Read One Night With the Prince Page 24

  The large double doors began to creak open, and my heart was beating double time. If he doesn’t chose me, how am I supposed to just go home after this? Do I fight for him? Or do I give up? Then he walked in. Prince Zachias Christamos.

  You could tell he was royalty just by the way he walked with confidence, and a sense of pride. That was what got me at first. I would always love to deflate his ego but he still managed to make me fall in love with him.

  He walked past us, and headed to the front of the room. All I kept thinking was, my Zach. My heart said he was mine, but it didn’t matter until he said it.

  “Good evening ladies.” He spoke. His voice almost running chills down my back. His piercing blue eyes met mine for a moment before continuing. You could see conflict in them.

  “Good evening Prince Zachias.” We spoke all at once. The King stood up, as I didn’t even realize he was in the room.

  “Have you chosen my boy?” He asked in a gruff voice. But I knew better. He was a teddy bear.

  “Yes.” He answered, and faced us once more. Here goes everything.

  My heart thundered in my chest as I waited. He looked at me once more with a wounded expression,

  “I choose…Carol.” He choked out at the end. I felt shattered and broken, but somehow managed to keep a straight face. There was a gasp, and I saw Lilly cover her mouth in shock. She looked at me with tears in her eyes. I couldn’t look any longer so with fighting tears I looked at the wall.

  Carol stood up looking shocked, but I also saw there was a strange glint in her eye. There wasn’t much else to say and I didn’t take another look at Zach as I walked out quickly. King J caught me running out in the hall and grabbed my arm.

  “Anna wait! I don’t know what my son is thinking but please don’t leave.” He asked. I shook my head before he even finished and took my arm back trying desperately not to break down.

  “I can’t stay here anymore. I need to leave.” I didn’t let him say anything else as I ran down the hall. Tears blurred my vision and my breathing became hitched. My heart hurt so bad I could barely breathe and clutched a hand to my chest.

  This was it. I was going home. Banging my door open I was out of breath, but whether it was from my heartbreak or from running, I wasn’t sure. I went and grabbed my bags. When I was nearly to the door, I broke down.

  My legs collapsed underneath me, and I covered my face with my hands and cried. I never thought I’d see the day that I would cry over a guy.

  But Zach wasn’t just any guy. He was the guy. The guy who has my heart, and who I couldn’t stop thinking about. How did this happen?

  I wanted Zach to come in here and tell me that he made a mistake and he chose me. But that was hopeful wishing that was in vain. The door opened as I was sitting on the ground shaking, as my chest seemed to tighten.

  “Oh sweetheart.” Dem rushed to my side and enveloped me in a hug, rocking me back and forth.

  “It hurts.” I whimpered, and he just stroked my hair and nodded.

  “I know Anna. It’ll all work out.” I broke away from him, standing up.

  “No! You already said that and look at me!” I choked out, “I feel so…broken.” I sobbed out. He tried to comfort me but I moved away.

  “No. I’m leaving.” I hurried out and took my bags. He followed me, looking hurt.

  “Please Anna. Just stay.” I shook my head, defiant.

  “I can’t stay here and see him happy with someone else!” I cried out. I ran out and saw a driver. Hurrying to him I had him quickly take my bags and just as I was going in the back seat, Dem grabbed my arm.

  “Anna! Stay! Please don’t just leave! You don’t understand he-” I pushed him away and looked at him dead in the eyes.

  “I can’t.” I breathed out. He looked hurt but I just couldn’t be here. It hurt far too much. With one last look at him and I hugged him quickly and sat in the car while the driver took off. I didn’t look back as tears spilled down my face wordlessly.

  “Are you alright miss?” The driver asked. I nodded even though I was far from it. I already made sure I could use the family plane last night and was on my way to their small airport.

  I sat my head back on the headrest and my neck felt cold since the air was hitting it and it was now wet with tears. I looked out the window and said a silent goodbye to Bantaniomos, leaving my heart with it.

  Chapter thirty-four

  Prince Zachias

  “I choose…Carol.” I choked out. It hurt me so much to say that. I couldn’t even look at Anna. I could hear the people gasp, as they were not expecting that. I wanted to say, Never mind! I choose Anna! but that would ruin the plan.

  Carol got up and acted surprised as if she didn’t know what was going on. But if you were looking close enough you could see the smugness in her eyes. I looked over to see my mother putting her hand to her mouth in shock and tears in her eyes. I heard the door burst open and I caught the glimpse of Anna running out. I was tempted to run after but Demetrius shook his head, no.

  It killed me not going but I knew this was only temporary. So as much as it hurt like hell I put on a convincing smile that only Anna could see through and acted like I genuinely wanted Carol as she walked over to me.

  “I’m so surprised. But I must say I’m happy you chose me sweetie.” She batted her eyelashes. I’ve never wanted to hit a woman before I met her. My hand twitched but I still held on my act. I took her hand and kissed it and bending down I whispered, “I’m actually glad it worked out this way.”

