhow and beganto cultivate the land, they were swept away by Tartar raids. But it wasfrequently visited by Zaporojians while hunting--or, as they phrasedit, while at "industry"--along all the rivers, ravines, forests, andreedy marshes, searching for beavers in places of which even theexistence was known to few.

  And still settled life struggled to cling to those regions, like aplant which seizes the ground with its roots wherever it can, andthough torn out repeatedly, springs up anew. On desert sites rosetowns, settlements, colonies, hamlets, and single dwellings. The earthwas fruitful in places, and freedom was enticing. But life bloomed upfirst when these lands came into possession of the princesVishnyevetski. Prince Michael, after his marriage with a Moldavianlady, began to put his domain beyond the Dnieper into careful order. Hebrought in people, settled waste regions, gave exemption from servicefor thirty years, built monasteries, and introduced his princelyauthority. Even a settler in that country from a time of unreckonedpriority, who considered that he was on his own ground, was willing todescend to the status of a tribute-payer, since for his tribute he cameunder the powerful protection of the prince who guarded him,--defendedhim from the Tartars and the men from below, who were often worse thanthe Tartars. But real activity commenced under the iron hand of youngPrince Yeremi. His possessions began immediately outside Chigirin, andended at Konotop and Komni. This did not constitute all the wealth ofthe prince, for beginning at Sandomir his lands lay in the voevodstvosof Volynia, Russia, and Kieff; but his domain beyond the Dnieper was asthe eye in his head to the victor of Putivl.

  The Tartar lay long in wait on the Oryol or the Vorskla, and sniffedlike a wolf before he ventured to urge his horse to the north. The menfrom below did not attempt attack. The local disorderly bands enteredservice. Wild, plundering people, who had long subsisted by violenceand raids, now held in check, occupied outposts on the borders, andlying on the boundaries of the state, were like a bull-dog on hischain, threatening intruders with his teeth.

  Everything flourished and was full of life. Roads were laid out on thetrace of ancient highways; rivers were blocked with dams, built by thecaptive Tartar or men from below caught robbing with armed hand. Themill now resounded where the wind used to play wildly at night in thereeds, and where wolves howled in company with the ghosts of drownedmen. More than four hundred wheels, not counting the numerouswindmills, ground grain beyond the Dnieper. More than forty thousandmen were tributary to the prince's treasury. The woods swarmed withbees. On the borders new villages, hamlets, and single dwellings wererising continually. On the steppes, by the side of wild herds, grazedwhole droves of domestic cattle and horses. The endless monotony ofpine groves and steppes was varied by the smoke of cottages, the gildedtowers of churches,--Catholic and orthodox. The desert was changed intoa peopled land.

  Lieutenant Skshetuski travelled on gladly, and without hurry, as ifgoing over his own ground, having plenty of leisure secured to him onthe road. It was the beginning of January, 1648; but that wonderful,exceptional winter gave no sign of its approach. Spring was breathingin the air; the earth was soft and shining with the water of meltedsnow, the fields were covered with green, and the sun shone with suchheat on the road at midday that fur coats burdened the shoulders as insummer.

  The lieutenant's party was increased considerably in Chigirin, for itwas joined by a Wallachian embassy which the hospodar sent to Lubni inthe person of Pan Rozvan Ursu. The embassy was attended by an escort,with wagons and servants. Our acquaintance, Pan Longin Podbipienta,with the shield of Zervikaptur, his long sword under his arm, and witha few servants, travelled with Pan Yan.

  Sunshine, splendid weather, and the odor of approaching spring filledthe heart with gladness; and the lieutenant was the more rejoiced,since he was returning from a long journey to the roof of the prince,which was at the same time his own roof. He was returning havingaccomplished his mission well, and was therefore certain of a goodreception.

