Read Once Upon Another World Page 17

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  Raven was never one to waste time, this was something LeShana learned about him only too clearly in the following days. Raven managed to arrange meetings with his agent, the publisher, his banker, and his landlord during the next two days. In the case of the first two, he had completed the last two novels of the book deal long before the meeting, and had admitted that he already had the first three books of the series completed before he had ever made a deal. That being the case, it was a simple matter of ensuring the editors knew not to slice and dice the storyline too badly. He told her that he had enough on his mind, and more than enough in the path that lay before him, that he didn't truly care that much about what would happen with either novel. He simply wished to have the last few lingering responsibilities of his old life placed firmly behind him so he could focus on what was truly important to him at that time. His accounts could conveniently be turned over into his families' keeping with just a few documents, which could be signed during his visit with them and mailed back to the bank to make everything legal. His landlord was a little less accepting of the early end to his lease, proclaiming all the trouble he had endured because of Raven's sudden fame, but the fact that there was a couple thousand dollars in electronics Raven would no longer need, not to mention three rooms of furniture, eased something of the uncomfortable exchange. The remainder of Raven's personal items were discarded with a bit of help, and his security deposit was forfeited to ease his landlord’s 'burden'. LeShana was a little surprised that he could be so ready to leave everything behind, and with so little fuss over the details. Despite his reassurances to the contrary, she was just a little worried that he might regret everything he was so readily giving up. Fortunately, Master Fora's word carried a great deal of weight back at the Center, so they had not argued with him or given them any red tape about the fact that four agents would be returning with one new student.

  When it came time to leave, LeShana did not miss the pain that he was trying to hide behind his eyes. It was one thing to think about giving up everything you knew for love, but it was entirely different to actually do it. They had been given a large van to make the trip in, and the group of agents that would be replacing them would bring it back. As they pulled the car out, she said goodbye to the mission to which she had dedicated three years of her life. In a way, she was sorry to see it go, since at long last all that had frustrated her about the mission seemed to be on the cusp of change, but it was not much to say goodbye to, not when compared to what Raven was giving up. Even though the warehouse was not in New York, it still took some time to find a stretch of open road not clogged with traffic, which was the one thing that LeShana would not feel bad leaving behind her. Raven sat staring sullenly out the window, his mind buried deep in thought. She remained silent, leaving him alone with them, knowing any attempt to force him out of his funk might only make things worse. She instead struck up a conversation with Sarath, Solair, and Destin, hoping to encourage her bonded to leave his black thoughts behind for a time. They talked about the recent events in the Salak'patan, even though none of them had enough time to get a full briefing from friends who had recently traveled from the Center, but each of them had some news to share. Several hours passed and darkness fell. They stopped just inside the Pennsylvania border for food and gas. Sarath took the wheel for the next stretch. LeShana assumed the passenger's seat, Raven took the second seat and Solair and Destin curled up in the back to get some sleep. After the fifth hour of complete silence, LeShana could no longer take it and turned in her seat to look back at Raven, who was sitting behind her, looking like a statue and about as animate as one.

  "Raven," LeShana began. ".. what's bothering you?"

  "Just wondering what I am going to tell my Mom." He whispered at long last, turning away from the passing scenery to acknowledge that he wasn't alone in the vehicle. "I mean, she thought that the move to New York was too far. What is she going to say when I tell her that I met a woman, fell in love with her, and I plan on going with her to another planet? On top of that, I have only known her for a total of ten days."

  "It will be eleven by the time we get there." Sarath commented with a smile. Raven rolled his eyes at her, but did not make any comment in return.

  "Do you regret the decision to go?" LeShana asked him, feeling her throat close in fear of his response.

  "No." Raven replied with such conviction that there was no doubting him. "I want to go, I want to be with you. You alone are worth any price.." Raven trailed off with an embarrassed look. "I just can't think of how to tell her that." He added in a low voice.

  "I'll be there with you." LeShana told him as she reached back to take his hand.

  "If it helps, so will I." Sarath added, unable to resist the urge of putting in her two cents. "If you're this strong, I want to meet your family and see if any of them are as strong as you." She chuckled, then sighed as another thought occurred to her. "It's easier to train two mages than one, and if any of them are like you, I plan to tie them up and kidnap them. I don't want to take another five years out of my life later on when one of your family shows up with a gift as powerful as yours."

  "Five years?!" That was not what Raven wanted to hear.

  "That's how long it normally takes to train an agent." Sarath replied quickly. "Well, usually."

  "Sarath, don't be so dramatic. You well know most of that time is letting students grow into their strength. And it certainly didn't take you that long." LeShana interjected, trying to keep her bonded from having a mental breakdown. "Raven is going to receive one on one training in the two areas that he is most lacking in, magic and combat. The rest is just information that can be transplanted." LeShana turned back to Raven who was wearing a smug smile on his face. "What's so funny?"

  "Nothing." Raven replied as his smile grew larger.

  "Why don't I believe you?" LeShana asked him.

  "Because you haven't learned to trust people." Raven replied with repressed laughter. LeShana sneered at him and turned around in her seat to glare at his chuckling presence.