Read One Night Forever Page 7

  “Whatever,” Cat said and walked to the bed and sat down. She patted the area beside her. “Come talk.”

  Lauren stood there. Had her best friend gone insane? She wasn’t talking in front of blond guy. Cat’s eyes narrowed and then went to Chris. “Get lost, will you?”

  Chris stood in the doorway watching, shoulder leaning against the frame. A slow smile turned up the corner of his lips. “Ah,” he said. “You want to talk about me.” He winked and turned away.

  Cat rolled her eyes and looked at Lauren. “Talk about him?” she said with irritation. “What an ego. Let’s just hope he lives up to it in bed.”

  Lauren let her hands hit her legs and walked toward Cat. “How can you be so flippant about sex?”

  “Why do you have to be so damn serious all the time?”

  Lauren didn’t know what came over her. Suddenly, her mouth opened and nastiness just came out. “I have bills to pay and a mother to take care of. All of us can’t live the good life and never have to sweat over a dollar. One day you’re going to get a wake-up call. You can’t live for the moment and not have regrets later.”

  Cat opened her mouth and shut it again. Then, after a moment, “I’m going to pretend you didn’t say that.“

  “Why?” Lauren asked. “Because it’s the truth you don’t want to hear?”

  A low sound of frustration came from Cat’s lips. “Just fuck him and get it over with. I don’t like what this is doing to you.”

  “I don’t want to ‘fuck’ him.”

  “Oh yeah,” Cat said. “Then, who am I talking about? If you didn’t want him you wouldn’t instantly have known I was talking about him. I could have meant Chris.”

  “I knew you meant Matt.”

  “That’s my point,” Cat said. “Fuck him and get it over with.”

  Starting towards the door, Lauren felt both angry and hurt. Cat shouldn’t be telling her to “fuck” her boss. Didn’t Cat know what that would do to her career? A good friend would know and understand.

  Lauren made it all the way to the elevator before regret started to ball in her gut. By the time she reached the street, she was half in tears. Thirty minutes later, she stood in her apartment and punched the answering machine button.

  Cat’s voice sounded. “I love you like a sister, Lauren. I wouldn’t steer you wrong. This guy has been under your skin for a year. Give some thought to working him out of your system so you can move on. Oh, and call me tomorrow and apologize. You owe me one.”


  “Damn it, Cat,” Lauren whispered into the emptiness around her. “Why don’t you understand? I can’t just sleep with Matt. I…I can’t.”

  * * * * *

  Lauren arrived to work the next morning to find an envelope on her chair. Inside she found a single sheet of shiny pink paper and a hotel key card. Her heart lurched. She glanced at her door, knowing it was shut, but needing the reassurance of a second glance.

  She sank into her chair, heart beating a million miles an hour, and read.

  At night I lay awake thinking of your soft skin, wishing you were naked beneath me. I can feel you in my dreams. Can you feel me? During the day you drive me to distraction filling my thoughts with secret desires. Surrender your fantasies to me.

  Discover our own little secret world, our secret place no one else shares.

  Meet me tonight.

  The Manhattan Hotel

  Nine o’clock—Room 2012

  By the time she finished reading, Lauren’s hand was shaking, and her insides trembling. The note wasn’t signed, but then it didn’t have to be.

  Lauren knew who had sent it.

  Dropping her elbows to the desk she let her head fall into her hands. Oh God, what was she going to do? She couldn’t sleep with her boss.

  She couldn’t.

  Could she?

  She wanted him. So much so that desire burned like a low flame ready to flare into an inferno. Her eyes drifted shut, her thoughts racing with images of their bodies entwined, of his mouth on hers, on her skin. He was like a drug. She couldn’t help but consider the temptation he represented.

  Temptation. The word danced in her mind. He was that and so much more. A knock sounded on her door. She jumped and then shoved the note in her top drawer.

  Swallowing hard, she forced her words, “Come in.”

  When Greg appeared in her office, Lauren wanted to crawl under the desk. His well-fitted blue pin-striped suit, with a blue shirt and matching tie, seemed to decorate the arrogance that clung to him like a second skin.

