Read One Night With the Prince Page 11

“You’re Zach?! As in Prince Zachias?! Oh my gosh! Oops sorry! Go on…” He quieted down. I swear I could hear him bouncing! I cleared my throat.

  “Uh, yes, well I was putting together a surprise for her, and my surprise is to fly you, her mother, and her other best friend over here for the weekend?” I suggested. He screamed and I had to pull away from the phone.

  “Oh my goodness yes! Of course!” He agreed immediately, and he gave me his email address as well. When I said goodbye I shook my head in wonderment. I wonder what her other best friend is like. I was scared to find out. But I called her anyways. Danny told me her name was Missy.

  “Hello?” She answered. Oh thank goodness a normal greeting!

  “Yes, hello this is Zachias and I was calling for Missy?” I answered. She gasped,

  “Is Anna okay?” She asked quietly but her voice was filled with worry. She was sensible!

  “Yes everything is alright,-” And I began to explain the plan. She agreed and also gave me her email. She sounded sweet and very nice. Anna had a wide choice of friends but I could tell they all loved her to pieces just by the way they talked about her.

  I have to say I was quite pleased that she talks about me with her mother and friends. They didn’t act mean towards me, which meant that she has said good things. I sighed and sat back into my chair and made the plans with our airline and our private jet.

  It was to pick them up this Friday in early morning so it would be late evening to them, so by the time they got here it would be mid-evening for them. I sent them all the emails and there was no need for tickets since it was our own plane. There was a knock on my door again.

  “Come in.” I answered. Crayseese, the butler came in.

  “Prince Caidius is here.” He announced. I nodded and stood up to go greet my brother.


  I felt a little blue today since homesickness was settling in harder today. I really miss Danny, Missy and especially Mom. I felt like dressing according to my mood so I was in navy blue t-shirt that hugged my curves along with black skinny jeans and my black converse.

  My thoughts then fell on Zach and without consent a smile graced my face. I chuckled how the very thought of him made my mood lift enough to make me smile. I began walking around the castle but I wasn’t paying attention to where I was going and so I bumped into someone.

  “Ow!” I mumbled as my butt hit the hard floor. That’s going to bruise, and I think I end up this way, way too much. I heard a deep chuckle and looked up. Wow he was cute was my first thought. He had dark short brown hair and had the same eyes as Zach. He reached a hand down to me and helped me up.

  “Sorry about that. I was distracted.” I explained. He chuckled again.

  “That’s quite alright. My name is Caidius, yours?” He introduced. I immediately held my guard up at Zach’s subtle warning of his younger brother’s player ways. I shook his hand.

  “Anna or call me Red.” I introduced myself. He smirked and I saw how he eyed me up and down. I snapped my finger in front of his face.

  “Excuse me! My eyes are up here!” I said with authority. He snapped out of it but smirked at me. Seriously what is up with guys and smirking?! Especially this dude!

  “Feisty. I like it.” He answered, licking his lips slowly. I scoffed and pushed past him, but he grabbed my wrist. Oh heck no! I spun around and kicked the back of his knees so he’s go to the floor. It worked, and he landed with a loud ‘oomph!’ I heard a chuckle but this time it sent shivers down my spine subtly.

  I turned to see Zach standing there with arms crossed with an amused smile but I could also see anger and annoyance towards his brother. Caidius stood up angrily and looked at me.

  “Do you not know who I am?” He asked briskly. Again I scoffed.

  “Yes I know! You’re a stuck up prince who should know how to treat women with respect instead of just playthings. Because the next time I see you disrespect any other girl here, I will make sure you can’t reproduce! Got it?” I questioned hotly, silently fuming at his attitude.

  He looked at Zach who wasn’t going to defend him and Caidius sighed.

  “Yeah alright. Sorry.” He mumbled. I knew he wasn’t used to apologizing so I accepted. I waved him off.

  “It’s fine and you’re forgiven, just don’t do it again. Now, Cade I’ll leave you and Zach to each other.” With that I walked away. I heard a smack and looked back to see Cade rubbing the back of his head sheepishly.

  “Start acting like you’re a prince not a playboy!” He scolded him. I giggled to myself and continued to walk away.

  I found Sydney and the other two sitting in a lounge area. I joined them with a sad smile.

  “What’s wrong Red?” Rachel asked, concerned. I shrugged, feeling myself tear up.

  “I miss my friends and mom!” I started to cry. Homesickness was hitting me hard, and I felt arms wrap around me. I looked to see the girls hugging me. That made me cry a little harder and they rubbed my back to try and soothe me.

  “It’s okay sweetie.” Sydney cooed. I shook my head.

  “I’m sorry, it’s just I miss them so much! I love it here, really I do, it’s just not the same without them.” I explained. They nodded.

  “Anna?!” I heard a worried voice say. I turned to see Zach there. He rushed to my side and he growled under his breath.

  “I’m going to kill Caidius.” I giggled slightly at his voice and sniffed.

  “No, it wasn’t him. I just miss my mom and friends terribly. It’s just hitting me harder today than normal.” I explained, sniffling. He sighed, relieved that my tears were not due to his younger brother. He took me by the hand.

