Read One Night Forever Page 13

  There was something in Matt’s tone that made Lauren swivel around to see his face. The position thrust her wet, bare breast against his chest. His eyes dropped. His index finger traced the bubble on one of her nipples.

  Her breath caught in her throat. The way he touched her…it felt more potent than usual. A spell of sorts seemed to surround them. There were things between them unspoken. Things that danced in the air, wanting to be exposed. A flutter of panic seized Lauren. She needed to stop this before it was too late. “Matt…”

  The doorbell rang. Matt looked up with a frown etched in his face. “Who in the hell could that be?”

  Her hand curled in his chest hair. She really didn’t want to be interrupted right now. Then, again yes she did. An escape was what she wanted. Wasn’t it? “You better get it.”

  “No,” he said looking down at her nipple and once again tracing it with his finger. “They’ll go away.”

  The doorbell rang again. Matt looked up, meeting Lauren’s gaze, and then lowered his mouth to hers. His message was clear. He was not getting the door. Their lips brushed, a soft caress, tender and sweet.

  “Matt. Hello? Matt?”

  The voice, very female, rang though the air like a dart of poison. Lauren stiffened, feeling the pain of betrayal before she erected a shield. It sickened her stomach and made her chest tighten. Abruptly, she moved to her knees wrapping her arms in front of her chest. Oh, god. Who had she been fooling? Of course, he had other women.

  “Lauren.” Matt reached for her and she slid further back against the faucet. A combination of anger and embarrassment flared inside and she reached for the feelings, preferring them to the pain of betrayal. He had actually had the nerve to say he didn’t bring women to his home, yet this one obviously had a key.

  “Matt, darling, where are you? I know you’re here. The doorman told me so.”

  The voice stopped at the bathroom. Lauren looked up to see a beautiful, curvy blonde staring at them. The woman’s hand went to her mouth. “Oh, no, Matt. I am soooo sorry.”

  Matt practically growled at her. “Damn it, Gina, what were you thinking?”

  The blonde turned and rushed out of the room. Lauren wanted to move, but standing naked and dripping in front of Matt felt wrong, even humiliating at this particular moment.

  Matt reached for her again, this time more insistently. She tried to back away but he didn’t let her. He pulled her into his arms, and Lauren fought the tears his touch delivered. Never again would she allow a man to impact her like this. Never. It hurt so much she barely understood Matt’s words. She didn’t want to hear him. “That’s Gina.”

  Gina. Why did she need to know this person’s name? “Shut up,” Lauren said fighting the urge to hit him. Anything to get him to shut up.

  “She’s my sister, baby, I swear. My sister. I know from the look on your face what you’re thinking. Gina’s my sister.”

  The words eased into her mind but she couldn’t seem to digest them fully. All she could think of was…what? “Sister?” Lauren’s eyes lifted to his. “What?”

  “Yes. My sister. My damn irritating sister. She has a key to feed my fish when I’m away. I don’t know why in the hell she just let herself in like that, but I intend to find out.”

  The words rushed over her like a wave of relief. She sank against him letting her forehead fall against his chest. He ran his hands down her hair. “Lauren, sweetheart, look at me.” But now she felt foolish. Damn. Matt tied her in knots. Feeling this vulnerable scared the hell out of her.

  Forcing herself to look at him wasn’t easy. “I’m sorry, Matt. I know we’ve made no promises to each other. It was just seeing another woman walk in here while I was with you, it…”

  “I’m not seeing anyone else, Lauren. I’m too obsessed with you to want anyone else.”

  She blinked. Stunned. “You are?”

  “Yes, I am.”

  She swallowed. Emotion welled inside. Joy, fear, excitement, unbelievable tenderness. “I don’t know what to say.”

  “Say you feel the same way.”

  “I do, but…”

  He kissed her. It was a long, passionate kiss. When he raised his head, he brushed hair from her eyes. Tenderness filled his deep blue eyes. “Save the ‘buts’ for later. I have to go deal with my sister. I’ll grab you a robe and you can come meet her.”

  “Oh, no.” Lauren shook her head, adamant in her reaction. “And especially not in your robe.”

