Read Once Upon The Prairie (The Brides Of Courage, Kansas, Book 1) Page 4

Chapter 4

  "Mr. Bartleby?"

  Jesse behind the table in his tent looked up. The voice calling from the outside was that of a young woman. He saw her silhouette through the tent fabric of the entrance.

  "Come in," he said in a friendly tone.

  A shy young woman came in, holding a baby. She had the black hair and black eyes of a Wichita Indian. Jesse knew her to be the wife of Bill McGuire, one of his more mature men. Bill dreamed of being a farmer here in Kansas.

  Jesse smiled at her reassuringly. "What can I do for you, Mary?"

  The girl's face was full of concern. She glanced at the baby in her arms.

  "Mr. Bartleby, we ran out of supplies," she said. "I'm afraid my baby doesn't get enough to eat."

  Jesse nodded thoughtfully. Mary had just told him in a roundabout way that she wasn't producing enough milk for the baby, due to a lack of food in her.

  "Go to Rachel and ask her for some supplies," he suggested. "Ask her for some grain or corn."

  "I've already been to Rachel," Mary said. She cast her gaze down. "She has no more supplies either."

  Jesse sighed. He hated to see his people suffer.

  "Don't worry, Mary," he said. "I have good news for you. Mr. Beauregard is talking to Rancher Morlock right now. In just a little while he'll come back with Mr. McGuire's wages for the year and I wouldn't be surprised if he brought some supplies with him, too."

  A smile flashed across Mary's face before she turned somber again.

  "By the end of the day, you'll be full and the baby will be fat and happy."

  "Thank you, sir, for taking care of us." Mary curtsied and backed out of Jesse's tent.

  Once he was alone again, Jesse rubbed his forehead. His people were beginning to go without. Well, not for long. Still, he was ready for some good news. He pulled out his pocket watch and glanced at it. Pierre Beauregard and his men should be back any minute now. Surely, they were bringing lots of money and a good stock of supplies with them. He couldn't wait for them to get here.