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  Yatima Yatiha

  Copyright 2012 Yatima Yatiha

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  The Beginning

  We were all members of the same team, you see. But when I received the order to take them all out, my shoulders were heavy. To betray them all – why did they ask me to do that? What wrong had they done? What wrong have I done? Why is this my last mission? Of course they wouldn’t suspect me, they rely on me too much.

  Gary, Harold, Sonya, Johnathan, and Steve. We’ve been on the same team for almost 10 years now. I know their strengths and weaknesses. That night I spent hours devising the perfect plan. I write out a plan for each of them. Each a different method but all with the same end. I intend to get my plan underway as soon as possible. The sooner this is over, the better.


  It is the night of our 10th anniversary and we are going out for dinner. The restaurant we are going to isn’t fancy, it is just right for a night of reminiscing with friends. I arrive first and as I sit waiting for the others to arrive I keep thinking about how the night will end. My palms are getting sweaty so I wipe them on my napkin. The door to our private table opens and in walks Johnathan. He smiles as he walks towards me with his hand extended. Naturally, I stand up and shake it.

  “James,” he says, “How are you?”

  “I’m good. How about you?”

  “I’m fantastic! Can you believe it’s been 10 years already?”

  “I know. Time sure does fly.”

  Do I sound awkward? I don’t think he suspects anything though.

  The door opens and Steve peeks his head in.

  “Come in already.” I say to him. I stand first to greet him because he’s the only member of our team that’s older than me – not that anyone could tell.

  “Jammy, Jammy, James!” he says, “Oh! Johnny boy is here too!”

  He is always so excited; always smiling. No I can’t get weak. I have to be strong headed and focused.

  As we all sit down again a waiter comes in and starts pouring us water. One by one the members arrive and lastly, Gary.

  As I look at him, the world starts to slow down. I start to recall all of the memories that I have with Gary. I used to play pranks on him all the time. He was always so easy to trick. I need to focus. No more recollections. If I want to succeed, I can’t relax – not even a little bit. Just in case I start being suspected, I need to be on edge.

  The night continued with everyone laughing and reminiscing. We recalled the first night that we all met. The higher-ups sat us down, much like how we are sitting now and said “From this moment, you are members of the same team. Treat each other well.”

  Then they left. It was the most awkward moment of my life. We sat stating at each other for what seemed like hours. Eventually, I mustered up the courage to break the ice. I introduced myself and got the others to do the same. Now here we are 10 years later and we’re like a family. I have to get rid of my family.

  At the end of the night everyone was either drunk or not far from it – except for me. I made sure to control myself all night so that I could execute the first step of my plan. Johnathan stands up to take Harold home and Steve followed them out, stumbling as he went. Gary is passed out, while Sonya is calling someone to take her home.

  When she stood up so did I. helped her out to the waiting taxi. I handed her some extra cash to cover the trip and waited till she drove away before returning inside.

  I go back in and lift Gary. I take him to my car and then head to his house. Once we arrive I carry him inside and drop him on his bed.

  He rolls over on to his side, still asleep. Now’s my chance.

  No traces. No mistake. No regrets.

  One down, four to go.


  It’s been a few days, and no one has realised that Gary is missing yet. As I wake up and walk into the kitchen my phone rings. It’s Harold.

  “James, did I wake you?” he asks me.

  “No. I just got up. What’s up?”

  “I was just wondering if you wanted to go out for drinks tonight. Everyone else is busy.”

  “Oh, so that’s why you called me?”

  “No. It’s not like that. I was going to invite everyone but – ”

  I start laughing, “I was kidding. Of course I’ll go.”

  It’s time for step 2 of my plan. Harold is weak against women, so I have the perfect plan for him.

  That night I leave to pick up Harold at about 7pm. After picking him up we head to a restaurant for dinner first. While waiting for our meal Harold receives a text message.

  “Who’s that? Girlfriend” I ask him.

  He smirks, “So she thinks.”

  Perfect. I knew he was going to be like this.

  After dinner we head to the bar. It’s a bar we’ve never been to before, so no one will recognise us.

  We sit at the bar and order our drinks. Harold starts off strong straight away, which isn’t normal. He usually starts off with just a beer. Tonight he’s drinking scotch first. Something must be bothering him.

  As if hearing my thoughts, Harold sighs.

  “What am I going to do James?”

  I look at him as he stares at his drink. He looks really depressed about something.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “What am I doing with my life? I mean, I love what I do but I just feel like if I keep doing this I’m going to be alone forever.”

