Read One Night Only Page 19

  He stayed behind me as he removed my bra, his hands running over me from behind. His fingers teased at my nipples, rolling and pinching them until I was moaning, arching my back to push them into his hands.

  “I don't like the fact that other men have seen these.” There was a possessive edge to his voice that made my breathing stutter. “I don't want anyone else looking at you like this.”

  I nodded even though he hadn't asked a question. This was a side of him I hadn't seen before.

  “Do they touch you?” His fingers tightened until it was almost painful.

  “They're not supposed to,” I managed to say. “But sometimes...” I whimpered as he twisted his grip.

  When he released my breasts, my nipples throbbed and I wasn't sure if I was relieved or wanted more. One hand slid down my stomach and over my panties.

  “What about this?” He cupped my sex over the green silk. “Do they touch you here?”

  I shook my head. “No.”

  “Good.” He practically growled the word. “I hate that other men have seen you, but if they'd touched you...” His hold tightened almost convulsively. “No more.” He ran his tongue along the outer rim of my ear. “From now on, I'm the only one who gets to see you naked.”

  There were logistics, practicalities, that needed to be discussed, but I wasn't about to kill the mood. That was pillow talk for after.

  He released me and his fingers hooked under the elastic at my hips. He lowered my panties, but I didn't realize he was on his knees until I felt him press his lips against my right ass cheek. His hand settled on the small of my back, putting pressure on it until I realized what he wanted and bent over. We were close enough to the bed that I was able to put my hands down on it to steady me, which was good considering what happened next.

  Without easing into it, Reed buried his face between my legs and I swore. His tongue twisted and probed, sliding in and out of my pussy until I was spreading my legs further apart, wordlessly begging for more. Luc had always been reluctant to go down on me, and had pretty much only done it for foreplay or because he wanted a blow-job. Reed, however, was applying himself with so much enthusiasm that I felt myself going from practically zero to a hundred in seconds.

  As his tongue circled my clit, he slid a finger into my pussy, only giving me a couple strokes before it disappeared. Then his lips were around my clit and I was making a sound I'd never known I could make. I was so close, I could taste it. All I needed was a little more and I'd come.

  I felt something pressing against my asshole and started to speak, but whatever word I was going to say turned into a wail as he did two things at once. The suction on my clit increased as his finger slid into my ass. My legs buckled, but he held me up, his mouth never ceasing as my climax crashed into me. He kept licking and sucking on my sensitive flesh even as I came, pushing one orgasm into another until I wasn't sure they were separate anymore and I was certain I was going explode.

  “Stop, please,” I gasped. My body called me a traitor but I ignored it, my mind needing relief. “Too much.”

  Then he was gone and my knees were giving out. Before I hit the floor, his arms were around me, lifting me and moving me to the bed. I flopped bonelessly on the bedspread, my muscles still quivering from the force of my climax. I wasn't sure I could move my limbs at the moment, but I did manage to turn my head so I could watch him undress.

  Before, I'd only seen his cock as he'd been entering me. I wanted to see it now, see how turned on he was. His eyes met mine and then he slowly started to remove his shirt, revealing that cut body I'd enjoyed feeling beneath my hands. Next came his pants and he kicked them aside, pausing for a moment to let me enjoy the sight of him in just a pair of tight black boxer-briefs that clearly demonstrated just how much he'd been enjoying himself.

  Then they were coming off too and I groaned as his cock appeared, thick and long and fully erect. I remember it filling me, stretching me, sinking into me so deep. I pushed myself up on my elbows. Now I wanted to see if it could fit in my mouth.

  “Where do you think you're going?” Reed's voice was a mixture of dark and teasing. He reached the edge of the bed at the same time I managed to get myself into a sitting position, which put me exactly where I wanted to be.

  “Right here.” I smiled up at him as I wrapped my hand around the base of his shaft. My fingers couldn't touch.

  I leaned down and ran my tongue along the underside of his cock, tasting salt and something that was distinctly male. He groaned and I smiled. I loved the texture of him and explored him as thoroughly as he'd explored me, licking every inch of him before taking the head between my lips.


  I looked up to see his eyes closed and took that to be a good sign. I took more of him until my jaw began to ache and I had to back off. I repeated the movement and then his hand was in my hair, pulling me back.

  “As much as I love the idea of coming in your mouth, I need to be inside you.” Reed lowered his head and kissed me hard, shoving his tongue into my mouth until I could taste our mingled flavors.

  He pressed me back on the bed, crawling over me without breaking the kiss. I heard the rip of a wrapper and had a moment to wonder where it had come from, and then he was pushing inside me and I didn't care. He entered with a single thrust and I cried out. He took the sound, stilling inside me as my body trembled, adjusting to the sudden intrusion. I was wet, but still very tight.

  I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to absorb the myriad sensations coursing along my nerves. He rested his forehead against mine, our mouths parting.

  “Like a fucking vice.” He was panting.

