Read On Location Page 3

  Maybe I'm not getting canned? I can feel myself turning purple as I hold my breath in anxious suspense.

  "We'll have no problem getting advance buzz on this picture with you two young, beautiful stars on board," Carol coos. "But of course, I'm just here to observe the artiste in action today. So now I'll turn the meeting over to Hutch." Carol smiles sweetly at my bored director before turning her attention back to Drew and me. "My office will be call ing your people to talk about a production publicity tour," she practically whispers. "This is a new initiative here at Wagman, which I'll be starting with your film. I think you'll like it."

  Did she just say production publicity? HOLLYWOOD SECRET NUMBER THREE: Most actors' film contracts detail their pub licity requirements. While every star handles press differ ently--some will only do talk shows, some prefer print interviews, still others only talk to the foreign press--everybody is required to do something to promote the film they've signed on to. If you renege on that promise, it could derail your career. My girlfriend Lara skipped out of a Euro pean press tour due to "exhaustion." She hasn't been able to get a meeting with the studio, let alone the producer of the movie she screwed, ever since.

  I've heard of directors like Peter Jackson allowing press on film sets, or keeping a production blog, but a production publicity tour is new to me. With such a hectic shooting schedule, how are we going to find the time?

  "Thank you, Carol," Hutch says gruffly "I'll keep this meeting short, as I'm sure my stars have plenty of work to do before we start production in two weeks. I know I do." I'm about to laugh, but I stop when I see Hutch's serious expres sion. "I actually called you all here to talk about a little sur prise I have."

  "Don't keep us in suspense, dude." I can hear tension in Drew's voice too. "Spill it."

  "I've actually made some additional changes to the script that I think you'll all be pleased with." Hutch cracks a small smile. Before I nearly black out from fright, I notice the gap between his two front teeth. Hutch motions us to pick up the binders from the coffee tables.

  I wonder how my role has changed now, if I'm even still playing it. My character's parents went from huge roles to supporting players, and my character Carly's best friend has been rewritten more times than I can count. Originally, Carly had an older sister who was a superhuman rebel; then the part was changed to a neighbor. In the last draft, Carly is betrayed by a scheming younger brother, which Matty just snagged. Please don't tell me they're doing away with Matty's part! It will crush him.

  "Of course, the script alterations are nothing anyone in this room should be worried about," Hutch adds. "What I've tweaked does not affect the gravity of Drew's and Kaitlin's parts."

  I'M NOT GETTING FIRED! I'M NOT GETTING FIRED!THANK GOD! The pounding noise I've been hearing in my chest starts to fade and I flop limply in my seat.

  "If anything, the addition of this third major character will beef up Drew's and Kaitlin's roles immensely," Hutch adds.

  Third character?

  "She was a minor player in the original script, but after this talented young lady auditioned for me, I couldn't get her out of my head," Hutch says. "While she wasn't exactly Carly, I realized she'd make a perfect Regina. With this sensi tive, generous young actress filling the role, the play will be even more darkly ominous. I'm incredibly grateful for her insight on Regina's evolution. Thanks to her, I recognized that Regina instead of Carly's brother should betray Carly and Donovan."

  Drew and I look at each other in a moment of solidarity. Who did Hutch hire?

  "Drew, Kaitlin, I want you both to meet your characters' new nemesis." Hutch stands up and motions to the empty doorway. "Sky Mackenzie, you can come in now."

  My heart starts throbbing again. Did he say SKY MACKENZIE???

  Unfortunately, my hearing is fine because in walks my troublemaking FA costar in the flesh. At least I think she's Sky. Since our fiery last encounter after my Sidekick-stealing ac cusation, Sky's bleached her long dark locks white blond. Against her orange faux tan and her waif figure, the effect is both horrifying and mesmerizing at the same time. Sky struts across the room in hip-hugging cream fabric pants and a matching camisole. She perches on the arm of Hutch's recliner.

  "Surprise, K." Sky shrugs her bony shoulders and giggles. A loud clap of thunder rattles the windows.

  I don't know what to say but I hope my mouth isn't on the floor. Whatever I'm doing, Sky is clearly enjoying watch ing me. That is, until she catches sight of Drew.

