Read One Night With the Prince Page 7

  “Well, I come from a long line of blue bloods in Britain, and my family has a ton of money…” I tuned her out after that, knowing I didn’t want to listen to it. I just nodded at the right places and smiled. Wow, she was conceited!

  All I heard was her talking about how beautiful she is and how much money she has, and all the stuff she has.

  Finally after what seemed like forever she stopped and looked at me for a moment before lunging at me and pinned me to the bed while slamming her lips on mine. Okay, what the hell?! She kissed like a fish!

  I pushed her off and scrambled away from her and wiped my mouth disgusted. I was angry.

  “That was not alright! I am the Prince here, and I will have your respect. And you lunging yourself at me is not respect!” I said thoroughly irritated. She looked angry but nodded.

  “I’m sorry Prince Zachias. Please forgive me?” She asked with reluctance. I could tell she did not want to submit herself, but this is my home, and she should respect me. I nodded, and went to my side of the bed.

  “Let’s go to bed now. I have a long day tomorrow.” I lied. I wasn’t tired and I didn’t have much to do tomorrow, but I couldn’t deal with her any longer. She pouted trying to look cute, but it didn’t suit her.

  “Really? Well, we didn’t have a whole lot of time to get to know each other.” She whined. That was the point. Before I could reply there was a knock at the door.

  “Come in!” I asked desperately. The door opened to an amused looking Demetrius.

  “Zachias! I need to talk to you right away!” He sounded urgent. I jumped out of bed the chance to leave Elise.

  “I’m so sorry Elise! But I must see what this is about.” I wasn’t sorry at all, and dashed out of the room before she could say anything about it. Once we were down the hall he burst out laughing.

  “Man! Am I your best mate or what?!” He laughed. I slapped him on the back smiling gratefully.

  “Thanks! I owe you! She was all over me! And kissed like a large mouthed Bass.” I shuddered. He laughed out loud again.

  “No problem, I kind of figured that you would need help with that one.” He chuckled and handed me my phone. What?

  “Oh I got it off Anna, when she told me that you, mister nice guy, let her use your precious phone.” He fluttered his eyelashes at me teasingly. I mocked punched him as we continued down the hall. He stopped and leaned against a column.

  “So, want to tell me why you were in the lady’s sleeping quarters when the rules clearly say you’re not allowed?” He teased with his infamous smirk. I slyly smiled at him back, and he gave me a freakin noogie while laughing!

  “I knew it Kia! You like the feisty red head!” He teased letting go of me while I fixed my hair glaring at him but he could see I was joking.

  “Shut up! Okay, yes I like her, but she definitely doesn’t like me!” I shook my head at the thought of her. How can she not like me? I’ve never met a girl before who doesn’t immediately like me! I’m used to girls throwing themselves at me, in hopes for money and popularity like having a title. Demetrius shook his head smiling with an amused expression on his face.

  “Oh please! She likes you too! She just won’t admit it. She will eventually because there is a pool with her name on it.” He had a mischievous glint in his eyes. I looked at him puzzled.

  “What does a pool have to do with this?” I asked confused. He chuckled.

  “Don’t worry about that right now. You’ll know soon enough.” He grinned. I just shook my head at him. He’s always up to something. A young maid walked by and Demetrius winked at her. She blushed and giggled, scurrying away.

  “Just how many of the women help here have you bedded?” I asked highly amused. He shrugged.

  “Enough to keep me a happy man.” He winked. I wagged my finger like my mother used to do.

  “Now, sonny, you know that you shouldn’t do that!” I acted like an elderly person. He laughed and nodded.

  “You’re one to talk!” He said sarcastically. I shrugged.

  “I put it out there beforehand that I’m not looking for a relationship. If they comply, who am I to turn them down? Besides, I haven’t acted like that since the last scandal a few years ago. I learned my lesson.” I say slyly. We stopped outside by the very pond I was pushed in just hours ago.

  “I feel sorry for you mate.” Demetrius sighed. I looked at him questioningly.

  “Why?” I asked. He shrugged.

  “You’re going to have to bat all those girls away from you. And you certainly can’t sleep with more than one without having a full out brawl between all of them. So, you really shouldn’t have sex with any of them unless you’re in love with a certain one.” He explained.

  I never thought of that! I shook my head,I was a lot more mature than how I was a few years ago. I didn’t want to cause shame to the throne by sleeping around.

  “Whatever. I wouldn’t want to do that anyways. I have my eyes on a certain someone and if I just sleep around with the other women, she’ll never trust me. Plus you know I’ve learned my lesson.” I said, looking out into the starry sky with the moon full in the sky casting a silver glow to everything.

  “Oh? And I think I know who this certain someone is. It has to be…Elise!” He laughed. I nodded.

  “Oh yeah, because that’s why I was glad you rescued me from her.” I said sarcastically. He patted my shoulder.

  “Nah, man. I’m glad you have your eyes set on Red. But keep this in mind, you’ll have to really win her over big time. All she’s thinking right now is going home, and if you choose her, and she doesn’t fully love you, she’ll never want to stay here.” He said seriously.

