Read One Night With the Prince Page 5

  “And? She’s a twit.” She said it like it was nothing. Demetrius heard her and started choking on his water laughing. I patted his back, trying not to laugh as well, at her bluntness. I bent over to her ear, and I saw her stiffen.

  “You speak your mind, don’t you?” I asked. This time I knew she shivered and it sent a smile to my face. She turned and narrowed her eyes at me.

  “Listen Prince dude! I don’t know you and you just popped my personal bubble! Unless there’s a game of Twister, no one pops my bubble. Well, unless I really know you, compendia?” She raised her eyebrow. My father was laughing from down the table along with mother.

  “Oh I like her spunk!” He said chuckling to himself. Anna grinned at him.

  “So, what’s to do around here?” She asked my father. He grinned at her and told her the various rooms. Like the club room, the gyms, pools, sports room, music room, game room, work out room, and then finally the training yard. Her eyes lit up on that one.

  “Ooo! Really? Can I check it out?” She asked sounding excited. We all looked at her bewildered because I knew she flipped Demetrius on his back but I didn’t think she’d be interested in the training yard. Frankly most women found it boring. Although I’m beginning to see Anna wasn’t like most women. My father nodded slowly,

  “Sure. I will personally show you myself.” He grinned. Everyone looked at him shocked. Some girls looked at Anna with envy while others looked at her in awe. My father doesn’t just give his time to just anyone outside the family.

  “I’ll join you.” I said, smiling.

  “Me too.” Demetrius answered as well. Soon everyone wanted to go, but I think that’s because me, my father, and Demetrius are going. Oh, well, I want to see what she’s got.

  Chapter eight


  We were getting ready to leave to the training yard and I was still thinking about everything that had happened. I can’t believe this is happening! I know my luck can be bad sometimes but this is just ridiculous.

  I had to at least call my mom and friends. They could at least allow me that much. Maybe I can make a deal. This could be fun I guess, I mean it’s better than that rat hole I was going to sleep in. This is a once and a lifetime opportunity, so might as well make the best of it.

  I was following Prince Zachias and the King to the training yard. The first thought came to mind when I saw Zach-yes I’ll call him that - is yum! I quickly shook that thought out of my head.

  Yes he was yummy, but I could tell he had an arrogant side. I think I’m going to have to kick that down a few notches. I smirked at the thought.

  “Anna?” Demetrius called out behind me. I smiled.

  “Yes Dem?” I asked. His name was a handful too.

  “Dem?” He chuckled. I nodded. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Zach looking at me. I chose to ignore him. Better not give him any reason to show interest in me. I turned my attention back to Dem.

  “Yes, your name is a mouthful and you look like a Dem.” I shrugged. Looking around the long, and large hallway the walls were so tall it felt like I was in a church sanctuary. It was beautiful though.

  There were paintings everywhere that seemed to be family portraits. Hopefully I can get a closer look later. It seemed like forever before we reached a huge door. I noticed Zach kept stealing glances at me.

  The girls around me kept stumbling over their long dressing gowns. I knew some of them were nice but I knew a few of them were a two faced baboon like Elise. I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned my head to see a young looking blonde.

  “Hi! My name is Sydney!” She smiled and had an Irish accent. I smiled back and shook her hand.

  “Anna.” I knew from her genuine smile she was nice. We would be friends. I just knew it.

  “I know. Personally I think Prince Zachias likes you.” She giggled. I rolled my eyes and was well aware of a certain prince listening. I snorted at her.

  “Yeah right! I wouldn’t want him to show any interest in me.” I shrugged as she gasped and I saw Zach frown. I smirked at that. Oh how I love to play with my boys!

  “How can you not want him?! He’s gorgeously hot, and lives in a castle!” She stage whispers to me. Knowing he was still listening again I shrug.

  “Doesn’t matter to me. I personally think he’s a little arrogant.” I grinned at the fact that Zach was now scowling at the floor. Hahaha! I’m so evil! I know with the hall now quiet people were listening. Whatever. Dem was chuckling to himself and whispering quietly to Zach.

  Finally the King opens the doors to the outside and I grin at what I see. It was a large field and there were men training on it. Some were using swords, others were boxing, and some were using bows or guns.

  The men around the yard stop and look. Their eyes widen when they take everyone in. I swear you could see their testosterone level rise with all the girls here. I scoff.


  Rolling my eyes I take my own initiative and walked further into the yard, ignoring the looks of others.

  Smiling, I walked over to the swords and pick one up and it’s beautifully made. I read a few books on swords and the craftsmanship of them. I also took a class on swords fighting when I reached my peak in MMA class.

  The sword glinted in the sunlight and I couldn’t stop smiling. I haven’t practiced with one in almost 2 weeks! I missed it. The handle was a golden color and had a crest on it, which would probably be the family crest.

  I turned to the guy next to me who was looking at me with a smug expression. Oh! I definitely have to take him on! I can’t stand men with big egos! I smirked at him.