  There were other causes, also, for his gladness. Besides the good-willof the prince, whom the lieutenant loved with his whole soul, thereawaited him in Lubni certain dark eyes. These eyes belonged to AnusiaBorzobogata Krasenska, lady-in-waiting to Princess Griselda, the mostbeautiful maiden among all her attendants; a fearful coquette, for whomevery one was languishing in Lubni, while she was indifferent to all.Princess Griselda was terribly strict in deportment and excessivelyaustere in manner, which, however, did not prevent young people fromexchanging ardent glances and sighs. Pan Yan, in common with theothers, sent his tribute to the dark eyes, and when alone in hisquarters he would seize a lute and sing,--

  "Thou'rt the daintiest of the dainty;"


  "The Tartar seizes people captive; Thou seizest captive hearts."

  But being a cheerful man, and, besides, a soldier thoroughly devoted tohis profession, he did not take it too much to heart that Anusia smiledon Pan Bykhovets of the Wallachian regiment, or Pan Vurtsel of theartillery, or Pan Volodyovski of the dragoons, as well as on him, andsmiled even on Pan Baranovski of the huzzars, although he was alreadygrowing gray, and lisped since his palate had been wounded by amusket-ball. Our lieutenant had even had a sabre duel with Volodyovskifor the sake of Anusia; but when obliged to remain too long at Lubniwithout an expedition against the Tartars, life was tedious there, evenwith Anusia, and when he had to go on an expedition, he went gladly,without regret or remembrance.

  He returned joyfully, however, for he was on his way from the Crimeaafter a satisfactory arrangement of affairs. He hummed a song merrily,and urged his horse, riding by the side of Pan Longin, who, sitting onan enormous Livon
ian mare, was thoughtful and serious as usual. Thewagons of the embassy escort remained considerably in the rear.

  "The envoy is lying in the wagon like a block of wood, and sleeps allthe time," said the lieutenant. "He told me wonders of his Wallachianland till he grew tired. I listened, too, with curiosity. It is a richcountry,--no use in denying that,--excellent climate, gold, wine,dainties, and cattle in abundance. I thought to myself meanwhile: Ourprince is descended from a Moldavian mother, and has as good a right tothe throne of the hospodar as any one else; which rights, moreover,Prince Michael claimed. Wallachia is no new country to our warriors;they have beaten the Turks, Tartars, Wallachians, and Transylvanians."

  "But the people are of weaker temper than with us, as Pan Zagloba toldme in Chigirin," said Pan Longin. "If he is not to be believed;confirmation of what he says may be found in prayer-books."

  "How in prayer-books?"

  "I have one myself, and I can show it to you, for I always carry onewith me."

  Having said this, he unbuckled the saddle-straps in front of him, andtaking out a small book carefully bound in calfskin, kissed itreverentially; then turning over a few leaves, said, "Read."

  Skshetuski began: "'We take refuge under thy protection, Holy Mother ofGod--' Where is there anything here about Wallachia? What are youtalking of? This is an antiphone!"

  "Read on farther."

  "'That we may be worthy of the promises of Christ our Lord. Amen.'"

  "Well, here we've got a question."

  Skshetuski read: "'Question: Why is Wallachian cavalry called light?Answer: Because it is light-footed in flight. Amen.' H'm! this is true.Still, there is a wonderful mixture of matters in this book."

  "It is a soldiers' book, where, side by side with prayers, a variety ofmilitary information is given, from which you may gain knowledge of allnations,--which of them is noblest, and which mean. As to theWallachians, it appears that they are cowardly fellows, and terribletraitors besides."

  "That they are traitors is undoubted, for that is proven by theadventures of Prince Michael. I have heard as a fact that theirsoldiers are nothing to boast of by nature. But the prince has anexcellent Wallachian regiment, in which Bykhovets is lieutenant; but totell the truth, I don't think it contains even two hundredWallachians."

  "Well, Lieutenant, what do you think? Has the prince many men underarms?"

  "About eight thousand, not counting the Cossacks that are at theoutposts. But Zatsvilikhovski tells me that new levies are ordered."

  "Well, may God give us a campaign under the prince!"

