Read One World Page 4

  His words melted deep into her mind. As she was about to board the plane back to Boston, she had a strong epiphany that they needed to be together. She skipped her flight and instead ended up going to London with Troy.

  Zia made the difficult choice to abandon her safe and established life, in order to resume life with the love of her life. Troy was ecstatic with her decision. He proposed to her and they were married at the end of the year. It wasn't long before Zia became pregnant. She put her career on hold to usher in a new family member. They had a son and Troy became even more engulfed in his love for Zia.

  Living with Troy was not easy because he had habits and vices that were hard to handle. Zia helped him to keep his pompous tendencies under control, basically saving him from himself. She stuck with him through thick and thin while on his face she kept a grin.

  When he was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes in his late fifties, she stayed right by his side as his better half. The first twelve months of the illness were tolerable because he was able to maintain his health and continue to work. But soon it became difficult for him to stay focused. Eventually his health worsened and his independence in general was in jeopardy.

  Troy's natural born intelligence from the dream pill could not affect the physical deterioration he was experiencing. He'd ingested the dream pill about thirty minutes before being put back into the Dream Machine. Thus the effect of the pill was only partial because it was taken too soon. Although he constantly had d?j? vu's and was abnormally intelligent, the pill did not make him aware that he was living a dream.

  Zia's presence in Troy's dream-life was not heaven sent, but close to it. She was implanted by The Collective to help him discover, understand and fully appreciate the fact that having help always supersedes the individuality of being alone; and that love reigns supreme.

  Zia wasn't completely conscious of her purpose, but she loved Troy to death and she was there for him a thousand percent, especially during his declining health. Troy was well aware that she was a definite blessing. No matter how many setbacks they endured over the years, Love always brought them back together.

  Zia's influence in Troy's dream-life encouraged him to use his talents in order to support prosperity and well-being for other people. Sad and ironically however, after a decade of dealing with diabetes, his health began to wither like bad weather. Zia was right there with him to help him whether the storm. She kept his spirits high throughout the struggle, and he died a happy man at the age of sixty five.







  Troy's eyes popped open and his breathing increased. It took a few seconds for him to realize where he was. He was lying on his back strapped comfortably in the Dream Machine. Relief started to settle in as he realized that everything was alright.

  For the quartet of One World doctors in the room, this had been the longest thirty minutes that most of them had ever experienced. They were monitoring the brain patterns and anxiously awaiting the conclusion of Troy's second dream phase.

  Troy was induced into a max dream-life but not at the nightmare level. Also, Zia had been sent in to influence his experience, because the importance of his assimilation was paramount to the success of The Collective's bottom line.

  The doctors used an Ultra EEG machine to measure the post dream activity in his cerebral cortex. Troy's mentality had been completely reversed. His progress was tremendous and well beyond expected. Now he was enlightened and no longer in opposition to The Collective. After completion of the post dream procedures, it was determined that he was ready for assimilation without having to go through a third dream-life.

  During assimilation, the information and feelings collected and formed in an individual's subconscious mind, is transferred into the individual's conscious mind. Afterwards, a microchip is implanted inside of the prefrontal cortex, linking the brain to the collective consciousness through the planet's magnetic field.

  Now that Troy was about to be incorporated into the consciousness of The Collective, the next step of the plan was to use him to lure all the other Entity members in to assimilation. Members of The Entity were the few people in the world who did not want to be part of The Collective. Now with the good potential of assimilating every single member of The Entity, the One World government was on track to going from controlling the minds of ninety-five percent of the world, to controlling the minds of one hundred percent of the world.

  The One World Collective was a worldwide government by the people, for the people, and of the people. Their motto was peace and love, and their guiding principle was to enlighten and bring every person in the world to an equal level of importance. They respected the sanctity of life and the dignity of all individuals. In their worldwide society no one was oppressed or dominated.

  They believed that their mission of globalism was benevolent. Their worldwide Collective was a blend of everyone's best ideas and best talents. The behavior of the masses was basically programmed, but individuals were free from intrusion into their private behavior. They were free to think, do and believe whatever they wanted, which was pretty much the same general philosophy.

  To become part of The Collective was looked at as a blessing and a privilege by the public. It was kind of like striving to be a celebrity. Individuals incorporated into The Collective had it made and were on another level. All of their personal dreams were manifested throughout the rest of their lives.

  The One World philosophy was, 'the well-being, cooperation and unity of the people is the highest law of enlightenment'. In their society there were no crimes, no murder, no hunger, and no one was ever lacking the essentials.