  “Want to go one on one with me big guy?” I asked sweetly. He chuckled and swallowed loudly looking me over. I wanted to punch him in the face, but I’d settle for beating him at his own game.

  “Sure sweetheart. I can show you the ropes.” He smirked, obviously thinking I like him or something. Ha! I walked back over to the group and everyone was looking at me like I was crazy. Well, they should know by now that I am!

  I was struggling with the stupid protective gear that was ridiculously out of date but looked cool. Suddenly I felt hands gently take the breastplate and lifted it and placed it in the right way. I looked up to see Zach there with a small smile on his face. I blushed as his fingers grazed my neck sending shocks through me. Must be the static.

  Once I’m suited up properly I see Dem smirking knowingly at me. I stick my tongue out at him and he laughs. Zach hands me a wooden sword and I scoff.

  “If I wanted a wooden one I wouldn’t have grabbed this one.” I say looking pointedly at the sword lying by my feet. I pick it up and start to make my way over to Mr. Big dude, when I feel Zach pull me back, making my knees go weak for a spilt second when he touches my bare skin on my arm. Dang him! I turn around and glare at him.

  “If you’re so worried then why don’t you go against me?” I challenged. He looked at me in shock, but I could see amusement dancing in his eyes.

  “I don’t think that’d be a good idea Anna.” He said. The way he said my name made me want to shiver but I held back, but just barely. I narrowed my eyes at him.

  “What? Too afraid I’ll beat you?” I said condescendingly. He looked at me for a moment before smirking, trying not to laugh.

  “Alright. Let’s do this shall we?” He turns to get the gear on himself and when he does my mouth watered slightly at the side of him. I shook my head to stay focused. Doesn’t matter if he’s eye candy, he’s still arrogant to me.

  Everyone cleared the field and gave us a wide circle. He’s in for a rude surprise. He backs away from me holding eye contact, which didn’t help my train of thought at all. His eyes were so piercing I felt like he was really looking at me.

  We start to circle each other, and I can see he’s surprised when I mimic his movements fluidly. Yeah, that’s right fool! He makes a move towards me and I step back out of the way while doing a spin so I could come back around quickly making contact with his sword, with him blocking
me. Now he looked down right shocked, as my face was inches away from his.

  “Rethinking saying yes to me Zach?” I grunt out. Wow, sexy Anna! Note the sarcasm. We both push back and circle around again.

  “Not even for a second. I have to say, you’re full of surprises and I’m intrigued to find more.” He smirked. Why did that thought of him finding more about me send butterflies to my stomach? I regained myself.

  “Who said I’d let you find out?” I said as I made another lunge at him. He barely dodged it, and I smiled to myself. He huffed out a breath circling me. I let him instead of following his step. I had a plan and it was up to him to take the bait.

  He circled behind me and I heard his quick movements and I got myself ready. When I heard him get close enough I spun around and took my sword swinging it around, knocking him off his feet. With my sword in his face everything was silent.

  Smirking down at him I lent a hand down going to help him up. He narrowed his eyes at me, but I could see awe in them. He grabbed my hand, but he pulled me down while he was jumping up. Before I could hit the ground he spun me around and held me close to his chest.

  His face was so close to mine and for a moment I couldn’t breathe. My heart was pounding and I scolded myself. Snapping out of my daze I stepped on his foot, and he let go of me with a pain filled grunt.

  Spinning on my heel I walked back over to the group. The King was laughing at his son along with Dem. The King patted me on the back.

  “Where on earth did you learn to fight like that?” He asked in wonder, still chuckling at Zach. I shrugged taking off the armor.

  “I have been in defense and fighting classes since I was 5.” I said taking out the elastic band in my hair letting it pool over my shoulders. I shook my head fixing my hair with my fingers. I looked over to see all the guys looking at me with either wonder or leering eyes. Well, except for the King thank goodness! He was just smirking at the other men. A lot of the other girls were glaring at me, but I shrugged them off. Who gives a crap?

  It’s not like I want them to look at me like that. Like I said, I’m a natural flirt. I never follow through with it though. Rolling my eyes at them I walked over to the table and grabbed myself a glass of water.

  Sword fighting can take a lot out of you really. I looked over to the group to see Elise winking at Zach. I put my finger in my mouth and make gagging sounds. Sydney giggles along with two other girls. Elise just glares at me, while I cross my eyes and blow up my cheeks at her.

  “Erg! You’re so immature!” She screeched. I covered my ears.

  “Wow! Calm down your voice! You sound like a coyote in a trash compactor!” I hiss, being completely serious. I heard laughter around me, but whomever it was quickly tried to cough to cover it up. She looked furious at me, while I just smiled sweetly at her. She scoffed and stomped her foot, turning around so she didn’t face me. Sydney walked up to me with the two other girls.

  “Hey Anna, this is Carol,” She pointed to a brown haired girl with brown eyes, “And this is Rachella, but I just call her Rachel.” She then pointed to a black haired, blue-eyed young girl with a pale complexion. They were all beautiful in their own way. Rachel stood closer to me, smiling.