  "It is said that a great war against Turkey is in preparation, and thatthe king himself is going to march with all the forces of theCommonwealth. I know, too, that gifts are withheld from the Tartars,who, I may add, are afraid to stir. I heard of this even in the Crimea,where on this account, I suppose, I was received with such honor; forthe report is, that if the king moves with the hetmans, Prince Yeremiwill strike the Crimea and wipe out the Tartars. It is quite certainthey will not confide such an undertaking to any one else."

  Pan Longin raised his hands and eyes to heaven.

  "May the God of mercy grant such a holy war for the glory ofChristianity and our nation, and permit me, sinful man, to fulfil myvow, so that I may receive joy in the struggle or find a praiseworthydeath!"

  "Have you made a vow, then, concerning the war?"

  "I will disclose all the secrets of my soul to such a worthy knight,though the story is a long one; but since you incline a willing ear Iwill begin. You are aware that the motto on my shield is 'Tear cowl;'and this has the following origin: When my ancestor, StoveikoPodbipienta, at the battle of Gruenwald saw three knights in monks'cowls riding in a row, he dashed up to them and cut the heads off allthree with one blow. Touching this glorious deed, the old chroniclerswrite in great praise of my ancestor."

  "Your ancestor had not a lighter hand than you, and he was justly 'Tearcowl.'"

  "To him the king granted a coat of arms, and upon it three goat-headson a silver field in memory of those knights, because the same headswere depicted on their shields. Those arms, together with this sword,my ancestor, Stoveiko Podbipienta, left to his descendants with theinjunction to strive to uphold the glory of their race and sword."

  "It is not to be denied that you come of gentle stock."

  Here Pan Longin began to sigh earnestly; and when he had comfortedhimself somewhat he continued:--

  "Being the last of my race, I made a vow in Troki to the Most Holy Ladyto live in continence and not marry till, in emulation of my ancestorStoveiko Podbipienta, I should sweep off with this same sword threeheads at one blow. Oh, merciful God, thou seest that I have done all inmy power. I have preserved my purity to this day; I have commanded atender heart to be still; I have sought war and I have fought, butwithout good fortune."

  The lieutenant smiled under his mustache. "And you have not taken offthree heads?"

  "'No! it has not come to pass! No luck! Two at a blow I have taken morethan once, but never three. I've never been able to come up to them,and it would be hard to ask enemies to stand in line for a blow. Godknows my grief. There is strength in my bones, I have wealth, youth ispassing away, I am approaching my forty-fifth year, my heart rushesforth in affection, my family is coming to an end, and still the threeheads are not there! Such a Zervikaptur am I. A laughing-stock for thepeople, as Pan Zagloba truly remarks. All of which I endure patientlyand offer to the Lord."

  The Lithuanian began again to sigh, noticing which his Livonian marefrom sympathy for her master fell to groaning and snorting.

  "Well, I can only tell you," said the lieutenant, "if you do not findan opportunity under Prince Yeremi, then you will find it nowhere."

  "God grant!" answered Podbipienta; "this is why I am going to beg afavor of the prince."

  Further conversation was interrupted by an unusual sound of wings. Ashas been stated, birds of passage did not go beyond the sea thatwinter; the rivers did not freeze over, therefore the whole country wasfull of water-fowl, especially over the marshes. Just as the lieutenantand Pan Longin were approaching the bank of the Kagamlik there was asudden rushing noise above their heads of a whole flock of storks,which flew so near the ground that it was almost possible to strikethem with a stick. The flock flew with a tremendous outcry, and insteadof settling in the reeds rose unexpectedly through the air.

  "They rush as if hunted," said Skshetuski.

  "Ah, see!" said Pan Longin, pointing to a white bird which, cutting theair in sidelong flight, tried to overtake the flock.

  "A falcon stops them from alighting," said the lieutenant. "The envoyhas a falcon; it must be that he has let her out."

  At that moment Pan Rozvan Ursu rode up at full speed on a blackAnatolian steed, and after him a number of his service.

  "I beg you to come to the sport, Lieutenant," said he.