  We stayed like that, joined as intimately as possible, our breath mingling, until our body's most basic urges overpowered everything else and Reed had to move. His strokes were slow and deep, making every inch of me feel every inch of him as he thrust over and over again. This was nothing like before when he'd pounded into me, relentless and focused on reaching our release. This was more like I'd always imagined making love would be; though I didn't want to use that particular four-letter word. Still, as he drove forward with a steady rhythm, I knew that this was something more than fucking. He was doing what he'd promised, showing me how much he wanted me.

  The pleasure inside me was building differently than before. That had been an explosion while this was a flame being stoked into a raging inferno. I wrapped my arms around his neck and hooked my ankles around the back of his thighs, loving the feel of his muscles moving under his tanned skin. Even as I felt myself reaching the point of no return, I didn't want it to end. I wanted to stay like this forever, our bodies moving together, working to bring each other pleasure.

  “Come for me, baby.” His voice was strained. “I want to see your face when you come.”

  He was moving faster now, but still in control, and a roll of his hips was all it took for me to obey his command. I lifted my body to meet his as I called out his name and the movement drove him deep. He cried out as we came together, my pussy tightening around him, drawing out every last drop of pleasure for us both. I clung to him, wanting the moment to last. He rolled us over, putting me on top of him even as he pulled the bedspread around us both, cocooning us together.

  “Believe me now?” he murmured the question against the top of my head.

  I nodded, not sure I had the energy to form words. Words could come tomorrow. Right now, I just wanted to bask in the afterglow and fall asleep in his arms.


  Wakefulness came slowly and I wasn't sure where I was at first. I only knew that this wasn't my bed or my apartment. It was too quiet, the mattress too soft. Then I felt a familiar ache between my legs and remembered.


  I smiled and opened my eyes, wondering what this new day would hold. We had plans to make, things to discuss, but first I wanted him and breakfast. In that order.

  Then I registered what I was seeing. A suitcase on the end of the bed and Reed putting clothes into it.

  “Reed?” I didn't trust myself to say anything more than his name. I told myself not to jump to any conclusions, but that didn't stop my stomach from twisting.

  “My flight leaves at ten.” He sounded even and calm. “I need to be back in Philadelphia tonight.”

  I waited for what was coming next. Would he ask me to come with him now or would he want to wait until he'd ended things with Britni? I felt a twinge of guilt that I hadn't asked last night if he'd already called off the wedding. He didn't love her, I reminded myself, so a single day didn't matter. I wasn't sure if I'd believe the lie later, but it worked for now.

  Maybe he was going back to Philly to get all of his affairs in order before moving here. Either way, I was sure he'd find a way for me to be able to quit The Diamond Club. He'd already said he didn't want anyone else seeing me naked. I didn't know what I'd do, but I'd find something. Philadelphia or Vegas, it didn't matter as long as we were together. Maybe we'd go somewhere new. A fresh start for both of us.

  “I have a couple thousand dollars in cash.”

  He was talking again and I turned my attention to him, ready to hear what he had planned for us.

  “I'll have the hotel keep the room for a couple days. That should be enough time for you to find a nice apartment. I'll set up a joint account and wire money into it as soon as the bank opens tomorrow.”

  I frowned, pulling the sheet more tightly around me. Something about this didn't sound right.

  “I'll make sure there's enough money in it so you can quit stripping and focus on your dancing.”

  I climbed out of the bed, still keeping myself covered. Suddenly, I didn't feel like being naked in front of him. I swallowed hard and asked the question I needed answered.

  “What about you?”

  He didn't look at me and that was enough to tell me it had all been a lie. I grabbed my dress and pulled it on, snatching up my underwear as he answered.

  “I usually fly to LA every couple weeks for business, and most of the time I stop in Vegas for a lay-over. Adding an extra day or two won't rouse any suspicions.”

  Suspicions. I felt the urge to throw up. How could I have been so stupid?

  “You're still getting married.” I picked up my shoes and told the tears burning against my eyelids that they weren't allowed to fall. “You lying, cheating bastard.” I spit the last words through clenched teeth and then stormed out, not caring if anyone saw me. I heard Reed say my name, but kept walking. I let my anger take control, knowing the alternative would be to cry. I wished I'd never gone to that stupid reunion. My crush could've stayed sweet and innocent instead of being destroyed by finding out what a true asshole Reed Stirling really was.

  I was still fuming when I got off the elevator and started through the lobby, so much so I almost walked right into a solid wall of muscle. I stopped abruptly and looked up into a pair of pale blue eyes.


  I crossed my arms. I was so not in the mood to deal with Reed's soon-to-be brother-in-law. “What?” I snapped.

  “I just wanted to apologize for what happened the other night.” Brock's handsome face was sincere and I studied it for a moment, almost missing that he was holding out an envelope.

  A new flare of anger went through me. What was it with these rich people thinking they could just buy people off? I folded my arms more tightly. “You were drunk. It's not like I don't deal with that every night at work. I don't want anything from you.”

  I started to step around him, but he took the step with me, still blocking my way.

  “Look, I feel bad. Just take it, please.” He gave me one of those expressions I was sure had gotten him out of a lot of trouble growing up and, despite my anger, I found myself softening. “I wrote you a note.”

  I sighed. What the hell. It wasn't like I was at a place financially where I could afford to refuse a tip. I told myself that's all it was when I took the envelope.

