Read On the Kentucky Frontier: A Story of the Fighting Pioneers of the West Page 12



  We spent no time in leave-taking after once having made ready for thejourney. It was as if we three formed a separate command, and had nocomrades among the main body of the volunteers, therefore it was notnecessary we should say good-by.

  Simon Kenton was to carry up the Ohio certain papers with which MajorClarke had entrusted him, and once these were in his possession therewas nothing to detain us at Kaskaskia.

  We took our departure from the post a full half hour before daybreak,when none save the sentinels were there to see us push off from theshore, and allowed the canoe to drift down the river until we were cometo the Ohio.

  It would be more laborious to paddle the dugout against the swiftcurrent than to walk, and we had already decided to make our way throughthe wilderness on foot, ever keeping within a short distance of theriver, where we might expect to get the earliest information if thesavages were moving about bent on mischief.

  We came to a halt at a point where we waited for the flat-boats on thejourney down, and here a day was spent in procuring and cooking meat,for Simon Kenton had decided that once the long tramp was really begunwe would push forward at the best possible pace. It was reasonable tobelieve that in a short time we would have arrived at that portion ofthe country where it might not be well to discharge a rifle simply forthe purpose of killing game.

  We did not expect to make the journey without some danger of comingacross small parties of the painted brutes who thirsted for the blood ofwhite people; but it was not in our thoughts that we should encounterany serious dangers. The worst of the tramp, so we believed, might bethe labor of pushing on through the underbrush until the many mileswhich lay between us and Corn Island had been traversed.

  Simon Kenton was in particularly good humor on that morning when, allour preparations completed, we left the camping place with our facesturned toward the north, and I was exceedingly happy, for at the end ofthe journey my mother was waiting to greet me.

  During two full days we pressed steadily onward, seeing nothing to causealarm, and making reasonably good progress, and then came that whichthreatened a fatal ending to what had been a most successful journey.

  We encamped on the second night in a small thicket of scrub where thefoliage was so dense that the chill night wind was shut out ascompletely as if we had been within four walls of stout logs, and feltso secure that Simon Kenton himself had proposed we build a light blazeto cook a turkey we had just killed.

  The meat was roasted, and we ate such a supper as can be enjoyed only bythose who have performed a full day's labor, and after the meal was cometo an end Paul and I fell asleep even as we sat before the fire.

  How long we were thus unconscious I am unable to say; but it seemed tome as if I had no more than crossed the borders of dreamland before Iwas awakened by the pressure of a heavy hand over my mouth.

  In the forest one becomes accustomed to awakening quickly, and withoutstarting up.

  When the eyes are open the first thought is as to the reason for thusbeing aroused, and due heed is given to all the surroundings before anymovement is made.

  Therefore it was I understood at once that Simon Kenton's hand wascovering my mouth, and that he was hurriedly burying the light emberswith ashes.

  Pressing his arm to let him know I was thoroughly aroused, I rose to asitting posture.

  No sound brake the stillness of the night, for, sheltered as we were bythe scrub, even the moaning of the wind failed to reach our ears.

  Kenton was awakening Paul, and he, brave lad, made as little disturbanceon thus being aroused as if all his life had been spent on the frontier.

  It was to my mind a certainty that the scout had heard or seen savages,and I drew up my rifle to assure myself it was in proper working order.

  It is by no means soothing to the nerves to be thus aroused and forcedto remain on the alert in ignorance of what threatens. I know of nosituation more trying, and while I inwardly trembled with apprehension,my eyes sought out Paul in the gloom to learn how he was bearing upunder what many old, experienced hunters have told me was, in theiropinion, the most trying of all border warfare.

  The lad sat silent and motionless, his rifle in hand, and though it wasimpossible to distinguish his features, I knew full well he was as calmand placid as when we remained concealed in the thicket just beyond thestockade at Kaskaskia, when I believed a desperate battle was before us.

  During perhaps half an hour we three remained in the same position aswhen first having been awakened, and then Simon Kenton began to creepcautiously out through the underbrush, having first motioned for us toremain quiet.