  Matt laughed. “It’s a lot more than you had on when you first saw her.”

  Lauren sighed as Matt stood up, water dripping from his muscular body. The man made being wet sexy, plain and simple. She would definitely add a repeat of this event to her fantasy list. Next time with no interruptions.

  Forcing her eyes from Matt, she thought about his sister. “This really is awkward.”

  Matt dried off and then disappeared out the door. He returned wearing a pair of jeans and nothing else and holding a dark blue robe. He sat it on the sink. “Hurry and get out and come meet Gina.”

  “Matt?” He looked at her with a question in his eyes. “Can we not tell her I work for you?”

  His face was completely void of expression, and his silence a bit too long. “If that’s what you want.” Then he turned and left the bathroom.

  * * * * *

  Matt walked into the living room to find his sister looking frazzled as she paced the length of the room. The minute she saw him, she froze. “I’m so sorry, Matt. You never… I mean…” A blonde hair fell in her face and she shoved it away. “I just didn’t think. You don’t have visitors.”

  Fixing her in a hard stare, he wasn’t about to let her off without a reprimand. “You’re right. You didn’t think.” He motioned to the couch. “Come sit and tell me what was so urgent. “

  “I feel foolish now,” she said, claiming the cushion opposite Matt’s. “I embarrassed her didn’t I?” He gave her a look that said she did that and more. Her response was to explain. “I did try and call, and when you didn’t answer, I came over. I just figured you were sleeping.”

  He waved off her fretting. “Talk. What’s up?”

  A slow smile slid onto her painted red lips. “Carl proposed.” Gina held out her hand, and excitement lit her face.

  Matt had known this was coming but it still came as a bit of a shock. His little sister was getting married. He pulled Gina into his arms and hugged her. “Congratulations sweetheart. You finally found a man who’ll put up with your shopping habits.”

  Gina shoved at his chest. “That’s not funny. I don’t shop that much.” Matt leaned back and raised a brow. Gina frowned. “I pay my own way.”

  Matt reached for her hand and looked at the ring. “Good thing. He’ll be paying for that rock for a while.”

  “You’re terrible Matt,” Gina said. “I love Carl. That he gave me a nice ring is simply a perk.”

  “I know.” Gina did like her shopping but when it came to the heart, she was genuine and down-to-earth. He squeezed her hand. “I like Carl and I’m happy for you.”

  “Thank you.” She smiled big. “I’m really happy. I just had to tell you.”

  They hugged for several seconds before Gina cleared her throat, pulling away from Matt, motioning over his shoulder. Matt turned and smiled when he found Lauren in the doorway. “Come join us.” He motioned her forward. “My sister was just sharing her good news.”

  “I’m so sorry about barging in but I was really excited.” Gina bit her bottom lip and held out her hand. “I got engaged.”

  Matt watched Lauren’s expression go from reserved to a friendly smile in an instant. She rushed across the room, tripping twice on the bottom of the ridiculously too-big robe she wore. Stopping in front of Gina, she examined the ring. She looked adorable and sexy. Seeing her in his robe made him feel possessive. Or maybe Lauren in general made him feel that way. He wasn’t sure anymore.

  “It’s beautiful,” Lauren said, holding Gina’s hand in hers as sh
e sat down next to her. “White gold settings are lovely.”

  “Yes.” Gina beamed. “He did great, didn’t he?”

  “He did,” Lauren said with a smile and a glance at Matt. “When’s the wedding?”

  “We don’t know yet,” Gina said. “We’re thinking spring.”

  Matt listened to the two women talk for half an hour. He even left for a bit and made more coffee only to find them still chattering upon his return. Finally, he decided it was time to reclaim Lauren.

  Matt cleared his throat. “How much girl talk must a man endure?”

  Both women laughed and Gina gave Matt a knowing look. “Fine. I’ll leave.” She pushed to her feet. “I really enjoyed talking with you, Lauren. Maybe we could go shopping or something one day.”

