Read Once Upon a Shining Star Page 2

  The largest wild goose and wild turkey were pulled from the freezer. Shining Star prepared them and all the trimmings for a Christmas Day meal for herself, Running Bear and Flying Eagle. Brook was sadly not able to join them as they were spending Christmas with her husband’s family in Boise. Flying Eagle made it up to them, though, by announcing his forthcoming marriage to Butterfly Wings. She had accepted his gifts and returned the favor of his attention. It was a happy and memorable holiday for the family.

  New Year‘s day was welcomed with another snowfall. Running Bear and Flying Eagle had gone out with a small hunter group looking for trapped or starving animals. It was better for them to be taken for food for the tribe than to be left for vultures to scavenge. Shining Star was in a creative mood, so she dug out her pen and paper to write a haiku about the snow:

  I have snowflake blues

  The snow paints me in a box

  But I don’t want out.

  The dense blue snow drifts

  Reflect the azure heavens

  And the snowflakes sigh.

  Silvery blue flakes

  Overlap as they fall down

  Layers of blue hues.

  Twirling light blue flakes

  Watch the skyward acrobats

  Spiral to the ground.

  Kaleidoscope blue

  Icy crystals intertwined

  A criss-cross landing.

  The blues setting in

  Like the melancholy snow

  Weighted down by ice.

  Blue suede boots kicking

  The matching frozen snow piles

  Blues therapy jig.

  Chapter 7 – Deep Freeze

  Pepper did not particularly care for the snow. Perhaps she had some subconscious thoughts going back to when she had been abandoned, but Shining Star figured it was mostly the Dachshund in her. She had ordered Pepper a nice fuzzy doggy coat to keep her warm when she went out, but Pepper would always rush out to the yard and come back in as soon as she could. Poor thing! Sometimes the snowdrifts were taller than she was.

  Running Bear and Flying Eagle liked to go walking in the hills with snowshoes. Running Bear got an infant sash so he could take Pepper with him and carry her on his chest like a baby. Shining Star was not too keen about it at first because it meant she would be alone, but then decided it would be a good thing for her to spend time reading.

  The holidays came and went, but the snow kept coming. Running Bear used a snow shovel to clear a walkway in back. Pepper liked to go straight to the trees where there was less snow accumulated. Shining Star loved the snow, but even she got to the point where she was longing for the warmer days of spring.

  Winter did eventually give way to the warmer spring temperatures. Pepper was one happy dog and would run across the yard and back again, now that she did not have the snow to hinder her or make her cold. Shining Star was happy because it meant she could plant her garden. Running Bear borrowed a rototiller to cultivate the ground; and when he was done he informed Shining Star she could plant her garden anytime because the soil was warm and the ground was ready.

  Everything was budding, turning green and growing. Spring had sprung – or so they thought. A deep freeze hit a couple of weeks after the garden was planted. The blossoms on the apple trees and the blackberries were frozen. Shining Star thought the nut trees would be okay, but she was not sure. Her garden did not survive the freeze at all; at least it could be replanted, but it meant she needed to find seeds since her supply was gone. She ended up buying seeds because everyone was in the same boat; those who had seeds also needed them for replanting.

  The gas station business was going well with the onset of spring as people were getting out more. The men would be making several fishing trips to Lake Tolo for some fish to augment their meals. A few of the men went even further west to the Columbia River for salmon. The tribe would have a salmon feast and what was left would be smoked and canned for later.

  Pepper was content to be with Shining Star at the station. It was home and there was nowhere else she would rather be. Pepper had a way of melting Shining Star’s heart, looking up at her with those big, dark eyes. The pup had a heart of gratitude for her Mom because of the rescue and her eyes always seemed to say “thank you.”

  As with all dogs, not just Dachshund, Pepper’s love was perpetual and unconditional. Shining Star’s life was so much fuller with Pepper. Shining Star and Running Bear talked often about what a blessing Pepper was; Flying Eagle agreed, too. Pepper was a very special pup; she was the station mascot, but 100% all theirs.