  "Drew Thomas," she practically purrs. "We haven't met, but I know all about you. I'm a big fan." She extends her bony right hand, which has a shiny new Kabbalah string wrapped around her wrist. Drew takes her hand and kisses it, and Hutch actually laughs.

  "See? They're meshing already." He appears happy for the first time today. Daniella nods approvingly.

  "There seems to be some major changes here, Hutch," Carol interrupts as she scans the new draft. "We wrapped our radical publicity campaign around Drew and Kaitlin. How will this affect things?"

  I'm confused. What's this radical publicity plan?

  "Who's running this film, Carol, me or you?" Hutch snaps, not bothering to hide his anger. "Your publicity ap proach is still fine and Kaitlin, Drew, and Sky will do what ever you want them to do together or separately."

  "But--" Carol begins again.

  "My main concern, however, is making a movie that will kill at the box office." Hutch raises his voice. "These gorgeous kids are going to make us a seminal movie." He rises from his recliner and heads to the door. "Now if you'll ex cuse me, I have to look at a location on Encinitas for a chase sequence. I'll see you three at the table reading," he adds, and then he's gone.

  Carol looks flustered. Without saying a word to any of us, she sweeps out after my director. Her harried assistant gath ers her things and runs after her, returning a minute later. "Carol says goodbye," she squeaks over the sounds of Hutch and Carol bickering in the hallway.

  With the bigwigs finally out of earshot, everyone starts whispering at once, reminding me of what happened at Clark High anytime a teacher left a classroom full of bored students alone for five minutes. Sky is flirting madly with Drew, which I take as a sign she's dumped our poor, sweet costar Trevor Wainright, who plays my boyfriend on FA. I dash over to talk to Daniella.

  "Hi, Kaitlin," she says warmly. Daniella appears to be in her late thirties and has long, strawlike brown hair, which matches her tortoise-shell glasses. Today she's dressed in a simple button-down pinstripe shirt and dress pants.

  "Hutch seemed kind of stressed," I understate. "Is he okay?"

  "That man is like Jekyll and Hyde." Daniella leans in con fidentially. "When he's not working, he's a peach, but when he's filming a project, watch out. He's a madman!" She laughs, but I don't see what's funny.

  "Really?" I murmur. "I've never heard that about him before."

  "Oh, you wouldn't read about his mood swings," Daniella says blithely. "We've done a pretty good job of making sure the press doesn't get wind of them. But don't worry you'll get used to it. He makes up for his attitude problem with be ing brilliant behind the camera."

  I smile weakly. "Thanks. I'll see you at the table reading." In a fog, I head to the door.

  "Talk about typecasting a villain," Nadine whispers as I reach her in the waiting room. "I ran into Sky as she was waiting to be announced. I almost had a heart attack when I saw her! I just looked at your new script and Matty still has a part, thank God."

  "Not in here," Laney reminds us both as she magically ap pears. She puts a hand on each of our backs and steers us towards the stairs. "PAULA, I'LL HAVE MY ASSISTANT CALL YOUR ASSISTANT TO SET UP LUNCH!" she yells back to Drew's publicist as Mom runs to catch up.

  We don't get very far. Our path is blocked by a tall girl in Wrangler jeans and a purple velvet scoop-neck top.

  "Excuse me, is Sky Mackenzie in there?" she says in a thick Southern accent.

  "Yep. You can't miss her," Nadine says without skipping a beat.
"She's the bleached blond who looks like a walking adver tisement for rehab. She's flirting with the hotshot in the back."

  The girl starts to cackle. Seriously, it sounds like a high-pitched cackle. With her poofy light brown hair and heavy red highlights, she looks like she just stepped out of Steel Magnolias. I'm guessing she's about the same age as Nadine. "You must be Nadine," the girl says.

  "How'd you know that?" Nadine demands.

  "Because you're with Kaitlin Burke, of course." The girl stares as if Nadine were crazy. "This must be Laney Peters and Kaitlin's mama."

  "And who would you be?" Laney asks coolly.

  "Madison Taylor, Sky's new assistant." She holds her hand out to shake Laney's. I notice her nails are painted a bright chipped red. "Pleased to meet you, sugar."