  "This falcon is yours, then?"

  "Yes, and a very noble bird, as you will see."

  All three rushed forward, followed by the Wallachian falconer with ahoop, who, fixing his eyes on the bird, shouted with all his might,urging her to the struggle.

  The valiant bird immediately forced the flock to rise in the air, andthen in a flash shot up still higher and hung over it. The storksarranged themselves in one enormous circle, making the noise of a stormwith their wings. They filled the air with terrible cries, stretchedtheir necks, pointed their bills upward like lances, and waited theattack. The falcon circled above them, at one time descending, atanother rising, as if hesitating to sweep down since a hundred sharpbeaks were waiting for her breast. Her white plumage, shone on by raysof light, gleamed like the sun itself on the clear blue of the sky.Suddenly, instead of rushing on the flock, the falcon darted like anarrow into the distance, and disappeared at once behind the trees andthe reeds.

  Skshetuski at first rushed after her at full speed. The envoy, thefalconer, and Longin followed his example.

  At the crossing of the roads the lieutenant checked his h
orse. A newand wonderful sight met his eye. In the middle of the road a carriagelay on its side with a broken axle. Horses detached from the carriagewere held by two Cossacks. There was no driver at hand; he hadevidently gone for assistance. At the side of the carriage stood twowomen. One wore a fox-skin cloak and a round-topped cap of the samematerial; her face was stern and masculine. The other was a young ladyof tall stature, and gentle features of great regularity. On theshoulder of the young lady the falcon was sitting quietly. Havingparted the feathers on her breast, the bird was stroking them with herbill.

  The lieutenant reined in his horse till its hoofs dug into the sand ofthe road, and raised his hand to his cap in uncertainty, not knowingwhat to say,--whether to greet the ladies or to speak to the falcon.He was confused also because there looked upon him from under amarten-skin hood eyes such as he had never seen in his life,--black,satinlike, liquid, full of life and fire,--near which the eyes ofAnusia Borzobogata would be as a tallow candle before a torch. Abovethose eyes dark velvety brows were defined in two delicate arches; herblushing face bloomed like the most beautiful flower, and through herslightly opened lips of raspberry hue were seen teeth like pearls, andfrom under her hood flowed out rich dark tresses.

  "Are you Juno in person or some other divinity?" thought thelieutenant, seeing the form straight as an arrow, the swelling bosom,and the white falcon on her shoulder. Our lieutenant stood withuncovered head and forgot himself as before a marvellous image; hiseyes gleamed, and something, as if with a hand, seized his heart, andhe was about to begin, "If you are a mortal and not a divinity," whenthe envoy, the falconer with his hoop, and Pan Longin came up. Onseeing them the goddess held her hand to the falcon, which, leaving theshoulder, came to the hand at once, shifting from foot to foot.

  The lieutenant, anticipating the falconer, wished to remove the bird,when suddenly a wonderful omen was seen. The falcon, leaving one footon the hand of the lady, caught with the other the hand of thelieutenant, and instead of going to it began to scream joyfully andpull the hands together with such power that they touched. A quiver ranover the lieutenant. The bird allowed herself to be taken only afterbeing hooded by the falconer. Then the old lady began to speak.

  "Gentlemen!" said she, "whoever you are, you will not deny yourassistance to women who, left helpless on the road, know not themselveswhat to do. It is no more than fifteen miles to our house; but thecarriage is broken, and we shall surely have to spend the night in thefield. I hurried off the driver to have my sons send even a wagon; butbefore he reaches the house and returns, darkness will come, and it isa terrible thing to be out in this place, for there are graves in theneighborhood."

  The old lady spoke rapidly and with such a rough voice that thelieutenant was astonished; still he answered politely,--


  Copyright, 1898, by Little, Brown, and Company.

  _From a drawing by J. Wagrez_.