  She looked surprised that I would say that.

  “Oh?” She questioned. I nodded with a grin and kissed her cheek.

  “Let’s go for a walk. I can’t wait to get you alone.” I trailed off suggestively. She swallowed loudly and looked disgustingly eager. I ignored the appalled looks of my mother knowing that if I looked at her I wouldn’t be able to keep going.

  Before we left I whispered lowly so on Demetrius could hear, “Please. If I can’t be with her right now, then please go be with her for me?”

  He nodded and left. I took Carol’s hand and walked down the hall. The staff was basically glaring at the both of us, but this had to be done.

  “I’m so glad you have finally come to your senses-” I cut her off with a kiss on the cheek.

  “Shhh, we wouldn’t want anyone to hear in case they think my decision was persuaded by you and Lady Jasmine.” She nodded her head like I was actually trying to keep her name clean. I pulled her my study and prayed to god that this works. Hugged her close I had to at least pretend it was Anna.

  “I’m really glad how this all worked out. I was so blinded by my own stupidity that I couldn’t see you.” I smiled down at her. She looked so happy that I was saying this, when I was feeling sick. Time to put this plan into action. I sat her down on the couch and sat next to her tucking some hair behind her ear,

  “I only ask for one thing…” I started. She leaned and wouldn’t take her eyes off my lips,

  “What?” She breathed. All I wanted was to push her off of me and run like hell but I was doing this for Anna.

  “I need the names of the workers here that were working with you and Lady Jasmine.” I spoke softly. She looked at me suspiciously and I knew I had to scramble her thoughts. Dang it, I was hoping to avoid this. I leaned down and kissed her softly. She melted into me and it felt so wrong kissing her, but I had to suck it up. When we pulled away she looked disoriented.

  “Why?” She asked shakily. I smiled convincingly at her.

  “Well, I need the names so I can get rid of them. I don’t trust them, besides we don’t need them here. I have you now so it doesn’t matter.” She looked torn so I kissed her again this time a little more roughly. When I pulled away she nodded and told me the names.

  I was outraged at some of them. They were mostly men, probably persuaded through persuasive favors, while the very few woman were probably persuaded through money. There were eight names on the list. And I wouldn’t have guesse
d any of them. I kept my emotions hidden.

  “So, your plan to blackmail me into choosing you was unneeded, since I already feel something towards you. It was smart to get Lady Jasmine involved though.” I smiled at her and she nodded.

  “Yes I know. I mean Anna was nice and all, but she wasn’t fit to be Queen. I had to get rid of her somehow.” That was all I needed. I grinned for real this time and stood up pulling the recording device out of shirt pocket. She looked confused for a moment.

  “What’s that?” She asked. I shook my head and buzzed in some guards. They came a moment after. I toyed with the device in my hand.

  “Please arrest her for attempted murder of Anna Williams and conspiracy to the throne.” She gaped at me.

  “What are you doing?!” She asked outraged as the guards cuffed her.

  “This is the recording device that will keep you behind bars. Thanks for the names though.” I walked out to hear her screaming. Walking up to some other guards I told them the other names and to apprehend them.

  I immediately felt better. Now I just needed to find Anna! I started running towards her room when I saw Demetrius running towards me looking upset.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked. He looked so sad.

  “Anna’s gone.”


  I made it to the airport without incident and was now half way home. I didn’t talk to anyone and didn’t look at anyone. I was trying so hard to keep everything together. I just let my mom know to pick me up once the plane landed and didn’t say anything more. I think she knew she needed to wait until I got home.

  I had to use a payphone since I left the one Z-he gave me. I couldn’t even think his name without wanting to cry. My other phone had no more minutes and I couldn’t use it until I was on U.S. soil again.

  An older lady that worked on the plane kept trying to make conversation but I rudely ignored her. I didn’t care at the moment, and if I tried all my life to please people I don’t know or never will see again then I’d be wasting my time.

  She muttered under her breath and I rolled my eyes. Finally after what seemed like fourteen hours too long we landed and I went to grab my bag. Once that was done I went to the front gates where I saw my mom waiting. She saw me and I instantly started to cry. She ran over to me and enveloped me into a hug.

  “Shhh, it’s going to be alright sweetheart. I promise.” I pulled away from her and sniffed.

  “I don’t ever want to hear that promise again mom.” I cried. That promise can never be kept. She nodded and pulled me to her again just trying to sooth me. After a little while I felt numb from crying so much and tired.

  “Come on. We got to pick your cap and gown. You graduate tomorrow!” She tried to cheer me up. I was a little startled.

  “Tomorrow? I thought it was two days from now!” I was actually glad this was taking my mind off of everything. Mom looked pleased I was responding with interest.

  “I know Nala, but there was a mix up with the papers and all that so they moved it to tomorrow. Now, let’s go home.” She hugged me into her side as we made our way to her car. The ride was silent so not wanting to succumb to my thoughts I switched on the radio. My mom gave me a sideways glance as if she knew why I didn’t want it to be quiet right now.

