Read On the Kentucky Frontier: A Story of the Fighting Pioneers of the West Page 8



  To you who have read of, and perhaps taken part in, battles between twoarmies, this encounter on the banks of the Ohio may seem trifling, anddevoid of interest, because there is no thrilling account of thisgallant charge, or that stubborn holding of a position.

  Since the day when thirty men under command of Major Clarke confrontedan unknown number of Indians on the banks of the Ohio, driving them backin such fashion that there was no longer spirit enough left in them tocarry out the murderous plan which they had formed for attacking thedefenseless ones on Corn Island--since that day, I say, this countryhas seen much of warfare, and what was to Paul Sampson and myself likea veritable battle has, even while I write, passed into history assomething too insignificant to be worthy of any extended mention.

  To us lads, however, who stood there in the long, scattered line,knowing that our lives depended upon our own exertions; knowing that theleast incautious movement--a single instant wasted when the trigger of arifle should have been pressed, might mean death, it was an engagementas heavy and important as any that has been waged since the world began,and with good reason, because our own safety hung in the balance.

  In this world one is prone to give importance to, or detract from, anevent in such measure as it concerns himself alone, and, therefore, Pauland I may well be excused for holding high in our memory this conflictwhich meant everything to those people who on Corn Island awaited ourmovements before they should begin to build that settlement which hassince become known as Louisville.

  Of it I can tell no more than that which I saw, and I dare venture tosay that my experience was the same as that of every other in the line,for no man could give attention save to what lay directly before him.

  It was in fact nothing more, this battle, than standing behind gum orpine tree, as the case might be, peering intently ahead and on eitherside for a distance of twenty or thirty paces, hoping to catch a glimpseof a tuft of feathers which would tell where a bullet might be sent withdeadly effect, or cowering back whenever a movement of the foliage toldthat a rifle barrel was being thrust out so that the holder might takedeadly aim.

  Commonplace enough it sounds when set down in words; but if he whochances to read can imagine himself in such a position, his only effortbeing to save his own life or take that of another, some little idea maybe had of the thrilling excitement which overcame me like unto a fever.

  Now and then from different points could be heard voices shouting wordsof encouragement to those in that line of brave men who might perchancebe for the moment faint-hearted. Again, and all too often, came the cryof pain or an exclamation of anger when the bullet of a savage hadbitten the flesh, and meanwhile Major Clarke was calling out to this manor to that as he leaped from one point of vantage to the other,animating every one by his words as well as his example.

  In such a situation the combatants do not give heed to the passage oftime. There are intervals when each second is as a dozen minutes, andthen again, when the minutes flit by apparently more quickly than onecould count.

  Once, when having turned my back to the tree, knowing that my body wasfully sheltered while I reloaded my rifle, I observed Paul, calm andcollected as the mightiest hunter among us. If perchance his aim wasless true than some of the others, it was not because of nervousness oranxiety concerning himself. He stood his ground like a man--a man whofights to protect others, rather than for his own honor or to preservehis own life.

  On that morning Paul Sampson gave good proof that he was worthy to benumbered among the defenders of the frontier, and showed that in himcould be found none of his father's fickle-mindedness.

  The report of his rifle rang out as often as did that of the most eageror most experienced in the line, and how much execution he might havedone I know not; but this is certain, that I saw no less than two tuftsof feathers rise convulsively and then sink suddenly out of sight whenhis weapon had been discharged at them.

  I say it is impossible to tell at such a time how long one faces hisfoe; but it was afterwards told that the Indians stood up to the battlefor near an hour, and then came the word from Major Clarke that theywere falling back.

  This information was in the nature of a command for us to advance, andadvance we did, leaping from one place of shelter to another, whilehastening the faint-hearted foe by bullets sent whithersoever theswaying of the foliage told us one of the brutes was making his wayonward.

  When we had advanced in such halting fashion for the distance of fortyor fifty paces, I was come to where the painted crew had made theirstand, and there saw good evidence of what we had accomplished.

  No less than four bodies were stretched on the ground lifeless, and mytimorousness returned in a measure as I realized that near at hand,perhaps making ready to take aim at me, might be some savage, so badlywounded that he could not join his fellows in what had become littleless than a flight.