  “Excuse us ladies.” He dismissed us to my friends. They nodded and winked at me. I rolled my eyes. When they were gone he looked at my face and groaned.

  “It was supposed to be a surprise!” He grumbled. I looked at him questioningly and wiped my eyes some more. He pulled me to a couch and say next to me.

  “Anna…I’m flying out Danny, Missy and your mother this weekend.” He explained. I gasped.

  “Seriously?!” I asked feeling my mood lift extremely. He nodded and smiled. I shrieked and threw myself at him, hugging him tightly. He chuckled at my enthusiasm and hugged me back.

  Gosh it felt so good to be held by him! I held him tighter like he was my lifeline.

  “Thank you so much!” I mumbled into his shirt. He rubbed my back.

  “It was supposed to be a surprise but when I saw how sad you were I couldn’t wait. It was Demetrius’ idea, but I called them and set everything up. By the way, Danny answered with some questionable greetings.” He said with a bewildered chuckle. I giggled, knowing how Danny was.

  “Sorry, that’s just who he is.” I pulled back and looked at his face feeling so happy right now. I kissed his cheek and felt that warm flutter in my tummy. When I pulled back again it was silent moment before I started to lean in and held him to me.

  I know it probably wasn’t a good idea but I was so overwhelmed by different feelings! I could lightly smell his signature fragrance being this close to him. I had always loved getting and giving hugs. They always gave me a warm feeling, but hugging Zach gave me a sense of safety.

  He held me close to him as we were sitting and my head was against his chest. When we regained our thoughts, he spoke, “I’m holding you so you can’t run away again.” He said.

  I laughed and pulled away.

  “I’m not going to run away again.” I told him with a soft smile. He grinned.

  “Really?” He asked. I giggled, and pretended to think as I stood up quickly,

  “Well, you’ll have to catch me!” I said and sprinted out of the room. I heard him laugh as he hopped off the couch and started chasing me. I laughed as I passed some other workers and waved at them as I sprinted past them. I heard their laughter trail behind me.

  I knew he wasn’t too much behind me as he was gaining. I turned and opened a door and shut it behind me. I saw a piano and hid under the cl
oth that was covering it.

  Seconds later I heard the door open and I silently cursed myself. I heard his chuckle.

  “Oh Anna!” he sang, “I know you’re in here.” He taunted. I held my breath as I heard his footsteps near. Suddenly the sheet was ripped off and I laughed trying to get away but he caught me as I tried to run to the door.

  “Not so fast.” He smiled against my ear. I laughed and tried to get away. He turned me around so I was facing him and lowered his face to mine giving a very sweet kiss that only lasted seconds.

  “Got you.” He smiled. I smiled up at him and just wrapped my arms around his torso. This guy was quickly making his way into my heart and although I was still scared, I wasn’t going to be a coward.

  Chapter seventeen


  “Shhh!” I whispered to Dem and my other friends, Sydney, Rachel, and Carol. They were all snickering as we spied on Elise and her other devilish friends, waiting for our plan to unfold.

  I was really bored but also hyped up because today was the day my friends and mom were coming! So I decided to kill time by pranking the lovely Elise! Suddenly Crawford, one of my favorite butlers, walked in and started the plan. That’s one of the perks with having friendships with the workers here: they’ll help you!

  “Miss Elise? Prince Zachias would like to speak with you.” He bowed slightly. She had a smug grin on her face.

  “You see girls? The Prince has good taste. Now show me where he is peasant.” She sniffed hotly towards Crawford. Uhg, such a witch! Crawford held his tongue respectfully, knowing she’s going to get what’s coming to her.

  We followed them out in the hall quietly when Crawford tried his acting skills.

  “Oh my! I’m so sorry miss but I completely forgot! If you could head right down that corridor the Prince is waiting, but I must go as the King needs me!” He scurried off. She scoffed after him.

  “When I become queen he is the first to go.” She muttered to herself. She swayed her hips down the hall until she got to the place for the attack. When her feet hit the oil-covered tile she began to slip all over the place, screeching like a banshee. Dem was holding the camera.

  “Ahhhh!” She fell on her butt with a loud thud. She tried to get up but kept falling down. We were all in hysterics and she didn’t hear us over her screaming. Then she found the rope that usually holds up the thick velvet curtains by the window…well not today!

  “Arg!” She sputtered as tons of feathers cascaded down. A juvenile prank I know, but effective nonetheless! Dem was now holding me for support which resulted us tumbling to the ground laughing so hard tears were streaming down our faces. And she still didn’t notice us!

  She was flopping around like a dying fish trying to get her legs to work! Finally after more loud laughter from us as Syd, Rachel and Carol were now on the ground as well, she noticed our presence.

  “You!” She glared from the floor with the most hateful expression. I grinned at her, and she glowered back, still trying to get up.

  “Arg! You’re going to pay for this! I’ll make sure you go back to your barnyard of a town! You’re such an ugly toad! And once I get up off of here you’ll regret it!” She threatened. I didn’t care about what she was saying, that is until she said, “And your peasants of friends too! You’re all ugly!” She screeched again as she tried to get up, but the oil wasn’t letting her. That’s when I got angry, and stood up.

