Read Once Upon Another World Page 15

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  LeShana followed Master Fora across the hall and into the office on the other side. He was silent until LeShana had closed the door behind her. Whatever had compelled him to conduct this meeting alone, he was not letting anything leak out that she could interpret with any kind of accuracy. She could feel Raven's worries come through the bond loud and clear, and assured him as best as she could while still hiding her own worries about the rather unusual event.

  "What is it?" LeShana asked her former Master. "The bond is still new, I don't know how long I can keep Raven from knowing how unusual this is."

  "It is nothing bad, LeShana, just.. extremely intriguing." Master Fora reassured her with a bright smile.

  "Well, then, what is it?" She questioned, not quite ready to let her guard down after so many upsetting and troubling things all piled into one overfilled and frustrating week.

  "Until now, I would not have thought that I would ever see someone whose gifts were stronger than those demonstrated by Sarath." Master Fora replied with a significant look as he leaned against the desk.

  "Stronger than Sarath!" LeShana half asked, shock forcing her to sit down. Sarath had been the strongest mage to arrive at the Center for training in three centuries. She surpassed their usual standards for rating a talent, and did so with an ease that made all others look like they were standing still. Sarath's mage ability would be enough to strip a planet of all life if she were ever to lose control, or least a giant chunk of one, and Raven was stronger than her. "By how much?" LeShana whispered, not really sure she wanted to know.

  "Not much, at least in relative terms, those two are so very strong I think they have stretched any means of measurement quite some time before. But certainly enough that it would be dangerous to forget this, or to underestimate him during training. Other than the fact that he has an uncommonly high number of gifts, combined with the strength of his mage-gift, he is quite normal." Master Fora replied softly. "I just wanted you to know. This also, no doubt, means that Sarath will have to return to the Center to help with his training. It is nothing personal, you are a fine trainer, but it is a good idea to have a magical teacher that is as close to the strength of the student as possible. It was enough of a risk to have you train Sarath."

  "So Raven will need her. I understand, I know the risks of an untrained gift as well as any of us." LeShana replied with a nod. "You sometimes forget that it was one of my year mates that died when he lost control of his gifts, and I remember what happened to his instructor."

  "He never did walk again." Master Fora commented sadly. "I wish we had found him earlier though. He is going to know very little in the way of sword work and hand to hand combat. Language skills and knowledge of the Salak'patan can be implanted but the combat skills can not."

  "It won't take that long." LeShana replied, confident in the fact.

  "Why not?" Master Fora asked her with twitching lips, as if already suspecting the answer.

  "With me hounding him, he won't have a choice. Between me and Destin he won't have a chance to slack off." She told him with a warm smile, quite ready to go home then and there, eager to put the past year of frustration far behind her.

  "So it had occurred to you that it might be best if he had a one on one instruction." He commented, sounding pleased by her forethought.

  "Yes, it would be to embarrassing to go through the first part of the training with the young ones, and it also would be dangerous. He is not a weakling and might not realize his own strength until someone gets hurt. Besides, it will not be long now before Destin and Solair are due for their bonding-time, and we don't have the shielded facilities on Earth to give them the peace and quiet they are going to need." She told him after having had the time needed to consider everything earlier that morning

  "Not to mention what it might do to the agents here or the people of this world." Master Fora added with a knowing smile.

  "Will you be taking my place at the press conference?" LeShana asked him eagerly, knowing that even if he were to deny her in this, that he was only too vulnerable to pretty face and a little begging. He smiled quietly, knowing well how much she loathed long speeches and boring politicians, and decided to take pity on her.

  "Yes, unfortunately the paper work was filed this morning, and that leaves me holding the bag. You have been released from duty and have been given leave to get your bonded ready for his departure." Master Fora told her, making his own disappointment at having to take over her duties all too clear. "When I get back, I will start the process to send Sarath, Destin, and Solair back to the Center. Depending on when young Raven is ready to leave, you five might be leaving together."

  "He's not like most, he won't dally for long." LeShana assured her old teacher with a smile. He nodded, but his expression told LeShana that he did not quite believe it. "I better get back, I have been promising to have a long talk with him for days now, and you have to get ready.."

