Read One Night With the Prince Page 3

  “Zachias! That fight was amazing!” He smiled. I tried to smile back, but my thoughts were stuck on this coming up week. He noticed.

  “What’s wrong Kia?” He asked, using the nickname he had given me since we were 5. His father worked with mine when my father was my age. I managed a small smile at the nickname.

  “The girls are coming this week.” I sighed, looking out into the training yard. I was shaded by the tent as a light breeze drifted by. He sucked in a breath sharply then started exhaling slowly.

  “Sorry. What can I do?” He asked. He knew how I felt about commitment. I admit I’m scared a little of it, but if I were to find ‘the one’ I guess it wouldn’t be so bad. I looked over at him, squinting one eye as the sun shown over his face.

  “My father suggested that since you and fourteen other men from the palace will be guarding individual girls, that you and the other men try to woo the girls, to see if they fall for it and to see if they really are here for me, or for the title and money.” I looked at him hopefully. I gave him my big eyes.

  “No! Not the eyes! Curse you man!” He cursed. He looked painfully at me then sighed.

  “Yes alright. I’ll spread the plan to the other guards in the yard.” He looked defeated.

  “But, I guess it won’t be bad if I and the other men get some action right?” He smirked. I laughed and nodded. He always lifted my mood, which wasn’t easy to do. I haven’t met anyone else who can lift my mood as quickly as him. He was truly like another brother to me.

  Chapter five



  I smiled at my broken piggy bank. Poor McSquiggles, let’s have a moment of silence shall we?


  Okay I’m done! I grabbed the money I had saved up since 8th grade and counted $342.23. Convert that into Bantaniomos currency, I would have the equivalency of 342.26 cents. Wow, a whole 3 cents! I’ll be queen of that place! I thought sarcastically.

  My mom was happy for me and said it was a great way to spend my suspension without going insane. I think she was just happy to not have to deal with me when she got home. Danny and Missy were just sitting in my room doing nothing while I packed to leave.

  My ticket came in yesterday and the flight was leaving today in just 4 hours. I guess they did a rush order on the ticket thing. It literally came the next day. I guess it has something to do with prices for tickets? So I guess today was the cheapest flight available for months.

  “Man! It’s no fair you get to leave and go to some beautiful place out of the country for suspension! My mom would have grounded me for a month!” Danny whined. I laughed at him.

  “Yeah, well that’s because my mom is awesome! And I keep my grades in near perfect condition.” I said in a posh way. Missy chuckled at me, throwing another shirt for me to pack.

  “Promise me you’ll tell me all about the hot guys!” He whined again. I shook my head at him.

  “Fine!” I complied, laughing.

  He was so boy crazy! More than me! And that was saying something. I was a major flirt, I did it without thinking most of the time, but I have been trying to hold back since a guy named Conner at my school tried to attack me after school hours. Yeah, he called me a tease for flirting with him, but not giving him anything. So he tried to attack me but I beat his face in.

  I learned to take self-defense classes since I was 5. So, now I was a skilled fighter I guess you could say. I never used it unless I had to. My father, before he was a jerk, started me in those classes in the first place.

  “Make sure you to take lots of pictures!” Missy smiled. I winked at her and made a show of myself putting the camera in my carry-on bag. I already said goodbye to my mom over the phone since she was still at work. I had to leave now.

  “Okay you guys, I have to go.” I smiled sadly at them. They came up and hugged me as the taxi honked outside. Danny said he’d drive me but I declined, knowing that he hated doing long drives.

  Once I was in the taxi I waved sadly at them through the window. I was excited but I wish they could come with me. The drive was silent because I wasn’t using my iPod until the airplane.

  After an hour of driving we pulled up to the airport. I paid and said my thanks to the driver and grabbed my bags. It was relatively easy to get on the plane after a half hour of checking and bagging. It wasn’t very busy since it was the middle of the day and during a weekday.

  I got coach unfortunately and was mortified that I was in between this sweaty old big dude who obviously had a vendetta with deodorant! And the other side of me was an elderly woman who didn’t know how not to talk! Once I squeezed between them a grimace made its way to my face, as I smelled the man next to me.

  “How are you darling? I’m doing fine! Oh I can’t wait for this flight to be over! My stop is the connecting flight in Texas. Are you stopping there or going somewhere else? Oh! I’m seeing my grandchildren! There’s Lucy, Carrie, Mitch, Conrad, Chris,-” I blocked her out after that.

  The man next to me kept looking lustfully at me while he was breathing hard, and his face was all sweaty. Ew, he was easily 45 or something! I ignored both by slipping on my iPod and waited for when I could finally get out of this sardine can from my worst nightmare.

  Hours later the lady was now gone but now was replaced with another dude who wasn’t sweaty or big, but screamed pedophile! Any chance he got he was looking down my shirt, the sicko! I finally elbowed his ribs and he stopped. Thank you!