  “That’s not true. Plenty of agents have settled down before.”

  “Yeah, 10 out of the 200 of us that’s ever been.”

  “So you want to quit?”

  “I don’t know.”

  Harold picks up his glass and finishes what’s left of it in one shot.

  “One more please.”

  The bartender gives him another drink and he gulps it down again. He asks for another but this time only drinks half of it.

  “What would you do?” he asks me.

  “Well – ”

  “Is this seat taken?”

  Perfect timing. A women stands beside Harold waiting for a reply. Harold stares at her so I tap him in the back, bringing him back to his senses.

  “Oh! Yes – I mean, no. The seat isn’t taken.”

  The woman sits down beside him and orders herself a drink. She turns to Harold, who is practically gaping at her.

  “I haven’t seen you here before.”

  I tap Harold again who jumps back to reality.

  “No. Yeah. I’ve – this is the first time we’ve been here.”

  “Oh, and you are?”

  “I’m Harold and this is my friend – ”

  “James.” I extend my hand to her and she takes it.

  “I’ve actually got to get going,” I say as I stand up.

  Harold looks at me in fear and I wink at him.

  “Oh that’s too bad.” The woman says with her eyes still on Harold.

  I squeeze Harold’s shoulder as I leave.

  “I’ll see you tomorrow,” he says as I walk away.

  I take one look back before exiting the bar.

  Two down, three to go.


  They’ve noticed that Harold is missing now. What should I do? I’ve already lied about Gary. No one is suspicious of me yet but someone will have to catch on eventually. All I can do for n
ow is to play it cool. Or should I act really worried and pretend to investigate?

  I spent the rest of the day revising my plan and trying to fix any potential loopholes. While I’m having dinner the doorbell rings. I go to open the door and there stands Sonya.

  “Can I come in?”

  “Of course.” I step aside to let her in. I take her coat and hang it in the closet by the door.

  “Have you heard?”

  “Unfortunately, yes,” I say to her a I lead her to the kitchen. “Dinner?”

  “No thanks,” she sits down across from me. “What do you think happened to them?”

  “I don’t know my dear. But I doubt anything bad happened.”

  “Then why are they missing?”

  “They know how to look after themselves.”

  “James! Aren’t you even in the least bit worried?”

  “Of course I’m worried. But I don’t see why we should panic.”

  “Two of our members are missing and you don’t see why we should panic?” Sonya is breathing hard now. She is genuinely annoyed with me, which doesn’t happen often. I get up and walk to the sink with my dishes. I place them on the counter. I’ll wash them later. I take out a cloth from the drawer and place it on the corner of the kitchen bench.

  “What so you want me to do Sonya?”

  “I want you to be concerned! I want you to show that you care about the disappearance of our members!”

  I sigh as I crouch down to get something from the cupboard beneath the sink. There it is – chloroform.

  “I am concerned. But there isn’t much I can do about it in this situation.” I say to her as I pour some of the chloroform onto the cloth.

  “Yes there is. Aren’t you our team leader? Can’t you get at least go out and ask the higher-ups to look into it?”

  “Agents go missing all the time, Sonya. You can’t expect headquarters to keep up with them all.”

  “What kind of - ?” she stops talking and stares at me. “Are you in on this?”

  “In on what?” I say to her as I walk back towards the table, cloth in hand.

  “Do you have something to with Harold and Gary’s disappearance?”

  “Why? How could you say that?” I grip the cloth more tightly.

  “You seem really suspicious right now, James.”

  “I think you’re letting all of this get into your head.”

  She stares at me and I stare back, trying to dull her suspicions. She lets our a breath as she finally looks away.

  “You’re right. I’m sorry.”

  I walk over to her to pat her on the shoulder, consoling her.

  “It’s alright. I understand how you’re feeling.”

  With one arm on her shoulder I quickly put the chloroform cloth on her mouth. She struggles a little bit and then falls unconscious.

  Three down, two to go.


  Now with 3 members missing I expected a call or a visit from Steve or Johnathan at any minute. I dreaded a confrontation with Johnathan because he’d be able to figure everything out in seconds if I said the wrong thing. Steve, however, would be easier to handle. Although he’s the only member that’s older than me, he is fairly young at heart so just by treating him like he’s younger than he actually is will soften him up.