  "After the days that you have been having, I can understand why your talk has been interrupted." Master Fora commented. LeShana smiled at him in response and slipped back across the hall. Raven smiled at her when she returned, pushing aside some of the great stacks of papers that were now spread across the surface of the table.

  "Well?" He asked, his cute little expressions displaying the nervousness that he somehow kept from appearing in his voice.

  "It's all right, Master Fora was just surprised by how strong your mage-gift is." LeShana told him. Raven nodded, clearly not comprehending the facts or concerns, but more than willing to take her word for it. "Raven, how long would it take you to pack up and be ready to go?" Raven looked away thoughtfully as his quick mind worked through a task list he had probably been compiling all morning.

  "Three days, maybe four." He replied, despite her words to Master For a, she nevertheless found herself surprised by the small number he offered with such a high level of confidence. "If it was up to me, I would leave right now, but.." He shrugged his right shoulder as she had seen him do several times before, making her wonder if he had been seriously hurt as a child, or if it was simply a deeply ingrained habit. It was just a subtle reminder that there was so very much for her to still learn about the person who had suddenly, and almost inexplicably, become so deeply important to her. ".. there are things that I need to take care of first. I need to talk to my agent, my publisher, my banker.. and my mother." Raven gave her a sour expression, one that made her think that he was not looking forward to the last conversation. After a little thought, she decided she could understand. After all, they now had Raven's name plastered all over the news and his mother had no doubt seen it. The fact that he would undoubtedly have to tell her that he had met a women, fell in love, and was even now readying himself to quite literally fall off the edge of the planet was probably going to make the conversation even harder on both of them. The mere mention of that forthcoming event was easily enough to make LeShana balk at the prospect of leaving, despite the fact that she had been eager not minutes before. After all, she had only heard her friends horror stories about the trials and tribulations of the much rumored and feared 'mother-in-law', but this would be her first experience with that much feared creature.

  "There is no need to rush.. we can wait until the others are ready to leave." LeShana told him softly, suddenly realizing how hard it must be for him.

  "Others?" Raven asked, catching on to her statement.

  "Sarath, Destin, and Solair are going to come with us." Much to her surprise he gave her a soft smile, a nod, and seemed to accept the news as if it was only to be expected. It was such a curious reaction that she had to catch herself before she thought to question him about it. "Master Fora is here, so I won't have to go the press conference. How about we order some food and have that talk we have both been wanting?" He nodded as she unbuttoned her jacket and tossed it on the bed, exposing the more flattering long sleeved shirt
underneath. "You order, and I can send someone for it." With a smile and a nod, he and rose to open the door for her. When she passed him, his hand touched the small of her back to guide her out in the hall and she couldn't help but feel a rush of excitement ripple up her spine. Outside, the warehouse floor was empty except for a few agents that were not out reestablishing their headquarters at the Weslyn building or attending the press conference. They were all agents who were not officially on the rosters, but were there to make sure that the Earth governments were not secretly readying themselves to betray the treaty. LeShana could only hope that after what had happened, their group would be considerably less busy in the near future.

  "Can someone go out for food?" She asked softly as she and Raven neared the small gathering.

  "No cars." A dour man called Silverwing told her with a grimace.

  "And the remaining petty cash went out for the party, none of us have had the chance to get more." Another undercover agent named Regs added. Without hesitating, Raven dug into his pockets and tossed two things at him; a set of keys and a thick money clip. He told them where his vehicle was located, and since it was not all that far away, it shouldn't have been too hard to retrieve the much needed extra vehicle without difficulty. "You want to order?" Regs asked with a smile and whistle as he flipped through the thick stack of bills.

  "Sure." Raven replied quickly while Silverwing tossed him a cordless phone. "You guys hungry?" There was a round of acknowledgments as Raven expertly caught the device and dialed a number by memory. He walked a few feet away so that the droning of the TV would not interfere with his call. LeShana could hear him rattling off a long list of dishes and sizes, giving her the impression that he did it a lot. Raven thanked the person on the other end and hung up. "Let me tell you where you need to go." Raven stated, turning around to face Regs.