  Once the plane landed it was morning for them, but really it felt like it was night for me. Jet lag sucked! I breathed in the fresh salty air with a huge grin. I waved this odd looking taxi over and gave him the hotel name. I hope it’s nice. I bought a calling card so I could call my friends and mom once I get to the hotel.

  When we get there my jaw dropped. Oh no, it wasn’t because it was super nice. No. It was horrible! It looked like a rat-infested place! And I’m terrified of rats! With a scowl I trudged up the crooked steps of this narrow building that had cracks everywhere and looked like it would crumble any second.

  The radio dude made it sound so much nicer! I asked for my key and the lady at the counter looked bored beyond belief. I rolled my eyes and dragged my stuff up to the room. I really wish I hadn’t packed so much.

  I looked around my room and I frowned. It was a dump and I was afraid to sit anywhere thinking I might catch something. Angry, I threw my bag on the bed and got the pleasure to see dust fly everywhere. I groaned and grabbed my phone and dialed Danny who I knew would still be up, after the fourth ring he picked up.

  “Hello?” He asked. I sighed,

  “Hey Danny boy.” I said. He squealed,

  “Red! How was your flight? Are there any hot guys? How is your hotel room?!” He screamed. I lied cautiously down on the bed.

  “Horrible, I haven’t got a chance to look around and it is equally as horrible!” I answered.

  “Aww, I’m sorry Red what happened?” He asked. I explained everything. The sweaty big dude, the talkative grandma, and the old pedophile. Then explained the raunchy looking hotel room. By the time I was done he was laughing.

  “It’s not funny Daniel.” I grumbled. He stopped after a moment.

  “Sorry Red, but this will make an amazing story, and you know it.” He giggled. I rolled my eyes.

  “Yeah, well I’ll let you go. Fill in Missy, and I’m going to stay up since it’s morning here and I want to beat this jet lag.” I said goodbye and hung up, not wanting to waste too much time.

  I wanted to change so I put on some white denim shorts. They stopped mid-thigh so I didn’t feel too exposed, but enough for people to know I’m comfortable in my own skin. I paired it with an aqua tank top and slipped on some sandals, and pulled my hair up in a high ponytail, letting some fringe fall around my face. Perfect!

  I locked my room, but took anything valuable. I didn’t want anything stolen! So that meant I took my iPod for sure! And my wallet, which included my money and passport, and other esse

  I didn’t even say goodbye to the receptionist lady as she was too busy filing her nails. I walked around the streets and I felt better as everything had an older feel to it, and I loved it! I always loved classic things, and this place was full of it.

  The pathways were made of cobblestone, and the streets were like grey bricks. The buildings around me looked like they were centuries old, but they had been kept up. The signs were in gibberish to me, as I couldn’t understand them.

  How am I supposed to find cute clothes when I don’t know which shop is what!? I memorized where I was starting at as I walked so I knew I wouldn’t get lost. Women walked the streets in colorful clothes that looked soft to touch. Ooo! I had to take something like that home with me! I loved colors, and there were so many surrounding me.

  The streets weren’t that busy as the sun was steadily rising. My tiredness was forgotten, as my eyes were wide with excitement. There was a street violinist on the corner up ahead of me, and he was playing such beautiful music that I wanted to cry.

  I always wanted to learn how to play the violin. I already know how to play piano and classic guitar, as it wasn’t hard to learn with my memory. The man in front of me smiled. He was missing a few teeth, but seemed very sweet. He looked to be in his sixties and had white hair that was balding and a dark complexion. I gave him some money, and he thanked me. With a smile I kept walking.

  “Maybe if I find a shop with girls in it, I’ll have a good place to start?” I mumble to myself.

  I take pictures here and there, and the scenery is breathtaking! Palm trees lay everywhere, while every now and again if there is a spot between the buildings I could see the ocean down the hill, with clear blue water. I definitely have to go down there today!

  It’s been a while since I’ve been walking but I just couldn’t stop! Everywhere was so delicate, yet you knew these streets and homes were well lived in. I felt like I was in a fairytale book’s village!

  I saw a large group of girls across the street head into this small building. Yes! Maybe there are those clothes I wanted to get! I smiled happily and skipped my way over. I tried to peek inside but I was at the back so I couldn’t see well. Especially when you’re this short!

  All the girls were giggling and sounded excited. They looked different though. Some had dark complexions, while others were tan or some like me were very white. Hey! We can be vampires and scare people! I thought excitedly.

  We got in further and I heard the door shut behind me. I turned around to see a large burly man there in a suit. Okay?

  “Attention!” said a man that had blonde hair but I couldn’t see his eyes as he was up front. But he looked cute, and fairly young, I’d say more or less 20. He spoke with a mix between an Australian and British accent. Yum. The room quieted as he spoke. I didn’t think this is a clothing store.

  “My name is Demetrius! And as you ladies know…” No I don’t know! He continued while I was having a little mini freak out in my head. Something doesn’t feel right.