  Chapter 8 – The Circle of Life

  Once the deep freeze thawed with the onset of warmer temperatures again, spring started to come to life. The birds were building their nests and singing, the beavers were sawing logs and building their dams and the coyotes joined together in their nightly chorus. Before too long all of the animals would have their spring broods and baby animals would appear. Shining Star dug out her pen again and wrote:

  Beavers gnaw aspens

  Knocking them low for their dams

  Built up log by log.

  The raccoons grapple

  Over the fish that one caught

  Before sharing it.

  Red fox slinking low

  As he eyes the field mice pair

  Swiftly he pounces.

  The coyote’s howl

  Mournfully calls out

  To a silent moon.

  The circle of life continued now that spring and the warm air were here to stay. All of the natives are in sync with the heartbeat of creation. Running Bear and Shining Star embraced Pepper, telling her what a special part of it all that she was. Pepper’s rhythm matched theirs; it was amazing.

  Flying Eagle and Butterfly Wings were finalizing the plans for the wedding when Brook called. Shining Star was surprised to hear from her as she and her husband were pretty busy in Boise; but she was even more surprised when Brook shared the news they were having a baby. She was due in November, according to the doctor. Shining Star smiled for she knew babies came when they were ready to come. When the baby came was not that important to her in the scheme of things – she was going to be a grandma!

  The wedding was held at the mission with the mission pastor officiating. Many of their tribal friends were there to see them wed. Shining Star had tears glimmering in her eyes. The wedding was beautiful and her son was now a man. They did not have a traditional honeymoon, but settled together in Flying Eagle’s home, beginning their first of many, many days together.

  Pepper had been left at the station during the wedding. It had never been an issue before to leave her for short periods of time. However, Flying Eagle had his mind totally on the wedding that morning and had left an open can of oil on the floor. Pepper’s curiosity got the best of her and she knocked it over.

  Running Bear and Shining Star returned to the station to a whining pup and some funny, swishing noises. They could not help but laugh as the scene unfolded before them: Pepper was slip-sliding away and unable to get any traction in the oil to get out of the spill. She whined away as she tried desperately to get out, but it was in vain. Not to mention the fact her little nose was bent out of shape because they laughed at her, but they could not help it for the whole scene was hilarious. Running Bear went to Pepper’s rescue and pulled her out of the oil spill. Shining Star grabbed some oil rags and thoroughly wiped her off before taking her to the tub for a good bath. Soon Pepper was squeaky clean and one happy dog to be out of the mess.

  Chapter 9 – Unexpected Provisions

  One of the couples in the tribe made a trip to Oregon in their van late in the summer. They came back with boxes and boxes of Gravenstein apples, peaches, plums, and hazelnuts. Since many of their trees and blackberries lost their blossoms in the hard freeze, they knew the extra food items would be needed. As always, some of the food was taken to the mission for distribution to the poor and special-needs families. The couple bartered or sold the rest, above and beyond what th
ey needed.

  Shining Star was overjoyed at the abundance. They would be able to have fresh pies now and pies from canned fruit all winter long. Additionally, they would have nuts for their breads and salads. Pepper was picking up on all of the excitement and began the begging. It did her no good this time, though, because the fruit was for pies. At least she got one tiny piece of hazelnut out of the deal.

  Butterfly Wings came over to help Shining Star prepare the pies and also help with the canning. She had not done either before and was anxious to learn so she could provide good, nutritious meals for her new husband. The ladies had so much fun working together; it was a good bonding time for both of them. Not only that, but Butterfly Wings loved Pepper and it gave her time with the pup, too.

  Shining Star could not believe it when Butterfly Wings said she had helped with herb gathering but was never allowed in the kitchen. Her mother had done all the cooking. Butterfly Wings did not know how to make Indian fry bread or any other traditional native foods. The two of them made plans to get together often so Butterfly Wings could learn from her new mother-in-law.

  Flying Eagle pulled his Mom off to the side one day when he was at the station working. He wanted to thank her for taking Butterfly Wings in and teaching her cooking and canning skills. Shining Star was humble about it, saying it was her pleasure and she enjoyed the company of her daughter-in-law. Still, Shining Star was glad her son was appreciative; she was also glad that the skills Butterfly Wings learned in her kitchen would result in her son being well fed.