  "Montoya's?" Regs asked him, and Raven nodded dumbly. Regs smiled at him and glanced over at LeShana, then back at him. LeShana hid a smile. "After our failed attempt to.. recruit you.. we went back to the restaurant. Considering the situation the boss lady reported to us, we felt that it was only for the best that we apologize and, you know, make peace. We tried the food, and it was so good that we’ve been getting food there ever since. Besides.. it is some of the best food for a romantic meal." Regs replied with a knowing smile. Raven's face flushed at the comment, and LaShana though it was rather cute. Regs chuckled and slapped Raven on the back.

  "Then let me write you guys a note. My friend would like to know that something has changed. He might not be willing to trust the treaty countries any more than all of you, but he should hear it from me that you and yours are the good ones." Raven added hastily. Regs gave him an honest look of gratitude as Raven quickly wrote out something along those lines. "You might end up facing an interrogation sooner or later, but Mr. Montoya knows a lot of people. If you get him on your side.. well.." Regs chuckled and nodded as turned to head for the door. LeShana put her hands on his shoulders and kissed him on the forehead. Raven looked embarrassed, but he still delighted her with his warm, loving smile. Even more eager than before to learn all about him, she couldn't help but adore him for the faith and trust he already had in her, and through her, in her co-workers and friends. As they waited for Regs to return with the food, they watched the press conference on TV. Raven seemed extremely bored by the proceedings, but he was making an effort to listen to the long winded speeches. LeShana was bored by it as well, but tried not to show it, after all, she should have at least some idea what was being said. It took Regs just under an hour to get back with the food, and Raven rose to accept one of the bags. He waved Regs off when he tried to give him the rest of the money and the car keys.

  "Keep them, I don't imagine my car will do me any good where I’m going, and the rest is just paper after all." Raven told him, chuckling at his own generosity.

  "But we might need the car back for when we head north." LeShana warned, uncertain of what form the arrangements would take just then. Regs simply smiled, nodded, and pocketed both items before rejoining the others. More than a little pleased by his actions, LeShana took Raven's hand, kissed his cheek, and drew him back towards the waiting privacy of the workroom. They stopped in the kitchen for a couple of plates and some utensils, and LeShana also got a bottle of Fes wine that she had been saving for a special occasion. Raven cleared the table of the letters and papers that he had been sorting as LeShana opened the containers and set the table. As each container was opened, LeShana's nose was assaulted with the smell of many unfamiliar dishes, but Raven had known what he was doing when he ordered. LeShana lit the candles with a thought and dimmed the lights without a word. It was cloudy outside, so there was very little light coming through the window to spoil the romantic mood.

  She was the first to start questioning her bonded and quickly discovered that Raven's past lacked the intrigue and mystery she might have expected after finding him to be such a complex person. There were many pauses in the conversation as they each fed each other tidbits and exchanged tender touches. She made sure to warn him about the strength of Fes wine, since the vintages could be stronger than some hard liquors. The sky was darkening as the questioning turned to LeShana.

  "You've heard about my childhood, now tell me about yours." Raven suggested with a gentle smile.

  "Well, I was a middle child. My family had been mages for centuries, and for five generations they worked in the courts of the Deken Empire. We lived in a small town just outside the Imperial city. When I was five.." LeShana trailed off painfully. Raven took her hand and brushed his fingers along her cheek. "When I was five, a revolt was started against the Empire, and our village was burned to the ground, its' inhabitants were killed, including my parents and sisters. I was the only one to survive.." Hot tears fell down her cheeks, and without a second thought, he turned towards her and wrapped her up in his strong, supportive arms.

  "I'm sorry." Raven whispered to her in a soft, low voice. "It will be all right, I’m here now, and I will never leave you." However strange it might have been to hear those words coming from the mouth of a man she had known for less than a week, when he said them there wasn't any way she could doubt their truth.