  “Don't open it yet.” Brock smiled. His eyes flicked over my head and then back down again. “I have to get going, but I hope you'll accept my apology and maybe I'll see you later.”

  I almost told him not to count on it, but then I saw Reed walking through the lobby with the rest of his groomsmen. He stared straight ahead, not even glancing at Brock when the other man fell in step at his side.

  I watched them walk out, my fingers tightening around the letter until the paper crinkled. I let out a slow breath as the men got into a limo and drove away. I'd take Brock's money, put the rest of the weekend behind me and get on with my life. I'd survived taking care of my dying mother, survived losing her, survived Las Vegas by myself for two years. I'd survive this too, and I'd never be this foolish again.

  After making that promise to myself, I opened the envelope. The first thing I saw was six crisp one hundred dollar bills paper-clipped together with a note saying, “For your ticket.”

  I frowned. What the fuck did that mean? I pulled out a folded sheet of paper and read it. Then I re-read it because I was sure it had to be a mistake, but no, there it was, in sloppy masculine hand-writing.

  “Piper, I would like the chance to prove to you that I'm not the man I seemed to be the first time we met. Please agree to be my date to my sister's wedding. The cash enclosed is for a plane ticket if you agree, but please keep it even if you decide not to come. Should you agree to be my date, you'll receive ten thousand dollars for your services. Sincerely, Brock Michaels.”

  Ten thousand dollars to watch Reed marry a woman he claimed not to love.


  End of Vol. 1

  Sinful Desires Vol. 2


  One hour.

  That’s all I had left to question the decision I'd made, and since I was sitting in the Las Vegas airport waiting to get called to board my flight, I had nothing better to do than second-guess myself. Then I'd have nearly five and a half hours to sit on a plane, worrying, beating myself up and listing and re-listing the pros and cons of going back to Philadelphia.

  One of the biggest cons, of course, was the main reason I was going and why my last trip back home had been such a disaster. Mother-fucking Reed Stirling. My gorgeous high school crush and older brother to the biggest bitch at St. George. I'd just never thought he'd turn out to be as self-centered and self-important as his sister.

  I stuck my hand in my purse and fingered the envelope there, hoping against hope that I’d find a little money left. There wasn’t of course, it had gone to buy this ticket and a few extra groceries. There were only so many times I could eat the same cardboard shit. The reason I'd brought the envelope, however, was because of the promise inside.

  Ten thousand dollars.

  I'd texted Brock to let him know I'd agreed to be his date to the wedding and he'd sent back a message that had sounded enthusiastic despite the lack of punctuation. He'd told me he'd have a car take me to a hotel where he'd rent me a room, but he still hadn't mentioned anything about what 'services' he was expecting for that payment.

  I wasn't just doing it for the money, although that was a big motivation. The other reason was more personal and a lot more vindictive. I wanted to see the expression on Reed's face when I walked into his wedding on the arm of his fiancée's brother. I wanted to watch him squirm, see his face flush with uncertainty. I wanted to see if he could look me in the eye. It might've been a bit petty, but after what he'd done to me, he deserved it.

  I felt a twinge of guilt. I wasn't the only person he'd hurt, and if anyone had the right to be angrier than me, it was Britni. She was being pressured into marrying a man she didn't love, a man she knew didn't love her. The least he could've done was be faithful, and he hadn't even been able to do that.

  I sighed, leaning forward and burying my head in my hands. What was I thinking, taking Brock's offer? Sure, I was pissed at Reed and wanted to do something that could at least make him uncomfortable. I doubted anything I did could actually hurt him as badly as he'd hurt me. I'd tried telling myself over and over that
I'd just gotten caught up in the emotion and that I didn't really care about him the way I thought I did. I'd almost convinced myself of the lie.

  I groaned in frustration, thankful no one was sitting close enough to hear. Was I really any better than him, thinking only of myself? What kind of person showed up at the wedding of a guy she'd fucked just a week before? It was bad enough Britni had to go through with this farce of a marriage. Did I really have to rub it in her face that Reed didn't want her?

  Then again, I countered. He didn't want me either. Not really. He wanted my body. He wanted to fuck me. He didn't want me. He wasn't interested in who I was as a person, just what was under my clothes. In a way, he was worse than the guys who came to the club, because at least they were honest about what they were looking for. Reed was a liar who thought he could buy me off like I was some whore he could pay for sex.

  I could just walk away. Pick up my bag and leave. Brock would understand. I could offer to pay him back for the ticket even though he'd told me to keep the money if I didn't come. I thought about him, how he'd wanted to make things right for something he'd done but had no control over. Reed had just expected me to be grateful for what he could give me and hadn't even tried to apologize.

  I straightened. Why was I beating myself up over this? Brock had asked me to a wedding. Why should I let Reed screw up the chance for me to spend time with a nice guy who actually seemed to like me? I ignored the part of my brain that asked why, if Brock was so nice, had he offered me money for 'services'?

  Maybe he was just a generous guy who understood what it was like for someone to struggle to pay the bills. Even if I was lying to myself and Brock did want me to sleep with him, I hadn't made any promises. If I did fuck him, it'd be my choice, and not because of money.