  We advanced from one place of shelter to another, firing rapidly,--Page 142. _On the Kentucky Frontier._]

  At that moment we were in more danger of such of the savages thanfrom those who were yet sound in body; but as the time passed and I feltneither the sting of a bullet nor the burning cut of a knife, my couragecame back again before those around me noted the fact of my having beennear to cowardice.

  We advanced, leaping from one sheltered spot to another, until the wordwas passed along the line that the remnant of the foe had taken toflight, no longer trying to shelter themselves, and the battle was over,save for those eager white men who pursued in the hope of shedding yetmore Indian blood.

  Major Clarke gave the word for his force to fall back to the boat. Hetold off four men to search the thicket for bodies of the savages inorder that we might know how many had fallen, and the remainder of theparty, save two or three who were so far in advance as not to have heardthe command, returned to where the flat-boat was moored.

  It was in my mind to congratulate Paul upon his having been in actionand come out unscathed, believing a lad like him, who had stood upagainst the enemy for the first time in his life, would be ready to hearwords of praise, or, at least, discuss the exciting events.

  But the boy whom I had looked upon as ignorant because of never havinglived on the frontier, was now shaming me by his actions.

  Instead of spending his time in useless words, Paul began cleaning hisheated rifle, and otherwise putting himself into condition to do a likeservice if the occasion should suddenly require it.

  Abashed by his calm and manly behavior, I held my peace, following hisexample, and when the last of the pursuers had returned to the flat-boatwe two lads were ready to take part in another encounter.

  Those who had been detailed to learn how much injury we inflicted uponthe foe, reported that fourteen killed or grievously wounded lay in thethicket, and once more Major Clarke questioned us as to the probablenumber we had seen in the encampment.

  I was positive, as also was Paul, that there could not have been upwardof thirty, while it was more reasonable to believe the band numberedless than twenty, and the major claimed that we might rest assured therewas no longer any danger to be feared from this particular band ofbrutes.

  While we were fighting in the thicket the other flat-boats had come downthe stream, rounded-to, and made fast alongside the first craft; but nota man had gone on shore to take part in the battle because of the ordersleft by our leader.

  Now we were ready to continue the journey, and the major said to Pauland me when we were on board once more, drifting with the current:

  "I allow that it was a fortunate mishap for you lads to have lost sightof Simon Kenton, otherwise we should have been called upon to bury acertain number of dead from among the force, instead of having to countonly four slightly wounded. Had that party of reptiles fired on us fromthe thicket as we drifted by, much loss of life must have followed.Therefore I hold to it that you have done us, at the very beginning ofthe journey, good service."

  "But wh
ere can Simon Kenton be?" I asked.

  "Pushing on down the river most like, believing you were captured whilehe was spying upon the other members of that gang. We shall come acrosshim before many days have passed, unless it so be that he finds itnecessary to come back for the purpose of warning us."

  If the major had intimated that Simon Kenton might at that moment be aprisoner among the savages, I should have felt the keenest anxiety forhis safety; but here was a man who had had more experience on thefrontier than the eldest among us, speaking of the scout as if it wasnot possible any danger could have come to him, and whatever fearsmight have been in my mind prior to this time were speedily allayed.

  Now I began to enjoy the journey down the river. We had nothing to dosave sit at our ease while the swift, strong current bore us onwardtoward our destination, and such traveling was exceedingly pleasant,more particularly since I no longer thought it necessary to blame myselffor having left the canoe when I should have remained by her.

  Simon Kenton himself would censure me for having done as I did; butafter knowing how much good had resulted from it, his words of blamecould not be severe.

  It was with such thoughts I comforted myself, and finally gave no heedto anything save that which was pleasurable.

  When noon came Paul and I shared the provisions of our companions, and,after the meal was come to an end, lay stretched at full length in theafter part of the boat watching the panorama spread out before us.

  It must not be supposed that while the boats drifted on in this lazyfashion the men neglected to give due heed to possible danger.

  Strict watch was kept on either bank, and when it became necessary toround a point or pass some tiny cove fringed with trees wherein theenemy might lurk to send a shower of bullets among us, the heavy craftwere forced to the greatest possible distance from the place of danger,while every man stood, rifle in hand, ready to check an attack or returna volley.

  It was not permitted that we should hold converse in voices louder thana whisper, and those who worked the heavy sweeps were careful to do soin the most noiseless fashion, for we knew full well that the enemylurked on either shore, and every care was taken to avoid giving noticeof our approach.