  I didn’t think about that. Of course! I’m such an idiot! Why would she want to stay with me when she feels nothing for me? I have to win her over. Demetrius mussed up my hair with a grin.

  “Good luck mate. And cut that hair of yours will you? It’s way too long!” He shuddered laughing and walked away laughing, leaving me with my thoughts. I leaned against the wooden column of the tent and looked towards the castle thinking.

  “How am I supposed to win someone over when they don’t want to be?” I asked quietly to myself.

  Chapter twelve


  Sunlight filtered through the white see-through curtains, warming my face in a nice way. I smiled with my eyes shut and stretched like a cat while still huddled in the fluffy comforter.

  I peeped my eyes open and groaned before I sat up lazily. I patted down my bed hair, and stood up swaying slightly from lying down for so long. Walking to the attached bathroom, I rubbed my eyes and looked at the mirror and laughed at my reflection. My hair was sticking up in every direction.

  I turned on the shower making it extra hot because who likes a cold shower? Well, unless it’s summer. Stripping down to my birthday suit I stepped in and sighed deeply. I shampooed myself in stuff that smelled like vanilla and berries.

  Once I was done I felt more awake and ready to raise hell. I skipped to my closet that the staff here has so thoughtfully stocked up. I shuddered to think how they got my size, but shrugged it off. I picked up some dark fitted jeans and slipped on a blood red shirt where the sleeves came down my elbows, and pulled on some black ballet flats.

  I heard some noises outside my door and opened it to hear that there was excited chatter in the opening downstairs. I saw some of the girls huddled around Elise smiling and giggling. She saw me and grinned like a cat looking at a canary.

  “Hello Annie.” She sneered. I scoffed, rolling my eyes and crossing my arms.

  “It’s Anna.” I corrected. She rolled her eyes at me.

  “Whatever. I was just telling the other girls here about my night with Zachias.” She smirked. My eyes narrowed minutely with irritation but pushed it back. Why should I care?

  “Yes? And?” I asked disinterested. She wasn’t happy about that I was disinterested in the subject.

  “He couldn’t keep his hands off of me.” She said as she
tried to goad me. I clenched my fists subconsciously and released them with a breath, knowing it was silly to react this way with a guy I can’t be with.

  “Yeah? Well doesn’t surprise me.” I said with a sly smirk. She quirked an eyebrow.

  “Why? Because I’m so beautiful?” She flattered herself. I scoffed.

  “Um no. Because you’re so easy.” I said easily. Some girls were laughing quietly, while Sydney, Carol, and Rachel were cracking up laughing. Sydney high fived me, and Elise looked murderous. Ha! Take that you swine!

  “I’m easy?! Please! He was begging me for sex!” She defended. I started laughing so hard I was crying. Pounding my knee I couldn’t breathe.

  “Woo! That was a good joke! Please! Tell me another one!” I cracked up. She was glaring at me with such hate I swear I could turn to stone.

  “You have no idea who I am!” She yelled. I quirked an eyebrow.

  “A hooker?” I offered. My new friends started laughing again. I faked yawned.

  “You know, I grow tired of this witty banter, I shall take my leave!” I huffed in false sophistication, and flipped my hair while waltzing away. I heard her scream in frustration and I just sniggered under my breath. Sydney, Carol and Rachel followed my step as they laughed.

  “Anna! That was hysterical!” Sydney laughed. We walked together down the hall.

  “Where’s the breakfast in this beast of a home?” I asked as my stomach grumbled. Carol answered.

  “Just down the south wing.” And she showed us the way. My eyes twitched at the thought of Elise and Zach together. See what I mean?! He’s a player! I stopped that train of thought. Sighing inwardly I realized I shouldn’t take Elise seriously unless Zach says otherwise. I wouldn’t want to be one of those stupid chicks from movies that jump to conclusions.

  Wait. Why do I even care?! It should mean nothing to me if they are together. I shuddered at the thought.

  “You okay?” Rachel asked.

  I nodded. “Yeah, just a bit cold.” I lied. There was no way I was telling anyone about those jealous thoughts that I was so not jealous about! I mean yeah, he’s hotter than Arizona in July, and I would love to kiss those lips. I shook my head to stop those thoughts. I felt someone nudge me.

  “Someone is having dirty thoughts about the prince!” Sydney sang. I elbowed her.

  “I did not!” I said defensive. All three of them giggled and I groaned.

  “Yes! Yes you did! You had that faraway look in your eye, and you were drooling!” She laughed. I blushed.

  “Well can you blame me?! Yes, he’s hot but it doesn’t mean I like him! He’s arrogant!” I huffed. This was true, what I felt for him at the moment was just lust and nothing more.

  “Who’s hot?” I heard a deep voice behind me. Crud muffin! I turned to see the Prince Player himself. Wait! No! Bad Anna! No judging unless proven!

  “Demetrius! That’s who!” I said quickly. His eyes darkened slightly and I gulped. His eyes were piercing my very soul and if I wasn’t so determined to stay strong, I would have crumbled where I stood.

  “You’re lying.” He stated simply. My eyes widened slightly, and I regained focus.