  Once we were home I dragged my stuff upstairs into my old room. I smiled sadly at everything and then walked over to my fish Stewart and fed him.

  “Hey there buddy. Sorry about the whole Dory incident. I always knew she wasn’t faithful.” He just looked at me in response. I went back downstairs and grabbed my mom’s keys,

  “Mom! I’m going to pick up my cap and gown!” I called into the house. I heard a faint ‘okay’ and left. I haven’t written down any speech yet but I was just planning on winging it. To be honest I could care less with everything that has been going on.

  Driving with the radio blasting I did everything I could to not think about him. When arriving at the school the parking lot was full of frantic seniors trying to get their stuff at last minute. I got out and spotted Missy and Danny, and when they saw me they smiled at first then looked confused then understanding crossed their face. I got over to them and immediately Missy grabbed me up in a hug.

  “How are you doing?” I knew they both wanted to know what happened so with detaching myself from my emotions I told them as much as I could.

  “He chose Carol. Now! Let’s go get our gowns!” I said in false enthusiasm. Catching on they didn’t push further but I could tell they were shocked. We walked all the way to the gym and it was packed with graduates.

  I spotted Mr. Anderson at the same time he spotted me. He looked scared as a little puppy but I just waved. He looked shocked that I wasn’t trying to make his life worse, but I just didn’t have it in me right now.

  “Ms. Williams, do you have your speech ready for tomorrow?” He asked me. I nodded my head, totally faking it. He seemed pleased I wasn’t trying to kill him or something, and he walked away looking satisfied. We grabbed our gowns and left. The girls got a silver-colored gowns while guys got a dark blue. I hugged them and drove home, not in the mood to do anything.

  “Nala? Honey, wake up. You have to get ready to graduate!” I heard my mom sound emotional. I looked over to see her looking at me with teary eyes. I instantly sat up.

  “Mom? What’s wrong?” I asked worriedly. She sniffed and sat down next to me patting my head,

  “It’s just you’re my baby girl and you’re graduating today!” She blubbered, “I’m so freaking old!” She cried. I sighed and rubbed her back.

  “Mom, you’re not old. We still have plenty of stuff to go through together.” I reminded her. Her ears perked up and she smiled.

  “Yeah! Like you getting married!…oh…sorry.” She muttered. My heart sank briefly, but I pushed it away and patted her knee.

  “Go on. I have to get ready.” She smiled sadly at me and kissed my head before leaving me. I put on my dress that was already out since last night. It was a deep blue with the straps around my shoulder and a sweetheart neckline. It fell to just above my knees.

  I put in some dangly silver earrings and put a deep red lip-gloss with sliver and blue eye shadow. I usually never get this dressed up but it was graduation. Strapping on my black thin heels I was ready with my hair going naturally curly. I walked downstairs.

  “Oh! Honey! You look stunning... I’m so freaking old!” She started crying again. I rolled my eyes and half-heartedly chuckled. My heart was still heavy and it was taking quite a bit of effort to smile.

  Mom drove me to the school and I placed my cap on my head. She started crying again so I booked it out of there. I didn’t feel like talking to anyone but Missy and Danny stayed by my side silently yet comfortingly. Mr. Anderson walked up with a nervous smile as if to say, ‘I still don’t trust you’,

  “Ms. Williams. We need you to sit on the stage so you can give your speech.” I nodded at him and watched him scurry away. Danny laughed.

  “Wow, I think you’re scaring him more when you’re not doing anything.” I tried to smile but it didn’t come out so well. Not waking up in my other room this morning really hit me hard. Tears threatened to come forward but I blinked them back. Some teachers ushered us into our designated seating. I was sitting next to some teachers on stage and the ceremony started.

  I sat back zoning out, thinking about everything. I have never felt so utterly broken before in my life. Not even when my dad left and that’s saying a lot. I once again fought back with everything I had in me to keep the tears at bay.

  “And now, we have this year’s valedictorian, Anna Williams!” The crowd clapped loudly and I made my way up to the podium.

  “U-Um, this year we’ve learned a lot…” What am I doing? “We’ve learned that cows hate second stories…” The crowd laughed, but my mind was elsewhere. I shouldn’t be here! I should be with Zach back at his home! It was like I suddenly woke up and snapped back to reality. I wasn’t just going to give up!

??ve learned recently that you have to fight for what’s right and not just step aside! Stepping aside admits defeat. So I’m sorry Mr. Anderson but I’m not meant to be here now. I have to go.” With that I ran off stage. There were gasps and loud clapping coming from Danny and Missy,

  “Go get him girl!” Danny shouted. Mom came from the side and tossed me the keys.

  “You never were a quitter.” She smiled. I gave her a hug and took off. My heart pounded in my chest as I sped towards the airport. I should have never left.