  "The Center was brought in to bring the revolt to an end, and they helped to find the survivors. Thousands of towns were attacked that very same night, and it was hard to pick up the pieces. So many children were brought to the Center, where they could be cared for, and I was one of them." LeShana continued, determined that Raven know the truth. "My gifts began to awaken when I was eleven years old, so the Center started my training early, before I could get into trouble. Especially when I became a teenager and my hormones made my gifts dangerous. I was the youngest agent ever to graduate from the Center. I was just fourteen, but it was decided that I was too young to work field assignments. So I was given an administration job, helping new recruits. When I was sixteen, I started in the field, working with Vosthan as my mentor.. it was a lot of no risk jobs until I was considered competent to work the more dangerous assignments. There were a lot of diplomatic missions as well, so when this assignment came up, I was at the top of the list. Vosthan declined, but recommended me.. he never did like being in charge. I have been on this planet, on and off, for three years now, but now that I have met you I will be spending the next few years at the Center, helping you become an agent."

  "You had a hard time?" Raven asked with a confused look. LeShana thought that he must have been picking up something from the bond.

  "There were times." LeShana admitted, somewhat reluctantly. "I have never really had a serious relationship, that made things harder some times." Raven snorted without malice, leaving the distinct impression that he too had been unable to have many meaningful relationships.

  "But you had friends to help you." Raven commented softly probably picking that up through the bond as well.

  "Yes, there is that. Dest
in and Solair were always there, Vosthan, and then Master Fora came later. All of them together helped me through the hard times." She agreed as he smiled, pleased to hear that her life hadn't been impossibly hard. There was a little bit of pain in his eyes, and the truth was she had been impressed by how he had held together. He told her that he had always been a lone wolf type, but that there had been his long distance bond with her to help him. LeShana had not been fooled, she had been able to sense the pain and the echoes of loneliness through their bond. He was proving to be quite adept at hiding his true emotions, but he could not do that with LeShana, not anymore. The conversation slacked off at that point, something she was grateful for, since intense conversations, no matter how important, were draining on both of them. As they both turned back to their meals, they talked about trifling things, the kinds of basic, personal preferences that would become important later. "So tell me, what do you need to do to get ready to go?" LeShana asked as they finished their meal and sat back, sipping the wine.

  "Well, first I have to deliver the last two books in the series that I am contracted to do, and then arrange it so that all the money goes into the account for my mother. After that, well.. my mother would never forgive me if we didn't go out there to see her.. I mean.." Raven grimaced as if he was imagining what the conversation was going to be like. LeShana caressed his cheek, bringing his awkward words to a stumbling halt. There was no reason to worry about all that still lay between them and their new home. "As I said, it depends on how soon I can get my agent and my publisher together."

  "You already have the last two books ready?" LeShana asked, changing the subject to something infinitely more easy to deal with for the time being.

  "They’ve been finished for three months now. The only reason that I haven’t turned them in was because I knew if I did, my agent would try and talk me into something else, and I needed a vacation." Raven replied with a sarcastic smile. "I’m not one to dally when there is work to be done."

  "Then why not just turn the books in and get on with other projects?" LeShana asked him, sensing something interesting in the background of his mind. "Wouldn't that make you more money?"

  "Yes, it would make me more money." He told her with a sigh and soft smile. "But my writing has never been about the money. I love writing and I am good at it. It’s a good feeling to know that I can bring a moment of joy into someone's life by doing something I am good at." Raven paused for a moment as he considered his next words. "Besides, if my publisher knew just how fast I can write when I put my mind to it, he would expect me to write ten or eleven books in a year instead of two or three." LeShana returned his smile warmly. It was good to know that he was not obsessed with the accumulation of wealth like most of the planet’s population seemed to be.

  "I think that you are going to like the economics of the Salak'patan then." She observed, and he did not ask for an explanation. It was hardly a time for an economics lesson anyway. During the long, comfortable quiet that followed, they exchanged enamored looks. Raven was the first to make more than a strange look as he set aside his glass and leaned forward, sliding his hand along LeShana's cheek. She reached up and covered his hand with hers. Raven leaned closer to kiss her gently, lightly touching his lips to hers. After that, there was no need for words as everything that they might have said tingled through the bond silently. They learned about each other in a far more personal and intimate fashion during the hours that followed.