  “Now, you can call me every name in the book, but when you mess with my friends that’s where I draw the line! Besides you should know how to get up easily.”

  I looked at my fingernails. She huffed.

  “How the heck am I supposed to know that?!” She yelled. I snickered with a smirk.

  “You should be used to being on the floor!” I said in false surprise like I couldn’t believe she didn’t know. She growled at me, and I walked closer to her but being careful.

  “Next time I hear you put down any of my friends I will make sure you won’t be able to see straight for a week got it? Like I said I could care less what you call me, but just remember that I warned your sorry butt if you try and say crap like that again.” I said in a low deadly tone. I saw fear pass in her eyes and she nodded reluctantly.

  Syd and the other two looked grateful as I helped them up. We walked down the hall away from the screaming mess and laughed to ourselves. Someone will find her. Although I feel sorry for who does!

  “So what would you ladies like to do today?” Dem asked. I thought about it.

  “Ooo! What about swimming?!” I said excitedly. He laughed and then looked thoughtful.

  “Okay, all you fine young ladies in bikinis? Sounds like a plan!” I laugh at him and we head to our rooms to change. It was fairly warm outside so the water should feel nice. I grab a two-piece black bikini that Danny once said made me look like a hot tamale. I just can’t wait till they get here!

  They are going to flip when they see Zach and all the other hotties. I hope they take it okay though when I tell them about the competition. Zach said I could tell them if I trusted them. And I trust them with my life so yeah, I’d tell them!

  Slipping on a blue sundress over my bikini, I grab a towel from my bathroom and slip on some blue flip-flops. I pass Carlos in the hall, you know the very same person that tried to get me into that hideous pink thing.

  “Hola miss Anna.” He greets with a warm smile. I smile back and head to the pool. Danny would like him. I’m not 100% sure if he’s gay but Danny would know. Carlos was cute, He had jet-black hair that was short and had caramel colored skin with warm brown eyes. He was definitely in the yummy department.

  When I got outside the girls are already there, and my jaw hanged a little when I saw Dem shirtless. Can someone say six-pack? I wiped my mouth inconspicuously, making sure I didn’t drool. He hopped in the pool creating a splash, earning a squeal from the girls.

  “Hey Red! Take off that dress so I can see what you’re working with!” Dem shouted. I rolled my eyes and slipped off my flip-flops along with my over dress. I saw his mouth hang open a little and I chuckled.

  “Close your mouth Dem!” I shouted from the other side of the pool. He shook his head to clear his daze and grinned at me.

  “You should forget about Zach dear and just stay with me!” He said coyly. I shook my head.

  “Sorry sweetheart, but you just don’t do it for me.” I shrugged. Yeah right! There’s no question that I really like Zach, but if he weren’t here, I’d be all over Dem!

  “Awww!” He pouted. I giggled and jumped in the pool with ease. I loved the feeling of water surrounding me. You feel weightless and the cool water seeps in everywhere cooling you off comfortably.

  I could hold my breath for up to one minute but that’s it. So I stayed under seeing the sun’s rays making the water light up with patterns and the water looked bluer than ever. I watched as my light red hair swirled around me. It was dead silent down here. I could see the legs of other people and before I could swim up I see Dem swimming frantically below the pool towards me.

  I give him a happy wave and he looks relieved. He points up and I nod making my way up. When I broke the surface I took a big gulp of fresh air. Dem appeared next to me.

  “You scared me half to death missy!” He scolded. I shrugged.

  “Sorry Dem, but I was fine. I can hold my breath for a little bit. So no worries.” I explained. He breathed out a sigh of relief and nodded.

  “Okay, but warn somebody a little okay?” I grinned up at him and kissed his cheek. It was easier now since we were in the water.

  “Okay Demmy.” I giggled and swam off. I heard a splash behind me but didn’t pay attention to it. That is until I felt a grab at my ankle pulling me under water. I grabbed a lung full of air before I went under though.

  I looked behind me to see a smiling Zach. I rolled my eyes at him and he grinned. Dragging me closer until he was holding me he looked at me up and down. It was quiet as he leaned in and kissed me softly. Awww! I al
ways wanted an underwater kiss! And it was my first kiss too! It was a little awkward seeing as it was hard to stay underneath the water without flailing around like a stupid fish! All in all it was sweet and cute.

  Of course my body had to ruin it as my lungs were constricting for air. I pulled away and he pouted, and I pointed upwards. He got the message and we came up. I was gasping for air as he was only doing that a little.

  “Hey.” I greeted with a smile. He chuckled.

  “Hello.” He greeted back. I heard a whistle.

  “Hey! No getting freaky in the pool okay?” Dem called out causing others to stare at us. My face burned and I glared at him.

  “You sure you want to mess with me Demetrius?” I quirked an eyebrow and he backed away slowly raising his hands in mock surrender. I rolled my eyes and laughed at him. He was always goofing around.