  “It’s first thing in the morning. We’re supposed to talk about our ideas.”

  She really didn’t need this right now. “Right. Can we talk on the way to the coffeepot?”

  “Better yet,” he said, walking toward her, and grabbing the back of a chair. “Why don’t we walk to the coffee shop on the corner and have a strategy session.”

  He’d shut the door when he entered. Of course, it had been shut when he arrived, but it still felt uncomfortable. Maybe, because she knew his intentions were anything but respectable. And she wasn’t going for coffee with him. Not now. Not ever.

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea,” Lauren said with a firm rejection intended in her tone. “I’m new. I doubt that would look good.”

  “We’re grown-ups here,” he said. “The end result is all that matters.”

  “All the same, I’ll stay here.” Lauren motioned toward the door. “Shall we head toward the coffee? I work best after a full pot. I’m only halfway there.”

  A few moments later, she managed to exit the small confines of her office but Greg continued to stay close. All of a sudden it felt like her life was full of complications that all came from the male population.

  * * * * *

  There would be no sex with Matt. She’d only come to talk. Only talk.

  Lauren stood outside the hotel room door holding the key card in a shaking hand. After a day of thinking, distracted beyond belief, Lauren had come to a decision. She had to put an end to this craziness before it destroyed her future.

  No way could she sleep with her boss. To hell with Cat’s liberal ways. Her friend could just stick a sock in her mouth and cut the lectures. Sleeping with Matt represented a death sentence. For a massive industry, advertising sported a relatively small group of real players. She didn’t need to get a mark on her record.

  She started to swipe the key card, and thought better. Instead, she knocked. Sending the right message was important. Using that key card seemed like acceptance of intimacy. Impatiently, with no response, she knocked again. Still, no answer. No answer?


  Maybe he changed his mind.

  Her teeth found her bottom lip. Why did that bother her? She should be jumping for joy. Matt backing out would be a blessing. Yet…secretly, she needed to know he wanted her. Regardless of her refusal to act on their attraction, knowing he had pursued her felt good. She really liked Matt. Liked? She scolded herself for such an adolescent thought. What was wrong with her?

  Shoving aside the thoughts, she focused on the present problem. What to do… Her eyes drifted to the key card in her hand. Expelling a long breath, she swiped it through the door. She had to know if Matt had shown up. Was there a note inside? It would drive her nuts wondering. Tonight was about putting closure to this. She needed to end the struggle this caused her emotionally. That way she could focus on her career.

  Nervously, she pushed open the door. It was dark except for the flickering light of candles. She blinked several times as her eyes adjusted to the dimness of the room. Lauren swallowed. Apparently, Matt hadn’t backed out. The soft, sweet scent of vanilla filled her nostrils, alluring and sensual. Shadows danced across the walls, while utter silence filled the air. And Lord help her, she felt the thrill of this planned seduction. Her skinned tingled with warmth. Her nipples tightened and pressed against her bra.

  And her heart…it raced. It ached. It desired.

  The r
oom was a large suite with a living room area and a bedroom. A large entertainment center divided the two sections and acted like a wall blocking her from seeing what might lie beyond. And she wanted to know. Was he here or had Matt left?

  Surely not with the candles burning.

  Tentatively, she stepped toward the bedroom area. As the king-sized bed came into full view she gulped. With a mixture of both anxiety and excitement, she took in the vision before her. There were at least fifteen candles scattered around the room. A single red rose lay in the center of the bed. Beneath the rose was an envelope much like the one she had found that morning.

  This wasn’t going as planned. And yet, it was exactly how she would design a fantasy. Unable to resist, she tossed her purse in front of the television and walked to the bed. She had to know what was in the envelope. Hand shaking ever so slightly, she lifted the seal and pulled out the note inside. She read it twice.

  This is our secret world. No one else enters. This world is yours and mine, where pleasure is first, and fantasy can always be reality.