  “We will need to put you under so as you not know the secret way to the castle. You will awaken in your individual rooms, and you will meet in the downstairs lobby for instructions and rules. Okay? We have your individual guards and now we just need to do a head count.” He smiled. I turned around to go back out the door, knowing now this place definitely is not a clothing store!

  The big man at the door stopped me.

  “Sorry miss. You must stay with the group like you’re assigned to.” He dismissed me. I started to panic inside. No, no, no! I haven’t even gotten to see the ocean! My friends are going to kill me for getting abducted! I shook my head at him.

  “No! You don’t understand! I don’t want to be here!” I tried to reason with him, but he just stood there like I just didn’t talk to him. I was about to slap him when a hand stopped me. I turned around to see the Demetrius dude who spoke earlier.

  “Looks like you’re the last one left, so you’ll be assigned to me.” I gave him a questioning panicked look, but he just pulled out a cloth and held it to my nose. I tried fighting him, but he held me still.

  “Sorry love, but its protocol. You’ll be fine in the morning.” He said in my ear. My thoughts blurred and I couldn’t stand up anymore. I looked around to see the other girls passing out as well. Why weren’t they fighting this!? My eyes shut as I breathed in the sweet smelling aroma, and my last thought was…


  Chapter six

  Prince Zachias

  “Lanisa! Make sure you and the other maids make the girls rooms are up to par please?” My father ordered. He was a kind man, but that isn’t the first thing that comes to mind when you first meet him.

  He was stocky, and seemed to look meaner and stricter than a military drill sergeant. He had dark brown hair that had grey streaks running through it, and I had his eyes that were a light blue, that I had a lot of ladies compliment on.

  My mother was fretting over last minute things that needed to be done for the ladies to arrive. Of course they won’t be awake to really see all this last minute cleaning, but that didn’t matter to my mother, she was a perfectionist. She had blonde hair and green eyes, and was tall.

  “Mother can you please take a breather?” I asked, chuckling to myself as she slapped my arm playfully.

  “I want everything to be perfect! My future daughter-in-law will be arriving any time, and I want to make sure she’s comfortable.” She nodded to herself. She always wanted a daughter, but never bred one. It was just my younger brother and I because after Caidius the doctor told her she couldn’t bare any more children. It devastated her.

  I knew she wanted to have the mother-daughter relationship and talk to the girls that are coming here, and gossip like no other. My mother was such a drama Queen, no pun intended.

  “Oh! And you my son, you better believe that you will listen to my opinion about these girls who will come here. If I say I don’t trust one, you don’t trust them, okay?” She said sternly. I sighed and nodded, kissing her on the cheek.

  “Yes mother, of course I’ll trust your opinion. Now, can you please just go and rest?” I asked. I hated it when my mother over worked herself. Just then Crayseese, one of our butlers, came in.

  “My Queen, my Prince.” He bowed. No matter how many times we tell him he didn’t have to do so, he still did. “The men are back with the girls who are now sleeping peacefully in their individual rooms.” he announced. As if being called, my friend Demetrius walked in.

  “Hey Kia! All the girls are here.” He smiled. My mom then went into a new wave of worry and driving our staff mad with her last minute changes. I shook my head at her, and turned back at my friend.

  “So, how is the girl you got?” I asked curious. I learned to just embrace it than try to fight it. It would just be stupid if I did. And in the end no one would win.

  “I can tell she has a fire to her, and it’s not just to do with her hair. She tried to slap Mitchell, our security, when she started getting cold feet.” He grinned at the memory, and continued, “All I have to say is, you are one lucky Prince. All the girls are gorgeous of course, but the girl I was assigned to is so beautiful that I will have no problem trying to seduce her.” He chuckled. I clapped him on the back.

  “Hey man you can have her if she goes for it.” I shrugged and walk away.


  I groaned and rolled over, trying to search for Louis. But my hands came up empty. And holy noodles when did my bed get this comfortable? I tried to think of what happened, but my mind was too hazy with sleep.

  Suddenly it all came rushing back like a floodgate was opened. I sat up abruptly making my head spin. Son of a-! I felt like the room was in a blender! I looked around and gasped. This place was so much better than that crap hole earlier!

  The walls were a burnt orange but one wall was dark red. The bed I was on had a mixture of yellow, orange, red and light pink on it. The carpet was white, and the furniture was a dark wood that loo
ked glossy. All the colors mixed together reminded me of a beautiful sunset.

  I stood up on shaky legs as the haziness was still slightly there. I shook it away and looked into a mirror. Ew! My make-up was slightly smudged and my hair looked impossible. Crud! Did they throw me in a dryer and set it on the highest tumbling setting on it?!

  Growling to myself I pulled the elastic out and combed through it with my fingers. My clothes were wrinkly and I silently thanked myself that I still had my small bag I had brought with me this morning. What time is it anyways?

  I always pack an emergency outfit for whatever may happen. I learned to do that when I had a horrible accident in the 5th grade when I first got my period, in front of my crush, and I was in white pants.