  When the day was near to an end the boats were allowed to come closertogether, and finally, when night was so near at hand that the shadowson the shore grew dense, Major Clarke gave a signal, by gestures, thatwe were to haul up till morning.

  "Are we to lay by the bank over night?" Paul asked, and I, unable toreply, appealed for information to the man nearest, who said much as ifbelieving the question a foolish one:

  "I reckon there won't be any boatin' done after sunset, unless there'ssome great need. Those who drift down this river just now had best do sowhen it is possible to have a good view of either bank, and Major Clarkeis not the man to take needless chances."

  "The savages can do no more mischief in the dark than when the sunshines," Paul said quietly.

  "That is where I'm not agreein' with you, my lad. In the light we cangive as good as they send; but after dark, when there's no chance ofseein' the reptiles, they have the upper hands. Howsomever, our opinionon the matter won't have any very great weight with the major, andyou'll find that along about this time each day we'll be looking for aplace to halt."

  The boat in which we sailed was the foremost of the fleet, and while theman was yet speaking the crew worked the sweeps until she rounded tounder the bank, followed by the others, and in less than half an hour wewere moored for the night.

  This done, the first duty was to learn whether there might be any of theenemy in the vicinity, and scouts were sent out at once, while theremainder of the company set about getting supper, or, perhaps I shouldsay, eating it, for such food as we carried at that time was alreadycooked.

  There was no thought of immediate danger in my mind; as a matter ofcourse I realized that we were surrounded by enemies, but after thebattle of the morning I was confident the enemy had been driven to arespectful distance.

  I had ceased to think of Simon Kenton, save as pushing on down the riverat his best pace, scolding because we were not with him to share in thelabor, and I counted on spending the night in rest.

  It so chanced that Major Clarke was seated very near Paul and I when thefirst of the scouts returned, and the information he brought wassufficient to drive from the minds of every man on board all thought ofidling.

  It appeared from the story we heard, that this scout, seeing a faintglow as of a light on the opposite side of the river, a mile below wherewe were lying, had taken a canoe from the nearest flat-boat and paddledacross.

  There, after having landed, he crept noiselessly through the foliage anhundred yards or more from the bank until he saw that which explained tome, at least, why Paul and I failed to find the dugout when we returnedafter our foolish tramp.

  A party of fifty Indians, most likely a portion of the same band wewhipped that morning, had halted for the purpose of torturing aprisoner to death, and that prisoner, so the man declared, was noneother than Simon Kenton.

  He also had been rash and foolish when going ashore in search ofinformation, and at about the time we heard the reports of the firearmshe must have been made a prisoner.

  Even as I shuddered at the possibility that those who would go to therescue might arrive too late, I thought with a certain sense of reliefthat now he could not find fault with us for having abandoned our post.

  Had we remained in the canoe, as we should have done, then beyond aperadventure we had been captives with him, and the flat-boats, nothaving been delayed by the battle, might at this time be too far downstream for their occupants to render any aid.

  It goes without saying that instantly this news was told preparationswere made for the rescue, and while the men were being told off, forMajor Clarke did not intend to take with him more than half a company,Paul said to me quietly, as if there was nothing to excite or alarm:

  "Of course it is our right to aid in the rescue of the scout."

  "There are many others here who could do better service than we," Ireplied, not relishing a second encounter.

  If Paul and I had been alone in the thicket, and were the only ones whocould give assistance to Simon Kenton, then never for an instant would Ihave dreamed of holding back; but here were near to four hundred men,all of them with more experience in such bloody business than either heor I, and it was only a question of desire that would carry us into theconflict.

  "We set out from Corn Island with him, and should be the first to go tohis relief," Paul said, as if the matter was already settled in hismind, and I understood on the instant that he would apply to MajorClarke for permission to join the force, whether I was disposed toaccompany him or not.

  It would have shamed me wofully had Simon Kenton been alive when theparty reached him, and failed to see me with my comrade, therefore Ileaped up at once as if eager for another battle, and together weapproached the commander.

  "It is our desire, sir, to take part in the rescue," Paul said modestly,"We were his comrades, and should be the first to go to his relief."

  Then it was Major Clarke made much the same answer as had I, replyingthat it would be better the older men take the brunt of the affair; butPaul held grimly to his purpose, by repeating:

  "It is our duty, sir, and I believe it to be our right."