  Lauren could hear her own heart beating in her ears. She wanted this. She wanted Matt. But she shouldn’t. But how could she not?

  Then, as if out of nowhere, his hands were on her shoulders, his mouth against her ear. “I want to make love to you, Lauren. I want to kiss every inch of your body so perfectly you never forget me or our little fantasy world.”

  His words were an intended reminder. A reference to that first night in his apartment when he had spoken them before. The meaning didn’t escape Lauren. And she hadn’t forgotten. Not that night. Not Matt. She felt his hands slide down her arms with tantalizing results. Goose bumps formed a trail behind his caresses. His hands settled on her waist. Though her mind screamed for her to step away, to stop this now before it was too late…his touch seduced. Drawing her into a spell of sorts. She was lost… It felt so incredibly good to have him touch her again.

  Acting off instinct and need, Lauren’s head fall back against his shoulder. Matt’s scent was warm and perfect as it infiltrated her senses, acting like a splash of arousal dousing her body. Matt eased closer, ridding them of the small space that had been between their bodies and his hands flattened on her stomach. The action molded the roundness of her bottom to his pelvis.

  “What do you say, Lauren?” he asked brushing his lips along her earlobe. “Shall we enjoy our own little fantasy world?”

  Chapter Twelve

  Lauren suppressed a shiver. “I came here to talk,” she whispered, thankful Matt stood behind her. All of her resistance—the little she retained—might melt into those amazing dark eyes of his.

  The touch of his lips, a featherlight touch, brushed the delicate area of her neck and enticed a shiver. “Then talk.”

  “I can’t when you’re…” She lost the words when his hands slid up her sides, past her ribs, and just barely skimmed the curve of her breasts. Instantly, her nipples tightened. Lauren swallowed hard. Her panties were damp with proof of arousal. If she didn’t act soon, she wouldn’t. She knew she wanted Matt. Of that there was no doubt. But being with him was wrong, and she knew it.

  As if he’d read her mind, Matt offered reassurance. “This isn’t wrong.” With a gentle touch, he turned her to face him, keeping her close, their thighs touching. Bodies intimate in their connection. Lauren rested her hands on his too-perfect chest. Then, she did the very thing she knew equaled the death of her willpower—she let her gaze lock with his.

  What she saw scorched her with its intensity. Potent and sexual, the look in his eyes told her how much he wanted her. Her fingers curled in his shirt, fighting the urge to run her hands across his chest and shoulders. He wasn’t dressed for work as she still was. It somehow made this easier. His slacks and pullover made him seem less the president of Carlson. Less her boss. She had no doubt he knew as much. He’d dressed to take her mind off their daytime connection.

  “While we’re here,” he slipped his hand to the side of her face, into her hair. “Carlson doesn’t exist. We are two lovers enjoying each other.”

  The tender way he held her made her stomach flip-flop. “You make it sound so simple.”

  “It can be.”

  Lord only knew, she wanted it to be. “What if someone finds out?” she whispered, but deep down she knew she had already made up her mind. No way could she walk away from another night in Matt’s arms.

  “Ah, baby, who’s going to find out?”

  The endearment caught her off guard. It made things feel less sexual. More intimate and close. But even as he said the words, Lauren saw a flash of something indiscernible in Matt’s eyes. Without warning, he dropped his hands from her face and took a step backwards. Lauren found herself wanting to reach for him, to pull him close again.

  “Look,” Matt said. “If this isn’t what you want, I’ll turn and walk away. We can pretend nothing ever happened between us. My intent isn’t to make your life hell.” He paused. “This is your decision. Your job is secure as is the secret we share.”

  Confusion hit her like a powerful blow. He’d made this his decision. Not that she’d felt it hadn’t been. “I never thought my job was at risk.” Not completely true. “At least not directly from you. My reputation in the entire industry is more the issue.”

  “If anyone finds out, which they won’t.”

  “We hope,” she said.

  He leveled her in a burning hot stare. “Tell me to go and I’ll turn and walk away.”

