Read One Night Forever Page 10

  Chapter Sixteen

  Lauren didn’t want to have lunch with Tyler and Matt, but what choice did she have?

  Both men stood in the conference room doorway, expectant looks about them. She made the mistake of meeting Matt’s far too potent gaze. She diverted her eyes, eager—no, desperate—to get a grip on her emotions. “I’ll grab my things and meet you in the lobby,” Lauren said.

  A few murmured words later and she was alone. Deep in thought, she walked to her office. Greg had offered her a cold, hard slap of reality. Even though she realized Greg knew nothing of her affair with Matt, his words had proven how people would react if word got out.

  Ten minutes later, Lauren pasted on a smile, and stepped into the lobby with her coat on and purse in hand. Matt was already there, waiting. The moment her presence registered on his face, he motioned her toward the elevator, and out of the hearing range of the receptionist. Her stomach was in knots. Standing face-to-face, looking into Matt’s deep, dark eyes, her skin warmed. He looked sexy as hell. A piece of dark hair dipped across his forehead, and for a split second, she considered reaching for it. She squeezed her hands into fists. What was wrong with her? This man was her boss and she’d almost touched him in the very lobby of their workplace.

  “What did Greg say that upset you?” Matt asked in a low voice.

  Great. Just what she needed. Matt questioning her. “It was nothing.” She dropped her eyes, not wanting to look at him. To get lost in those, deep, dark eyes.

  “Lauren.” His tone and the way he said her name were far too intimate.

  It made her look up at him. Drew her like a spell of sorts. Made her want to tell him the truth. “He implied I was sleeping my way to the top.”

  Matt muttered a curse under his breath. All she caught was “bastard” and then, “He’s just being petty and jealous because I loved your idea, and not his.”

  His words drew a flutter from her stomach. “You love my idea?”

  He pinned her in a stare, as if he wanted her to see the truth in his eyes. “Absolutely.”

  She believed him. For a minute, that helped. “I’m glad.” But then she remembered she was taking comfort from the very man who was landing her in the hot seat. “It still proves my point about what people would think if they knew we…”

  “Ready?” Tyler surprised her from behind.

  Matt didn’t immediately look at Tyler. He kept his attention on Lauren. She forced herself to turn to Tyler and offered a forced smile. “Yes. Ready.”

  “Great,” Tyler said punching the elevator button. “Let’s rock n’roll.”

  Inside the crowded elevator, Lauren found herself pressed shoulder to shoulder with Matt. The touch made her senses reel. His scent, male and spicy, wrapped around her like a drug, making her mind stall, and her heart race.

  It always did. There was something about his scent. It turned her on.

  She wondered if he knew she wore his gifts, the pink and black lace. Was he thinking about it too? About making love to her?

  Unable to control herself, she looked up at him, her thoughts spilling from her eyes. He looked down at the same time. The message in his eyes was smoldering hot.

  He was thinking about tonight as much as she was.

  The moment ended when the elevator dinged and the doors opened. Lauren swallowed. After Greg’s comments she wouldn’t have expected to react so intensely to Matt. But Greg’s taunts didn’t erase her desire. They made her hate that it existed. Made her feel regret. But that regret didn’t make the desire go away.

  It made her worry, fret, and stress. But not enough to stop the dampness gathering in her panties just thinking about showing him that very piece of clothing.

  * * * * *

  Lunch was Chinese food. Lauren inwardly let out a breath of relief when they sat at a table instead of a booth. Had she had to sit beside Matt the entire meal, she didn’t know how she would have handled it.

  When she went to shrug out of her coat, Matt helped her. She glanced at him, knowing he was using the act as an excuse to touch her, and reprimanding him with her eyes. She didn’t need this right now. It was hard enough to focus on business without the added distraction of his hidden agendas.

  Matt expression was knowing, but not apologetic.