  Fall was moving in quickly; soon Shining Star would be harvesting what was left in her garden and in the walnut trees. The men would be going out for their annual hunt to get their stockpile of meat for the winter. The whole tribe would be preparing for the harvest feast again this year. Shining Star decided to make a huge batch of fry bread for the feast since she was going to have Butterfly Wings’ assistance; her daughter-in-law would have one more cooking skill to add to her list.

  As always, Pepper picked up on the excitement of the harvest feast preparations. She was underfoot constantly; every time Shining Star and Butterfly Wings turned around, they stepped on her. It was really annoying, so they shooed her outside. She stood at the back door and barked incessantly; that was even more annoying, so they let her back in the kitchen. Shining Star laid a towel on the floor and gave her a big bone to chew. That did the trick and they were able to work away without the dog underfoot.

  While the ladies were cooking, Running Bear and Flying Eagle were building a lean-to off the back of the station to give Pepper a covered area for the winter. Shining Star thought it was a good idea and thanked them for their efforts. Pepper thanked them, too, in her own little doggy way.

  Chapter 10 – A Glorious Christmas

  As things often go with babies, Brook was past due with hers. When Shining Star finally got “the call” from Brook’s husband Brad, some of the roads were closed due to a bad storm going through. Shining Star was crushed because she had really wanted to be there for the birth of their first grandchild. But as she got to thinking about it, she was not sure she could be apart from Pepper for that long. Perhaps this was all for the best.

  Running Bear and Shining Star both sat anxiously near the phone for news of the baby’s birth. Brook and Brad knew the sex of the baby, but chose not to tell others so it could be a surprise. Brad called and was as proud as he could be to announce the birth of their daughter, Bethany; she was born December 1st, was 6 pounds 9 ounces, 20” long and had jet black hair and eyes. Their little papoose was born!

  Brad also assured his in-laws they would be there with the baby for Christmas. Brook felt it would make for a wonderful family celebration, especially since Shining Star had not been able to be there for Bethany’s birth; Brad agreed. They would make the trip from Boise to Lapwai so Running Bear and Shining Star could meet their precious granddaughter and Flying Eagle and Butterfly Wings could meet their niece.

  Even though it seemed like the clock stood still for a few weeks, Christmas Eve did arrive in due time. The kids were coming! A snowstorm hit the day before, but had subsided; all of the roads had been plowed and were open for traffic. Shining Star began to wonder how Pepper would do with the baby; she had never seen one before.

  Brad honked the car horn as he drove into the station to alert the in-laws of their arrival. Shining Star could not get out to the car fast enough; Running Bear was right behind her. Brad pulled Bethany out of her infant seat, blanket and all, and handed her to Shining Star. Shining Star could not get over how precious and beautiful she was. Surely no other grandbaby in the world was as beautiful as this one! Pepper was clamoring at Shining Star’s leg because she wanted to see the baby, too. Pepper sniffed at Bethany; and then she begged to go back in the station out of the cold.

  Shining Star had a cradle all ready and waiting. They all thought they were going to have to keep a close eye on Pepper, but it turned out not to be necessary. Pepper wanted to be wherever the baby was. Pepper lay on the floor next to Bethany when she was in the cradle. If Bethany cried, Pepper sat up and put her front paws on the edge of the cradle to check her out, and then she would whine until somebody came to take care of the crying infant. When Bethany was in someone’s lap, Pepper would lay on the furniture next to them. It was so cute.

  Bethany slept really well that night; it seemed she was exhausted from the trip. The whole family woke up to a beautiful Christmas morning with blue sky, sunshine and a fresh, light dusting of snow.

  Flying Eagle and Butterfly Wings joined the family Christmas morning. With the family gathered beside the cradle, Shining Star told the Christmas story of the birth of Creator God’s infant Peace Child. She recounted the travel of the wise men following the star to Bethlehem so they could worship the Child. When Shining Star finished telling the story, Flying Eagle announced to the family that Butterfly Wings was pregnant; there was another papoose in the making. They worshipped and rejoiced together that morning as the rays from the sun came through the window onto Bethany’s cradle. It truly was a glorious Christmas!


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  Other books by Stella Dillenbeck:

  The Dream Team,

  The Chuckwagon Gang,

  In the Eye of the Storm,

  Out of this World,

  Reaching the Last Frontier,

  The Tough Lumberjack Dog,

  From Splinters to Splendor,

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