  “Why…why does it have to be so complicated.” It was a statement of utter frustration rather than a question. She didn’t expect an answer.

  “I want you, Lauren,” he whispered. “And I believe you want me too.”

  “That really isn’t the issue, now is it?”

  He ignored her question. “Do I stay or go? Make the call.“

  This was crazy. The only safe answer was “go”. Yet… Safe had its disadvantages right about now. “You’re sure no one will know?”

  Her words put him into action. Suddenly, he stood close but not touching her. So much so she could feel the warmth of his body. “Tell me, Lauren. I have to know you want this.”

  Her heart beat like a drum in her chest. The decision she was about to make was going to have a profound impact on her life. She knew it beyond common sense. Some instinct inside told her this moment held consequences. She sucked in a breath, willing herself to walk away. Instead, she found herself saying, “I want you.”

  And then Matt was holding her, kissing her with passion and hunger. His hand slid behind her neck, pulling her mouth to his. With a magic heat only he created, she melted. Her decision had been made, and resistance no longer mattered. Nothing outside of this room did.

  She made a sound of pleasure as one of his hands flattened on her lower back, molding her softness into the strong lines of his own. Slowly, he backed her toward the bed, all the while his mouth devoured hers, tasting her with fervent strokes of his tongue. When the backs of her legs touched the mattress, Matt pulled his lips from hers. With passion-darkened eyes he stared down at her.

  The desire between them sizzled.

  He reached for the pink satin buttons on her silk shirt and started to undo one after the other. Neither of them spoke. With each flicker of the candlelight, sexual heat and tension seemed to sway between them, wrapping their bodies in a warm blanket of desire.

  When Matt finished his task, he brushed the silk from her shoulders. His palms skimmed her arms, and warm heat gathered between her legs. Acceptance of her yearning for this man had turned up the volume on her reactions. Matt’s gaze dropped to her breasts, and she knew what he saw. Just recently she’d invested in some lingerie. It made her feel good about her. A little more confident. Today, she wore a barely-there white lace bra.

  His index fingers traced the top of the material. “Nice.”

  She wasn’t sure if he meant the lingerie or her breasts. Either way, there was something primal and raw in his voice. Something that inc
hed beneath her surface and made her heart drum in her chest. God, she wanted him. How many times had she wished for a second night with him?

  Just one more.

  She was going to savor this opportunity, and enjoy him completely.

  She wanted to touch him, and see his naked body.

  Lauren reached for his shirt and tugged it from his pants. She looked him in the eyes, quelling the terrified feeling in her stomach. The one that said she might regret this later. Her resolve was heavy. The meek little good girl inside her would not win. Okay, so she was never meek. But a good girl? Yes. No. Not anymore.

  Not with Matt.

  “We do things even,” she said with only the slightest tremble to her voice. “I lose a piece of clothing, then so do you.”

  A slow smile slid onto his lips. He reached over his shoulder with one hand. In a quick motion, he pulled his polo shirt over his head, flexing his muscles in a delicious way as he did so, and then tossing it to the floor.

  Her teeth found her bottom lip as she took in his broad shoulders, tapered waist, and abundance of rippling muscle. The man was made like he belonged on a calendar.

  “Nice,” she whispered, repeating his response to her.

  He laughed—a soft, sexy sound that disappeared into her mouth as he pulled her close and kissed her.

  Matt soaked in Lauren’s response, kissing her, and absorbing her unique flavor. He loved the contrasting sides to her. So sweet and innocent but not. His fingers trailed the skin on her neck. He could smell roses. Soft and alluring. She was like an addiction, sweet as chocolate, as potent as a drug.

  Anticipating her resistance, he’d been afraid she wouldn’t show up. But he knew she wanted this as much as he did. The fire between them was simply too hot. And now, touching him, her hands all over his body, she was driving him crazy. She seemed bolder tonight. Ready. Her hand slid over his belt and cupped his cock. Then, showing she still held inhibitions, she started to retreat. To remove her hand. He grabbed it and pressed it to his throbbing body.