  He was bent on learning what had alarmed him, and but for advertisingmyself as a coward, I would have insisted, as well as I might bygestures, upon his remaining with us, for to me, almost anything waspreferable to separation.

  I checked the impulse, however, but moved closer to Paul, and he, dearlad, pressed my hand as if to give me courage.

  That he, whom I had at the outset considered the weakest of the party,should be the one to encourage, shamed me, and I threw off his hand asif in anger, when in reality it was nothing save nervous fear whichprompted the movement.

  As nearly as I could judge, Simon Kenton had been absent ten minutesbefore we heard anything whatsoever, and then the report of a musket,followed by a scream of pain, caused the blood to bound in my veins.

  Instinctively I leaped to my feet when I should have remainedmotionless, and Paul laid hold of the skirt of my hunting-shirt as iffearing I might be counting on rushing out.

  One, two, three minutes passed, during which time the most absolutesilence reigned, and then a slight rustling of the branches told thatthe scout was returning.

  I breathed more freely, knowing he was not the one who had given vent tothat cry of pain, and stepped forward to learn how serious was thedanger which threatened.

  "We have run across thirty or more reptiles--most likely the same thatwere met while coming down the river," he whispered in my ear as I bentforward eager for information.

  "Why did you fire?" I asked, believing for the moment that by such acthe had told them where we lay concealed.

  "They had learned where we were, and now completely surround us. It's acase of fightin' our way out, lad, if we count on gainin' Corn Island.It is better to make a move at once, than wait till they are ready toclose in on us."

  I understood by these words that Kenton believed the situation to bemost dangerous, otherwise he would not have suggested we make a move inthe night when the savages would have a great advantage over us, and, asusual in such cases, my heart grew cowardly once more.

  While I stood there undecided the scout hurriedly repeated to Paul thatwhich he had told me, and I saw the lad rise to his feet withouthesitation. He was even then, as he has since many times proven himself,my superior in all that goes to make up a frontiersman.

  "Follow me," Kenton whispered, "and when you are forced to fire, see toit there be no delay in re-loadin' your rifle. Accordin' to my way ofthinkin' we'll have to fight ourselves through this gang, an' the morewe disable 'twixt now an' night the easier will be our work to-morrow."

  There was in my mind the thought that we were now where we must keep upa running fight until one party or the other was shot down, and,considering the fact that they outnumbered us at least ten to one, itseemed most likely ours would be the side that went under.

  When danger comes close upon me I forget my cowardice, as a rule, and soit was now. There seemed little chance we could fight our way throughwhere were so many to oppose us, and the odds were all in favor of thesavages.

  Realizing this fully, as I believe Simon Kenton did also, I ceased tothink of the cause I had for fear, but set my teeth hard, resolving togive the painted wolves good reason to remember me after they had shotus down.

  Simon Kenton was not disposed to linger; he understood of what advantagein a fight is the first blow, and was eager to deal it.
br />   He waited only long enough to assure himself we two lads were ready forthe hot work before us, and then turned to leave the hiding-place which,as he had said, was already surrounded.

  Paul would have brought up the rear, but that I held the position asbelonging to me. Surely a lad who had always lived in towns could notreasonably expect to be allowed such a post of danger when there wereothers with a right to claim it.

  That the savages were keeping a keen watch we knew instantly SimonKenton stepped outside the dense thicket, for then came the report of arifle, and a bullet whistled past my head so near that I could feel the"wind" of its flight.

  It was a queer act, when the darkness was so intense that one could notdistinguish an object twenty paces away, yet instinctively we threedarted behind the nearest trees for shelter, and there stood strainingour eyes in the hope of being able to discover a living target.

  It was like looking into a deep well, to peer ahead, and all three of usmust have understood at the same instant that it was little less thanfolly to remain there with any hope of sending a bullet home, for Paulhad just turned to continue the flight when Simon Kenton whispered tome:

  "We cannot benefit ourselves by remainin' here. The best plan is tocontinue on up river, makin' as many miles as possible before daylight."

  Having said this he darted forward, forcing Paul to fall into linebehind him, and I came close at the latter's heels.

  Now was begun the oddest fight ever seen on the Ohio River.

