Read On The Riverside Of Promise Page 6

“So, a professional. I was hoping for a bit of a romantic you see. Every help we can get is better than none at all. And frankly, you look like you don’t need much help in these parts.”

  Ethan crossed his arms against his chest, purely an instinctive defensive motion that only helped to show his nervousness. His charm didn’t seem to work as intended, and his sly grin was his way of showing he genuinely liked the plump Prussian doctor for his openness:

  “What can I say, I’ve been places. Suez. Kenya. Angola. Vietnam.”

  The doctor reached into his sweat-stained shirt’s pocket and procured a pack of Camels. He put one into his mouth and proffered one to Ethan as well, who politely nodded his refusal, the grin unwaveringly attached on his tanned face. The doctor got up from his seat, while searching around for something to light his cigarette. His reply came with a slightly muffled voice:

  “I’m sure you enjoy travelling. A lot, I might add. Light?”

  Ethan laughed and felt somewhat unburdened. He offered Dr. Manteuffel a lighter from one of his pants’ side pockets:

  “I can’t really say what’s on your mind, Ludwig.”

  The doctor lit his Camel and seemed to cherish the moment before answering, his eyes squarely meeting Ethan’s gaze before asking him straight:

  “Are you going to be trouble? We don’t need any more trouble where we’re going.”

  Ethan took his lighter back and answered, the sudden quietness in his voice the only indication that he himself was somewhat uncertain:

  “I want to stay out of trouble as much as you do.”

  Ludwig drew on his cigarette once more, this time exhaling briskly and adding hastily:

  “Good. That’s good. Thank you.”

  Ethan nodded in silence before the doctor went on:

  “I just want to help these people, and stay alive in the process. Is it too much to ask?”

  “No, I suppose it’s not.”

  Ludwig then put out his cigarette in the dirt and wiped his forehead once more. He seemed to mumble to himself:

  “Good man. A good man.”

  Ethan noticed and asked the doctor, his voice right on the edge of doubt:

  “How can you tell?”

  Ludwig looked at him with some reluctance before replying:

  “I can’t. But I have hope.”