  “Wow, you were amazing! And you’ve only been here not even 24 hours and you’ve already made enemies!” She giggled. She had a British accent. I smiled innocently at her.

  “What can I say, I just have a gift.” I chuckled. Girls like Elise and I do not get along at all. So I guess she has to be an enemy, because I get along with basically anyone else. We all looked over to see Elise flirting her face off with Zach. I rolled my eyes. As if sensing my eyes on him he looked over. You’d think I would do the normal thing and looked away, but with his gaze I couldn’t.

  He trapped me with his clear blue eyes. I was entranced and didn’t want to look away. My heart was starting to thunder against my chest and I felt someone nudge me. I shook my head to clear it and looked to see Dem smirking at me,

  “I think someone has a crush on the Prince!” He sang out. I elbowed him in the ribs, and he let out a grunt. Ha!

  “The day I admit I have a crush on Mr. Arrogant over there you can throw me in the pool.” I said confidently. The girls giggled and Dem laughed a loud laugh.

  “Well, you better wear a bathing suit under your clothes from now on Red.” He smirks.

  No, I will not fall for him. I promise myself that! I had to go home to get back to my life.

  Chapter nine

  Prince Zachias

  I. Can’t. Believe. She. Beat. Me! My father came up to me and clapped me on the shoulder, laughing his head off.

  “Aw, son! I like her! Please tell me you let her beat you!” He laughed again. I shook my head in confusion.

  “No father. I have beaten everyone in this yard, except for you of course, and she - she beat me!” I said in awe and shock. He shook his head at me smiling and then turning his gaze at Anna who was away talking with some of the girls.

  “She is quite exceptional isn’t she?” He murmured. I nod in agreement. I then see Elise walk up to me in her floral pink gown that had golden beads all over. The color was blinding, and she was pretty, although I didn’t like her attitude.

  “Hello Prince Zachias, your highness.” She curtsied to my father and me. I smiled politely at her along with my father, who didn’t seem to like her as well. The way she was treating some of the other girls, Anna in particular, didn’t sit well with my family and I.

  “Hello Elise.” I greeted. She stood before me and smiled.

  “I’m so looking forward to our night tonight Zachias.” She said lowly, as if to seduce me. I wanted to scoff.

  “It’s Prince Zachias.” I corrected, not wanting to be on leisured terms with her. However I noted to myself, I didn’t correct Anna when she called me Zach. Interesting. She looked taken aback, but cooled her facial expressions.

  “Of course sorry, Prince Zachias.” She apologized. I gave her a warm smile, not wanting to seem rude, but letting her know her place, as to not greet me in such informalities.

  “You’re forgiven. It was an honest mistake.” I assured. Feeling eyes on me I looked over to see Anna looking at me. I held her gaze to see if she would look away, but she surprised me again by starring me down. Her eyes were such an amazing hue that changed with every lighting difference. Right now they seemed greener, while inside they seemed like a honey brown.

  I saw Demetrius nudge her, and she shook her head and looked up at him. I looked away too, to find Elise had been talking this whole time and I had not heard a word of it. Oops.

  “-so what do you say?” She asked. I shook my head and focused on her further.

  “I’m terribly sorry, I was caught up in my own thoughts, what is it that you asked?” I asked politely again. I saw irritation flicker in her eyes, but then they cooled when my father gave her a challenging gaze. Yes he definitely did not like this girl here.

  “I asked if you wanted to accompany me in a morning walk tomorrow in the palace gardens.” She said again. I thought it over, and knew I did not want to spend any more time than necessary with this girl.

  “I don’t think that would be possible. I have a training session tomorrow, and cannot miss it, I’m terribly sorry.” I apologized. I may not like her, but I was taught manners. She looked determined though.

  “That’s alright, I’ll do a rain check.” She then turned around and left to go be with the other girls. I heard my father sigh next to me.

  “I have a feeling about that one son…keep your guard up with her.” He warned. I nodded feeling the same thing, and my eyes on their own accord flickered to where Anna was. She was no longer there however.

  “She’s over there son.” My father chuckled and pointed to the nearby pond off to the side. I got up and strode over there, determined to have an actual conversation with her. I barely get two sentences out with her before she’s off. That had to change.

  She looked up and saw me coming thou
gh. Her eyes widened in alarm and she started to leave. You’re going to have to try harder than that, I thought. She circled the pond and her eyes never left mine. I felt like we were playing cat and mouse, and I was the cat. I playfully smirked at her and her eyes narrowed.

  Chuckling quietly to myself I made a move to get near her, and she neatly dodged me, and walked the opposite way. I was on one side of the pond and she was on the other. I didn’t pay attention to the other people. My eyes were only trained on her. I faked left then I went right.

  She looked startled that I closed on her more, and tried to step backwards but then lost her footing and fell into the pond behind her. I tried to reach for her but I was too far away. She came back up sputtering and wiping her eyes away angrily. Uh-oh. She glared at me.