Read One Night in London Page 19

  “The funeral home said they can see us today. I told them we’d be over soon. That’s if you’re ready.”

  “I am.”

  As we walked out of the room, one of the nurses called out to us.

  “Here’s his bag that was brought in with him. Since you’re his family, you should take it.”

  “Thanks.” I gave a small smile.

  Chapter 39


  A tear fell from my eye today. The first tear I’ve had since I was five years old. Was the tear for Willie? Or was it for seeing Chloe so upset? I really didn’t know, and at this point, it didn’t matter. She needed me and I needed her.

  In the room where the caskets were lined up, we walked around and looked at them. I came across a beautiful mahogany one with brass trim.

  “This one is nice for him,” I spoke as I stood in front of it.

  “Yeah. It’s nice,” Chloe responded.

  “You don’t sound enthused about it.”

  “No. No. I am. It’s nice,” she hesitantly spoke. “If you like it, we should get it.”

  “Do you see one you like better?” I arched my brow at her.

  “No. This one is fine.”

  “Chloe, are you okay? I get the feeling you don’t want to do this.”

  “Is it that obvious?” I bit down on my bottom lip.

  “Just a bit. I can take care of everything. I don’t want you any more upset.”

  “It’s not that this really upsets me, it’s just not necessary.”

  “What’s not necessary?” I asked.

  “A casket that costs ten thousand dollars. We can lay his body in something a little cheaper.”

  “Oh. I was just trying to give him the best.”

  “I know you were.” I smiled. “But it doesn’t matter. His spirit is on the other side now and he’s at peace. He doesn’t care about a ten-thousand-dollar fancy casket. We can bury him in this one right here.”

  “But it’s so plain.” I frowned.

  “So? It’s going in the ground, Sebastian.”

  “Fine. If that’s the one you want, I’ll buy it. But, just for the record, I want to be buried in the ten-thousand-dollar casket.”

  “Of course you do.” She smirked as she placed her hand on my chest.

  After picking the casket, I had the funeral home make the arrangements at the cemetery.

  “Just call me when you get the details sorted out,” I spoke to the funeral director.

  “Remember, just a burial. Quick and simple,” Chloe spoke.

  “Yes, ma’am. Quick and simple.” The director turned his eyes to me.

  I shrugged as we walked out.



  Sebastian came with me to tell Willie’s friends about his death. They took it really hard and some even shed a few tears. I promised that we’d let them know exactly when the funeral was so if they wanted to attend, they could.

  “I’d feel better if you’d let me walk you home,” Sebastian said.

  The truth was I didn’t want to be alone and he was the person I wanted to be with. Spending the day with him meant more to me than anything and I was happy that he was with me when Willie passed away. To be honest, if he wasn’t, I would have probably called him.

  “I’d like that.”

  “Are you hungry?” he asked. “We could stop on the way and grab a pizza or something.”

  “Pizza sounds good.”

  After getting the pizza, we stepped into my apartment, sat down, and ate. The last time he had been here was when he bolted out the door. That seemed like forever ago, but in reality, it wasn’t. It amazed me how time slowed when you were suffering from a broken heart.

  “Are you going to go through Willie’s bag?” he asked as he took a bite of his pizza.

  “Yeah. We can do that after we eat.”

  “Don’t you want to call your parents or Sienna and tell them what happened?”

  “I will later. Right now, I just want to sit here and enjoy this pizza with you.”

  The corners of his mouth curved up into a captivating smile. My body was aching for him and his sensual touch. Sex with him was addicting. Even when I was so mad at him, my body still thought about all the things he’d done to it.

  “Do you want to have sex?” I blurted out.

  “Huh?” He nearly dropped his pizza.

  I laughed. “Answer the question. Do you want to have sex with me?”

  “Umm. Of course I do. It’s all I fucking dream about.”

  I got up from my chair and climbed on his lap, straddling him and placing my hands on each side of his face.

  “I’ve missed you and your cock.” I grinned.