  A flash of indiscernible emotion crossed Lauren’s face before she tucked it behind a mask. Matt’s brows dipped. What was that all about? Matt stood and hugged Gina before walking her to the door. Gina leaned close. “She’s a sweetie. You better be good to her.”

  “Go home,” he told her and then shut the door. But not before he heard Gina’s laugher.

  Matt returned to the living room to find Lauren on the couch. “She liked you,” he said, joining her.

  Lauren smiled and let him pull her close. “She’s a character. Definitely easy to like.”

  “Yes, I know.” Matt couldn’t believe how right it felt sitting here on a weekend, talking to Lauren. “She’s a piece of work, that one.”

  Her hand settled on his chest, and her voice softened. “You love her very much.”

  “Yes, I love her.” He nuzzled her neck. “Spend the day with me. Hell, spend the weekend with me.”

  Lauren pulled back from him and gave him a wide-eyed look. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

  “Why?” Her resistance was expected.

  Her jaw tensed. “You know why.”

  “No,” he said. “Tell me.” If she was going to push the issues he wanted them spoken out loud. They needed all the cards on the table.

  “You’re my boss.” She paused. “And you already knew that was my answer. I don’t know why you wanted me to say it. This is getting out of control.”

  “Pretend I’m not.”

  “My boss?” she asked as if he was crazed.

  He nodded.

  “I can’t anymore.” She drew a breath. “Being here with you makes this…very real.”

  “This?” he asked wanting to know what she had almost said but didn’t. “What is ‘this’?”

  “Stop Matt.” Her hand went to his chest and she pushed, trying to distance herself. “Why are you pressing me?”

  Matt held her close, not willing to let her run. “We don’t need a hotel for fantasy, Lauren.”

  Frustration etched her tone. “Yes, we do. Or did. We can’t keep doing this.”

  “That’s my point.” He reached for her hand and enclosed it in his. “We’re here. Alone. Let’s enjoy the time and stop putting limitations on what our time involves.”

  Leaning forward he nuzzled her neck. “Just forget everything for now.” Her hand went to his cheek and he covered it with his own. Matt looked into her eyes. “Just be with me.” And then he kissed her, pulling her down with him as he lay on the couch.

  Prepared to use whatever means necessary to convince her to stay. For the weekend. And maybe for a lifetime.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  It was official. Lauren was losing her mind. Not only had she agreed to spend the weekend with Matt, she had allowed him to accompany her on a trip to her apartment. Of course, he’d insisted. She’d never met a man so difficult to say no to. He could go back and forth about a subject for endless lengths. His question had changed with each delivery but held the basic, same concept. Why did she care what he thought of her apartment? What did it matter if he saw her apartment? Why did she want to go alone when he could drive her?

  Somehow, taking him with her had seemed easier than answering directly.

  But now, walking up the concrete stair on the outside of her apartment building, her gut twisted with anxiety. The differences in their worlds were night and day. Her lobby consisted of a two-foot walkway and mailboxes. No doorman. No fancy tile and elevators. The only positive she could find in this little visit was that it might just open his eyes to the craziness of their relationship. It wasn’t just their work scenario that made them a poor fit. They were as different as black and white. Hot and cold.

  Not that she kidded herself into thinking Matt wanted anything permanent with her. She frowned at the thought and turned to face him. “Why is this so important to you?”

  He rolled his eyes. “We’ve been through this. Don’t you ever stop asking questions?”

  “What?” His reply was absurd. “You’re the one—” Matt kissed her.

  “That’s not fair play.”

  He patted her ass. “Let’s go inside.”

  “Don’t do that. My mom lives here.”

  “I’m sorry,” he said, but he wasn’t. The twinkle in his too-blue eyes said he was amused.

  With one last reprimanding look, she turned back to the building. Moments later, she unlocked her apartment door but she couldn’t bring herself to open it. Facing Matt, she guarded the entrance with her body. “I really don’t want to let you in.”

  His eyes locked with hers, his expression unreadable. Then slowly, he leaned forward and rested one palm on the door beside her head. “Why?”

  She bit her bottom lip. He’d asked this so many times and she’d avoided the answer. “Please just wait here.”