  Once they had ordered, Tyler smiled at Lauren and started making conversation. She didn’t feel up to idle chitchat. Of course, she didn’t have an option. After a good ten minutes of weather, sports, and current events, Tyler turned to Lauren. “So,” he said, “thanks for making me look good to my boss for hiring you.”

  That drew a smile, because Lauren sensed the sincerity in his words. “I appreciate the opportunity.”

  “I’m just lucky to have snagged you. I could see your brilliance shine in the interview. Anyone, who takes care of their mother the way you have, has fighting spirit. How is she by the way?”

  Lauren stiffened slightly. She regretted talking to him about her mother’s cancer. Tyler had a real knack for getting people to open up. “She’s doing very well. It’s been a year of remission and no signs of trouble.” Why did she say all of that? She should have kept it short and sweet.

  Tyler looked at Matt. “Her mother had cancer and Lauren put her career on hold to care for her.”

  Lauren reached for her glass. Somehow, having Matt know about her personal life made their relationship all the more cloudy and emotional. She’d avoided all of his questions to date. Now, she was captive.

  “Where’s your father?” Matt asked quietly.

  Lauren took a swallow of tea and then sat her glass down. Her teeth ground together for a moment. He knew she didn’t want to answer yet he was taking advantage of the situation to get her to talk. Her eyes went to Matt, cold and loaded with a warning. “He died when I was five.”

  Matt ignored the hostility in her gaze. “Is it just you and your mom or do you have other family? Siblings, maybe?”

  “Just my mom,” Lauren said.

  She made an attempt at a smile. It failed. She didn’t like people’s pity. She definitely didn’t want it from Matt. And she absolutely hated the way he enlisted this lunch to get into her family history. It was almost as hard to swallow as the lunch she had to put down. This thing with Matt had gone way too far. It couldn’t continue.

  This lunch marked the end to her little adventure with the boss.

  She was done.

  * * * * *

  It was Friday night. No one was at work.

  Only her.


  When she could be with Matt.

  Lauren sat at her desk working, but hers eyes kept lifting to the clock. She was five minutes late to meet Matt. Then ten. The office was dark. Lauren looked down at her work, willing herself to focus.

  At forty-five minutes past the hour, she dropped her pen. What in the hell was she thinking? She wanted to see Matt. Lauren shoved her chair back and grabbed her purse, not even bothering to reach for her coat. The exterior offices were enclosed in darkness but she didn’t slow. With a quick hand, Lauren flipped off her light, and charged forward. And smacked into a hard form. Strong arms—arms she would know anywhere—circled her. Her chest rose and fell rapidly. “Matt…”

  His mouth came down on hers, hot and heavy. Angry. She didn’t care. She’d take his kisses any way she could get them. Melting against him, kissing him fervently, she clung to him. Needing and wanting.

  Slowly, his kiss changed, became almost tender. But anger still rolled under his surface. She could feel it threatening to roar to life at any moment. He backed her into her office, taking her purse from her and tossing it down as he kicked the door shut.

  Her purse flew open and things scattered. It didn’t matter. She didn’t care. To hell with her purse.

  When her butt hit the desk he lifted her up, spread her legs, and stepped between them. “Did it ever occur to you that I have something to lose here too?” His voice was low and hinted at more than anger.

  She want
ed to respond, but his hands slipped up her thighs enticing a physical rather than verbal reaction. The minute his finger brushed the lace band of her thigh highs his eyes dropped. He pushed her skirt higher.

  He stared down at her silk and lace covered legs, the hose he had bought her, and then slowly let his gaze move back to her face. Dark, smoldering eyes met hers. “My reputation is on the line here too. Yet, here I am…about to take you, right here in your office.”

  She didn’t know what to say so she resorted to pushing his heat buttons. Lauren knew he was right, and she felt selfish for ignoring his side of things. “Ever done it in an office before?” One of his fingers brushed her panties, and then gently stroked. She shivered and felt the dampness from near his touch.

  “No, never.” He slid inside the silk, tracing her clit with a stroke of his thumb.