  We three were pressing forward as if it would advantage us much to gaina few extra miles before morning, and the savages followed cautiously,firing at random now and then, although they could not hope a singlebullet would take effect.

  Several times we halted in the hope that the reptiles, thinking only ofovertaking us, might come up within shooting distance; but they were toowary to be caught by any trick of that kind.

  Whenever we came to a full stop it was as if all nature ceasedbreathing, for we could not hear the lightest whisper amid the foliage,and when the flight had continued in such fashion for an hour or more,Simon Kenton said as we stood side by side listening intently for sometoken of the villains:

  "We won't get a fair shot at them until daylight, an' then they'll havethe same chance at us. I reckon we'd better make all the distance we canwhile it is dark, an' then lay by when the sun rises."

  To my mind it could benefit us but little if we approached a few milesnearer our destination, for unless these wretches could be beaten backwithin a reasonably short time, they would succeed in killing us beforewe could come within fifty miles of the point we most desired to gain.

  However, while holding death at bay for a few hours more or less wemight as well have our faces turned in the right direction, and I wasready to do whatsoever the scout suggested, for, as I have said, fearhad fled from me now that our position was so desperate.

  We alternately drove ahead at full speed, and stopped to take breath.The Indians fired at random now and then, hoping that the sound of ourfootsteps might serve as guide; but they inflicted no more injury on usby shooting, than we did on them while we refrained from discharging ourweapons.

  In such manner was the night passed. We had not fired a shot, while thepainted crew in pursuit had wasted twenty bullets or more.

  Having walked all day, this severe exertion throughout the nightwearied me excessively, and when the first gray light of coming dawnfiltered through the foliage, it seemed to me as if I was on the vergeof exhaustion.

  The labor had told even on Simon Kenton, and Paul was keeping the paceonly through sheer force of will-power.

  It was a wondrous relief to me when the scout pointed ahead to whatappeared to be a dense growth of bushes, through which ran a tinystream, as he said:

  "I reckon we'll find no better place in which to make a stand, thanthere."

  "Almost anything will please me so that we come to a halt speedily, forI'm well-nigh winded," I replied, speaking with difficulty because of myheavy breathing, and in another instant we three stood facing each otherin the thicket, where as yet the light of a new day had not penetrated.

  The savages might not approach very near during the darkness withouttaking more risks than such reptiles fancied, and during a certain timewe need not fear molestation.

  Paul and I flung ourselves at full length on the ground, for in no otherposition did it seem possible to recover from the exhaustion which besetus; but Simon Kenton remained standing at a spot from where he couldhave a view of some portion of our surroundings when the sun haddispelled the gloom.

  "I suppose there is good reason to believe the Indians will kill usbefore we can arrive at Corn Island?" Paul said in a tone of one askinga question, after he had recovered his breath sufficiently to speak, andSimon Kenton replied quietly.

  "Two or three such races as we have had this night should give them goodcause for discouragement."

  "It is a question whether they or we are getting the worst of thisbusiness," I added, trying to speak calmly, as had my comrades; butmaking a bad job of it.

  "Twenty-four hours is a long stretch," Paul said thoughtfully, "and it'sall I can do to keep my eyes open."

  "Go to sleep, lad," Kenton cried. "We must contrive to get some rest'twixt now an' night, an' if you two take a nap at once I'll have achance later."

  It may seem strange that boys should be able to sleep under suchcircumstances as these, and yet the permission had no sooner been givenby the scout than I was stretched out at full length, my eyes closingdespite all efforts to keep them open.

  The report of a rifle, discharged near at hand, awakened me, and Ilooked around to see the scout reloading his rifle.

  "Did you wing your bird?" I asked sleepily.

  "I hope never to use this 'ere piece again if I didn't. The sneak hasbeen wrigglin' his way toward us for the last ten minutes, an' I onlywaited to let him believe he was keepin' his red carcass out of sight,although I marked it plainly from the instant he started."

  "Have you seen the others?"

  "Yes, now an' then through the bushes; but not in such a fashion as Iwanted in order to get a good aim. They've camped down somewhere nearthat big gum tree yonder, needin' rest as much as we did, I reckon."