  "Do not think that we should leave you and your beautiful daughterwithout assistance. We are going to Lubni, for we are soldiers in theservice of Prince Yeremi, and likely our roads are in the samedirection; and even if they are not, we shall be glad to go out of ourway in case our assistance is acceptable. As to a carriage I have none,for with my companions I am travelling, soldier-fashion, on horseback;but the envoy has, and being an affable gentleman will be glad, Ithink, to put it at the service of yourself and your daughter."

  The envoy removed his sable cap, for knowing the Polish language heunderstood the conversation, and with a delicate compliment as became agracious boyar, he yielded his carriage to the ladies, and straightwayordered the falconer to gallop for it to the wagons, which had laggedconsiderably in the rear. Meanwhile the lieutenant looked at the younglady, who, unable to endure his eager glance, dropped her eyes; and theelderly lady, who had a Cossack face, continued,--

  "God reward you, gentlemen, for your assistance; and since there isstill a long road to Lubni, do not reject my roof and that of my sons,under which we shall be glad to see you. We are from Rozlogi-Siromakhi.I am the widow of Prince Kurtsevich Bulyga; and this is not mydaughter, but the daughter of the elder Kurtsevich, brother of myhusband, who left his orphan to our care. My sons are not all at homethis moment, and I am returning from Cherkasi, where I was performingdevotions at the altar of the Holy Mother, and on our way back thisaccident has met us, and were it not for your politeness, gentlemen, weshould undoubtedly have to pass the night on the road."

  The princess would have said still more, but at that moment the wagonsappeared in the distance, approaching at a trot, surrounded by a crowdof the envoy's retinue and the soldiers of Pan Yan.

  "Then you are the widow of Prince Vassily Kurtsevich?" asked thelieutenant.

  "No!" retorted the princess, quickly and as if in anger; "I am thewidow of Constantine, and this is the daughter of Vassily," said she,pointing to the young lady.

  "They speak of Prince Vassily often in Lubni. He was a great soldier,and a confidant of the late Prince Michael."

  "I have not been in Lubni," said she, with a certain haughtiness. "Ofhis military virtues I have no knowledge. There is no need ofmentioning his later acts, since all know what they were."

  Hearing this, Princess Helena dropped her head on her breast like aflower cut with a scythe, and the lieutenant answered quickly,--

  "Do not say that, madam. Prince Vassily, sentenced, through a terribleerror in the administration of human justice, to the loss of life andproperty, was forced to save himself by flight; but later his entireinnocence was discovered. By the publication of this innocence he wasrestored to honor as a virtuous man; and the greater the injustice donehim, the greater should be his glory."

  The princess glanced quickly at the lieutenant, and in her disagreeablesharp face anger was clearly expressed. But though Skshetuski was ayoung man, he had so much knightly dignity and such a clear glance thatshe did not dare to dispute him; she turned instead to Princess Helena.

  "It is not proper for you to hear these things," said she. "Go and seethat the luggage is removed from our carriage to the equipage in which,with the permission of these gentlemen, we are to ride."

  "You will allow me to help you," said the lieutenant to PrincessHelena.

  Both went to the carriage; but as soon as they stood opposite, at thedoors on each side of it, the princess raised the lashes of her eyes,and her glance fell upon the face of the lieutenant like a bright, warmray of the sun.

  "How can I thank you," said she, in a voice which to him seemed musicas sweet as the sound of lyres and flutes,--"How can I thank you fordefending the good name of my father against the injustice which is putupon it by his nearest relatives?"

  The lieutenant felt his heart melting like snow in springtime, andanswered: "May God be as good to me as I am ready to rush into the fireor shed my blood for such thanks, though the service is so slight thatI ought not to accept a reward."

  "If you contemn my thanks, then I, poor orphan, have no other way toshow my gratitude."

  "I do not contemn them," said he, with growing emphasis; "but for suchfavor I wish to perform true and enduring service, and I only beg youto accept me for that service."

  The princess, hearing these words, blushed, was confused, then suddenlygrew pale, raised her hands to her face, and said in a sad voice: "Sucha service could bring only misfortune to you."