  "So Sky finally found a new assistant," I joke. Wait, did I just say that out loud? Madison smiles politely. "I know she's been looking for the perfect one forever," I add. Or should I say, since she fired her last one, three months ago. Sky went through four assistants last year, a record even for her.

  "Yep, she found one," Madison answers without looking away from Nadine, who she is eying up and down. "I guess I'll be seeing y'all on set. Should be fun."

  "Fun is definitely the right word if you're talking about Sky," Nadine says solemnly.

  "MADISON? IS THAT YOU I hear? Get in here!" Sky barks.

  Madison practically jumps. "Jeepers. I've got to go. Nice meeting y'all."

  "Bye, Madison," I call as she runs into the conference room.

  "Poor girl." Nadine shakes her head. "She won't last a week."



  Read new script.

  Wardrobe fitting @ 10 AM on Wed.


  **Table reading @ 3 PM on Wed.

  A--Group A lacrosse final--6 PM ON Wed. Lunch w/Laney &Mom, Dad next Thurs., June 14




  Setting is a slick, state-of-the-art kitchen with stain less steel appliances, minimalist decor, and cold, black granite countertops.

  CARLY MURRAY, 16, and REGINA HALLOCK, also 16, and Carly's best friend, are in the kitchen making dinner.


  Okay, spill it. Why the sourpuss?


  It's nothing really. (pauses and looks at REGINA) Okay, this is going to sound silly, but do you ever wish we lived somewhere else?


  Lived somewhere else? Are you crazy? You hated Ireland. You said you had no real friends till you moved here. I remember you looked so pathetic on your first day that I had to ask you to sit at our table at lunch.


  Thanks a lot! No, you're right. Forget I mentioned it.


  We've got the sweetest deal of anyone I know - especially you - a hot boy toy, parents who give you anything you ask for, and a kick-ass car. What more could you want?


  I don't know. Sometimes things don't seem to fit, you know? My life is too perfect. Like a fairy tale. Don't you ever feel that way too?


  (laughs) Why would I? People would kill to be me.

  CAMERA STOPS at REGINA, pans in tight on her face as she watches CARLY continue to cook. REGINA looks up at the ceiling, at something the audience can't see.

  DONOVAN COOK, 18, strolls in wearing sweats. He's soaked from a heavy workout. He walks over to CARLY and kisses her. REGINA watches quietly.


  Tastes almost as good as if I made it myself. Hey, Regina. Staying for dinner?


  (hastily gets up from the barstool she's perched on) No, I forgot I have some place I've got to be. You guys enjoy.

  Four: Playing Hooky

  I fling the dog-eared script across my bed and pick up the phone on my cluttered bedside table. As I dial, I glance guiltily around my destroyed room. Green highlighters, large oak tag storyboards, and scribbled note cards with tricky dialogue are strewn everywhere. Our housekeeper, Anita, is going to kill me.

  Liz answers on the first ring "Hello?"

  "It's me," I whisper. "I have to get out of this room. I've been memorizing lines all day"

  "Are you saying what I think you're saying?" Liz's voice grows excited. "I knew you'd change your mind. This one is too good to miss."

  I tap my fingers on the receiver and look from the script hanging off my bed to my door. "I think so." I bite hard on my already chapped lower lip. "Do you think I should ask Austin to go too? He's so nervous about Hollywood parties, but the longer he waits the more anxious he'll get. This party could be good practice because it's cool." I pick up a fluorescent green highlighter from my bed and pop the cap on and off. "Am I right? Or should I wait a bit longer before exposing him to the paparazzi blitz? I don't want to push him. Besides, he might not even want to come tonight. He had a grueling practice this afternoon and the coach yelled at him for talking during sprints. Maybe I should just stay home." I pause when I realize Liz hasn't said a word in ages. "Do you think I should just stay home?" I repeat blankly.

  "RAMBLING," Liz says patiently. "Just call and ask him, okay? What boy can resist an Xbox 360 tournament? Who knows? Maybe he'll get to play Madden NFL against Carmen Electra."