  “And I’ve missed you and your pussy.” He brought his lips to mine. “Is this real, Chloe?”

  “As real as it gets, babe.”

  Our lips locked lightly at first, then our kiss became passionate. So passionate that it was making up for all the time we lost.

  “God, I’ve missed you so much,” he whispered.

  “I’ve missed you too.”

  As our lips were still locked in a passionate kiss, I climbed off his lap and he got up from the chair. Breaking apart, I pulled my tank top over my head and quickly removed my bra, tossing it on the table. Swooping me up in his arms, he carried me to the bedroom and lay me down on the bed while he hovered over me and his mouth devoured mine. Breaking our kiss, he stood up and pulled off my tennis shoes and socks. Reaching for my pants, his hands pulled them down along with my panties and he tossed them on the floor. With a low growl, he stared at me as he quickly stripped out of his clothes and then grabbed my legs, pulling my ass towards the edge of the bed. He knelt down with my legs over his shoulders, and his tongue licked up my inner thigh, sending erotic spasms throughout. His lips lightly pressed against my aching spot while his tongue traced tiny circles around me. Holy shit. Once again, I was in heaven. I moaned and threw my head back in ecstasy while raising my hips for him to go deeper.

  “Is this what you’ve been craving?” he moaned.

  “Yes. Oh God, yes!” I belted out.

  He looked up at me and smiled. A smile itself that could throw me straight into an orgasm.



  She tasted sweet. Just like I remembered. I’d been waiting for this day for what seemed like forever. I already knew it would be worth the wait. I wanted nothing more but to pleasure her all night long; to take away her sadness, if only for a day. I wanted to make her feel loved and wanted, but most of all, I wanted to show her that she was the most beautiful and most important woman in the world. Nothing mattered to me anymore. Not my business, my money, nothing. Only her. She was the only thing in my life I needed and wanted.

  Her moans became feral as I continued to devour her. My tongue circled around her swollen spot as my finger dipped inside her. The wetness that emerged from her excited me, and my cock was throbbing to be inside. But first things first. The noises that escaped her escalated as my fingers explored her.

  “Uh. Uh,” she cried out in pleasure.

  “Come for me, baby,” I spoke with bated breath.

  “Oh God, Sebastian.”

  She arched her back and her legs tightened against me as she gave me the pleasure of tasting her sweet orgasm. She arched her back and propped herself up on her elbows, displaying her beautiful and perky breasts. Climbing on the bed, I dipped down and wrapped my lips around her hard nipple, sucking and nipping until the moans that escaped her satisfied me. Her hands roamed through my hair and then down my backside until they reached my ass with a firm grip.

  “I need you inside me right now,” she spoke, panting intensely.

  “How bad?”

  “Really bad. Please. You need to fuck me with everything you have.”

  Jesus, hearing her say those words sent me into overdrive as I crammed myself inside her with such force, we both gasped for air. Her legs wrapped around my waist as I pounded into h
er as hard as I could. Her pussy greeted me with warmth and I found myself lost in her. I needed to slow down because I wanted to make this last.

  Hovering over her and slowing my movements, I stared into her eyes. This moment. The moment we reconnected with each other was immeasurable.

  “I love you,” I spoke in a low voice.

  Her lips gave way to a smile as she placed her hand on my cheek.

  “I love you too.”

  Chapter 40


  “I’m paralyzed again,” Sebastian smiled as he tried to roll off of me.

  “That’s a good thing. Job well done, Mr. Bennett.” I grinned.

  With a moan, he rolled onto his back.

  “Does this mean you aren’t going to do yoga anymore?”

  “Probably not.”

  “I didn’t think so.” I smiled.

  Climbing from the bed, I slipped on my silk robe.

  “Where are you going?” he asked.

  “To go through Willie’s bag. Maybe there’s something in there we can bury with him.”

  “Hold on. Let me grab a pair of sweatpants. Oh, that’s right. Someone dropped off all my stuff in her pajamas.” He propped himself up on his elbows.