  It was hard to find her voice. “Ever think about it?”

  He brought his mouth just above hers, and dipped his finger inside her. “Every damn time I’m around you.”

  He tried to claim her mouth and she wanted him to. Somehow, she pulled back, but just barely. It took supreme willpower. She wanted those wonderful lips on her. “Then this can be part of our secret world. Here. Now.”

  His hand went to the back of her head, pulling her mouth to his. His tongue slid past her teeth, and he kissed her with flaming hot need. Demanding. Potent. Still laced with emotion. Maybe even anger. Things she too felt and fed on, meeting him stroke for stroke. When he touched her, kissed her, made love to her, she could forget all else.

  She hadn’t gone to the hotel, but she wanted him. God, how she wanted him.

  Her hand went to his pants, finding his bulging erection with pleasure. Knowing she turned him on really drove her need. It always did. Through his slacks, she stroked and caressed. His fingers played in the silky folds of her body, dipping in and out, mimicking sex, and making her hand grip him harder. Stroke more urgently.

  His tongue was tireless, demanding more as her hand moved against him. Her patience for the obstacles faded. She made quick work of his belt and zipper. It was with a supreme sense of relief and excitement that she freed his cock, wrapping her fingers around it.

  “I want you inside me,” she whispered against his lips, spreading her legs wider to invite him in.

  He shoved his pants and underwear down his hips, and stepped toward her. As the tip of his erection touched her body, she instinctively wrapped his legs with hers, pulling him inside her. Not wanting to wait a moment longer. He grabbed her ass, cupping it and pulling her over his length. When he hit her core, she moaned and wrapped her arms around his neck.

  They looked at each other for one, long moment, and then kissed. From there it felt like a firestorm of urgency was unleashed. His movements were fast, and hard. Thrusting with powerful force, he hit her center, over and over. Each point of contact delivered a rush of sensation. Emotion exploded behind their need as well as a battle of right and wrong. He pounded her with so much force, so much anger, lust, and passion… It burned her with its potency yet it fired her with yearning. To make it grow. To make it better.

  To make him hers.

  “Matt,” she murmured, kissing his neck. “Matt.” How many times she said his name she didn’t know.

  She wasn’t even on the desk anymore. He held her weight and his, driving and driving. Using her weight to pull her down his cock with more heaviness. Until they both exploded. It was a quake of brilliant shudders. His body. Her body.

  And she heard their moans, their sounds of pleasure, and knew they were the cries of two people tormented…

  Chapter Seventeen

  Matt sat Lauren down on the desk, but he held her close, his forehead pressed to hers. Damn this woman did things to him. Confused him and made him burn. Twisted his gut with raw emotion. No way was he letting her escape again. Not now. Hell, maybe not ever. He’d been more than furious when she’d no-showed at the hotel. As the minutes had passed by, he’d tried not to put a name on the things he felt. Anger felt the easiest outlet, the safest outlet to his turmoil. So he’d allowed it to grow and take control. But now it was gone…

  “Let’s get out of here,” he said.

  “Okay,” Lauren said without hesitation.

  He raised his head and looked down at her. “You shouldn’t have…”

  She pressed her finger to his lips. “I know. I regret it. I was coming to the hotel when you showed up here. I swear.”

  Matt reached out and trailed a finger down her cheek. God, she was beautiful. Over and over he told himself to let tonight end things. In the end, he’d come for her. Needing what they shared. Not willing to let it go.

  And now he wanted to take her home, not to the hotel.

  There didn’t seem to be the right words to express what he’d felt tonight. Nor was he certain either of them was ready to face the implications of their relationship. “Let’s just get out of here.”

  Lauren nodded. In silence, they adjusted their clothes and then hand-in-hand, left the office. The silence between them felt natural. Comfortable. Without expectations. And unlike anything Matt had ever experienced with a woman.

  Long minutes later, Matt pulled his car to a stop at a light, and glanced at Lauren. “What are you smiling at?” Matt asked her, playfully tugging at a lock of her hair.