  "How long have I been asleep?"

  "Three hours or more."

  "Then it's time you took a turn at it," and I rose to my feet, Paulrising up at the same time.

  Simon Kenton insisted that we lie down again; but it was to me as if therepose had been sufficiently long, so thoroughly was I awakened, andafter a short discussion he did as I suggested.

  It is needless for me to set down all that was done or said during theremainder of this long day.

  Kenton slept a full four hours, and during that time we had fired twiceat the skulking reptiles as they flitted from one tree to another,feeling certain that some of the bullets had taken effect.

  Then the scout ordered us to get more sleep, nor would he listen to myassertions that I was fully recovered from the fatigue which had besetme so sorely.

  "You have another long race before you, an' stand in need of more sleepif you count on holdin' such a pace as I shall set from the goin' downof the sun till it rises again."

  "How long do you expect bein' able to keep up such a flight?" Paul askedquietly, as if it was a matter in which he had no great interest.

  "So far we seem to be doin' rather better than holdin' our own, an' Ireckon we'd best keep up the game. At least three of the painted snakesare feelin' the worse for havin' begun this little chase, an' we're assound as ever."

  It was on my tongue's end to say that we could not hope for the samegood fortune during another night of racing through the forest when itwas too dark to distinguish anything not directly in our path; but Ichecked myself in time, for no good could come of speaking dispiritingwords while we were in such a desperate situation.

  We two lads lay down again to sleep, in accordance with Kenton'scommand; but were aroused for a few moment
s when the scout dischargedhis rifle, and I heard him mutter to himself:

  "That makes the fourth to-day, an' if we can keep up this play twonights more, they may come to believe that the game is not worth thecandle."

  Sleepily I thought we might find before many hours had passed that allthe shooting was not to be done by us; but the idea was no more than inmind when my eyes closed again, and I was not conscious of thesurroundings until Kenton shook me roughly.

  "It's time we pushed ahead once more," he said in a whisper as I seizedmy rifle, believing the savages were about to make a determined attack,and he added with a low laugh, "There's no more danger threatenin' thanwhen you was last awake, lad; but the night is well on us, an' we shouldbe movin'."

  He awakened Paul, and the little lad rose to his feet ready for anyemergency; but speaking not a word.

  We had yet some portion of our meat, and from this a hurried meal wasmade, after which Simon Kenton showed himself ready to set out once moreon what I believed was a fruitless journey, for it did not seem possiblewe would live to finish it.

  It was like a nightmare, that race through the thicket with themurderous fiends close on our trail, shooting now and then when in thegloom the waving branches told of our course.

  Kenton kept his word, so far as setting a rapid pace was concerned.Never before nor since have I strained every muscle and nerve for somany hours on a stretch.

  There were times when we pressed on as if running a foot-race, and morethan once did one or the other of us come full against a tree with suchforce that we were hurled backward at full length on the ground.

  There was no time to attend to bruises, however severe, for close in ourrear came the relentless brutes, hoping, most likely, for just such amishap when they could lessen our number by one.

  I believe they fired at us fifty times before we halted for a day's restwhich must be spent in defending ourselves, and by the mercy of God nobullet came nigh us.

  I watched eagerly for the first signs of dawn; my breath was comingthick and fast, and I feared lest I might fall and not find myself ableto rise again.

  Paul had kept close at Kenton's heels without betraying fatigue ordistress; but just at the moment when it seemed as if I must halt,whatever might be the consequences, he cried sharply:

  "I can go no further. You two must keep on without me! It is better thatI be left behind than for all to perish!"

  "We'll all come out of it with whole skins, or fall together," SimonKenton said sharply. "Try to hold the pace, lad, till we find a place inwhich we can defend ourselves."

  Even as he spoke we had arrived at a spot where half a dozen large treeshad been overthrown by the wind, forming exactly the kind of afortification needed by those sorely beset as were we.

  Kenton helped Paul over the logs into the very center, and I followedwith many a stumble, falling on my face, utterly blown, when we were inthe middle of the timber network.