  Lauren let her head drop against the door. “In case you didn’t notice, I don’t exactly live in your neighborhood.”

  “Which means what?” His tone was soft, not intimidating or angry. For that she was thankful.

  She sighed heavily and looked at him. “You know ‘fantasy’ only works with no reality mixed in. We are crossing lines here left and right.”

  His other hand settled beside her head, and he stepped so close they were almost touching. “The best fantasies are real.” A short pause. “We aren’t living in a fantasy world anymore. We’re creating one. Our own.”

  She didn’t know how to respond. It was such an amazing thing for him to say. He touched her cheek with his fingertips and goose bumps pebbled on her skin. “Material things mean nothing. My adopted parents just happened to have money. “

  Lauren swallowed and nodded. She knew he was right but there were so many reasons to stop this here and now. Work and…work. That was reason enough.

  “Invite me in, Lauren.”

  Emotion made her heart swell. She wanted to open up to Matt yet she knew she shouldn’t. Still, his acceptance, his willingness to take her for what she was, felt good. Warm and secure. She pushed up onto her tiptoes and slid her hands to frame his face. “Thank you,” she whispered before brushing her lips across his.

  “Sweetheart, there is nothing to thank me for.” He brushed her lips with his. “But feel free to kiss me at will.”

  Lauren laughed and, feeling a tad bit more accepting of her apartment, turned and opened the door. Still, she couldn’t help studying him as he entered and looked around. “Well?” Her eyes went to her ugly brown couch and scuffed tables and they suddenly looked ten times worse than usual.

  He pushed the door shut, and grabbed her hand. “Your place is fine, and you know it. Go get your things. I’m a starving man. I need food.”

  Lauren led him toward the kitchen. “You can raid my fridge while I pack.”

  They stood between the stove and fridge in a space barely big enough for two. Matt lifted her up and sat her on a counter. Inching her knees apart, her already wrinkled skirt rode high up her thighs. “I want to eat you,” he purred. “Got any toppings?”

  She wrapped her arms around his neck. “Depends. What do you have in mind?”

  “Whipped cream?”

  She shook her head.

m. There are other acceptable choices.”

  She smiled, and ran her finger over his full bottom lip. His playful nature really made her happy. Troubles seemed to disappear when she was with Matt. “Like what?”

  “Did I mention I really like Hershey’s chocolate?”

  Her brow lifted. “Do you?”

  “I do. I put it in my cereal. On my pancakes. On…everything.”

  Lauren smiled. “Everything?”

  Matt lowered his head, his mouth hovering over hers. “Got any?”

  “I have strawberry.”

  He laughed, soft and sexy, and she felt it from head to toe. His mouth slanted over hers, and his tongue did a slow slide past her lips. With slow, sultry movements, he tasted her. This was a kiss of passion.

  A knock sounded on the door. “Lauren honey, are you home?”

  Lauren pulled away, hands going to Matt’s arms. “I really wasn’t prepared for this much reality in one day.”

  The knocking started again. “Lauren, honey, open up. I’ve been worried.”

  Lauren leaned around Matt. “Coming, Mother!”

  Matt smiled as he pushed a piece of hair behind her ear. “You met Gina. Now, I’ll meet your mother.”

  Despite an effort at smiling, she failed. Matt’s hands settled on her waist, and he lifted her to the ground. Her outfit was a wreck and obviously the prior day’s work clothes. She ran her hand over her skirt, and then looked at Matt.

  He shrugged. “At least we have clothes on this time.”

  “There is that,” Lauren said with a heavy sigh. “If we’d gotten the syrup out it would have been trouble.”

  Matt tapped her nose and chuckled. “Think how much fun we would have had though.”

  Lauren gave him a look. “You won’t be laughing when she finishes with us. The woman is as nosy as they get. I love her, but she’s difficult.”

  “It’ll be fine.” He leaned against the counter and inclined his chin toward the door. “Go let your mother in.”

  There was no sense putting off the inevitable so Lauren did as he said. The instant the door opened, her mother flung her arms around Lauren. “Oh, my God, sweetie. I have been so worried. You didn’t come home last night and your phone went straight to voice mail.”