  God, I hope not. Who wants to compete with a girl who has topped FHM, Maxim, AND Stuff's "Sexiest Women" is sues? Not me. "Is Josh coming?" I ask to change the subject. Liz has her own invitations to this party since her dad is a lawyer for Xbox.

  "Yep. He can't wait." Liz sounds giddy like she always does when we talk about Josh. Or Austin. You'd think we'd never had boyfriends before. Well, okay I haven't had that many, but Liz has had plenty. "Come on, how much fun will it be for the four of us to go to a party together?"

  I think it sounds awesome, but Mom isn't going to be happy about it. Principal photography starts in a little over a week and she wants me studying every waking minute even though Daniella told me I killed at the table read on Wednesday.

  I really do need a study break. I've been working my butt off between the daily three hours of training, accent coach ing, and memorization. Thankfully, it hasn't been hard to get motivated. My character, Carly, is someone I'd totally be friends with. She's a take-charge kind of girl who is tired of being secluded from the regular world, like, well, like I was a few months ago.

  I look at the door again. Even if I can sneak past Mom and Dad (not that I ever have before), what about Matt? Ever since he got the part of Carly's younger brother, Rob, last Sunday, he's been holed up in his room memorizing lines. If Matt comes looking for me and I'm not here, he'll rat me out for sure.

  HOLLYWOOD SECRET NUMBER FOUR: I wish I could say there is a foolproof method to memorizing a script, but there's not. Every actor does it differently. I start by going through the pages and highlighting all my lines (in green, my favorite color). Then I reread my part to death. The key is to think about the meaning of the scene rather than just the words. When I do that, I can almost sense what the character's go ing to say next, even if I don't know the line verbatim. But the best help for learning a script is running lines with someone who will act it out with you. Rodney, who is itch ing to be an action star, is always game, as is Nadine, ironi cally. Sometimes they get so into their parts I have to pinch myself to keep from laughing.

  If all else fails and you still don't know your lines, you can always hide out in your trailer till you've got the scene down pat or carry the script in a "book" and pretend to be reading the latest "it" novel. I'm not joking. I know many stars, my self included, who have pulled this stunt. But what am I worried about? I know my lines well enough. I'll only have to hide in my trailer if Hutch alters my dialogue for the umpteenth time.

  "Okay I'm calling Austin," I answer decisively.

  "That a girl," Liz cheers.

  We hang up and I hit number four on my speed dial (
Liz is number one, then Nadine and Laney). Austin answers on the first ring.

  "Guess who?" I ask.

  "Hey, Burke." I hear his deep voice and I immediately melt. "Did your mom give you permission to call me?" he teases. "You're supposed to be studying."

  He learns quickly. "I'm breaking out," I semi-joke. "Care to join me?"

  "Where are we escaping to?" I imagine him curled up on his own disheveled bed, still wearing his lacrosse practice clothes.


  "A work thing?" Austin asks, and clears his throat.

  "It's an Xbox 360 tournament at the Mondrian and a lot of stars will be there. Xbox is previewing new games. Liz and Josh are going too," I explain.

  This isn't just any Xbox party. It's a super-exclusive one that the company hosts from time to time just for their biggest supporters, meaning celebrities. My friend Justin, who is a major musician, is such a fan that the company actually threw him a birthday party one year and outfitted his house with several consoles for the bash. The Mondrian Hotel is a cool space for a party. In addition to booking the penthouse, Xbox reserved the Outdoor Living Room, which is a lavish deck overlooking the pool area. I'm sure the place will be packed to capacity as usual. At their last party I beat my friend Wilmer and scored second place at Halo 2. (And Wilmer said girls stink at Halo. HAH!)

  "Are you telling me I get to hang out with you and play video games?" Austin asks. "I'm sold."

  My mouth breaks into a wide grin. Austin may be ner vous, but I think he's ready for his Hollywood initiation. Be fore I can tell him that, there's a knock at the door. "Rodney and I will pick you up in an hour. I have to go," I whisper hur riedly, and hang up just as I hear the lock in my bedroom door begin to jingle.

  I know immediately what's happening--Matt is busting in with a platinum American Express card again. When he gets the door open, he practically falls through it.