  Although the method taken to reach this level of perfection was inconspicuous, it worked out well and served a greater good for the whole world because it eliminated evil. Their sovereign plan proved to be a necessary and successful solution to Wuhn's historic woes.

  Every person within The Collective viewed themselves as a vital piece to the whole. Individuality still existed but it was a programmed individuality. As opposed to being a society with a robot mentality, it was more of a diverse civilization with a cloned mentality. Everyone's interests and skills were balanced, allowing ascended knowledge and maximum production in all fields of society, especially in technology.

  The One World government soon achieved one-hundred percent assimilation worldwide. Society quickly evolved from a Type 1 to a Type 2 civilization. They'd progressed a long way from the Type 0 status of advancement they once were at prior to One World's inception.

  Assimilation was the reason they were able to elevate from out of Type 1 status. No longer were they only capable of interplanetary travel and manipulating global energies, now they were able to travel from star to star and explore other solar systems.

  Life on planet Wuhn was nothing but glorious after total assimilation was completed. Everybody lived different lives but they all were on the same page. Peace and equality existed along with everyone's needs and wants. All children were well educated and happy while all adults were living out their personal aspirations in harmony. For many generations, Wuhn was a very blissful planet with perfect weather.

  Nevertheless, it was only a matter of time before this planet of paradise would encounter problems. After several centuries of bliss, people began to gradually experience a slow decrease in energy and brain power. Scientists discovered that the planet's magnetosphere was rapidly weakening. They'd been tampering with the weather for so long that it eventually stripped them of their magnetic field. They had no idea that controlling the climate would yield such a negative byproduct.

  Wuhn's natural force field was fading fast. This turned out to be a non-reversible predicament for the whole world. The One World Collective had to find a solution or they'd be doomed. They estimated their own survival on Wuhn to be no longer than five more years. Exper
ts began to hone in on a couple of seemingly sustainable planets orbiting a nearby star system. Scientists who had already been researching these planets for years, estimated that they were both habitable.

  After extended computer research, they determined that only one of the planets was ripe enough for them to immediately colonize. They had no time to waste because the environment on Wuhn was getting worse by the week. They organized a mass exodus to vacate on a permanent vacation.

  The new planet was two light years away from Wuhn, which was estimated to take at least twenty-eight months to get there using advanced hyperdrive technology. The Collective combined their worldwide brain power and abilities, to construct a few thousand Texas-sized starships in a few months. These life sustaining spaceships were to be used to complete the ten billion plus person migration.

  For quite some time, the One World scientists had knowledge about other civilizations that existed thousands of light years away on the other side of the galaxy. But because the Wuhns were a peaceful species, they chose not to seek them out in order to avoid the inevitability of conflict. Their only concern now was orchestrating a successful relocation to their new planet.

  With great organization and cooperation, they took everything they needed and fled to their new home. The transition was a difficult yet tolerable adjustment, but it was something they had to do for the survival of their species.

  Upon arrival they were in a brave new world. The air was a bit harsh and the sky was nowhere near as beautiful as Wuhn was, but the new planet was three times as large with plenty of resources and space to expand. Also, the new planet's massive size meant that it had a colossal iron inner core, creating a strong magnetic field that automatically connected to the microchips in their brains. This emitted extraordinary energy and strength to the collective consciousness of all individuals.

  The people acclimated to their new environment like chameleons. They took advantage of the spacious new world by constructing monumental arenas, residences, businesses, education centers and other engineering specialties that were beneficial to society. And in attempts to clean out the stale air, they started to terraform the new planet.

  Their planetary engineering efforts paid off in only a decade. No longer did a slight taste of nickel exist in the air; the atmosphere became very fresh and refined. Their climate wasn't perfect but it was good enough to where they left the weather alone. All of the creatures they transported from the old planet were used to help form a thriving ecology on the new planet.

  The One World government was successfully able to use another planet to prolong the longevity of their species. Thinking into the future, they began to aim attention at their new planet's sister planet. It was a bit too cold for life there, but liquid water was detected underneath the surface. Eventually they initiated a mission to send greenhouse gases there to warm the atmosphere, along with microbial rockets in hopes of planting the seeds of life.

  In the meantime, they were happy, thankful and content with their new residence. They applied their intelligence to help ensure that their heredity was passed on, and that their offspring prosper. As for the name of their new planet, they chose to call it Wuhn as well, because they felt that no matter what planet they were on, they still were the Wuhns.

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