  Damn. Staring at him on the bed like that totally naked had me raring to go again.

  “Oh yeah. I did do that. Didn’t I?” I picked up his underwear off the floor and threw them at him. “You have these.” I smiled brightly.

  “As soon as we’re done going through Willie’s bag, we’ll go back to my place, where you already have clothes and stuff waiting for you.”

  “Are you inviting me to a sleepover, Sebastian?”

  “Damn right I am. We’re never spending another night apart.”

  With a smile, I walked over to the bed and climbed on top of him.

  “Promise?” I brushed my lips against his.

  “You have my word, baby.”

  Wrapping his arms tightly around me, he pulled me down on top of him.

  “I’m never letting you go. No matter what happens, you’re my girl forever.”

  “Forever is a long time.”

  “Time is all we have and I’m going to spend every moment of it with you. You are the priority in my life, Chloe, and I’m going to make you a very happy woman.”

  “You already have.” Our lips tangled once more, which led to another round of fantastic sex.

  I set my phone down on the table while I took a bottle of open wine from the refrigerator. It started to ring and Sebastian told me it was Sienna.

  “Answer it for me,” I spoke as I reached up into the cupboard and grabbed a couple of wine glasses.

  “Oh, hello there, Sebastian,” Sienna spoke. “So you’re half naked, I see. Does someone want to tell me what the hell is going on?!” she voiced rather loudly.

  Sebastian laughed as he handed me my phone.

  “Chloe, sweetheart, what happened from the time I talked to you this morning? How did he happen?”

  “Long story and I’ll tell you tomorrow. I was going to call you. Willie passed away today.”

  “Oh no. I’m so sorry. Are you okay?”

  “I’m sad, but he’s in a better place now. I’m really going to miss him.”

  “I would offer to come over and comfort you, but I see some cock, I mean, someone already has.”

  “I heard that, Sienna, and yes, my big cock has already comforted her twice.” He smiled.

  “Care to show me how big it really is?” She smirked.

  “Okay, you two. You’ve had your fun. I’ll call you tomorrow.”

  “Blah. You’re no fun, Chloe.”

  Sebastian opened Willie’s bag and began taking out some of his things. At the bottom, he pulled out a small envelope with my name on it.

  “This has your name on it,” Sebastian spoke.

  Taking the envelope from his hand, I opened it and inside was a key to a safety deposit box with a note that contained the name of the bank and the box number.

  “That’s strange. Why would a homeless man have a safety deposit box?” Sebastian asked.

  “I don’t know. Maybe he kept some personal things in it after he lost his house.”

  “I’ll come pick you up at the gallery tomorrow during lunch and we’ll go check it out.”

  “Okay.” I smiled.

  “Are you ready to head to my penthouse?”

  “Yes. Just let me grab a few things because I have a feeling I won’t be back here for a while.”

  “Good idea. You may be held hostage.”

  “Mhmm. Are you going to tie me up and have your way with me?”

  Sebastian closed his eyes for a second and took in a sharp breath.

  “Chloe, don’t say things like that or we’ll never make it back to my place.”

  I giggled as I went into the bedroom and packed a few things. As Sebastian took my bag from me, I went into the kitchen.

  “What are you getting now?” he asked.

  I reached into the refrigerator and grabbed the two cans of whipped cream I had sitting in the door.

  “Just these.” I smiled.

  “For what?”

  “Really, Sebastian?” I placed my hand on my hip.

  “Oh.” His eyes lit up. “Damn it, Chloe. My cock is getting hard and we have to go.”

  I giggled as I walked out the door and Sebastian followed behind. Climbing into the limo, I said hi to Eli.

  “It’s nice to see you again, Chloe.” He smiled.

  “Nice to see you too, Eli. I brought the whipped cream.” I winked as I held up the cans. “Can’t have sex without it.”

  I looked over at Sebastian as he took in a deep breath.

  “Really? Did you really have to tell him that?”