  “Nope! Believe what you may, but Dem is just my type!” I lied again. Truth be told Zach was exactly my type of guy I’d go for, but sadly I can’t. Not if I want to get home sooner and without heartbreak. I felt him glare daggers at something behind me so I turned around and inwardly groaned.

  “Hey Dem!” I said in false cheerfulness. He quirked an eyebrow and smirked as he came to me, placing an arm over my shoulder.

  “What’s up Red?” He asked casually. He seemed oblivious to Zach who was looking like he wanted to melt Dem’s arm off my body. I shrugged indifferently.

  “Oh nothing. We’re were just discussing how hot you were.”

  He sputtered and choked on air. Sydney patted his back worriedly. After a moment he regained himself finally taking notice to Zach’s stare. He moved himself a couple steps away from me.

  “Awww, really?” He chuckled nervously. “That’s, um, awesome?” He offered, not taking his eyes off Zach. I huffed annoyed.

  “You can stop with the third degree thing Zach! You don’t have to be so jealous!” I smirked. He narrowed his eyes at me.

  “I am not jealous.” He stated. But his left eye twitched giving his lie away. I was good at reading people. I gave him a challenging stare.

  “Oh really? Well I guess you wouldn’t mind just Dem and I getting together later on today?” I sent him a sly grin. Dem looked uncomfortable.

  “I don’t think-” He started but I stopped him.

  “Oh, it should be fine! It’s just a, uh, play date of sorts between two friends.” I assured, looking at Zach the whole time.

  “No. I guess I wouldn’t mind.” He spat between his teeth. I grinned in victory. Then turned to Dem who looked like he wanted to bolt.

  “Do you think you could show me the gardens later on after lunch?” I asked fluttering my lashes at him. He grimly smiled and bobbed his head yes. I grinned and hugged him.

  “Don’t be so afraid! I don’t like you like that.” I assured him, whispering in his ear. He looked back at me and chuckled, getting his sense of humor back.

  “You’re a little trouble maker. You’re doing this just to rile him up aren’t you?” He asked under his breath so no one else but I could hear with amusement dancing in his eyes. I nodded happily. Riling up people is like a hobby of mine. Dem was also hot so that makes it a plus as well.

  “Walk me to breakfast?” I asked sweetly. He chuckled and nodded. I tucked an arm under his leaving my friends and Zach to gape. I loved making waves.

  “I like guys with shorter hair.” I said loud enough to goad Zach. I turned around to see his hand twitch, and laughed silently to myself.

  “You’d marry me just to see him have an aneurysm wouldn’t you?” He asked, laughing. We were now far enough away where they couldn’t hear us anymore.

  “You bet your prized goat I would!” I laughed. I would too! Zach’s more fun to mess with than Mr. Anderson. And that’s saying a lot! We reached the dining hall and I saw a buffet type thing laid out with different spreads of fruit, breakfast meats and bread.

  Grabbing myself a heaping plate of strawberries and cantaloupe, I sat down by the window happily. Dem joined me moments later although his plate was full of meats. Ugh, men! I swear the majority of them are carnivores. I’m not a vegetarian, but I can survive without meat.

  I picked up a large strawberry thinking about nothing in particular and brought it to my mouth biting the end of it slowly. “This is really good!” I exclaimed. I heard a chuckle next to me and looked up to see Dem looking amused. I gave him a questioning look.

  “Lustful gaze two o’clock.” He murmured. I followed where he was looking and saw Zach staring at me with such longing that it made me feel nervous.

  I smirked to myself and took the strawberry I had and motioned for Zach to come closer. He gulped and walked over. I heard Dem laugh under his breath. I held up the big piece of fruit, “You want a bite?” I asked wanting to laugh when he looked a little lost. I then proceeded to put the strawberry down his shirt and smash it so it squished into him. Dem was now trying not to laugh harder than he already was.

  “You’re so devious!” He wheezed, highly amused that I was messing the heck out of his friend.

  “Hasn’t your mother taught you it’s impolite to stare?” I talked back to Zach. I sucked on my finger where stray strawberry juice lingered with a cheeky grin. Hopping off the chair I grabbed another while Zach stood there shocked as I turned to Dem, and guided the fruit up to Dem’s mouth.

  “Here, you try it.” I say with a sly smirk. He bit his lip to keep from laughing.

  “You’re costing me my face.” He warned, but I could see humor in his eyes.

  “Probably, but it’s such a pretty face, that he wouldn’t want to mess it up. So eat!” I ordered. He rolled his eyes laughing to himself, and took a slow
bite while looking straight at me. Wow, he was good at this!

  “Mmmm, yeah you’re right! That is delicious!” He said loudly. I heard a throat clear and we turned innocently to see a very ticked off looking Zach, and a lot of envious girls. Well, I guess I see why. Dem is hot, but not Zach hot. Wow, I just made a freakin Zach scale of hotness. Just perfect!

  “What?” I asked innocently. Dem had to cough to hide his laughing, and wasn’t too successful. I rolled my eyes at Zach and continued with my breakfast ignoring the stares boring into my body.