Read Once on a Time Page 3


  A Map of Euralia showing the Adjacent Country of Barodia and thefar-distant Araby

  He was a Man of Simple Tastes

  "Most extraordinary," said the King

  He found the King nursing a Bent Whisker and in the very Vilest ofTempers

  "Try it on me," cried the Countess

  Five Times he had come back to give her his Last Instructions

  Armed to the Teeth, Amazon after Amazon marched by

  When the Respective Armies returned to Camp they found Their Majestiesasleep

  The Rabbit was gone, and there was a Fairy in front of her

  As Evening fell they came to a Woodman's Cottage at the Foot of a HighHill

  "Coronel, here I am," said Udo pathetically, and he stepped out

  Twenty-one Minutes later Henrietta Crossbuns was acknowledging a Bagof Gold

  Princess Hyacinth gave a Shriek and faltered slowly backwards

  "Now we can talk," said Hyacinth

  He forgot his Manners, and made a Jump towards her

  She glided gracefully behind the Sundial in a Pretty Affectation ofAlarm

  When anybody of Superior Station or Age came into the Room she roseand curtsied

  And then she danced

  "Good Morning," said Belvane

  The Tent seemed to swim before his Eyes, and he knew no more

  She turned round and went off daintily down the Hill

  Let me present to you my friend the Duke Coronel

  As the Towers of the Castle came in sight, Merriwig drew a Deep Breathof Happiness

  Belvane leading the Way with her Finger to her Lips

  Merriwig following with an Exaggerated Caution

  He was a Pleasant-looking Person, with a Round Clean-shaven Face

  Roger Scurvilegs

  [Frontispiece: A Map of Euralia showing the Adjacent Country ofBarodia and the far-distant Araby]