  “Oh,” she said, as if snapped out of a reverie. “I know this will be hard to believe but…sex.”

  His brow inched up. “With me I hope.”

  “Of course,” she said, smiling.

  “What exactly were you thinking?” he prodded eager to find out just what was going on in that pretty little head of hers.

  She slanted him a shy look. “How good it is with you.” Her voice was low. Soft. As if she wasn’t sure she should admit her thoughts out loud.

  Everything about this woman captivated Matt. He stared at her. Looking into her eyes and wishing the obstacles between them would fade. A car honked signaling the green light. “You’re making it hard to drive,” he said teasing her as he put the car in gear and took the next right.

  “This isn’t the way to the hotel,” Lauren said.

  He didn’t look at her. “I’m taking you to my place.”


  Lauren didn’t know how she felt about going to Matt’s apartment. Part of her wanted to scream with joy. It made her feel closer to him. Made their relationship feel more alive and real. On the other hand, it came with a dose of reality. Not fantasy.

  Continuing to see Matt meant keeping their relationship in perspective. Clenching her fists, she fought a rage of emotions.


  Matt’s voice, deep and sexy, called to her beyond the simple word he spoke. She didn’t know what to do or how to act. She wanted to run away and she wanted to stay. How had life gotten so complicated?

  “What’s wrong?” His voice was low. Cautious.

  “Nothing.” But they both knew different.

  “I checked out of the hotel when you didn’t show up.”

  She absorbed that bit of information with mixed emotions. Maybe she was reading too much into him taking her to his apartment. It wasn’t as if she’d never been there before. Perhaps he was simply dealing with the absence of a hotel room. Tension began to ease from her body, and she sunk into the leather seat.

  She swallowed and drew a deep breath, calming breath. After Greg’s comments, there really was little comfort to be found in any of this. Still, being at a hotel made things feel more temporary. More secret. More something. Safe maybe. Suddenly, Matt’s hand closed around hers. With it came a strength and warmth beyond words.

  Why did he make her forget logic?

  Somehow, she had to walk away. Tonight had to be their last night together. His grip tightened on her hand as if he read her thoughts and rejected them. She looked up at him. “It’ll work out, Lauren,” he said softly.

  If only that were true.

  If only.

  * * * *

  Matt quite literally pulled Lauren into his apartment.

  This wasn’t how he had planned things. He wanted her to want to be here. In all his years as a bachelor, he had never felt alone. The thought of Lauren rejecting him made him that and more.

  He didn’t like it.

  Helping her shrug out of her coat, he kissed her neck, and breathed in her soft, feminine scent. “I’m glad you’re here,” he said, trying to wear down the barrier so clearly present between them.

  Turning to look at him, Lauren fixed him in a probing stare. “Why am I here, Matt? And don’t say it’s because the hotel room was booked. You could have gotten it back.”

  Her directness shouldn’t have surprised him, but it did. He touched her cheek, just the lightest of touches. “Because I want you here.”

  He didn’t give her time to respond, taking her purse from her hand and moving to the closet. Giving her a minute to absorb his words. A strategy that didn’t seem to work in his favor. When he turned back to her, Lauren’s only movement had been to hug herself. The closed body language said the world to him.

  He eased up behind her, pulling her against his chest, and wrapping his arms around her waist. Slowly, she relaxed against him. He nuzzled her ear and then kissed her neck. “Are you hungry?”

  “A little.”

  He turned her to face him. “How about we order from that Chinese place we went to with Tyler?”

  Her hands settled on his chest. “That sounds good.”

  Taking her hand, he led her to the kitchen, and motioned to a barstool. While she settled into a seat, he poured her a glass of wine. She accepted it with a murmured thank you and took a sip.

  He filled his glass and then reached for the phone. “Do you want the same thing you had at lunch or something different?”

  She looked surprised. “You remember what I had at lunch?”

  How could she think differently? “I remember everything where you’re concerned.”