  The lieutenant bent through the door of the carriage, and spoke quietlyand feelingly: "Let it bring what God gives; even should it bringsuffering, still I am ready to fall at your feet and beg for it."

  "It cannot be that you, who have just seen me for the first time,should conceive such a great desire for that service."

  "I had scarcely seen you when I had forgotten myself altogether, and Isee that it has come to the soldier hitherto free to be changed to acaptive; but such clearly is the will of God. Love is like an arrowwhich pierces the breast unexpectedly; and now I feel its sting, thoughyesterday I should n
ot have believed this if any man had told it me."

  "If you could not have believed it yesterday, how am I to believe itto-day?"

  "Time will convince you best; but you can see my sincerity even now,not only in my words but in my face."

  Again the princess raised her eyes, and her glance met the manly andnoble face of the young soldier, and his look, so full of rapture thata deep crimson covered her face. But she did not lower her glance, andfor a time he drank in the sweetness of those wonderful eyes, and theylooked at each other like two beings who, though they have met merelyon the highroad through the steppe, feel in a flash that they havechosen each other, and that their souls begin to rush to a meeting liketwo doves.

  The moment of exaltation was disturbed for them by the sharp voice ofConstantine's widow calling to the princess. The carriages had arrived.The attendants began to transfer the packages from the carriages, andin a moment everything was ready. Pan Rozvan Ursu, the gracious boyar,gave up his own carriage to the two ladies, the lieutenant mounted hishorse, and all moved forward.

  The day was nearing its rest. The swollen waters of the Kagamlik werebright with gold of the setting sun, and purple of the evening light.High in the heavens flocks of small clouds reddening drifted slowly tothe horizon, as if, tired from flying through the air, they were goingto sleep somewhere in an unknown cradle.

  Pan Yan rode by the side of Princess Helena, but without conversation,since he could not speak to her before strangers as he had spoken a fewmoments before, and frivolous words would not pass his lips now. But inhis heart he felt happiness, and in his head something sounding as iffrom wine.

  The whole caravan pushed on briskly, and quiet was broken only by thesnorting of the horses or the clank of stirrup against stirrup. After atime the escort at the rear wagons began a plaintive Wallachian song;soon, however, they stopped, and immediately the nasal voice of PanLongin was heard singing piously,--

  "In heaven I caused an endless light to dwell, And mist I spread o'er all the earth."

  That moment it grew dark, the stars twinkled in the sky, and from thedamp plains white mists rose, boundless as the sea.

  They entered a forest, but had gone only a few furlongs when the soundof horses' feet was heard and five riders appeared before the caravan.They were the young princes, who, informed by the driver of theaccident which had happened to their mother, were hurrying to meet her,bringing a wagon drawn by four horses.

  "Is that you, my sons?" called out the old princess.

  The riders approached the carriage. "We, mother!"

  "Come this way! Thanks to these gentlemen, we need no more assistance.These are my sons, whom I commend to your favor, gentlemen,--Simeon,Yury, Andrei, Nikolai-- And who is the fifth?" asked she, lookingaround attentively. "Oh! if my old eyes can see in the darkness, it isBogun."

  The princess drew back quickly to the depth of the carriage.

  "Greetings to you, Princess, and to you, Princess Helena!" said thefifth.

  "Ah, Bogun! You have come from the regiment, my falcon? And have youbrought your lute? Welcome, welcome! Well, my sons, I have asked thesegentlemen to spend the night with us at Rozlogi; and now greet them! Aguest in the house is God in the house. Be gracious to our house,gentlemen!"

  The young men removed their caps. "We entreat you most respectfully tocross our lowly threshold."

  "They have already promised me,--the envoy has promised and thelieutenant. We shall receive honorable guests, but I am not sure thatour poor fare will be savory for men accustomed to castle dainties."

  "We are reared on the fare of soldiers, not of castles," saidSkshetuski.

  And Pan Rozvan added: "I have tried the hospitality of country-houses,and know that it is better than that of castles."