  I was not disposed that he should be the only one to display courage anda desire to aid Simon Kenton, therefore I said, throwing such of desireinto my tones as was possible:

  "I pray you, sir, that we be allowed to join the party, if for no otherreason than because the scout was our comrade."

  "It shall be as you say, lads," Major Clarke replied; "but I warn youagainst being too eager for such frays. An attack in the night, while itmay sometimes be less dangerous than in the daytime, is likely to provefar more hazardous."

  The major might have convinced me that it was my duty to remain aboardthe flat-boat; but Paul Sampson was as headstrong once he h
ad resolved,as he was quiet in manner, and I understood, without the necessity forwords, that he would not be turned from his purpose.

  It can well be supposed that after this word was brought in every mangave due heed to silence, for should the savages who were making readyto torture the prisoner, discover that we were near at hand, SimonKenton's death would speedily follow.

  To make any attempt to gain the opposite shore with one of the largeflat-boats would be folly, therefore all the dugouts which we towed, orcarried aboard, were brought into line, and those men selected for theenterprise clambered into them, Paul and I among the others.

  Now to my surprise, instead of putting directly across the river, theboats were allowed to drift down on the same side where the heavy craftwere moored, keeping well within the shadow of the trees, and not untilwe were a mile or more below where it was said the Indians had halted,was any effort made to cross.

  By the time the opposite side was gained we were fully two miles downstream, and even a greater distance from the place it would be necessaryto gain in order to rescue Kenton.

  Here we landed, Major Clarke and one of the older men taking the lead,while the remainder followed in single file.

  Paul and I were midway of the line, and because strict orders had beengiven that no word should be spoken, he pressed my arm from time totime as if to convey by such means the thoughts that came into his mind.

  I could not divine of what he might be thinking; but I knew it was avery disagreeable fact that at any moment we might fall into an ambush,for no man could say with certainty that the Indians had failed to noteour coming.

  I suffered more during that tramp of two miles in the utter darkness,than on the previous night when it had seemed as if Paul's fate and minewas sealed.

  When we were come so near to the place of torture that the light of thefires kindled around the tree to which the captive was bound could beplainly seen, but were screened from view of the river by the foliage,my heart beat and thumped until it seemed, so nervous had I become, asif the noise must give warning to the painted crew who were dancingaround their intended victim.

  In whispers Major Clarke gave orders that the men should separate andcreep forward, each at a distance of six paces from the other, until wehad half encircled the murderous band, and then each was to be on thealert, ready to fire when the first report of the commander's rifle washeard.

  By such means was it believed that a full half of the savages would beslain at the first fire, and, thus taken by surprise, the remainderwould seek safety in flight.

  When Paul and I, keeping nearer together than the orders permitted, hadcome as close to the savages as might be done with safety, we had a fullview of the unfortunate Kenton.

  I had no doubt but that the Indians recognized him as one who had workedthem no little harm in the past, for they were preparing to prolong histortures to the utmost. Sharp splinters of wood were being made readyfor use after the fashion of spears, lest knives should produce deathtoo quickly, and the painted crew were already circling close aroundhim, when, as I knew from what had been told me by the others, beforethe fires were lighted which should burn his flesh, he would be cut andmangled with a thousand superficial wounds.

  A brave man was Simon Kenton, and so he showed himself at this momentwhen there could have been no hope in his mind that help was near.

  Stripped nearly naked in order that the murderous wolves might see whereto strike without inflicting too serious an injury, he faced them withwhat was very like a smile on his face, while the blood was alreadyflowing down his body from tiny gashes, and I understood that howevermuch of anguish might come to him, never a cry of pain could be rungfrom his lips.

  Paul crept nearer to grasp my arm with a convulsive clutch, and I knewthe lad was feeling most keenly for the prisoner, being able tounderstand full well what must have been the captive's thoughts, for hadhe not occupied the same position?

  I had leveled my rifle, aiming at the Indian who stood nearest SimonKenton, determined that the ball should find its billet, when the sharpcrack of Major Clarke's weapon rang out, and a dancing savage fell tothe ground with a shriek of pain and defiance.

  Instantly half an hundred rifles were discharged, and it seemed to me asif every feathered head went down, after which the scene was obscuredfrom view by clouds of sulphurous smoke.