  Looking at the clock, I saw it was almost lunchtime and Sebastian would be here soon to pick me up. Getting up from my desk, I walked downstairs as he was walking through the door.

  “Ready, baby?” He smiled.

  “Yes. Gregory, I’ll be back in about an hour.”

  “You two enjoy your lunch.” He smiled.

  As we entered the bank, Seymour Rawlings, the bank manager, and according to Sebastian, number one ass kisser, walked up to us.

  “Good day, Mr. Bennett. I didn’t know you were stopping by the bank today. May I offer you and the beautiful lady some champagne?”

  “Oh. You have champagne?” I asked with a grin.

  “No. We’re fine. Thank you, Seymour.”

  “We want champagne, Seymour.” I patted his shoulder.

  “Very good. Now, what brings you into our bank today?”

  “I need to use my safety deposit box,” I spoke as I held up the key.

  “Oh. Yes. Please follow me.”

  We followed him to the room where the boxes were stored. Taking the key from my hand, he unlocked it and pulled the box out and set it on the long table in the middle of the room.

  “There you go, Miss...?”

  “Chloe. You can call me Chloe.”

  “Nice to meet you. And you’re a friend of Mr. Bennett’s?”

  “Oh yes. We’re lovers.” I grinned.

  Sebastian threw his head back and slowly shook it.

  “Ah, excellent. Your champagne will be in shortly.” He walked out of the room.

  “Why did you tell him that?” Sebastian asked.

  “Why not? Do you not want people knowing?”

  “Of course I want people to know, but you could have said that I was your boyfriend. You didn’t have say ‘lover’ in the seductive way you did.”

  I shrugged. “Obviously, I’ll get some free perks being your lover, so why not?” I smiled.

  He chuckled. “Open the box. Let’s see what Willie, the homeless man, stored in here.”

  I slowly lifted the lid to the box, which stored his Medal of Honor.

  “Oh look. We can bury this with him,” I spoke.

  “Umm. There’s an envelope with your name on it.

  Picking up the thick white envelope, I gasped when I opened it.

  “Holy shit, Sebastian. Look at all this money!”

  “Give me that.” He took it from my hand and removed the money that sat inside. “What the fuck? How did he have all this?” Pulling out a folded piece of paper, he handed it to me. It was a letter from Willie.

  “Dearest, Chloe,

  If you’re reading this, that means I’ve finally crossed over to the other side. You were the only non-homeless person who cared about me. It was pretty lonely when you moved out to California, except when your mom and dad would come to visit. The highlight of my life was the first day you moved back and I saw you walking down the street towards me. I don’t want you to think I never listened to what you told me, because I did. To me, living on the streets had become a way of life I didn’t mind. I have over fifty thousand dollars in the box that I hid away before I lost everything else. The money is yours. It’s my way of thanking you for being such a wonderful human being and my best friend. I’ve never told you this, but you were like a daughter to me. I know you’re not a materialistic person, so do whatever you would like with the money. Maybe open up your own gallery or buy some great art with it so you’ll always remember me. Another thing, at the bottom of the box, there’s the names of my children listed on a piece of paper with their last known address. Please just let them know that I’ve passed on. They have the right to know, even if they don’t care. Take care, Chloe, and I hope you get everything you want out of life, although I have no doubt you will. Tell the gang I’ll always be watching over them. Love, Willie.”

  Tears streamed down my face as I read his letter.

  “Are you okay?” Sebastian asked.

  Wiping the tears from my eyes, I spoke, “Yeah.”

  “I can’t believe he had all this money and never spent it. His life could have been so different,” Sebastian spoke.

  “The money wasn’t important to him. He liked the way he lived his life.”

  Seymour walked in with two glasses of champagne and a plate of chocolate truffles.

  “Is everything okay?” he asked with concern.

  “We just had a friend who passed away,” I replied.

  “Oh dear, I’m so sorry for your loss. If there’s anything I can do, please let me know.”