  The carriages moved on, and the old princess continued: "Our best dayshave passed long ago. In Volynia and Lithuania there are still membersof the Kurtsevich family who have retinues of attendants and live inlordly fashion, but they do not recognize their poor relations, forwhich God punish them. We live in real Cossack poverty, which you mustoverlook, and accept with a good heart what we offer with sincerity. Iand my five sons live on one village and a few hamlets, and in additionwe have this young lady to care for."

  These words astonished the lieutenant not a little, for he had heard inLubni that Rozlogi was no small estate, and also that it belonged toPrince Vassily, the father of Helena. He did not deem it proper,however, to inquire how the place had passed into the hands ofConstantine and his widow.

  "Then you have five sons, Princess?" asked Pan Rozvan Ursu.

  "I had five, all like lions," answered she; "but the infidels inBelgorod put out the eyes of the eldest, Vassily, with torches,wherefore his mind has failed him. When the young men go on anexpedition I stay at home with him and this young lady, with whom Ihave more suffering than comfort."

  The contemptuous tone with which the princess spoke of her niece was soevident that it did not escape the attention of the lieutenant. Hisbreast boiled up in anger, and he had almost allowed an unseemly oathto escape him; but the words died on his lips when he looked at theyoung princess, and in the light of the moon saw her eyes filled withtears.

  "What has happened? Why do you weep?" asked he, in a low voice.

  She was silent.

  "I cannot endure to see you weep," said Pan Yan, and bent toward her.Seeing that the old princess was conversing with the envoy and notlooking toward him, he continued: "In God's name, speak but one word,for I would give blood and health to comfort you!"

  All at once he felt one of the horsemen press against him so heavilythat the horses began to rub their sides together. Conversation withthe princess was interrupted. Skshetuski, astonished and also angered,turned to the intruder. By the light of the moon he saw two eyes, whichlooked at him insolently, defiantly, sneeringly. Those terrible eyesshone like those of a wolf in a dark forest.

  "What devil is that?" thought the lieutenant,--"a demon or who?" Andthen, looking closely into those burning eyes, he asked: "Why do youpush on me with your horse, and dig your eyes into me?"

  The horseman did not answer, but continued to look with equalpersistence and insolence.

  "If it is dark, I can strike a light; and if the road is too narrow,then to the steppe with you!" said the lieutenant, in a distinct voice.

  "Off with you from the carriage, Pole, if you see the steppe!" answeredthe horseman.

  The lieutenant, being a man quick of action, instead of an answerstruck his foot into the side of his enemy's horse with such force thatthe beast groaned and in a moment was on the very edge of the road.

  The rider reined him in on the spot, and for a moment it seemed that hewas about to rush on the lieutenant; but that instant the sharp,commanding voice of the old princess resounded.

  "Bogun, what's the matter?"

  These words had immediate effect. Bogun whirled his horse around, andpassed to the other side of the carriage to the princess, whocontinued: "What is the matter? You are not in Pereyaslav nor theCrimea, but in Rozlogi. Remember this! But now gallop ahead for me,conduct the carriages; the ravine is at hand, and it is dark. Hurry on,you vampire!"

  Skshetuski was astonished, as well as vexed. Bogun evidently sought aquarrel and would have found it; but why did he seek it,--whence thisunexpected attack? The thought flashed through the lieutenant's mindthat Princess Helena had something to do with this; and he wasconfirmed in the thought, for, looking at her face, he saw, in spite ofthe darkness, that it was pale, and evident terror was on it.

  Bogun spurred forward immediately in obedience to the command of theprincess, who, looking after him, said half to herself and half to PanYan,--

  "That's a madcap, a Cossack devil."

  "It is evident that he is not in his full mind," answered thelieutenant, contemptuously. "Is that Cossack in the service of yoursons?"

  The old princess threw herself back in the seat.

  "What do you mean? Why, that is Bogun, l
ieutenant-colonel, a famoushero, a friend of my sons, and adopted by me as a sixth son. Impossiblethat you have not heard his name, for all know of him."