  My prediction was right. Steve is here. I let him in and I see that he bought drinks. Beer only of course, he thinks only young people drink beer and old people drink wine, scotch and cocktails. He plops himself down at the dining table and opens up his first can.

  “What are we going to do James?”

  “About what?” I sat as I join him.

  “The kids are gone. What if we’re next?”

  “What do you mean we’re next? Do you think this is all planned?”

  “Of course. What are the other chances that 3 of our members go missing within weeks of each other?”

  Damn. He caught on faster than I expected him to. At this point, Steve has already had 8 cans of beer. A couple more and his words will slur. A few more after that and he will probably pass out.

  “What are we going to do? You have no idea how paranoid I’ve been lately.”

  “Steve, it’s gonna be fine. Nothing will happen to us.”

  “Are you sure about that?”

  “Well, no, but – ”

  “Then you should be just as cautious.”

  He was becoming hysterical. He’s now had 12 cans. He should be passing out soon. Hopefully.

  “We should – plan – stop them – missing…” And he’s out.

  This is getting easier.

  Four down, one to go.


  One left. Johnathan hasn’t suspected anything yet, but knowing him he’s probably done some of his own investigating. I’m meeting him tonight. He called an emergrncy meeting with me to talk about the others. I can’t wait for him to get drunk and hysterical like some of the others. I also can’t take him alone. He’s a lot stronger than me – he should be after 7 years of weight training. So of course I’ve got a plan for him.

  At 8pm I head over to the bar we decided to meet at. He’s already there when I arrive and he’s already ordered my drink for me. He stands to greet me and then we both sit.

  “How are you? I ask him. He looks like he hasn’t slept in days.

  “I’m holding up,” We both sit, sipping our drinks in silence. “Who do you think did this?”

  “I don’t know. We’ve made a lot of enemies.”

  “That’s true. I’ve been doing some investigating though.”

  I knew it.

  “What did you find? Anything useful?”

  “Useful? Not so much but very interesting.”

  He takes another sip of his drink.

  “There are no traces.”


  “What do you mean no traces?”

  “There are no clues – not even a hair – of evidence that could explain why our members went missing.”

  Wow. I did not expect that. I did pretty good then.

  “It’s so frustrating!” Johnanthan slams his hand on the table, startling the other customers sitting there.

  “Why don’t we go for a walk? Get some air and clear our minds.” I say to him as I stand.

  “You don’t have anything to do with this do you?”

  I freeze. Why all of a sudden?

  “Me? No way. How could you think that?”

  “I don’t know. There are no clues. It could be anyone.”

  “It could be you too then.”

  He looks up at me.

  “You’re right. I’m sorry. Let’s go.”

  He stands as I pay for the drinks and I follow him out. The night air is really refreshing. As we walk I hear footsteps behind us. Alright. Any moment now.

  Johnathan is off guard as he tries to calm down. Looking at the stars and breathing in the night air.

  Our step is cut off by this big burly man with arms bigger than me. Here we go.

  “Who are you?” Johnathan says to the man.

  “That’s not important,” the man replies in a gruff voice.

  I turn around to look behind us.

  “Johnathan. We’re surrounded.”

  I stand there with my back to him and then it starts. Six men jump at us from all directions swinging their fists. As much training as we’ve had we were no match for these guys. Partly, because I wasn’t trying and their target is Johnathan.

  Eventually he is knocked out and the men stop.

  Five down.

  The Ending

  “Good work agent.”

  At headquarters they relieve me of my duties and send me on my way. I get in my car and srive off towards the countryside. After 45 minutes I arrive at the estate that I bought last year. I pull up in the driveway and park the car. I walk up the stairs to go inside and head straight to the kitchen to get a glass of water.

  “You came?”

  I turn arou
nd to that all too familiar voice. Johnathan sits at my dining table with a bruised and swollen face. Beside him are Harold and Gary. Opposite them are Steve and Sonya. They sit smiling at me. I walk over and join them at the table.

  “Who wants breakfast?” I say.

  We all burst into laughter and start talking over each other discussing the success of the plan.

  Mission accomplished.

  About the Author

  Perth born, Yatima Yatiha, is an aspiring writer. She has tried her hand at journalistic writing as well as fiction writing. She has also tried script writing and will continue to expand her knowledge in all kinds of writing. She discovered her love for writing in high school when her English teacher realised that she paid more attention in class when she was learning about creative writing. Not a big fan of poetry, Yatima aims to write either a screenplay or a full length novel one day.