  This name was, in fact, well known to Pan Yan. From among the names ofvarious colonels and Cossack atamans this one had come to the top, andwas on every lip on both banks of the Dnieper. Blind minstrels sangsongs of Bogun in market-places and shops, and at evening meetings theytold wonders about the young leader. Who he was, whence he had come,was known to no man. This much was certain,--the steppes, the Dnieper,the Cataracts, and Chertomelik, with its labyrinth of narrows, arms,islands, rocks, ravines, and reeds, had been his cradle. From childhoodhe had lived and communed with that wild world.

  In time of peace he went with others to fish and hunt, battered throughthe windings of the Dnieper, wandered over swamps and reeds with acrowd of half-naked comrades; then again he spent whole months inforest depths. His school was in raids to the Wilderness on the herdsof the Tartars, in ambushes, battles, campaigns against Tartar coasttowns, against Belgorod, Wallachia, or with boats on the Black Sea. Heknew no days but days on his horse, no nights but nights at a steppefire.

  Soon he became the favorite of the entire lower country, a leader ofothers, and surpassed all men in daring. He was ready to go with ahundred horse even to Bagche Sarai, and start up a blaze under the veryeyes of the Khan; he burned Tartar towns and villages, exterminated theinhabitants, tore captive murzas to pieces with horses, came down likea tempest, passed by like death. On the sea he fell upon Turkishgalleys with frenzy, swept down upon the centre of Budjak,--rushed intothe lion's mouth, as 'tis said. Some of his expeditions were simplemadness. Men less daring, less fond of danger, perished impaled onstakes in Stamboul, or rotted at the oar on Turkish galleys; he alwaysescaped unhurt, and with rich booty. It was said that he had collectedimmense treasures, which he had hidden in the reeds of the Dnieper; butit was also seen more than once how with muddy boots he had stampedupon cloth of gold, and spread carpets under the hoofs of hishorse,--how, dressed in satin, he had spotted himself with tar, onpurpose to show Cossack contempt for these lordly stuffs.

  He never warmed any place long. Caprice was the motive of his deeds. Attimes, when he came to Chigirin, Cherkasi, or Pereyaslav, he hadterrible frolics with other Zaporojians; at times he lived like a monk,spoke to no man, escaped to the steppe. Then again he surroundedhimself with blind minstrels, and listened to their songs and storiesfor days at a time, heaping gold on them. Among nobles he knew how tobe a polished cavalier; among Cossacks he was the wildest of Cossacks.In knightly company he was a knight; among robbers, a robber. Some heldhim to be insane; for he was an unbridled, mad spirit. Why he wasliving in the world, what he wanted, whither he was tending, whom heserved, he knew not himself. He served the steppes, the whirlwinds,war, love, his own fancy. This fancy of his distinguished him from allthe other rude leaders, and from the whole robber herd who had onlyplunder as an object, and for whom it was the same whether theyplundered Tartars or their own. Bogun took plunder, but preferred warto pillage; he was in love with peril for its own charm; he gave goldfor songs; he hunted for glory, and cared for no more.

  Of all leaders, he alone personified best the Cossack knight; thereforesongs had sought him out as a favorite, and his name was celebratedthroughout the whole Ukraine.

  He had recently become the Pereyaslav lieutenant-colonel, but heexercised the power of colonel; for old Loboda held the baton feebly inhis stiffening hand.

  Pan Yan, therefore, knew well who Bogun was, and if he asked the oldprincess whether the Cossack was in the service of her sons, he did itthrough studied contempt; for he felt in him an enemy, and in spite ofall the reputation of Bogun, his blood boiled up because the Cossackhad begun with him so insolently. He understood, too, that what hadbeen begun would not end in a trifle. But Skshetuski was as unbendingas an axle, self-confident to excess, yielding before nothing, andreally eager for danger. He was ready even that moment to urge hishorse after Bogun, but he rode near the princess. Besides, the wagonhad already passed the ravine, and lights were gleaming in Rozlogi.